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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1912)
r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .. I.LI., f 1,1 . ...,. I f s? - Satlg Nebraflkan Property of THE UNIVKRSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln. FREDERIC C McCONNELI,, EdItor-ln-Chlof. Managing Editor Merrill V. Rood Associate Editor. .Kenneth M Snydor Associate Editor Cloyd V. Stowart Literary Editor . . Chandler Trimble . V, C Buchanan . . . J. L. Drlscoll . . . .J S. Dowen Business Manager AsslBtant Manager. Circulation Manager SCRIBES C. L Yochum, J. L. Cutrlght, H. O. Howltt, V. F. Goodman, Winifred 800 gar, C. N. Brown, F. N. Wolls, A. R. O'Hanlon, L W. Homo, F. A. Turnuro, J. R. Wood, I K. FroBt, Leon Sanrrl eon. 8UB8CRIPTI0N PRICE $2 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lnglc Copies, 5 Cents Each. TELEPHONES Office B1888. Night Phono B-4204 EdUor B-1821 Manager B-1821 Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-claBB mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1912. tlon menial. Some undergraduates oven hold It an honor to thus show respect for the leading men of their school. To ank this much of weBtern stu dentH would probably be extortionary But still tho experiment might be tried among those few who aro Icsb en grossed with the terrible grind of things more important than mcr ho clal customs. Denver Clarion Memorial Hall 11 A. M. Schumann's First Symphony. CONVOCATION. 1 Andante 1111 poco maestoso Allegro inolto vivace 2 Larghetto 3. Scherzo 4. Allegro anlmato e grazloso First Violin Edw. J. Walt. Second Violin Mrs August Mol- zer Viola William T Quick 'Cello Lillian Elche. Organ Mrs Carrie B. Raymond. HOWDY, PROF! MORNING, DOC! Just how much politeness should be expected of tho college student on tho campus has over been a mooted quos tlon To tax the undergraduate with too rhan requirements is considered unwise Too great a burden It Is for the poor, overworked student to com ply with all the rules that govern ordl-1 nary 80'Ut, and it is hard to deter mine just how much originality should be granted him Of course, street-car 1 riots and boisterous demonstrations off the campus are quite generally looked I upon with disfavor But what personal deqorum should be expected about the college bulldingB and in tho halls? It has been a delightful social cus tom since hats were first manufactured for those of male persuasion to doff or. raise thlb piece of apparel when moet lug one to whom special respect is duo The collegian has kindly condescended to observe this rule on certain occa sions, and frequently an especially fair maiden is thus honored on the campus by a group of men. The college presl dent, the professor with many degrees, the aged teacher, all are usually ac corded a curt "Howdy." At Bomo eastern schools, such as Harvard, where primitive life has been partially preserved, the custom main tains among all students to bare tho head when meeting the president, a dean, or somo other widely known member of the faculty. And tho stu idonts are said not to consider tho ac- WHAT'8 WRONG AT LAW SHOP? By C. T. Have you noticed how quiet the law shop Is 'this your? No songB, no cheers, no tough-house, no entluiBlaBm nothing but Just law. Personally, I do not sing a great deal, and I am ordinarily of a peaceable disposition, but somehow or other I have a vague notion that most of the real pleasures a man gets in life involve somo singing and a bit of rough-liouBe. Ab long a"s therO 1b a spark of whole-hearted en thusiasm in a man there is little dan ger of his shriveling down llko a .burnt out match. But I am worried about those law students. There must be something wrong. When I flrBt came to this college there was always some thing doing In the law building some singing to Btart tho morning right, and then a cheer for the prof., while we poor worms in the Arts and Science School would grin sheepishly and the professor would smile, a little wlBt fully perhaps, and begin to call the roll. The laws seemed always to know what was worth doing and determined to do it for all they wero worth. And I noticed another peculiar thing that when they did work thoy worked hard and Boomed Btrangoly serious over their learning It was a queer combi nation they seemed to have only two alms In life to know the law, and have a little enthusiastic fun on the side. So they got the reputation of being Bluffers and wo inherited It Well, anyway, a sluffer is something of a character. These arts and sci ence people think because the laws sing and raise rough-house that they are a worthless lot Well, what If they are? It's only the worthless dubs that keep the place from going to sleep and molding into a graveyard However, to come 10 the point of the story, they stopped our song We had a good song called the "Ham burger Show " It was a tine anthem to start the morning session with, be cause it told everyone just where we We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Fountain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors Student's 3-Course Lunch, 25c eihit CZJh7$t7 I m M An Inspection Might Show Shortcomings In Your New Tailor-Made Uniform Our ready-to-wear Hart, Schaffner, & Marx Suits have been inspected by the most skilled tailors that money can employ, and are therefore without shortcomings. ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS Engraving Ofiice 125 No. 12th. BOYD EMOJ,VINOCa: neaian- ing B-1917 WHITMAN'S CLASSY CANDY Meier Drug Co. 13th and O Sts THE NEW MODEL, NUMBER FIVE L. C. Smith & Bros. TYPEWRITERS Ball Bearing Long Wearing HAVE YOU EXAMINED ONE? More L. C. Smith Typewriters used by the University of Nebraska than all other makes combined. Just the result of a careful and thorough test. Call and see one of the new models. If you do not find time to call, drop a card for the booklet. During the past few months we hav secured as part payment on new L. C. Smith typewriters sold, a large number of other makes, many good as new. These will be sold for One-fourth to One-half original cost. Certainly some real bargains. Our stock of rental machines is very complete, any standard make. Nebraska Typewriter Co., Distributors JKeSS m J 71 i i '! I Mi u, ,. w u ' 7-fcrtS.f. j y.- .'m 4v '. VrtU'i'. ' , t .J-.ZJ&JkL.jdHi&d&TJin'