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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1907)
n a Gbc Dai If fc frraffcan . i , e$ i V 4 I tf ji i-rm l' i be Bails iRebraghan THE PROPERTY OP THBUNIVERBITV OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN) Nkbrabka. fHIUSHEO" EVERY DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND M9NDAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. ftkllcithi MflH, 121 N. 14tb St. . i ' Editor-ln-chlof i. dan-oil Knode. '08 Anooclato Editor Clydo E. Elliott, 09 Managing Editor A. E. Long, 09 AthlqtlcB Hugh W. Craig, 07 General Nowb Paul O. Burt, 09 RovIowb Qertrudo Moore, 07 Convocation Laura Rhoadcs, '08 Assistant Athletics. Miller S. Bonedlot, 09 ABBt. Qon. Nowb Sidney O. Evans, '09 Dopartmral....Earl R. Hunt, '08 H. L. WllBon, '09 , Guy Montgomery, '09 A. O. Schrolbor, '07 Alexander J. Dunlap, '09 C. C. Hickman, '07 Business Manager. .. .Byron E. Yodor, 08 ABBlBtant. Manager Gay Hardy, 08 Circulator H. C. Robortson, '09 TELEPHONES: DAY Auto 1B28. NIQHT 2365 and 4472 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A. Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Slno'o Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged lor at tho rato of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo .published free Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March. 8, 1879. "Tho engineering graduate should understand that the technical college has only; provided a foundation on .which ho may educate himself so as to becomo a competent engineer and a cultured gentleman." These words coming from a profes sor of engineering In a western In dustrial college ought to bear especial weight. An engineering student who is In tho University simply for tho purpose of acquiring a means by which he can earn a few moro dollars than ordinary laborers is not living up to his privileges and, further, is fall ing to meet his obligations as a mem- 000000000000000000000000000Offl TODAY, THE EYES of the biggest, brainiest, most substantial men in business and the professions look upon the world through glasses. It simply shows rapid advance In the science of optics and the good sense of the American people. We shall be pleased to demon strate the efficacy of proper glasses to any who need them. HALLETT, GRADUATE OPTICIAN, 1143 0 ST. Established 1871. ber of a big student body. Tho majority of engineering stu dent at Nebraska are possessed of just as much culture as those In any other department, but there are a few, who, like the gentleman attempting to write a letter to. tho railway company, who show a woeful lack of training along veven tho simplest of cultural lines. A man who can not write a letter without making half his words after a truly original pattern has not yet attained all those qualities, to bo found In a "cultured gontloman." This Is the time of year when there occur a largo number of banquets, and so on. It Is consequently the tlmo i PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW J ScO6OOCCOCCOOOOOOCOCOOCOOOOQ0 Pay Your SUBSCRIPTION (ii rvi:- fTr '"'"' sCr- T AND KEEP THE OFFICE CAT FAT when there are a great number of those diminutive witty tnles, known as "funny stories," going tho rounds. Among those told this spring as at all seasons will bo a few that, while everybody may laugh at them, at least some will feel they wore better ta booed. Because a thing Is funny Is no reason its shadinesb should be ex cused. Anybody that can not enjoy a Joke without something off color about it is getting beyond society fit for a University. An Engineer Applies. The following application made to the chief engineer of the Rock Island railroad, by one of the ambitious stu dent in the Engineering department, was returned to the University with the request that tho unknown writer be notified that there wore no vacan cies on the railroad at tho present time, and that therefore his services could not bo used. That tho writer Eyes Examined Free. mati, .. & i;.n r )000000000000000 Is a careful and observant person Is shown by tho fact that ho failed to sign any-name to tho application, and by his modern spoiling 6f tho word engineer. The letter follows: Mr. J. M. Berry, Chief Enjlneer, C. R. I. & P. R. R. Dear Sir: I have been studying Civil Enjlneorlng at tho University of Nebraska for tho past two years and would like very much to get some practical work with some surveying party to be sent west this coming sum mer. I hereby make application for a place with such party. Hoping to hear from you favorably, I am, Yours truly, Offlc ef Inlernillwial Carrespenrfence Scheels, Room ai, taog O St., Lincoln, Neb. Please oxplaln, without farther obligation on my 'part, how I can qualify for a larger salary and gam advancement to the position boforo which I havo marked X. Bookkeeper Stenographer Advortlslln't Writer Bhow-Card Writer Window Trlmmor Mechanical Draftsman Ornamental Doslgnor Illustrator 01 vll Service Chemist Toxtllo Mill Supt. Electrician Elootrlcal Enginoor Name Telephono Engineer Eloa-Llghtlng Supt Mochanfcal Enginoor 8urveyor Stationary Engineer Civil Engineer Building Contractor Architectural Drafts. Architect Structural Enginoor Bridge Enginoor Foreman Plumber Mining Engineer St. and No. City St. Dr. Haggard, '212-213 Richards Blk. Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 12th. Found A Senior, pin. Call at No braskan office. Buy a pin, fob or spoon now at The University Book 'Store. Tho best place to eat In town Is at Don's, 114 So. 11th Street Whv not take your baths at Chris' Bath House, corner 11th and P Sts.? Havo you seon those swell ?4,00 Oxfords at Sanderson's; they are beauties. Green's Barter Shops: Tho Rich ards, Tho Mogul. All modern. Best workmanship. Why did tho Gloo Club decorate with our pennants from tho Univer sity Book Store? Have you made your spring decora tions use one of our pannants. Tho UnlversUy Book Store. If you havo dance programs, tickets or posters to be printed, go to Mc- Vey's, 125 No. 12th St. Students wanting profitable employ ment during summer vacation call at 245 Windsor this week. Miss A. E. Soukup, Dressmaker. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St. Auto 4603. There Is no time like Harris' time. If your watch isn't up to date you bet tor seo Harris, the watch doctor, 1137 O St Why not get your spring Oxfords now while you can get a Bwell spring sampler at one-half price. Sander son's. Students make big money soiling tho Scarborough lato maps of Nebraska. Exclusive territory and free instruc tions given. Call for particulars on J. R. Carrothors, 1815 South St BAND INFORMAL FRIDAY, NINE ARMORY. Gregory's Washed Coal $6.50 If you want to be graceful and light footed go to SANDERSON'S and let them fit you to a pair of their new Party Slippers. They are beauties. ji NEW STVI F "BARKER COLLAR" WARRANTED LINEN AJSKYOUR DEALER WILLIAM BARKER CO. MAKERS OF COLLARS & CUFFS MAY 17 P. M. 50 CENTS (vrafartnPrl rvC --j M ." .TV tSfc- "i ' ' i"