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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1910)
''W'.' fOM Hi- v - ". V ' i , - , .WA"Anar-f.w- w,f ' ; ;.;.n ( -. ,, . ' .. -( -''- .. mrtv . XEbe Bath) IRebtaefcan . fi -VoL IX. No. 98. i,r i . T Proposed ENORMOUS 1 FOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OMAHA BRANCH OF THE UNIVER SITY TO BE ENLARGED A CAMPUS OF FOUR SQUARE BLOCKS AND MODERN BUILDINGS OF A UNIFORM TYPE HAVE BEEN PROPOSED AND ARE TO BE BUILT Groat improvements of the medical collogo at Omaha Is tho order of af fairs. Tho eight years that have elapsed sinco tho Omahft college of mediclno hocamo tho property of tho collogo of mediclno of the University ofrNobras.ka have seen great advances in. inedlcaUcducation IhatthiacoL logo stands as a leader In UiIb lino of education Is a recognized fact, and It Is to bo noticed with prldo that tho colleges of similar nature are loft In tho background in comparing their de velopment with that of tho collogo ol mediclno of tho University of Ne braska. Great Improvements. Tho success of this part of tho' uni versity, tho leadership which thlB col logo has won In this section of the country, tho standing which It has among tho few select leaders of med ical colleges, and tho reputation of the college of mediclno of tho University of Nebraska has led to a wonderful growth and expansion. That the at tendance of tho college of medicine has grown is shown by comparing fig ures of, past .registrations. Tho growth and oxpenslon has been so rapid that a now campus of large slzo and largo buildings are planned on and theso are to bo built on the most modern of plans. Tho campus as planned is to bo as largo as tho present campus of tho university In Lincoln, with tho exception of tho ath letic field. That means that four full blocks will be devoted to tho unlyer slty .college of medicine at Omaha, Ne braska. Uniform Buildings. On this campus will bo built build lngs of the finest modern type. Niue large buildings will be built and these will all bo of a uniform construction . and ,style. These nine buildings will be connected into three larger build ings, and these will bound the campus, on tho south and, north sides and in I part tho west and "east Two build ings will do. this, and in tho center o' the campus a large three and half main building will be erected. .The- wonderful .applications of the results of scientific investigation t- the UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1910. t !.::" '"Tmwifriii buildings and campus of The practice of mediclno which aro being constantly mado and tho rapidly in creasing extent to which laboratory methods are being used in tho diag nosis and prevention of disease will mako it necessary in tho near futuro that evory medical college which alms .to. .occupy n-placoin thofrontrank- dhall have a compotent hospital equip ment of its own, with abundant labora tory facilities of its own closo at hand whero the student can become familiar with all the resources which the allied sciences can contribute to modiclpo and with, their practical application. For this reason a campaign has been begun to secure for tho college of mediclno a campus in Omaha with such an equipment. Tho cut shows tho proposed buildings, tho oreotlon of which is a matter of years, but which will bo a sourco of prido to all citi zens of the state. TRACK COACH NOT: DECIDED Members. of theBoard Cafftd for Re consideration of Action. ' The matter of securing a track coach for Nebrask'a Is still undecided, although tho matter was considered as good, as settled Thursday evening. The matter has been reconsidered and no action will bo taken until a meeting of the board is held some timo next week. The call for a reconsideration of the matter came late Thursday night It was mado by four members of the board, who requested that no action bo taken In' offering tho- position to any. one until 'a meeting of the full board was taken. The. meeting which was held for the 'decision of tho mat-' ter Wednesday was only attended by a bare majority of the board, and it Is believed that it Is this fact which led to a reconsideration of the matter. Your; car fare Vbuld pay for a nice lunch at .the tioston Lunch. Whr go home? sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsjBBBB'i' ;''w9PH9BBtoiHF ItWBJvJbbbbbbbbbh PLANNED University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha, UNIVER8ITY JOURNAL OUT. March Number Contains Number of Interesting and Important Articles. Tho UnlvorBity Journal for March mado Its appearance yostorday. It contains a number of valuable articles of unlvorslty happenings and also a number of scientific' articles. Tho university summor school course is fully outlined by tho editor of tho Journal. Tho happonlngs of tho Stato High School Debating League aro told by its president, Pro fessor M. M. Fogg. Professor Foaslor contributes nn article on tho teaching of Gorman in high schools, showing it Is a necosBary study for tho high school pupils. Tho magazine alBo contains Rtora turo articlos by ProfossorB Stuff and Louise Pound. Dr. H. H. Waito tells of tho need of "DlBinfestion of JSchoolaJl Thcromalnder of tho mag .azlnoJa devoted to tho-agrlaultural college COEDS TO THE GILLEBt Dr. E. H. Richards o,f New York Will Address Segregated Sexes. Co-eds are to bo relegated to tho gallery Beats. Whother it is proporly so called is ob yet a question as there aro many arguments in favor of either tho gallery or tho pit This action comes as a result of tho romarks made in a recent convocation. Tho program for tho convention will conBlBt of an address by Dr. E. H. Richards of Now York City. Postmas ter E. R. Sizar of this city will pre side. ' Tho program is conducted In con nection with tho layman's missionary convention which is being held In tho city at tho present timo. This con vention Is perhaps tho largest conven tion ever hold in tho city of Lincoln. Tho convention is to bo held from March 16 to 17 Inclusive. The program for tho convention In cludes threo sessions, Tudsday, Wednesday and Thursday, and a ban quet at tho Auditorium. Tickets are selling for the four events at $1.60, but a special rate, has been mado to students of $1.00. If a student does not desiro to attend tho banquet .-he may secure a ticket for .the sessions at fifty cents. Tho object, in present ing tho movement Is not to raise money, but to interest men in the work.' In consequence no collections whatever will be taken. That the convention will be the largest ever held in the city ,of Lin coln is an undisputed, fact. Over 2,000 delegates will be present, 1,000 of whom. will come from outside of the city. ' ''..- BASEBALL SCHEDULE FOR SPRING OF II ANNOUNCED SIXTEEN GAMES ON THE BEST SCHEDULE HAD, in YEARS ONLY EIGHTEEN GAMES ARE ALL0WED-0THER TWO MAY BE ' WITH AWES-TAKE TWO TRIPS-FRESHMEN -rr Manager Eager yesterday announced tho baseball schedule for tho spring of 1910. Ho stated that It Is tho best schcdulo that Nebraska has ovor had. At tho present timo thoro aro sixteen games on tho . schedule and as only oighteon aro allowed there wljl bo but -two-TnorcrBamcBTClfCdulea. Tho other two gani08 will probably bo with Ames at Lincoln. Tho following Is tho schodulo as ft now stands: April 13 and 14Kansas Aggies at Manhattan. April 15 and 16 Kansas at Law rence. April 21 and 22 Kansas at Lincoln. April 27 Highland Parle at Lincoln. April 30 Ames at Ames. May 2 AmcB at AmcB. May 3 Highland Park Moines. at Des May 4 Iowa at Iowa City. y May 5Conroir Collogo at Mount Vernon, Iowa. t . , Jlay.Q.and.7 Minnesota at Mlnno-, applis. May 14 South Dakota at Lincoln. May 25 Kansas Aggies at Lincoln. Take. Two Trips. This schedule will allow tho team, to take two trips, ono south and one north. Last year tho Cornhuskers played Missouri on tho southern trlp but this year the only schools that will bo played aro Kansas University and tho Kansas Agricultural College, On the northern trip movro, good teams will bo played than havo ever been played on a northern trlp. The teams to ho met aro Ames, Highland Park, Iowa, Cornell, and Minnesota. At all of theso schools tho prospects for good baseball teams are encouraging and tho Cornhuskers will bp compelled to put up a classy artlclo of ball If. they wish to win any of these games, Minnesota is especially to be feared. Last year tho Cornhuskers ,played the Gophers two games, losing one and the other was a tie game. Nebraska was also unable to win from Ames last year. Iowa was not played. Record Last Year. The record for last year Is probably Price. 5 - !;: Nebraska ARE TO PLAY GAMES . . tho best any Nebraska team has' had i during tho last four or flvo years "No gamo at homowas lost, although' soy oral strong teams wore 'played in Lin coin, including Missouri Manhattan and Drake. Tho Kansas gamo -was stopped by inclement weather. A total of twonty-ono games were played, not including tho practico con tests with tho Lincoln league team. Of theso twelvo woro won, ninp lost and ono tlod. Games were won from Missouri, 3; Drake, 2; Manhattan, Cor nell, Grlnnell, Wesloyan, William 'Jew ell, Haskell, Tabor. Games were lost to Kansas, 2; Ames, Missouri, Wes loyan, Manhattan, Decorah, Minneso ta, St. Marys. The tied gamo, was played with Minnesota at Minneapolis. Only flvo' of tho gamesof"ths year's schedulo are to bo played In Llnco'nf However, lf0twq more games are scheduled, with Ames theyr wilt be played hero. This, will , mako seven games on Nebraska field. r ., Games for Freshmen., An innovation in. baseball .at Nebras ka this year will bo a schedule for ,a freshman team. The .freshman team this year will bo a .good one and Man ager Eager Is determined, to securo a good, schedule for J j . x Tho teams, that tho. freshmen,, will play on Nebraska .field are Bollevue, Hastings, Wosleyan and Cotner. The dates for theso games have not been definitely set, but, the games them selves are assured. . No games have as yet. been scheduled to be' played 'away from Lincoln, but it is, thought that two or three games ,will bo played with colleges In the state. , Baseball practico has been held In tho gymaasium for- the past threo or four days. The Inclement weather, prevented oukoMoor practice, but work on Nebraska field will, probably be resumed today. Coach Carroll is gradually rounding the men into form and by the time, of; the first game with the Kansas Aggies expects to have, the, fastest baseball aggregation that has ever represented Nebraska,