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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1910)
A THE DAILY NEBitASkAfJ t k A V OLIVER THEATRE 8AT. MAT. AND NIGHT, MA.' 12 ISLE OF SPICE Mat., 75c to 25c Eve., $1.00 to 25c Mon., Tues. and Tubs. Mat., Mar. 14-15 The Traveling Salesman Weak Eyes Btudontfl, Stono ernpbora,. Book- Koopors ana yon who Buffer with wtaic oyps, urnnui5tou uiub. iiinnmou. rum, Btyos and Wntory Bvos, find llygcla Eye Cream iota Uko a charm In rontorlng thorn to n healthy condition. Porfootly harmless and Is guaranteed to prouco satisfactory ro- Bulto or. manoyrctundid. At. druKglataor mnllod on rocolpt of price. 60c. II. V. ItU ION, Goshen, Indiana. SE1B K SSSSSSCSrj Boys--My Spring line of woolens are stunners. See them! L J. HERZOG 1230 O St Fine Tailoring The Owl Pharmacy Northeast Corner 14th and O Streets Hot and Cold Drinks at Our Fountain SEE OUR WOOLENS Elliott Bros. TAILORS 142 SOUTH TWELFTH TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 per Month. Bargains in Rebuilt Machines Lincoln Typtwrlttr Exohihgi Auto'1155. Boll 1181. 122 No. 11th UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C- A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT , Ytur ratrMaf cSolicite Quality Counts - THAT'S WHY FRANKLIN'S ICE CREAM IS SO POPULAR We make a specialty of fan cy creams, sherbets. Ices and punch for Frat & Sorori ty parties. Whipping Cream always on hand. Bell 205. Auto 8181. 1816 N St Hot Drinks are now la season. Do you know any place where you can get as , QUICK SERVICE ' aa you can at ournew store? No ' "need of being crowded. Lincoln-G and y - Kitchens, w. co o Corner Campus Gleanings C. H. Froy, .florist, 1133 O street. Tho freshman basketball team will play Wilbur tonight. Thornburg's Orchestra Auto 5877. Tho Delta Gamma sorority will hold their annual banquet at tho Lin coin hotel tonight. Eat at Don Cameron's Cafo, 111-119. So. 12th street JThoJBloo Club met inJthe Temple yesterday from 5 until G. Mr. Fltz gerald has been selected (0 lead the club. Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C. A. Spa. 13th and P Sts. Tho ofllclal group plcturo of tho members of Rhetoric 22 will bo taken by Townsend1 Monday, March 14, at 2 o'clock sharp. Chapin Bros., florists. 127 So. 13th. Haven Motcalf, who took his doc tor's degree In 1903f, 1b now chief of tho division of forest pathology. He is anxious to got good mon for tho ser vlco from Nebraska who aro good pathologists. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop. 120 N. litfc. Tho college of agriculture has made a change by which two courses aro converted into one. This will give tho students an opportunity to tako more elective work" after finishing their re quired BtudlcB, and make tho course conform more (0 the arts and sciences. 9 Tho German Club was Very pleas antly entertained Thursday evening at 1234 R street. Misses Meyer, Von Goetz and Reeder were hostesses. Miss Baker presided at tho meeting. A delightful evening was spent In playing German games and singing German songs. FULK 1325 O Street MEN. Professor Baumgartner of tho Ger man department will teach in tho Uni versity of Chicago thiB summer. Ho Is a fellow of tho university, and expects to tako his Ph.D. there. The profes sor will Instruct In German. FRATERNITIES HAVE BOXES Many Old University Athletes Will Take" Part In Meet. Tho Omaha Athletic Association has been authorized to hold tho Western Association A. A. U. Indoor champion ship meet for 1910. Tho modal win ner's in this meet in Oinaha will ho winners of "Western Association Am ateur Athletic Union" places and will bo so accredited. A movomont has been organized at tho university to bring tho fraternities to Omaha the evening of April 1st, and they will all have boxes and will decorato profusely. In addklon to this tho university will occupy two sec tions on the' south sldo of tho Audi torium. Besides the university representa tives who will participate In this meet, there aro many other former athletes, of tho university whowlll tako pan. Tho Lincoln Y. M. C, A. will have as one of its representatives Russell Bur ress, who was ono of tho best century dash men ever.nt the university. An other representative of the Lincoln Y. M. C. A. is promised will be J. C. Knode, who was captain of f tho track team in ,tho spring of 1908, "and who holds a record- of five feet eleven inches in the .high jump. Besides those men the Lincoln Association will bo represented In th'e two-mjle run by Collier, who .Is at present a freshman in the university, ' ' ' . Clmlfitd Column Bfc: Advertisements for this column should be left at the business office, basement Administration building, be tween 11 a. m. and 12 m., or between 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Want ads' will positively not be In serted unlets paid In advance, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction there of for the first Insertion; three Inser tions 25 cents; five insertions 40' cents. WANT ADS POUND Found In Unl hall, small fob, mado of four gold chains. Ownor may-have" same by paying for this ad. 08-3L Found Salz fountain pen, which can bo obtained by identifying samo and paying for this ad. 08-Gt FoUnd Tau Omloron Sigma ("Spike") pin. Owner may have samo by paying for this ad. 9731 FOR SALS For Sale A new high-grade bicycle, at 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan office. LOST Lost Phi Delta Phi frat pin, sot with opals. Finder return to 1435 L or .call F1383 for reward. 95-3t Lost Bunch of four keys, in or near armory, last Thursday evening. Ro turn to Nebraskan office. 98-3t Lost A Delta Upsilon fraternity plnset with opals. Finder return to Nebraskan office and receive reward. 95-31 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DR. LILLIAN 8NOW, 1339 O; hours, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Diseases of women. Auto 3038. DR. C. H. RU8H, Surgeon. Richards Block. Both Phones. OUR NEW SPRING HATS AND FURNISHINGS ARE READY NOW AND ARE COPRECT IN EVERY DETAIL FOR COLLEGE TWO UNIVERSITY FUNCTIONS TONIGHT 3ENIOR MASQUERADE AND FRESH MAN LAW HOP TO BE HELD THE SUCCESS OF BOTH IS ASSURED Laws at Fraternity Hall and Seniors at Armory to Revel in Music and Dance. Two blgdances are oh tho tfnlvor Blty calendar for tonight. Both are elaborate affairs and promise to be welT attended. Tho senior masquerade -will bo hold at ho armory and tho freshman law hop will take- placo at Fraternity hall. Tho laws aro expecting a very en joyable affair. Enough tickets have been sold to make It an assured suc cess. Walt's orchestra is to furnish tho music. The commltteo having the dance in charge are A. J. Luddcn, chairman; C. A. Emory, W. B, Met calfe, and J. W. Jones. Tho master of ceremonies will bo appointed by President Ebert today. Unusual Affair. ' The senior masquerade is an un usual affair. It is to bo at the armory and will bo informal. Tho committee has planned to make it' tho most elab orate affair of its kind over hold at tho uniyerslty. l( has been' Bevera'l years since a masquerado has 'beer1 held here and 'should provo a'n' fittfac .tlotf for a! croSvcf that should fill the floor; It' li' tiqpedWtf Vill tiring th t&r5&.ri&C&ri&ri&ri rfc (8 H m rtVnM fl A VTm & jL.ti.Mcr aiiu Oilier r Tp You want to be as well dressed J as any other man for Eadter. But you don't buy clothes for one You must know, that they will keep their Easter day shapeliness and smartness for a long time after. Wear is the only test. c7Wake sure of the result of that test by a guarantee. We'll give it to you gladly with 'our Clothcraft clothes because we're protected by the maker's signed guarantee. So are you. Speier C Simon Corner iOth and O St t CgrC$ck)r LOST! If you have lost orfound art icles, rooms for rent or boolcs to sell, advertise in the Nebraskan's WANT-AD column Our fates are low and we get results. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE class together and .increase their ac quaintance and also strengthen the classsplrlt ; One of tho features of tho mas querade will bo its Informality. largo number of girls plan to come without escorts. It is thus possible for every girl to attend and is hoped' to causo a more general attendance. Stunts Planned. Many stunts have been planned and a novel and unique entertainment is arranged for. Costumes will be large ly home-made, on account of the diffi culties of obtaining 'them in the city' and because ideas can bo worked out, better. It is known that many beauti- iui coBiumes aro oeing prepared ov tho senior girls, as well as a largo number 0 humorous and comical ones While it is tho general custom at masquerades for some couplo to prj- spare their costumes together, it will 'bo different tonight No ono is ex pected to know any one else and this should result in much merriment and promote a. spirit, of good fellow hlp among tho. seniors. No ono but seniors will bo admitted' (iuu iiu. xuy masses are 10,00 rumqveu at 10:30, and tho Vest of' tho ovenlng; I spent. dn" jollification and'daricHg. go Professor Grummann's Article. Tho Educator Journal, published at Indianapolis, Ind., has come out this month with several excellent contribu tions. Chief, among theso Is an article on "Some Phases of American School Work," by Prof. Grummann "of the de partment of Germanic languages. It' is practically a survey and comparison of American and German methods of Instruction. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE t Trade Marks Dcsions COfiVRtOMTa Ac Anyone sending a tketch Mid JewrtrtlonHiy quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa jnTentln Is probably pntentahUTtRimanloa. tlons strictly oonfldentud. JIAHDIOpKoa. Patent sent free. Oldest agency for secuifiMrMteiits. Patent taken throuab Munn A Co. receive tftelalHotle, without cbnnia. In toe Scientific American. , A handsomely Illustrated weekly, fareest c!.v enlaUon or any sclentlUo journaL Verms, H a year t four months, L Sold bjrali newsdealers. 1 . . lyTWTjra fl&&&&&&&HK fU i: ,1 u