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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1912)
Ibe 5ail IFlebraskan Vol. XII. No. 46 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOV. 21, 1912 Price 5 Cents FOUR OUT OF GAME BLOOD TO FLOW THIS MORNING TRYING OUT FOR RIFLE CLUB GIRLS' MEDALS HERE CORNHUBKER TEAM SADLY DE PLETED AT WRONG TIME. Annual Junior-Senior Amateur Prlze- Flght to Be Pulled Off at 10 o'clock. This morning at 10 o'clock will bo played the annual Junlor-Henlor foot bnll game An usual It will also ex AWARDED WINNERS IN TRACK LA8T MAY. J- STIEHM AFTER A NEW PUNTER Must Have Extra Good Kicker to Op- pose Bennic Owens' Famous Duet, Each of Whom Is Good for Forty YardB. The varBlty went through another gruelling In secret practice last night Coach Stiehm has a big problem on his ' b ' hands in getting together n good ma- I chine for the Oklahoma game. Potter, who has been running the team at (, x. "l quarter, will probably be out of the ' j irnni with n UTflllpllIllI hnU n rwl un I will Purdy be absent on account of IiIb knee. A couple of men have been ' dropped from the squad on account of j ineligibility With four men out of the I lineup prospects are not ery bright1,, , ,, , . , , ., J b the victims each year To defray the for a Cornhusker victory r ,, . ... ' expense of these jersevs and the nu- The practice last night consisted of , ,, . ", , . merals on them an admission price of a hard, long scrimmage almost equal ,n . ,,, , , , .. ,, 1 10 cents will be charged for the game to that of Tuesday night The varsity1. . loda j . was lined up against the freshmen who l ,P, , , ,, , ... , I rjie winners of tiiis game will play used Oklahoma plays The regulars .,'",,, , , , ' J h tho victorious sophomore machine next were unable to do much with them,1,,, , ,., , , , ,. . luesday Everybody get out this but Stiehm is trying to build up a de-i . . . , . ... J b morning and help your team get the fense that will stop the shifty Sooner lsweatorB Sll backs Several men were doing the punt ing last night after the showing that was made against Kansas last week Rut no doubt Howard will be called I upon to do the kicking next Saturday Miss Morris Speaks to Committee His work was not up to IiIb usual I Girls of Miss Bernard's Corn- standard last Saturday, but was par-I Visit tlally due to the sifting through the ' line by the Jayhawkers. , The committee girls' supper, given In Reeds and Courtright the Soon-,1" lhe Y W (' A roomH Wednesday ors have a pair or backs that are de- evoning, w well attended, more than mons Both are very speedy and work seventy girls being present After sup together with the fullback like clock- er m1hk Eva Morris, student secre work They have been able to circle tu'v- addressed the girls. She spoke any of the ends they have played vry enthusiastically of tle coming against this year The Sooner line, al thi" ',ar of MiHK Rernurd, a national though much lighter than Nebraska, is very shifty, charging low and hard The line proposition need not be feared very much, but Courtright, the star place kicker, will bear watching Tickets for the game next Saturday have been placed on Bale at Harry Porter's, and are Belling rapidly. Indi cations that a large crowd will be in attendance. The game will be a good one, as Oklahoma, although not a member of the Missouri Valley Con- ference, has been defeating conference teams the last couple years and defeat- ed Kansas this year on the Jayhawker field. Jimmy. H if REPORTERS' NOTICE. if Every scribe of the Dally Ne- if if braskan must be present at a - - 1 . t 1 A 1 if consultation meeting In the office if if immediately following convoca- if if tlon this morning. jf hibit a fine assortment of wrestling, boxlllK nnd othor mlnor athletlcs. Tlio captains of both teams promise that a crowd out for a bloody sight will not be disappointed In the least, and from past years' games It is prob able that this will be true The only thing which can rival ordinary inter class football is Interfraternity basket ball The latter Is a polite excuse for , , ., , . .. . . , ,,, , old - time enemieB to attempt to kill each other by the slowest form of torture known to the civilized world. In class , ., ,, , ., , ,, , football, however, the number which , . , ,,, , , , . each team may kill, maim or butcher from their opponents is limited to eighteen, If that is all they have on the Bquad. In return for dying a martyr's death on the tiridiron sweaters nre el veil tn SUPPER WELL ATTENDED secretary of New York Palladian Meeting. All members of Palladian Society are urged to come to an important business meeting Thursday, November 21, at 7 p in sharp In Palladian hall. E. H., president. Scholarship at Harvard. Eleven scholarBhlps of $300 each are to be offered to students from states who have less than four students In Harvard this year. The award will only be given them for one year. There are fourteen states that are represented in the university by less .than four students. To Utilize Wasted Breath. A co-ed song leader has been sug- Igested at the University of Southern California. It was thought that the wild, spasmodic shrieks of the co-eds might just as well come out in Inspir ing song. More consistent rooting at their games was also advised. Good Showings Made by First and Sec ond Battalion Men Theoretical Work to Start Soon. The successful candidates for the Yates Rifle Club will be of the Uni versity cadets will bo announced some time next week. The first and second battalions have already tried out, and the third battalion tries out this after noon Only twenty men will be select ed from among the best sharpshooters of the regiment and this will elimi nate all but the "crack shots " The Rifle Club will be unusually good this year, although not quite onough Interest has been taken thus far In this military organization TIiobc who have already tried out have shown great possibilities, and the ca dets of the third battalion will have to shoot well to outclass those who have gone before The class In theoretical drill for the second-year men will begin shortly af ter ThankBglving This Is open to all those who have had one semester's drill or more Ail this time the second year men from the football squad will also be In attendance The second year and lirst year men fiom the football squads at the close of the football season will be seal tered throughout the companies The second year men will be distributed among the companies regardless ot previous assignments, as on account of the fact that the companies hae already been made up, individual pref erences can not be considered The first year men will be lined up in the awkward squad by Sergeant Johnson, to be thoroughly drilled before being assigned to their companies - C N R PLANS FOR DEBATE COMPLETE Dance to Be Given in Connection with 1 the Debate Tickets On Sale Now. Plans aie now going forward for the debate with the University of Illinois to be held here December 111 (' F Radcliffe, Jerome Forbes, and C I. Ryan, who are in charge of the de bate, have arranged for a dance to be j given at the Temple music hall imme diately after the debate Music will bo furnished by Jones' orchestra This dance is given in connection with the debate, and only those who have tick ets to the debate will be admitted. As the debate will be over at about 10 o'clock, there will bo plenty of time to enjoy the dance. A similar plan was followed last year, but arrangements for it were not made soon enough. Consequently it was not advertised suHlclently and did not boost the attendance to the debate as much as it would had more known about It. This dance is thought to be quite an inducement and should not full to draw a larger crowd to the debate. The price of a ticket, which Includes both the debate and the dance, is 50 cents. Tickets are now on sale at Harry Porter's, and can also be pro cured from C. L. Ryan, O. F. Radcliffe and Jerome Forbes. I. K. F. NOT ORDERED UNTIL THIS FALL Will Be On Exhibition in Rest Room of Gymnasium Until November 26 Then They Will Be Given to the Winners. Last May, Thursdu, the !Mh. to bo exact, a glrlH' track meet was held on the athletic field, resulting In somu good records on the part of the femi nine athletes One hundred and thirty nine entries were made by eighty girls and any girls interested was allowed j to participate, Instead of limiting tho affair to the girls in the phvslcal edu cation department, as had been done in the past. Ordered This Fall. At that time medals weie promised the winners, but because of a lack of Hinds the were not oidered last Hpring This fall the financial condl- 'tion of the depart merit picked up and I the medals were ordeied The have I now anied nnd aie v loi dictiibu- Ition Tlic will be on exhibit in tho I rest room of the women's m muapliim I until November 21! j The cup won hv Miss llai! Mr lick I In the 1!H2 tall tennis tournament Is also show n After November 2 the medals will be given to their rightful owneiH For the first place the medals are of fold, and the winners of second and third I places receive silver and bronze med als, respectively j Winners and Events. I The winners, in order, and their events are as follows Kilty-yard dash, Florence Simmons, Olive Sttirdevant, Ruth Sheldon, time, 7 1." seconds. Twenty-five ard dasii, Lottie Savage, ( Edith Shank, Alice Eason , time, 3 4-5 seconds Running hlnh jump. Hazel Robinson. Lottie Savage, Olive Sttirde vant ; height. 4 feet 2 indies. Basket ball throw, Lottie Savage, Edith Shank, jSusane Parsons; distance, 77 feet. This meet Is an annual event In tho girls' department, and one of similar nature will be held next spring. M. V. DRAM. CLUB GOES TO LOUP CITY Has Been Engaged by Management of 1 New Theater to Present "All-of-a- I 8udden Peggy" Wednesday. i The University Dramatic Club has been engaged by the management of the new theater at Loup City to pre sent ,"AIl-of-a-Sudden Peggy" at that place next Wednesday night. This play will first be presented by tue club Saturday night in the Temple. . The entire cast will leave for Loup City some time Wednesday and will re turn to Lincoln the following day In automobiles. The play will be given In tho same manner as the original presentation In Lincoln. , fi " i r