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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1910)
4 S"l ' tQ '' )WH('i nufib, vwvttft . twirfjfeWSwwMUft tv i - wv vjwyTiypymryv-tfgjyui f c V ? y. ,' t-si, ; ZTbe 1Datl$ flebraehan Vol IX. No. 99. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1910. Price 5 Cents. CHERRINGTON FINALLY CHOSEN TRACK COACH OMAHA MAN TO LEAD ATHLETIC3 ON-CINDER PATH. MAY HOT ACCEPT THE POSITION Lower 8alary Offered Than He Asked, and Another 8tudent Has Ap plied for Position as Coach. At a meeting of the athletic board yesterday afternoon, B. M. Cherring ton of Oraaoh was 'elected to fill the position of track coach this spring. The matter now rests with Cher rington himself as to whether he will coach the cinder path squad this spring or not. The salary that ho was offered by the board was some what lower than tho amount ho agreed to do tho work. At a meoting of the board last week I. P. Hewitt, who coached tho basketball team this so)i6on, was tendered tho position. The meeting of the board was poorly attended and the student members of tho board were favorable to Hewitt and ho was elected. Faculty Members Oppose. Tills action was vigorously opposed by tho faculty raombers of- the board, and one of the student mombcrs of tho board moved for reconsideration of tho matter. This was done and the meetingyestorday was held. The question at stnko now is, as to whether Cherrington will .accept the conchship at the salary offered. If he does not accept, oho of tho other mem bers of tho student body who has made application for the' conchship job will be appointed. The board also elected Owen Prank, quarterback on tho football team last fall, to fill tho vacancy on tho board caused by tho resignation of William ThTUoupkoT . Cherrington Experienced. Cherrington began his track work In tbo-,OmahahlghBohool,Twhero ho was.: on tho toam for four yours, and in his senior year won the all round athletic championship of the school. While in high school ho was also a member of tho Y. M. C. A. track team. Ho graduated from high school in 1904, and with tho exception of one year has been employed as a coacH of ath letics since that time, including in the teams that he has coached prac tically .every, lino of athletics. ; Tho first ''year he was out 'of high school, In 1904-5, he was employed as jllreetQrQf. athletics at Wesloyan Uni versity. During this year .Wesloyan won the baskotball championship of tho state and took second In hoth bnsoball and track. JLoavIng Wosleynnho spent the; next two years at Adrian, MIcb.k whero he coach both tho high 'school and Y. M. C. A. teams In all lines of . athletics. For two consecutive yenrs tfnder his coaching Adrian high school ' h'eUrtlioVcmiirriiionshlp'of tho state in bolfh basketball arid track and wort the football championship of southern Michigan. In 1D0G In tho southern Michigan track meet Adrian high school took second. During these two years nlBO, the Adrian Y. M. C, A. bas ketball team was undefeated, playing 7 some of tho best teams in tho United States, and the track team was sec ond in the state- Indoor meet in 190G. Tho noxt year Cherrington spent as a student in tho Nebraska University, whero he was manager and coach of tho class championship football team ' and,' captain and coach of tho clasB championship baskotball team. Last year he was omployed In the Omaha high school as conch of all athletics and bad a very successful year, his teams winning the champion' ship of the state In both football nnoVbreadt 10c at Th Boston "Lunch. -JOS J-fl tssmTl I I !. track. His work in dovoloping a championship track team was all tho more remarkable from tho fact that It was practically tho first toam that Omaha had had for eight years and was developed entirely from nw ma terial. ,, TO MEET AT OMAHA. Schoolmasters to Go Friday -Thomas and Caldwell Speak. Sovoral members of tho faculty will hTIehTTtho mcotlngorthir Schoolman Tor's Club at Omaha Friday night. Tho meeting will bo addressed by George H. Thomas. The discussion will bo participated in by Professor H. W. Caldwoll and others. Tho Schoolmasters' Club has been In existence about ten yoars. At first thoro woro but thirty or forty mem bers, but now the constitution allows 100, to bo school men of the state. The club holds three meetings each year, two at Lincoln and ono at Om aha. Chancellor Avery is prosident of tho club. Tho next meoting will be rheld in Lincoln May 13, Dr. H. K. Wolfe giving tho main address. LAW HOP A SUCCESS. One of the. Best Dances of the Season Given Saturday. The freshman law class can givo a successful dance. This was proven Saturday night, when Fraternity hall was crowded to the limit. Last year the fr.eshmnn law clasB) gavo a hop and it was a flat failure. This year tho tables wero tumod, and' about seventy couples attended ono of.tho best dances of the year. The committee inchnrgo or tho danco had worked hard and as a result they gave a danco thnt was very well .man aged. Tho programs wero something new and very 'attractive. They were vory suggestive of things legal, the danco being called "Tho Gathering of tho Barristers," and tho dances "con tracts." A. J. Ludden was chairman of, tho committee and O, A. Deltzer was tho master of ceremonies. Walt's orches tra furnished' tho music. Baked, beans, baked on the premises land served hot with delicious brown 7y From the Cartoonists Viewpoint CADETS WANT PAY FOR THEIRJM IN DRILL FOUR YEAR MEN IN THE BATTAL ION WANT MORE THAN HONOR. RECEIVE NO COMPENSATION NOW Feel that They Should Have Pay as Assistants for the Time that They Spend as Officers of the Battalion. Pay for tholrtwork. Thnt Is 'whrtt the four-year men of tho cadet battal ion want. Ever since the cadot bat talloa was organized the men who have drilled four yoars havo rtfcolvod no compensation for their work ex cept tho honor of having been tho captain of one of tho cadot companion or perhaps major of tho battalion. Tho matter has been discussed to a great oxtept by tho members of the battalion, (espooially.apiong tho .uppor, classmen who are drilling, and they aro of the opinion that fmy should receivo somo compensation for tho timo that they put into drill besides tho honor of commanding ono of tho cadet companies. Are Assistants. Thero are many of tho cadet cap tains who have in the past drilled for tho honor which they havo gained by doing so. They havo liad to purchnso their uniforms and spent four hours oachsweok for. this, honor. Tho cttdall captain's uniform costs nearly twonty dollars, and added to this the time that is spent thoro is no return for tho labor which tho cadet captain doos. The captains nnd other four year men are ranked tho stuns as assistants iit'thla department, but they aro assistants without pay. Therefore the men of tho battalion havo been considering tho proposition of drawing up a potitlon to tho university senato id see If tliey cannot bo granted pay for the timo they spend In, drilling tho freshmen and sophomores. Tho men who drill" three yeurs nro given two hours credit each somestor 'for tho work they do In that depart mentT' This Is llstq'd In tho unlvorslty catalog as course T'S2t" and "82" Jn the department of military science. Tho course for the third-year men who aro taking this Work In the 'depart I EXAM 51 I I ment is called a course in tho Instruc tion of cadets. Tho four-year mon of tho battalion argue thnt if tho men who have drilled but two years aro allowed two hours crodlt In tholr third year of drill the mon who havo drilled three years should either bo given assistants' pay for their work in tho fourth year In that department or moro university credit. At the presont time tho four-year mon got no unlvorslty credit nt all for tholr wqrk In drill. No Action Yet As yet tho cadets havo taken "no ac" tlon on tho matter nnd It is not known yot whon thoy will net. Tho matter huBilJeenidiscjiHHcd to a groat length by tho4four-ycur mon In tho' battalion and somo deilnito arrangement will be taken it is thought shortly. The matter of petitioning tho unlvorslty senate to consldor tho -matter Is thought most favorablyof and it is highly probable-that this will bo tho action talton by tho officers of the bat talion. ,KE8B0NvPJtWEAT8 FAIRFIELD. Sutton Wins Unanimous Decision from Grafton In Debate. Hebron defeated Fairfield In a de bate at Fulrflold Saturday. Tho de cision was unanimous. It was tho second dobatoof tho southorn district of tho High .School Debating Loague. Tho Honorable Dan Nottloton, for merly speaker df tho Nebraska bouse, presided. Tho judges woro Superin tendent R. V. Clark of Harvard, Pro- ffcsaor M. M. Fogg of tho university and Superintendent A. "M. Shambaugh of Davenport. Fnlrfleld supported tho, afflrmntlvo of tho league question. The members of the Fairfield team wero Flora Schouottlef, Mason Rqed and Ralph Kissinger, and those of Hebron woro Earl Van Attn, Morton Brunlg and Harvey Hess. Hess represented Hebron in the state contest at Lin coln last year, taking third place. Another debate of the loaguo which was hold Saturday! night' was ono be twoon Sutton and Grafton, which was won by Sutton unanimously. The Judges wero Superintendent It. W. Eaton of Geneva', Superintendent H. Jennings of Exeter and Rev, Carlson of Sutton. The members of tho Sut? ton' team, were Fred FIgl, Peter Bauer and Vcrn Catterson. Tho tuembors of tho Grafton team wero Ella Turney, TYed Shroyer nnd Hetty Evans. ' 7Tn TO DEBATE ON THE FIFTEENTH AMENDMENT CHAMPIONSHIP DE1ATE ON BETA KAPPA DAY. PHI MANY SENIORS ARE INEUIBLE Changing of Requirement Rules In College of Arts and Sciences and Not In Phi Beta Kappa"" Makes Seniors Worry. Another question has been Uikon. Tho mombors of tho Junior nnd fresh man debating teams will not discuss tho county option question, which was tho subject of tho dobatos In the pro limlnnrlOH between tho froshmon and sophomores and botwoen tho sonlors and Juniors. After tho dobato botweon tho Juniors and Honiorsr Jn which tho- roprosontn- lives of tho Junior olnss wero .victori ous, tho proposition arose that a now question for tho championship debnto was neodod. At a recent mooting of, tho In tor-class dobntlng bonrd it was decided that another question would bo debuted. Fifteenth Amondment. The question which will bo dobntod on tho 22d of March In Memorial hall botweon tho representatives of tho Junior and freshman class Is, "Re solved, That tho fifteenth amendmont of tho Constitution of tho Unltod States should bo repealed." This de-t, bate will bp on Phi Bota Kappa day at 11 o'clock. All classos will bo excused nt this hour and tho hour following, whon tho members of tho sonior class' ; nro' notlflod, of tholr election to Phi '. Bota Knppa. Provious to tho an nouncements of tho election of the Phi Bota Kappa mombors nnd follow ing tho championship dobato, tho an- . nouncoment of tho elections of mom-1, bors of tho sonior class In the' collogo X nw to Thota Kappa Nu will bo given. This frntornlty is ono similar . to Phi Bota Kappa, but Its. member ship is confined to thoso receiving the highest scholarship record Jn the. senior class of tho college of law. Tho number of tho members of the ,' senior class to bo olectod, to Phi .Beta ' Khppa' Is a mattor of contemplation as yot. Tho rovlsion of tho oloctlvo sys tem in which In tho collogo of arts nnd-sclonces only six of the oight plecr tlves nro required has made a nuniber of tho mombors of tho sonior class In eligible for Phi Beta Kappa. Tho con stitution of tho organization provides' -that mombors of tho senior class must .havo taken seven of tho eight linos 'of study in this collogo by tho -timo of graduation, Since a,' momber of the, seniors "who othorwlse would havocs, ,, high scholarship record have- .takdnT but six of tho olght lines of work, ' these members of -tho, class are- in eligible. J -4 m - The Debaters. ' The teams who "will debate, tho question regarding tho fifteenth amendmont havo been working on tho question with- a- great doal-jf- vim since the question was decided. Tho membors of tho junior team are A. M. Oberfelder, H. M. 'Wolvlngton nnd "A. M. Raymond. Tho reptesontatlvea or the freshman class aro T. O. Andrews, B. B. Johnson 'and H. B, English. Those aro tho men who will -debate next Tuesday at 10 o'clock In Memo-- rial hall,' r r Dr. Condra Spoke. At tho dedication of the now Fair-' mont high school building Friday Dr. O. E. Condra of the University of Ne braska was' tho chief speaker. Dr., Condra very much pleased his audi ence at Fairmont, according to report. Thoro were a' number of prominent speakers at 'the dedication, Including r3WAn QhaMotinotoAw ai1 . I Governor Shallenberger and a1 vory largo crowd was present. p"w