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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1912)
THE DAILY NEBEA8KAN Is 4 . SORORITY GIRLS SCARED PATROL WAGON BACKS UP IN FRONT OF HOU8E, CAUS ING TERROR. Kxeltemont toIkihmI Tiih(1u ton hiK at .1 looul aororit Ikxihc w lien (Ih police patrol wan (Uncovered backed ii) to tlie walk In front of the house Dooth were haHtlly locked, hatplnn ex trlcated from new HprliiK bonnetH and all other available weapons seized upon with extraordlrrar celerlU Telephone calls for help were made to all the Horority and fraternit houses In the near neighborhood the fair distressed ones pleading for as slstanco In a ery touching in. inner The Delta Kupps Alpha Mans, and even some of Katas from the farawa regions on the other side of () street, were already on the wa to the scene of peril when one or the girls hap pened to think that there was no logical reason for the presence of the binnd new cop cart at their door After a few moments of anxious ex pectation, great relief wa.. expeilenced ai tint hight or th caus- of their UMior slowly departing tow aid the police station Kxplanations wen rie rnanded, which disclosed the fact that It was not the coeds the) were after but some of the masculine element who had violated the law by plaing baseball on the street As it was necessary to turn around -before re turning it happened that their par ticuhu walk had been selected to back up against in performing this opera tion, thereby causing much unneces sary terror One of the amusing parts of the In cident was the offer of one of the girls to give herself up and protect the others from the wrath of the law huckllyBhe was saed this sacrifice by thedTscTosure 6TTheTnitfi nnantr the case An Illustrated Talk. Thursday night in the Music hall of the Temple the Y M C A mid week meeting will be held The pro gram will consist of an illustiated talk on Kstes Park the garden spot of Colorado, where the annual Y M (' A conference is to be held this sum mei Seeral of the fellows who were at the conference last summer will furnish photographs taken while the were there Tin a and other pictures of the I'ark will be thrown on the screen, accompanied b a talk b fel lows who are up on the subject and the program will be one of unusual in terest ENGINEERSJO OMAHA ITINERARY OF TRIP 18 NOW READY 8TART FRIDAY MORNING. Pinal preparations are now being made for the annual Inspection trip of the engineers to Omaha Thealue of such a trip Is shown b the incieas ing popularltv of the trip to the en gineers A few members of the en gineering facult will go along on the trip to act as guides and to answer (iiestions coiding to the printed itinerai whi(h will be handed out before Fri dn morning the engineers will leave Lincoln foi Omaha Pridaj morning at 7 I") o clock oer the Burlington While the suitcases will be checked through to Omaha to sae earning them around et the inspection proper will start from South Omaha where the crowd will get. off That morning the engineers will lsit Ar mour's plant and the street rallwa sub station After lunch at the Y M C A which will be the headquarters, comes the I'nion Pacific shops and the People's lie and Cold Storage plant Friday evening will be spent as each one sees lit Saturda morning the smelter the onh one of its kind in the middle west the stieet railw.i plant and the elect nc light and power plant will be visited In the afternoon will come the Nebraska Telephone compan's switchboard and the Florence pump ing station Most of the men will come back that night while sonio will sta oer with friends or relatives GERMAN CAST BANQUETS. "Minna Von Barnhelm" Players Talk Over Dramatics. The cast of ' Minna Von Barnhelm" held its banquet at the Lincoln hotel Saturday evening The time "was spent in a free for all conversation which centored chief! about the suc cessful presentation of the drama Miss Heppner, the coach of the play was the recipient of several beautiful gifts from the members of the cast Mter the banquet the party was in vited to the home of Hoc tor Fosslei where tlie remainder of the evening was passed in singing German songs looking at the doctor's magnificent collection of ph lines of life and seen er v m the Vatciland and drinking punch Tegner Society to Meet. The Tegner Societv will meet Sat utdav evening in S ieni e hall in I'm versitv Temple Y C ou Lan oave S $25 to $50 buying a slightly used or rebuilt typewriter. A machine backed by a two year guarantee. Over 500 now used in Lancaster County. Investigate these before you purchase any kind of a typewriter. Nebraska Typewriter Co Auto 2080 143 So. 13th St. Bell 1299 NEW Sample Shoe Store Shoes for Men and Women. We fit big and little feet. You don't have to pay Retail prices when you buy shoes here. One Price Always : : : $2.50 Shoes for $1.95 $3.50 Shoes for $2.45 $4.00 Shoes for $2.85 No More, No Less Joe's Sample Shoe Store Up Stairs Over the Guarantee Store, 1132 0 Street COLLEGE MEN Should have their Clothes Made to Order We have the finest fabrics and make the best fitting clothes in Lincoln. Spring and Summer Suits $15.00 and up FLODEEIN Sc BRETHO,UAER WerchantTQllors: 129 So. 11th St. Lincoln Hotel Eddie Walt JUNIOR HOP May lOp 1912 Tickets $1.25 THIS COUPON and 85 cents buys $1.00 worth of Athletic or Baseball Goods at Lawlor Cycle and Sporting Goods House 1423 O Street SENIOR PINS New Shipment Just Arrived Get One Before They Are All Gone The University Book Store 340 North :i lth Street n u. r iximmmss