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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN H)afl IRe'.brasftan I'lihllnhocl by tho Student Publica tion Hoard of tho University of No braHka. ABOUT PEOPLE C. H. Frey. florlHt, 1133 O St. tf EDITORIAL 8TAFF Editor SKAHLE F. HOLMES Mamiglng Editor. EARLE H. TAYLOR AHHoclato Editor... F. ('. M'CONNELL ARBoeiato Editor. .. HURTON S. HILL BU8INE88 8TAFF Manager C. C. BUCHANAN Ahh'1 Manager J. V. MORRISON Circulation Manager LEO BREEN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Coplei, 6 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. NlQht Phonei Auto 1888; Editor, Auto 1035; Manager, Auto 1821. Knit-rod at tho poBtofllco at Lincoln. NcliiaHkii, as hocoikI clnsB mull matter, under tho Act of CoiiKresa of March 3. 187'J Iloyd I'rlntlng Co. 12.r No 12th St Havo Graves print It for you. 233 North Eleventh St. May 1 Ht Is tho date when all Hiib srrlptionH to the Rag should he paid. Are you Htlll dellntiuent? Subscribers to the Rag havo had three months slneo Tag Day to pay their subscriptions Please pay up at once Ivy Day Miay 22, 1812 Interciass Held and track meet Medals award I'd to the winners. Freshmen are es peclully urged to compete. Ted Marrlner, Cleaner and Hatter, 235 No 11th. Tlll'RSDAY. MAY 2, 1H2. ORIGIN OF THE NAME. Perhaps few of the present sub hcilbeiH. to say nothing of the In llnitely larger number of ' readers," of this publication, know Just why tho Daily Nebraska". Is universally desig nated as tlrv ' K"K " The explanation is short and slin pie, home earH ago when the sheet was larger than at the present, and could la just claim to the title of sheet,' the morning edition on its way to Station A, was earelessl e posed to a driving tain I'pon its ar rival for distribution it did present a rather bedraggled and shrunken ap peaiance, and immediately tell piev to some discerning wit.' who re marked that it resembled a ran' more than a sheet Thus the custom was oiigmated. it has been cherished ever since until the name "Rag" has come tu obliUr ate the more dignilied term winch ap pears at the top of each page It is distinctive In that it Is peculiar to Nebraska, and for its originality alone is worthy of preservation. CO-EDS AGGRESSIVE. The aggressiveness of the feminine conies staitlmgl.v to our notice as we leall.e that the coeds ot lllls instltll lion havo been llisi to adopt the Aus Italian ballot svstem Mtbough the Intel class committee lias signilied lis intention o! using the svstein at the next class election, the girls will have the lirst oppoit unity of using It at their election todav. This innovation Is onlv one indii a lion ot the progiessives of our eo eds Tlioj have organi.ed a (Hi Is' Club which promises to rival in ht length and numbers any organi.a tion winch ilie school possesses, they wore conspicuous at the iootball games tor their loyal support, they gave a g in exhibition winch filled tho armory with spectatois, thev are even now plotting over a track meet, wind is to be all their own" and todav tiiey are using an election sys loin Aliich it has taken University politicals some years to institute and which iieretofoio has prevailed only at ath'etli i.oaid elections George Bros , expert printers, en gravers and emboBserB, 13th and N. Y M. C. A. barber shop opens at 7:30 a. m. Student trado solicited Best Bervlco. Tho College Inn Barber Shop 8tu dent trado solicited. 8. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Weber Sultorlum. 1100 O St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronagi Solicited I SIMMONS the PRINTER F R I IN T I IN G ENGRAVING CVIBOSHING Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. For your Stoaki, Chop mm& Quick 8rrio Visit Tho New York Chop House Open Day and Night 1840 O Street 1 All students should visit tha "Col leg Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S !. Chaplin, Prop. Engraved dance programs done fn Lincoln. Ocker Engraving company Brownell block WAL Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 0 St. Eg-! ft i Wa i CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Street. P. ,5 HALL. Pn.M.nt F. B. JOHNSON. Vlo.-PrMld.nt W. W. HACK.NIIY. JR.. Aut. Cui. Design No. 777 Two-Button Novelty Sack Slanting Lower f'oeketi Our Complete Assortment of Spring and Summer., Woolens, embracing conceptions that are distinctly new and handsome, awaits your critical consideration. If We Make Your Clothes to measure, our best efforts will be devoted to pleasing you com pletely at a price your purse will approve. C. L. ANDERSON Tailoring Company 143 South 12th Street Lincoln, Nebraska Fine Tailoring 6UR CAFE IS OPEN After All Dances and Parties We "cater" to student trade and can serve you and your lady to all kinds of Club Sandwiches, Salads, Oysters any style, Ice Cream and Sherbets Fountain in Connection with Cafe THE FOLSOM CAFE 1325-31 N St. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS with (tl CA Soft Collars to Match 4 I J 1415 O J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bsll 147 OLEAKERS mi DYERS Ji,rv Hef fley's Tailors I Suits $20 Up nth and n Nifty Styles lv-- A -- , itrvnaui nirt v -iJKU