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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1910)
"""tT "r?fiTft f'Uf'TI'TllliiTnnitill fiUmufcMnmii i' (W. ,mn , MJIZ-C ly'MHA'AAMiVilttA , a-i--r THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A ML . -J The Daily Nebraskan i , 1'flB PROPERTY OF . TUB ilNIVBRSITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln,. NflbnmHa. Published by THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL STAFF. editor i K, P. Frederick Maniralno Editor i:clTi J Lo!!d Associate Editor r. ....... T. M. Edgecombe Associate Editor R D. Hawley BUSINESS STAFF. Manager G. C. Klddoo Assistant Manager V. C. Hasoall Circulator C. Buchanan Editorial and Business Office: CASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 13.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. Single Copies, 5 Centa Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phonet Auto 1888 Auto 3844. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chanted for at tho rato of 10 contB tho Inenrtlon for every fifteen words or frnotlon there of. Fnoulty notices and Unlvorelty bul letins will blodly bo publlnhed freo. Entored nt the postofflcft at Lincoln, Kebrnnka, tin necond-clnnn mall matter under the Act of Congress of March t, 1870. . - Advertisements for the want column hould be left at the business office, base mont Administration building, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p, m. and 0 p. m. Cash must accompany al orders for ad vertlalng, at the rate of teri cents for each fifteen words or fraction thereof the first Insertion; three Insertions twenty-five cents; five Insertions forty cents. SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1910. , I Tho logitlmato appearanco of tho tan shoo Is a dirty scuffed gray. When "ovor thoy shino it's an announcement of battalion Inspection, Wo havo hoard some singing recent ly, but nothing that Bounded1 like judgment being pnsBod on tho now "Oornhusker" song. Yoif would not know a senior if you caw ono tonight. All tho Inhorltod dignity of tradition will bo covered with a mask and tho senior will mln glo with his follows In a manner much tho samo as that adopted by ordinary mortals on similar occasions. DOLLAR OFF $4.00 and $5.00 shoes at $3.50. Goodyear welts, rock oak soles. Just can't wear 'em out Look me up, save one dollar and get wise to the shoe game. Tho University Qloo Club Booms to bo a livo organization. Organized but a Bhort timo, thoy havo already ro solved tholr Bong bpokH and. havo commenced regular practice. In addi tion they will back the concert to bo glvon by tho Chicago Qled Club Satur day. Spring fovor Is rather rovorslng Its usual effects at Nebraska. A professor In a wostorn university says that tho American peoplo aro to ho civilized by music. And overybody knows that muBlo hath charms, etc. But whoever mado thoso statements would retract at onco If they could hoar rag-tlmo on our boarding houso piano. Ex. OLYMPIC8 OR FIGHT. Pugnacious tendencies havo sudden ly been aroused in tho breast of tho freshman. Ho Is cither going to pull tho Bopliomoro over tho lino in nn Olympic contest or he Is going to fight Aim. Woo and suffering aro to bo tho "lot of the Bophomore for tho bloody eyed freshman with tho heavy fist and tho unconquerable spirit Is on his trail. Many m.oons ago, .when tho school year was but young; thero was much clamor in regard to tho .Olympics. But ibo first snowflakes of winter chilled iho fighting blood In tho henrts of tho warriors. Since that timo tho fresh man has been camped on tho 'trail of the sophomoro. But ho will stand It no' longer. Tho InBuffornblo delay of committees, tho torturing stigma, of "freshmanlsm" is to bo wiped out onco for all. ' Lulled Into slumber by vain visions of security, tho Bophomoro has been unaware of tho firo burning In the ifieart of the freshman. Dreams that como with tho soft spring sunshine and'-Easter vacation had laid hold of ills' system. -With a ;Jolt ho is awak ened to tho necessjty for action. At lasfclv'thb. two underclasses aro alive o'ricombre. '' ' It is the right spirit; the spirit which enn carry tho university to the top of tho ladder. It 1b tho fighting spirit. If! thoro lives a freshman with a soul so dead that ho 1b not with the class In tho fight; if thoro lives a sophomoro who docs not feel that tho challongo of tho freshman is his chal lenge, lot thorn bo relegated to the rogions of everlasting examinations. They havo no placo in a class of tho university. EIGHTEEN REGISTER. Students Interested In Laymen's Con vention. Interest in tho laymen's missionary convention, which wilL bo hold in Lin coln from Tuosddy to Thursday, of noxt weok, has reached tho campus. .So far olghtoen of tho mon of tho uni- vorslty, havo registered for tho conven tion, and thus aro allowed to attend tho banquet at tho Auditorium and all mootings. Work 'among tho students for fliis convention has Just com menced' and so far those who havo been approached havo become on thus I- nutln far Mm wnrfr 1nrn rncrlafrn. ,U. .-. ...w ww ... -0.. tions will follow dally. DEMOCRAT8 WILL MEET. Club Contain All the Orators. Tho Democratic Club will bold a business mooting in muBlc hall of tho Tomplo noxt Tuosday ovonlng. Tho commlttco on constitution win report and sovoral mombors of tho club will oxpress themselves as to what ttTo democratic platform should contain. All democrats and othors interested In domocratic policies aro urgel to bo present. In view of tho fact that this club contains practically all tho orators of tho university, this mooting promises, to bo an interesting ono. CELEBRATE8 BIRTHDAY. Class In German 8 Honors Professor Fossler With a Feed. Testorday tho class in Gorman 8 celebrated tho birthday of Professor BUDD One block from the high rent district selling Fossler with a "feod" during claBS hour. A boautiful birthday cake was tho chlof part of tho menu and on it woro as many candles as the profes sor was years old. Other things' were salved also as pretzels, hot coffee, pickles and olives. Tho rest of tho hour was spent in social stunts and in tho singing of Gorman songs. After this the rest of tho teachers In tho Gorman dopartmont wero Invited in. CHADRON WIN8 FROM CRAWFORD Gets Unanimous Verdict of Three Judges. Chadron won from Crawford at Chadron on March 4 in tho northwest orn district of tho Nebraska High School Debating League, getting the unanimous verdict of Supt. Kendall of Gordon, Supt. Deavor of Hemlngford, and Rov. Mr. Ralston of Edgemont. Tho Chadron debaters were Frank Morrlssoy, Marcla Lenington and Ken neth Scovel. Crawford's debaters wero Allyn Relmund, Harry Barnum, and Clarence Rlnchor. Chadron, Gor don and Alliance wlll'now content for tho district championship. DID NOT BORROW IDEA. Engineers Deny Inference In Yester day's Issue. The onglneors aro not angry. But thoy deny Iho charge that they have borrowed tho Idea of attending tho Orpheum in a body from tho freshman law class, Tho fever of theater going seems to have been in tho system of the en gineers oyen in tho dead of winter They claim that tho movement to at tend tho Orpheum In a body was start ed In the engineering college on Feb ruary 2d. Consequently when tho statement was mado through tho columns of tho Dally' Nebraskan yesterday that tho over seemed to havo spread from the freshman law class to tho engineering college, tho engineers made" hasto to. corrrct It. Tho engineers will attend tho Or phoum on March 18. Tho froBhman laW class attended tho Orpheum on Wednesday afternoon. Tho Inevitable conclusion was drawn by the public that the idea spread from the laws to tho origtneors. Some ovon went so far as to say that tho engineers had bbrrowed it. But tho" statement made yesterday by tho engineers corrected the error. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Do not forgot tho installation service at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon in tho association room. Praiso sorvico on Monday this noxt weok instead of on Wednesday. PhTKfid Sigma Banquet. Phi Rho Sigma held a banquet at tho Romb hotel in Omaha last night. About flfteon men Trom tho Nebraska chapter woro present. A hop will bo glvon at- the chapter house tonight. Miss' Walker's Discovery. Miss Walker, who did considerable Investigating in grass pistils while working for her doctor's degree at Ne braska somo .yeafB ago, wroto a thesis which contained an entirely new the ory In contradiction to anything that had boon previously advanced by Ho kol nnd others. Tho theory haB boon practically ignored until rocently a scholar of Munich has published an article confirming- tho theory in every dotall. Dr. Bessey to Lecture on Pathology. Dr. Bcssoy Will deliver a series of lectures at Amos, beginning early in July. Tho lectures will bo on plant pathology, under tho auspices of tho government graduato school of agri culture Tho graduato Bchool jib con ducted by tho govornment at Ames Is similar to ono which has been dis cussed considerably at Nebraska with a view to its establishment hero. ONE DOLLAR OFF BUDD 1415 O STREET NEVER KNOW if you NEVER TRY When yon wnnt to got donning nnd Presalng dono by hand nnd not by machinery bring your clothoB to JOE The Tailor who la nlno n Bpeolnllnt on altering nnd rofltt lng your clotLos up-to-datu. MARGARET M. FRICK Dressmaker of Style and Quality UPSTAIRS, 1328 O ST. LINCOLN University Bulletin MARCH. 12, Saturday Freshman law hop. 12, Saturdaj 8 p. m., MoraorlUl Hall Senior masquerade 13, Sunday, 3 p. m Tomplo Y. W. C. A, vesper s.orvlco, 14, Monday Mid-somostor examina tions commence. 15, Tuesday Convocation. Prof. G, E. Condra. "State and National Con servation." Illustrated. 15, Tuesday,, 8 p. m Armory Junior senior basketball. Freshman sophomore basketball. 16, Wednesday, 4 p, m., Music Hall of Temple Glee Club meets, 17, Thursday, 8 p. m Armory Bas ketball. . Inter-class final garao. 17, Thursday Musical program. Con vocation. 18, Friday, 5 p. m. Special convoca tion. Prof. W. L. Stephens, super intendent Lincoln schools. 19, Friday End of mld-somostor ex aminations. 19, Saturday, 8 p. m., Tomplq Theater Chicago Glee Club, 22, Tuesday Phi Beta Kappa Day, 22, Tuesday, 11 a. m.? Memorial Hall Jjiinlor-freshmah debate. 22, Tuesday, 8 t. m.,' Music Hall of Temple Democratic Club wants. All Souls Church, Unitarian Corner of H and 12th Street ARTHUR L. WEATHERLY, Minister. Services 11 a. m. - Sunday School 10 a. m. AH students are cordially Invited to attend its services ALL PEWS ARE FREE Sunday, March 13, Sermon Subject: Browning's "Installs Tyrannus." Social Ethics Class 12:15. Prof. L. E. Aylesworth, Leader, Dlscusion of the series of sermons on "Action." The jStudent's Liberal Rellgous Union meets in trie riuslc Room of the Temple at 4 p. m. Sunday. Mr. Weatherly will speak on "The Religious Life." Opportunity will be given for free discussion. All students invited. Executive Committee Miss Lois Fossler, Miss Mary Wheeler, and Robert Ashby. STOP INTO THE FOLSOM FOR REFRESHMENTS. ICE CREAM AND ICES, LIGHT LUNCHES, CANDIES AND BON BONS. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES frL SOLD OR RENTED Ront Applies on Purchase Price Fivo Days Froo trial boforo you pay. Two years guaintoo when you purchase EaayTorma. Got our list. Auto. 2080; Boll 1299.- B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc. 143 So. 13th Sf. w 7.j7fMt.T m m TrW7sTf tt Bwwal I March 12, 1910 J Freshman $1.25 i Memorial Hall J Senior Masquerade i TICKET 50c FRATERNITIES & SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 V . ,0 TV&VIT) t. 1307 O STREET I Fraternity Hall Law Hop Walt's Orchestra r March 12 1 mi "TOT" " v h e