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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
t -.1 n v Vol. VI. No. J35. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MAY J5, 1907. Price 5 Cents. t ri jsg sibsP JH i fRESHMEN WIN FIRST YEAR TRACK TEAM DE FEATS MORNINQ8IDE. ytlm Out In All -the yelght Events Meet Decided by Perry In the Broad Jump 8core 60' to 56'fc. The FreBhman trnok team succeed' ed in defeating the first track team pf Morningsido College in a meet held Monday afternoon at Sioux City. Not until after tho last event on the pro gram, the broad Jump which was won py Perry, '10, was the score decided. Fairly good records wore made, altho the day was cold and tho track was slow. Morningside was Btrongor .In tho runs, winning first place in the quar ter, half, mile and, two mile rims. However, Yato, '10, -won the lOOyard dash in 10 2-5 seconds, and McDonald, 10, won the two twenty. The Morningside team was com pletely overwhelmed In the weight events, Collins and Patten making a clean sweep, winning 24 points. After these events the score was made a tie by the loss of tho high jump and the polo vault to Morningside. It -was left to Perry, '10, to win the last event and the meet. The4aummary of events follows: Vi 100-yard dash 'YateB, '10, won; Brown, Morningside, second. Time 10 2-5 seconds. 220yard dash McDonald, '10, won; Wend&l, Morningside, second. Time, 25 seconds. 440-yard dash :Berli8tressor, Morn ingside, won; Perry, '10, Becond. Time, 56 1-5 seconds. 22 Half-mile run 'itorem, aiormngsme, won; Minor, '10, second. Time, 2:13. Mile run P. Brown; 'Morningside, won; Berkstressor, Morningside, sec- ond. Time, 5:25. Two-mile run Chapman, Mornlag sldo, won; Bauman, '10, second. Time, 10:32 2-5. High hurdles Brown, Morningside, won; McDonald, '10, second. Time, 17 1-5 seconds. Low hurdles Brown, Morningside, won; McDonald, '10, second. Time, 28 seconds. High jump Wondel and Brown, Morningside, tied fpr first Height, 5 feet, 23 Inches Polo vault Woscott, Morningside, won; .McMaster, '10, and Stapler, Morningside, tied for second. Height, p feet, 10 inches.. Broad jump ;Perry, '10, won; Brown, Mprngsldo, second. Dis tance, 19 feet, ,3 inches. Hammer throw Collins, '10, won; Paten, '10, second. Distance, 125 feet, 3 inches. Shot put Oojllns, 10", won"; "'pattern, 10, second. Distance, 33 feet 5 inches; Discus "throw Collins, '10 won; Patten, '10, second. Distance, 107 feet, 7 Inches. HalfHe rqlay race J910 won., Time, l:3. Pinal score Nebraska Freshmen 60; Mornings,, 56. IT ' ' . . ) F. B. Qahasreturned, to tschopl &" X&Sbi 1UV t h ,f ; EPWORTH PARK '08 CLASS PICNIC 5C A CHANCE FOR EVERY JUNIOR TO GET ACQUAINTED :: THIRTY CENTS-.. siooooooooooooo( RUSSIAN PATRIOTS Will Present Their Cause at Convoca tion This Morning. The special Convocation at 11 o'clock this morning will probably be of greater general interest ohan any Convocation that has been held at the University this year. The opportunity is here open to all to hear Russian revolutionary Ideas first hand from the lips of native Russians. Messrs. Aladdin and Tschlakowsky were among the very firBt members of the Russian Duma last year. They were seedlings from which sprang the mighty branches of tho present revolution. From tho initiative stops taken by these two patriots grew tho essential Idea of liberty. They are the fathers of the constitution that Is soon to be given to the Russian peo ple. Mr. Alladln Is a peasant and rep resents not the ariBtocracy, but tho common people and the laboring classes. Tschiakoweky is a more high ly eduqated man who has been a prom inent statesman in his country for years. These two men have been traveling and lecturing thruout tho United States for some months. Their ob ject Is primarily to arouse American sympathy and sentiment In .favor of tho revolutionary movement which they represent. They are presenting the Russian people as they really are, not as they are popularly represented by the American press, as Nihilists, anarchists, bomb-throwers and assas sins. It is assorted by educated Rus sians that Americans have seldom seen a real Russian, but that they have seen all Russian allies, such as Ger mans, Tartars, Poles and Jews. An Interesting and pleasant feature about this morning's lectures Is that these men will likely speak English and. will bo without the aid of an Interpreter. Hon. Wm..J. Bryan will bo present to introduce the speakers, and Chan cellor Andrews will preside.) All IX o'clock classes will bo held frbm 11:30 to 12:20; rjf 8em. Bot. Sem. Bot. will meet in. Nebraska Hall at 8 p. m., Wednesday, May 15. oooooooooooooooooooo h Maternity hall (Kr$1,0) : Sophomore Annual Hop . MAY ,17, i7 00 SATURDAY AFTERNOON MAY 18, 1907 AT ART EXHIBIT. The Painting, "Le Lever De Bebe," by Mary Cassett. "Among the figure compositions this year is one by an artist whoso work is seen for the first time In Lincoln an artist who occupies a unique place among women painters Mary Caaset. "Born In Pittsburg, Bho has lived for more than thirty years In France, spending her winters In Paris and her summers In a country chateau which she has purchased for a permanent residence. "For fifteen years she studied and worked with the French master De gas, and so fully has her merit been recognized by the government that she has been decorated with the cross of the legion of honor, a distinction ac corded to but one other woman, RoBa Bonheur. "An Excellent draughtsman, a mas ter of tone, lighting and technique, she has never attempted to popularize her work by the introduction of superficial prettlness; Indeed, a New York critic onco alluded to her models as 'types of humanity positively disconcerting In their homeliness.' Probably for this reason her work exhibited in this coun try has appealed to a limited audience. Recent paintings, howeyer, have pre sented the ministration of maternity with equal fidelity but with more charm of personality. "To the latter class belongs 'Lo Le ver de Bebe,' which Is painted In her usual high key and with a character istic decorative quality. The modeling of the child's flesh is a good example of her technique. As may be noted, she has been strongly Influenced by the impressionist school of which she was an early disciple." Resigns From Board. Professor Chatburn has resigned his ppsltlbn on the Athletic Board. He Is at present chairman of tho dp linquent student committee and, as hfe desires to devote more of his time to the" work on this committee, he has found it nepes&ary to relinquish tho work on tho board. Nebraska was defeated at Belolt Monday by 410 score of 2 to 0. i A Dlf (TRENT VIEW AMERICAN MEN RANk HIGH AT OXFORD. False Reports Published Americans Superior In Scholarship Athletics Not Their Only Strength. Abpt a month ago tho Dally Ne braskan printed an article from tho WiacPnaln Alumni Magazine, tolling of tho difficulties which bosot tho Amer ican Rhodes scholars at Oxford and of tho poor showing made by those men outsldo of athletics. The samo article was published In many parts of tho country and was widely com mented upon by the press. It seems that tho writer of .the arti cle In question did not tako tho trou ble to loam tho true factB of tho mat tor and his statements have mot an In dignant denial from Oxford. Mr. F; J. Wyllo, Secretary of tho Rhodes Trust, In a communication to the American press, says that tho unfa: vorablo reports concerning tho Amer ican Rhodes scholars' work are wholly without foundation. Their athletic achievements have, It 1b true, boon re markable, but their record ae scholars Is no less creditable. Within the last two monthB two American Rhodes scholars, ono from North Dakota and tho other from Now Hampshire, have been awarded high scholastic honors, "among tho highest," says Mr. Wyllo, "the University bestows." Altho tho American scholars have boon In Oxford only three years, their Influence has been felt 'strongly in various fields of scholarship, and Mr; Wyllo gives figures to show tho high standing of the Americans In tho ex aminations held thus far. He says that, In a canvass of tho faculty, pro fessors and tutors almost without ox-v-ceptlon testified to the high grado work of the American scholars. COIN OF ALEXANDER. Found In City and Now Possessed by Historical Society. A silver coin pf ancient Greece found here in Lincoln recently Is now in tho possession of the Historical Society. It is In excellent condition, showing unmistakably tho name Alex ander, written In Greek. Tho coin Is of about tho slzo of an American twenty-five cent piece, but much thicker, According to weight it is worth ninety cents. On one side is a profile vt Aloxan- der tho Great excellently minted. On the other is the figure of a man seat ed with right arm extended and sup porting a largo bird. Tho figure's loft hand grasps a spear held vertically by the side, while at tho feet a bow can be distinguished. How this coin was ever lost in, tln-V coin to a mystery. History says vejry Jljttle about any expedition that A ander made to this vicinity, but in . conquering the world he would scarce ly overlook us! ' Chancellor Ajxtippirp will d$Uyer the ppmjrienpemnt ' " addrjess ,Hobrori, w: " ; . '" ,-. 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