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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1912)
-4-fr THE DAILY NEBRASKAN fxr- k were "golnff which is more than tnoBt people know and how we felt :about It. It recited that tho "gang was all here" which was Burely an appropriate sentiment for such a con tented gang of IrresponBlblo young crooks who didn't "care" for anything Jn particular. But there were objec tions to the Bong, and it was tabooed, Tightly no doubt although personally I think the co-eds rather liked It. I have yet to find the one who really ob jected But that is neither here nor there the point is that they tabooed our pet anthem and so no one has the heart, It seems, to do anything any more but study law and take meals regularly Now, on the level, that Is a miserable life, Isn't It? What advan tage is it to become a successful bar rister if you are an unpleasant fellow to live with? After all, your success is but a means to an end, and if you don't know how to enjoy it well, "what's the use"? As I said, I'm no singer of Hongs, but I like to hear them now and then. I am sure the professors would not mind. If the song was not taboo and we can get another easily. Now, there's the Iean. I venture for all Mb serious as pect that he thinks quite a bit of the Tjoys and secretly miBses the singing. And I don't doubt but that he knows, too, JuBt how much of the fun of life is law and how much lawlessness. I am afraid the young Jurists are getting old too soon, or olse they are dwin dling into u little mess of long-faced, spiritless readers of books. Surely they know that no nlan ever learned to be a lawyer out of a book. You see It Is a lawyer's business to adjust other people's troubles, and it takes a cer tain fine whole-hoarteclnesB of charac ter, as well as a keen legal brain, to make a good job of It. CAMPUS NOTES THEATRES Music, Louis Hagenslck, Auto F-2042. Telephone Yule Bros nt once. Call Roy O. Warde, dnnce orchestra, uto 718C, 1,8152. Tod Marrlner Cleaner, Hatter and Repairer. Auto B1799. 235 No. 11th. Beany" Visits. "Beany" McQowan, ex-'12, was on the campus yesterday He Is treasurei of a company buying up land In Wyo mlng for farming purposes. C H. Frey, University fiorlBt, 1133 0 st. OLIVER THEATRE TODAY 2:30 TONIGHT 3:15 HUGO B. KOCH IN 'THE CITY" Night $1.00 to 25c. Mat. 50 & 25c Frl. & Sat.. 4 Times Dally. MME. 8ARAH BERNHARDT In the Spectacular Photo Play "QUEEN ELIZABETH" Mats. 2:30 and 3:45. 20c &. 15c Night 7:30 and 9 P. M. 25c & 15c Nov. 25 "THE WOMAN." LYRIC THUR8., FRI. AND 8AT. BRUCE, MORGAN &. BETTY BU8H AND PEY8ER PHOTO PLAY8 "The Light That Failed" "Hope" A Red Cross 8eal 8tory "Pathe'a Weekly "His Auto Maiden Trip" 3 8hows Dally 2, 7 and 9 P. M. ALL SEATS 10 CENTS Scoular VlBits Campus. George Scoular of the Superior school boaid visited several offices on the campus jesterday In company with Inspector A A Reed. The Students' Suitorlum, cleaning and pressing, 504 N. 15th. Auto B-1294. ORPHEUM ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE CLASSIFIED COLUMN LOST Saturday at Olympics, gold watch, Waltham works In hunting case, initials "C. E. M , '08," on cover. Return to this office for reward 3t LOST Plain barreled black Moore's non-leakable fountain pen on ath letic field Saturday morning. Return to Rag office for reward 3t JoneB' Orchestra. Phone L-8605. Ladies' clothing cleaned, remodeled and repaired by an experienced dress maker. Satisfactory work at reason able prices. Mrs. Brlcka, 315 South 17th. Auto B-4844. Adv. 10-2 It Freshmen as well as older students will receive a hearty welcome, courte ous treatment, and the beBt of service at Green's Barber Shop and Bathhouse, 120 N. 11th St. Adv. LOST Pair of spiked Bhoes during the Olympics; $1 reward Call Auto B-1518. 3t GRACE CAMERON CARL M'CULLOUGH APDALE'S 200 CIRCU8 FOUR KONERZ BR08. GODFREY and HENDER80N SHERMAN and M'NAUGHTON THE FLYING RU88ELL8 Bar. Mats at 2:15 Prices 15c, 25c. Night, 8:15 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. Visit the most enjoy able and up to date Moving Picture. Programmes given at Subscribe tor the Rag. w ml 'W mr" .M Bf rLA BBBBBBBL dHiSfna 1329 0 Str., South Side. LOST $18 In bills; roll contained ten, five, and three ones. Finder notify B-3581. 3t T FOR RENT Dance hall, second floor Brownell blk, 25x90 feet; no better floor In city; elevator Bervice,, cloak rooms, toilet rooms, good piano; no public danco allowed In hall; limited to fraternity, sorority, club and private dances; dates reserved; $8 a night Both phones H. J. Hill, Brownell i blk. tf I HE MOMENT YOU PUT ON CLOTHES made to your measure, you see the vast dif ference between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Be sure to see our line first. College Tailors College View Phone B-O-X-A-48 H BLBBlBBBBHBBBBBBBBBnHBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBll BvBBBBBp SBBBbS IflSRBHBBBlBBBBBBBnBBHBIBBwBVBBlBBSBnB&BBBBBBBBli IBBBBBk BHwHBfi' . BlBVBBflBBBBEIiBBVB3BBBBBBHBBBBBBBB HBBHF' Bvuffr lf flG8row'IKa3HHHlBIHbv'VwHlHflH BBL ILSyBWJW8gBWBTWBBffi3BMBBMHBWBBBMBBBM BBH WflKmXVKBSIfKBBBBHKiBBBH BBBH isT'l MlBBMHSya? JtSt" gBBHBBPjFBMBBBBBBBBBMBBMBl I BBBBB ' BMMMfSBBBBBKViluBaSlBflBSKVBEEaBQt 4BJBBBBBBBBBhEBBB1I BBbV ' 'K??BBBBBm&2BBBBBVu!aKfea9BKBBBBBBn0BBSKHI VPBBU SIIIKiCnkHBKHnHlEHBBBBHB 9WBHHGi':93Kk?lBlBBHIBBBHBBuHl GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT WESTERFIELD'S CAFE 213-213 North 9th St. MEAL TICKETS $2.00 AND UP LITTLE GEM HOT WAFFLES AND MAPLE SYRUP A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO VARSITY STUDENTS MME, SARAH BERNHARDT, who, with her all-star company, will le Bfiea In the spectacular photo play, "QUEEN ELIZABETH," At the Oliver, Frlc'ay and 8aturday. STUDY MUSIC In an established school where the standards of instruction aro given the same careful thought as In the best departments of the University. The University School of Music offers splendid Instruction in Pipe Organ, Pianoforte, Voice, Violin, Clar inet, Flute, Saxaphone, Cornet, all Theoretical branches and Public Music. DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART Apply for full information at School building 11th and R Streets Opposite tho University i r I Cit "SPA" Try tk Y. M. C. A, Luck Rout Cafeteria Plan' r T. H. C. A. -:- 13tb aid P HAVE The Evans DO YOUR WASHING