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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
m TIbe3)aih IFlebraskan h Vol. VI. ISTo. 34. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1907. Price 5 Cents. GOPHERS RUN IN SIOMI XI ELECTS BAND INFORMAL I JP K id k (W MADE TO HUNT THEIR PLACE8 OF REFUGE BY CORNHU8KER8. Nebraska Wins Close and Exciting Track Meet Morgan and Alden Break Two Records. Twice in one week the Cornhuskers have triumphed over their big north ern rival, Minnesota. On Thursday Nebraska's baseball men vanquished them by the score of 8-7, and Satur day the track team continued the gal lant work, winning a dual meet from them hy the score of 54 to 44. The track meet was hotly contested, and had it not been for Nebraska grit the Gophers would doubtlesB have won. Minnesota took a big lead at the first, the score being at one time 17 to 4 in her favor. The fine work of the distance men was largely re sponsible for overcoming this lead and this, combined with the uniform good work of the team as a whole, pulled out the meet for Nebraska. The day was cold and a brisk breeze was blowing straight against the sprinters and hurdlers, which naturally slowed the time In these events. The attendance was very light, there being scarcely a hundred spectators In the grand stand. Lack of enthusiasm was very evident and was quite surprising, considering the splendid facilities Minnesota has for track nthletics. The track -was in splendid condition and the men of the team agree that it Is the best track they over "touched." Minnesota started by taking first in the high hurdles, first and second, in the discus, and first in the hundred yards.' At this juncture things looked rather black for Nebraska, but the hopeB of the Cornhuskers were much revived by the fine work of their men in the half-mile, Benedict, Morgan and Thlesen finishing in the order named and winning without being compelled to exert themselves to their utmost. In the1 mean time, Mr. Martin and "Mr. MacDonald had beaten out their Minnesota opponent in the pole vault, thus securing seven more points for Nebraska: Weller had won the shot put and taken second in the hammer throw, thus holding the Gophers even in those 'events. In the quarter-mile Benedict, aljtho ho had Just won the half, took second by a plucky sprint Knode and Burruss added six points in the hfgh jump and things were al most even again. But Nebraska had not yet played her best cards. Morgan won the mile in rectfrd-breaking time, and Davis shut Minnesota out of a second. Perry won first in the running broad with a pretty jump of practically 21 feet, and Alden broke another record in the two-mile- run, Bauman taking 'second In the pjucklest kind of a way. He ran practically half the race on his nerve and had to be carried off the field. Besides this, Burruss gave Dougherty a pretty race In the two twenty and scored Cw'o points more for Nebraska, while McDonald lost out In the 220-yard hurdles thru a piece of " (Continued on -page 3.) FRIDAY, NINE ARMORY. ANOTHER CONCERT. Glee and Mandolin Ciubs to Perform Again at Oliver May 14. In response to numerous demapds for a second concert by those unable to attend the first, the U. of N. Glee and Mandolin club have consented to give one of their delightful two-part entertainments in the Oliver theatre tonight, under the auspices of the First Christian church. . Tho record-breaking concert of March 20th is still fresh in the minds or many and this concert will sur pass even that of March 20, as the boys have Introduced new "stunts" and have Improved with exporlen. At Grnnd Junction, where the clubs gave a recital on their trip, the pa pers gave them groat write-ups. Fol lowing are a few of the comments: "The entertainment given at the Park opera house by the University of Nebraska Glee club was up to all ex pectations, and was perhaps tho strongest, most varied and niost pleas ing glee club entertainment ever given in Grand Junction. The opera house was completely filled. It was an Im mense audience and it was well de served. "The entertainment please'd every body. The husky Nebraskans are all right. Grand Junction liked them. May they come again." The club has been a big advertise ment for the University and de serves the support and patronage of the entire student body. Prices, 25c and up. Tickets now on sale at the Oliver. No Convocation There will be no Convocation today, but tomorrow a special Convocation will be held at 11:00 a. m. Messrs. Aladdin and Tschalkowsky, of the Russian Duma, will give addresses. Eleven o'clock classes Wednesday will be hold at 11:30-12:30. It is expected that the two medical schools, Ohio Medical University and Starling Medical College, which were recently united, will, bo consolidated' with the Ohio State Uplverslty in the near future. & FRATERNITY HALL X. wSmZZZZZsS Sophomore MAY :COKifoKJK I 1 M . MAY 17 P. M. 50 CENTS MODEL HIGH SCHOOL. Nebraska Pupils to Have Special Op portunity at Summer Session. In order to enable high school pu pils who wish to spend a part of their summer vacation profitably, to take up school work under export Instruc tion, and to give the teachers who at tend the regular summer session an opportunity of visiting regular high school instruction of a high ordor, a model high school Is to bo conducted upon the campus of tho University during the summer session of 1907. In each course a full semester's work will be given, two recitations being devoted to each subject dally. 'Many pupils who find that their courses are somewhat irregular, may by availing themselves of this opportunity arrange their work In a more satisfactory man ner. Pupils in small high schools, where the laboratory equipment is de fective, may thus enjoy superior train ing In the sciences duirng the summer. As a rule pupils will be limited to one course. Only exceptional students who are especially recommended by their former teachers or their princi pal will be permitted to take two courses. The fee for each course will be six dollars, except In the sciences, In which a laboratory fee of three dol lars will be added to cover actual ex penses. UNIVERSITY SENATE MEET8. (Selects Faculty Representatives for Interfraternity Council. The University Senate convened last Friday afternoon and appointed the various standing committees for the coming year and also recommend ed a list of names from which the faculty members for the Interfratern ity Council are to be chosen. The men recommended from the fraterni ties are Dr. Lees, Professor Barbour, and Dr. Fling. The names for the sor ority representatives are Miss Conk lin, Miss Heppner and Mrs. Clapp. The names will be voted on by the Inter fraternity Council some time in the near future. H. O. Nllsson, who received his de gree at mld-wlnter commencement, was a campus visitor yesterday. w,"ArrA'"Jti"'l'kk"la. (Tickets at Porter's... $1.50 Annual Hop 17, 1907 . ' ' ' .i v t o HONORARY SCIENTIFIC FRATERN ITY 8ELECT8 NEW MEMBER8. Twenty-one Receive the Hono Sigma XI Elections Based on r Promise of Originality. Tho annual olcctlon of mombors to the honorary fraternity of Sigma XI took place at tho University Saturday night. Tho following were elected: Faoulty F. J. Alway, chemistry; F. D. Barkor, zooojgy. Graduate Students Louise M. Al len, botany; Ruth Marshall, zoology; Gustav A. Pearson, forestry; Arthur W. Sampson, botany. Seniors Loroy N. Baker, meohant cal engineering;. Carlos G. Bates, for estry; N . A. Bongston, geology; B. ' E. Dobler, civil engineering; J. C. El dor, zoology; W. G. Jenkins, civil en gineering; V. H. Kendall, electrical engineering; A. L. Lott,- electrical en gineering; Ray J. Pool, botany; H. S. Smith, entomology; M. H. Swonk, on tomology; F. W. Upton, chemistry; Edith L. Webster, geology; A. R. Wil son, civil engineering; Donna L WIthey, philosophy; L. L. Zook, ag riculture. Sigma XI fraternity 1b an organiza tion related to the scientific depart ments somewhat as Phi Beta Kappa Is related to the general acadomlc de partments. In tho former, however, the basis of election Is not merely the quality of grades attained, hut the promise given by the student of future achievement along scientific lines. Candidates are recommended by the faculty. A preliminary list of those recommended Is made up first and later tho members, are selected by the committee elected for the .pur pose. In this year's group there wore twonty-ono to whom was given thla honor. Four of these wore women and seventeen men. It will be re membered that in the list of twenty nine elected to Phi Beta Kappa re cently there were seventeen women and twelve men. In the latter caso the numbers were much more nearly In proportion to the number of men and women In the class, but it is to be noted, too, that five of those elected to Sigma Xi this time were not mem bers of tho Senior class. Those receiving both Phi Beta Kap pa and Sigma XI wore Ray Pool and Edith Webster. Zoological Club. The program for the meeting of the Zoological Club, Tuesday, May 14, will be as follows: "Light Reactions of Lower' Organ Isms," by S. O. Mast. Reviewed by J. C. Elder. "Plasmodiogonle, elne, Vermehrung sart der Nlederester Protozoen," by Antonlri Stole. "Rejuvenescence as the Result of Conjugation,' 'by Sara White Cull. Re viewed by J. H. Powers. t&r ' . -K. Latin Club.. ;. The, Latin Club .will meet thla even ing. May 14, with Miss Patterson, 901 J St. rl ' v jtJ, oA'ytri. a -V- IW