Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1912) mi ''i yi-'HTrr-gH 1 minnwMUMiMM iinmiiir ami.wiiiiiiii mi i wiih i i 1 1 Ibe H)ailp IRebrasfcan VOL. XI. NO. 137. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1912. Price 5 Cents .t 1 i ' CTiincuTC miM cimn I IS STILL LYING IDLE ONLY $50 OF ENTIRE AMOUNT LOANED AS YET. THEOLOGICAL MAN SILL BORROWER SCIENTISTS TO MEET " ; DRAMATIC CLUB INITIATES ACADEMY WILL HOLD SESSIONS TODAY AND TAKE EXCUR SION TOMORROW. FIFTEEN NEW MEMBERS ARE PUT THROUGH ORDEAL AND GIVEN PIN. Engineers, for Whom $2,000 of It Was Provided, Have Thus Far Fought Shy. The student loan fund which was ready for disbursement several months ago, is still lying idle It is not due, however, to a scarcity of needy stu dents. The fund consists of (hreo donations. $1,000 each, made by J. R. Webster. Omaha; Dr. J. A L Wad dell, Kansas City, and W Whltmoro. Valley Two of the donors designated that their contributions should be loaned only to engineering students The third provided that only the in terest of $2,000 should be loaned So as It stands, there is only $50 per year which can be loaned outside the engineering department. It is a pe culiar circumstance that engineering studentB are the only ones who have not applied for the money One Prefers Hunger. I'rofeBsor Chatburn of the applied mechanics department said students from the law and the arts colleges havo applied, but engineering students fight shy of it. "I know plenty of needy fellows among thorn, one in particular who I am sure sometimes goes actually hungry, but when urged to take out a loan ho-rcpHcs that h I has a. Job for the summer and will see if he can not scrape through until school is out," said the professor The engineering students will do anything to get through, wait tables, scrub floors or beat carpets As long as they can get along without the fund, the committee wishes it was in shape so that It could be placed In the hands of other students We pre fer to put it out to some one who is nearly through and jiiBt needs a little more to finish up on The fund is In school warrants and paving bonds, where it could be instantly converted into cash. The $50 interest is loaned to a the ological student NEW REGIME IN COUNCIL BODY WILL MEET NEXT MONDAY TO ELECT PERMANENT CHAIRMAN. The Nebraska Academy of Sciences will hold its twenty second annual meeting at the Temple Friday and on Saturday will take its field day scien '.ltlc excursion lo the Hiue river from ( rete to Mllford The business meeting will begin at S :!0 o'clock and will bo followed by the reading and discussion of papers Among the papers to be delivered at the general meeting Friday morning of Forestry In Nebraska, O. I, Sponsion Some Results In Experimental Edu cation, Chas. Fordyce. The Nebraska State Museum, AIitib and Possibilities, E. II. Barbour. How a Shadow Proved an Alibi, Wil liam F Riggo Present Status of Nebraska Botani cal Survey, C E Ressey. An Unknown Prehistoric Culture In Nebraska and Where it Leads, Robert F Gilder Some Late Sanitary Appliances, Sol on R Towne Progress of Conservation and Soil Survey of Nebraska, d E Condra Heredity and Environment as Fac tors in the Production of Deformities in Children, II W. Orr Certain Riological Features of West ern Nebraska (with lantern Blides), R. H Wolcott. Section meetings will be held Fri day afternoon; beginning at 2 o'clock. The sections are divided Into those of biology and medicine, earth Bcionces, physical and exact sciences, ethnology and folk lore and engineering The annual dinner of the organiza tion will be held at the dining hall of the Temple at f-15 o'clock Friday evening and will be followed by the closing addresses and the election of officers Those in charge of the excursion Saturday are: Rotany Dean C. E ResBey Earth Sciences, Dr E H Barbour Water Life, Dr J. II. Powers. Rird Study, Dean R II Wolcott The itinerary for the excursion follows- 7 If) a m Leave Burlington sta tion, Lincoln. 7-45 a m. Arrive Crete 8:00 to 9:00 a. m. Automobile trip to Doane Collego, tendered by citi zens of Crete. Visit to new Science hall and campus. The Dramatic Club held its last meeting of the year last night In Its rooms in t ho Temple, and initiated the fifteen members, who were recent ly elected by tho committee of judges Those receiving the pin were Clif ford Scott, Beatrice Longtin, Reavls Gist, Sam MucCandlcs, Helen Sawyer, J M Alleson, Mrs S R McKelvie, Edna Burton, H R Mulligan. Thad Saunders, Claude S Stewart, Kather ine Mockett, D V Aronns, Clara Wil son and F J. KriiBe. The initiation was followed by a one act farce lntitled "The Pipe of Peace," in which Harry Hathaway, Mrs McKelvie, and Kitty Mockett took part. MAKING BRICK TESTS. Mechanical Engineers Are Aiding the County Road Commissioners. Under the direction of the instruc tors and with University apparatus, the students of the mechanical engi neering department are making a series of brick tests for the county road commissioner The brick being tested are those now being used to pave the cemetery road and the tost used is known as the "rattling" test. Nine bricks in two separate tests from each car load are put in a "rattler" oven -with -,'100 pounda of cast iron cubes and given 18,000 revolutions. Tho reduction in weight determines the durability of the material. Out of fourteen cars tested, two have been rejected. SUFFRAGETTE ELECTION RESULTS KEPT SECRET AT LEAST THEY COULD NOT BE LEARNED LAST NIGHT. NEW BALLIT MAY BE RESPONSIBLE Well-informed Co-eds all Direct In quirer to Someone Else and Baf fled, He Finally Desists. Although the Girls' club sprung an innovation when they used tho Aus tralian ballot system for their eloc tlon yesterday, they evidently exper ienced much difficulty In determining the results for when tho "Rag" report er Interviewed from bIx to fifteen prominent members of the cliil) last evening none of them was able to tell him the results At tho time when the copy went to press the ballotfl hnd not been counted so the reporter let the matter Blip until that tlmo when the counting should be com pleted Returning to his task about ten o'clock last night ho began phon ing to various well Informed coeds to ascertain the outcome, but was great ly chagrined to find that all of them referred him to Bomeone pIbo who, as It turned out, knew equally llttlo about the day's doingB The complete results will bo an nounced tomorrow Tho first meeting of tho Interfrater nlty council, after the lato reform which placed two alumni members In the organization with the one active representative, will take place next Monday evening. Tho meeting has been called by Vorno Hedge, who is vice-president of the organization. nOe of the first actions of tho coun cil at this time will be to elect a per manent chairman, tho present candi dates for which aro Professors Buck, Lee and Hunter. Many of the other important matters which have been much agitated of lato will bo consid ered, at thlB meeting TAYLOR LEAVES SCHOOL. College Aeronautics. Eastern colleges have one more lino of sport to amuso themselves with than the western universities This Is tho Bo-called balloon racing or avia tion. It Is said that it Is extremely ex citing and that loyal supporters of their respective schools exchange large sums on the occasion of a race. Harvard, Yale, Princeton. Pennsyl vania, Cornell, Virginia, Dartmouth, and Williams all hold membership in an Intercollegiate Aeronautical asso ciation The annual meeting of th soclatlon was held a few weekB GOUDS TOJIEJELIIOED KOSMET KLUB ALREADY PLAN NING FOR NEXT YEAfc'8 MEM BERSHIP AND OPERA. Tho following is a statement made by one of tho members of tho Kosmet Klub, in order that tho appreciation of that organization might bo shown directly to tho studentB for their sup port and enthusiasm In tho progress so far made. It also serves as a re minder to all NebraBkans that another opera 1b wanted "Owing to the fact that 'Tho Diplo mat,' presented by the Kosmet Klub, will bo pulled off tonight, wo will have no further chance to toll you" anything more about it after this is sue of the "Rag.' Of course, after tho 2fjj3nera is over and everyone has gone P4i6Tfio well satisfied with the evening s race, which win pe hold at Kansas City this summer. Both balloons and gliders from the various colleges will participate. Ex. Managing Editor of Daily Nebraskan Going to Mexico. Red-heads Progressive. Another chapter haB boon added to Jambda Tau Rho, tho "redhead" fra ternity. Tho lateBt addition is at tho University of Minnesota. There are four chapters with a membership of more than fifty. Ex. Earle II. Taylor, managing editor of the Dally Nebraskan, has withdrawn from tho University and will leave for hlB home at YateB Center, Kansas, on Monday morning. After a brief vaca tion he will assume a position in the publication department of tho North American Land and Investment Co., a concern handling Mexican lands In all probability Fred McConnell, associate editor for the past two se mesters, will succeed Taylor as man aging editor Pel U's to Build. Plans for tho erection of a now $40, 000 Psl UpBilon lodge are now under way at Wisconsin. Tho house will be completed by next Christmas. Other 8chools Interested. That other schools and universities are interested In, and approving Ne braska's Bocial customs; Its collego festivals, fete days and traditional "Btunts," are evidenced by a number of letters received lately by tho ad visor to women. Theso letters were from neighboring universities and col leges asking Information about Ne braska's own peculiar "fetes." and plans were made for tho nextT)lg entertainment, tho sketch will deserve a short after-word, but all will agree that it is no more than right "What we wanted to hear at this time is that tho Kosmet Klub is hero to stay. While planB were being laid for the formation and establishment of this organization there were times when success looked far away, and tho outcome most gloomy. But in vlow of the fact that evory student in the University of Nebraska lias shown so much interest in what has already been done, there 1b no doubt that tho Klub will grow more rapidly than was formerly expected. "What we want now Is another opera written by a loyal Nebraskan. It will be remembered that anyono presenting tho proper sketch will re ceive $75 as a compensation for his labor; therefore wo hope someone will be induced to hand ono in that will be suitable, not later than next October " Companies Draw for Compet. In the drawing for positions in tho regimental compet, which will bo held on Decoration day, the result waB as follows: 1, B company; 2, K company; 3 C company; 4, D company; 5, I com pany; 6, M company; 7, F company; 8, E company; 0, A company. IUIb in this order that the compan ies will appear on the field on that day. Notice. Tho Union literary society will not hold its usual Friday evening meeting on account of the Kosmet Klub play. ; ' JJ i fl 1 5 S1 n f I!