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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
ii !' ihiiJwum i """-"'lllll II I'llllllll I II II I II Willi Ill Ill ! Il.iil !' 'ii ,J"irl r fiTr1 mi I iin( wiaiim i II .1 III mi nlw.Mnnnmwj.MlWlH i 1. iMlilllllMWW'r:IIWIW,limqllBWBlW!lW3t'lJ,J- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN LITEDADY DEPARTMENT P. CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES ! i! rry nuirwnrmi irw numn irmrranTmomiiww N .-fc i i WANTED. Thc literary editor is tired of writ niK stuff for this column, besides lie is supposed to Btudy the law of the land between now and June There is also another difficulty but we will not (Hscusb that The point is, briefly, that we want a few articles from the student body The Nebraskai) as a newspaper, Kies us a daily, thin blooded account ef school life in an impersonal tone, the editorials, written with the good o' the school at heait, hold a mirror before us in which we see oursehes against a background of things to be accomplished for the l'niverbit I tut the literary department aims to be a little newspaper by itself, not for the public alone, but of the public If tin paper (s a whole is called the nnr ror of school life, I for one, would like to see the literary department like the little fellow who steps up to the glass and shakes his fist at himself and grins Is the figure fantastic ' Hut at least jou get my meaning This department aims to be the voice of the student body It aims to talk as jou or I would talk, and to think jou or I do think not as we are sup posed to think, for that is quite a dif ferent matter We do not think in long sermons, nor rant about our doubles to each other We do, per haps, find too much fault with our enemies but that at least, is interest ing to a certain degree These heat ed ai deles howeer are not the voice of the school If such come into the littt.m department we will brain the peipetratoi with a chair leg What we want Is a little (he hun dred woid aitul" that jou dash off -onie sumo afternoon when jou aie fueling nut in al and lazy Iloweer. please go oer it and correct the spell ing and punctuation for we know noth mg whatewi about these matters If someday in the library, a funny idea dnps into our head, jusi put your fingers on it quick before it gets awa and let us hae It That's what makes writing woith while, for when on i call j hae anything worth say 'ng so many people will listen You hae the pleasuie of knowing (hat you haw let otheis share your little mo uent of fun, 01 hae sjmpathlzed with someone in their moment of ser loiihiiess What is worth writing, you ask'' n tiling wiitten while jou are feeling good nj thing that is just ofiself pnnidmg alwajs ou spell oiiectlj Some of us aie inclined to look down upon the literal j profession the editot hiinsi it does when the d.ijs ;'ic pleasant but this is perhaps be cause we do not understand its prac deal application Von would be sur prised it someone told jou that oin uoildlj w ise ' men and jour prac tical 'men of the street,", who pre tend to be so far superior to a mere writer" aie in fact the special "meat" of the energetic thinker It is the forceful waiter who moulds public thought and who in fact gies these si offer b the eiy ground work of fact upon which they woik for a lhing The point is that it jou are what our e president has called a desirable cillA-n," if you are one who has the force, the snap and the initiative to pluu and can j out measures for the benefit of the public, whether It is a student or a national public, makes no diffv-ience, then jou have all the qualifications for a good writer If jou can forget for a moment your own disappointment and biterness. and upend a sane, contented hour irr pro gresshe and practical thinking, this depart l.ieiit will feel proud to print jour ri. no matter what it may be Thornburg's Orchestra. Auto 13-2550. The Norfolk model used to be strictly a golf or outing attire. But this spring it is be ing worn for almost all occasions. We have it in tasty gray or brown cassimeres and blue serges $20 and $25. For smart styles and fine tailoring our regular models for spring are bet ter than ever. Kensingtons $20, $25 and upwards. MAGEE & DEEMER MUSIC AT CONVOCATION. Clarinet Quintet Will Be Feature of Morning's Gathering. clarinet quintet will be the fea ture of the Thursdaj convocation in Mimoiial hall The musical program lollows Clarinet Quintet Mozart. llogro rnoderato. I.arghetto Minuet Theme w ith ar iadons (' K Kwing. clarinet, Edward J Walt, first iolin, Ernest Harrison, second violin, William T Quick, viola, Lillian Eiche cello H ALLEY 'S COMET Comes every 77 years. You may see it twice. "THE DIPLOMAT" Co nes only once in a LIFE TIME. You Can't Afford to Miss It. Oliver Theater, May 3. Y. M. C . Merchant Tailor Shop Suits Cloanod, Repaired and Pressed Shop in Basement Y. M. C. A. Blcltf. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner Ut30 to 1.30 'IE Supper 5i30 to 7i30 tJL Also Cafeterlan Styla - HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry 1 LOST FOl'N'D- A Binall pocketbook Call at Station A l.M 2' LOST Mj (' II Whitnah u. Descrlp tlve Geometry Please return to the "Hag" ofllce l.U :it LOST A gold watch, engraved ' Mvi mi," between () and S on Kith Re ward if returned to this ollice '.2 Ut LOST Wednes lay afternoon, watch fob, locket attached, set with 1m ge blue Btone Finder please re urn to "Rag" ofllce for reward LOST On campus, between Llbrarj and l' Hall gold watch and fob First name In case Reward if re turned to Rag" office FOUND FOl XI) ladies' black leather purse Call at this ofllce and identify It I tC. It WANTED FRATERX1TIES Will sell on easy terms or rent KI.TT R MusiiK-ss phone G219, residence I8G 1 li " SPA. " Try a lunch at th Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y.M.C.A. 13th and P. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street Weekly shipments of tho best thero is in chocolates. Huyler'8 Uhltman'a Lowney's Aiiearettr California violots fresh every day. Meier Drug Co. 13th and O OOIS7 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city I III if If JrWaB m g JMBMHaM K r tlnffifwC-afttBIrS Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c GeJhtih OyVERjniEAm TONIGHT AT 8:15 All This Week (Except Friday) Mat. Wod. & 8at. at 2:30 Barrow -Wlnninger Players In the Great American Comedy THE FORTUNE HUNTER Night 50, 35 & 25c. Mat. 25c Next Week "The Witching Hour" LINCOLN "A&E&prr3moy) i,J- ORPHEUM y;,VoH ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Com. Mon. Night, April 29th SIMONE DE BERYL PERCY WARAM & CO. TOM WATER8 TUXEDO COMEDY FOUR MOFFETT & CLAIRE TRIO ERNIE & MILDRED POTT8 BERT TERRELL PRICES Matinees, 15c and 25c Nights, 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c DiscardZyour high shoes and make your feet hap py with Pa pair of our new oxfords or pumps. BEGKMAN BROS. 1107 O STREET Collego shoo store -run by colleo men tfTPSoe nB for your 1 next job of printing. Personal BuperviBon enables us to make each job please. 128 N. 14 St The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready rrmde. Our way costs no more. Be sure to seo our line first. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Fhon -O Huyler's Chocolates $1.00 Foutain Pens $1.00 Safety Razors r. Kprintimo uScoui-Miiy ctjvtcra M M il !! For your orchestra call O. L. Jones, Auto L-8605.