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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
4 ' Zhcr Dalls tfUbrnefcan V iMMwnaa wmmm mmmtmmmmm mmmmm jmmmmm wmmmm mmm mm mmmmmmmmmmt m, ttmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -- i. . THK PHOPEttTY OP " TIIK UNIVHIIBITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nkiiiuhka. PUBUSHEO EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE BTUDENT VUK. BOAHD. Publication Office, 126 H. 14lhSt. EDWIN MILltOY 8UNDEKLAND, '07; KDITOIMK-CIIIKF ,8. M. HiNKKit, '(W - JlnnnKhJK Editor Kurd BaixaiID, '05 No'wb Editor W. K. BTAtfDEVBN, '07r IIUHIXKfW MANAOKn Oav It aiiiiv. Awttotnnt Manager BvnoN B. YOI)KH, 08, - Circulator DAT TELErHORE, Agio 1521. HIOHT, Aula 2315 in 4472 according to itu personnel, and espc chilly according to tho way its mem liovs conduct themselves while actu aljy representative ofhe University, j whothcron the Athlotic Field, at tho training table, or on '.tho trips the team makes. v In view of this, nct, and remember ing some of tho recent newspaper com ment on our tenm, wo believe that tho i University of Nobrnska should insist, and seo to it, that its athletes, when over thoy come together to' represent Nebraska, and wherever thoy may bo, shall so conduct themselves that thoy. may bring no reflection upon tho Unl- vorsity nor mar its athletic escutcheon. . I mVmrrrzC7 m b.iVjmT B.'-.'.JJK1 -WfVii kttMtti . ,,. m-v. mm4'J.i.mWF. mmh il JtwlricKar I lifirfM I rmr VKLVk 9rtl9',mmWmi3mm& V T mW VtlW IMlWlH'Mll 'fcfc &mW t i ' Editorial Rooms and Business Oiilcc Bumcnt, Admlnlttratlon Building Postolffce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. v Subscription Price, $2.00 Per Year Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo cbai'Rod for at. tho rato of 10 conts uor hwwrtlo for ovqry tlftoon words or fraction tlioroof. Faculty notions and University bulletins will Kindly bo published froo. Kntorod at tlioiio8tr(mco at Lincoln, Nobraska. r socond-clnfw mail- mnttor undor tlio Act of UonRrosH of March I), 1870. N. HO OUR ATHLETIC IDEALS. Tho Cornhusker Banquet the other night was, In many ways, most satis Tvfnotory und oncournglng to those in terested In tho welfare of athletics in nofal and of football in particular. ThoonUiuslusm, tho courugo for tho future,- the. loyalty evidenced nftor HUch a sorle of ihlsfortunes as No braska has Oxporienced this season, gave unmistublo proof pi tho genuine ness and dopth of our collogo patriot ism and our faith in athletic But there Avas another side to tho bunquet on which it is not so pleasing to comment We refer to tho conduct during tho banquet, of a considerable part of the team of so considerable a part, in fact, that It may -well bo con- EVENTS OF FORMER YEARS. Happenings of other days as record ed In Tho Ncbrasknn: ' Five Years Ago Today. "Chancellor Andrews was in Omaha on business," DCltn Upsllon held Us annual ban-, qnot at the Lindell Hotel. Three Years Ago Today. The Y. W. C. A. girls agreed to ralso $1,500 for tho Temple fund. Two Years Ago Today. Mr. '.Tames Ballangeo of Alabama , spoke on "The Single Tax" At chapel. I One Year Ago Today. Wesloyan defeated Nebraska In tha first basket-ball contest of the season by a score of 23 to 27. Tho Juniors won tho interclass foot boll championship, defeating tho Seniors In a close game. Score 5 to 0. Christmas but a Few Days Away ROYAL SIFTS FOR THE LADIES MUSIC CABINETS FOR CHRISTMAS If thoro is ono gift that pleases tho young lady friend, sister or wifo, it is tho .gift of a handsome Music Cabinet. You will realize tho ndvnntngo bf .selection here when we toll you You can choose from 47 Styles Think of it, 47 patterns in Mahogany, C-toldon Oak, Circassian Walnut and Polished Walnut. Tho stylos are Colonial, Louis XV, Louis XVJ and Modern ideas- Music Cabinets that are com bined with odd littlo desks, othoi"s made taresomblo a massive Colonial Pedestal, etc. A stylo for ovory fancy a price for every pocket book $5.00 to $50.00 Each May wo reservo ono for yon. ' mmmmTMttmrr-'i i. . LONG GLOVES FOR CHRISTMAS Better make your purchases early in this line unless you wish to be disappointed. The Glove situation is very acute and promise scarcity before the rush Is over Our Long Gloves are First Quality French Kid Only 12-bntton Suedes in black and white; pair.-. v . .$J.t-"5 .....$1.00 . -&. Hi lU-bntton Suedes in. black and white; pair ; mn 8-button Glace, in foluclc and white; pair i . . . . ; , .. . . . 12-bntton Glace, in black, whito, tan, btown, red, navy, green;-gray; pnirv.?3.r0 PHILIPPINE PROGRAM. Union Literary Society to Give Unique'; Stunt Tonight. Tho Union Literary Society will give it Philippine program at the usual hour In Union Hall this evening. Spngs will bo sung by young ladles, whose costume at loast will proclaim them belles of tho Philippine Islands and talks-will bo given on Philippine 1 (1-button Glace, in black and whito; pair . .,,..'. ?s .$8.75 Id-button Glace, in Golden Tans, pair . . .". v., ,....'...., i .S8.W Black and White Id-button Silk 'Gloves, ivitlittqublo tip7 llngora iuO Alpha Phi announces Miss Benson, '10, as a recent pledge. Fred Ackerland, M. E. 'OG, was campus visitor during the holidays. q it it it it it . it it 36 SSIQ it You cah't affortl to neglect your child's visual scnsl. Cross oyes in cliihlron lire frefluonlly-4ho fosiUt of muscular weakness, which may lo "ovorcomo with proper glasses.. Ityou liavo a child thus afflicted, gotmr opiulbn. And don't forgot tho Oarlior, tho easier in oyo enro, Hallett - Jewejer-Optician - 1143 0 33((3i? Mrs. J. C. Bell, 1414 O St. WlgB for home parties. Hairdress lng, scientific manicuring, chiropody. Nebraska was refused admission to tho Westorn latorcolleglate Basket ball League .last Friday. Wo don't want to Bell you n house, but we like to put thdflnishlng touches on the well dressed young man. Undland's the place. "O - - James Clark, '06, who is nowprao Using law at Tekamah, Neb., visited old acaualntanccs nmone the Univer sity students .during the Thanksgiving holidays. There aro no bettor hats made than tho Stotson. Unlund has all the latest lsjia'pes in Stotson hats. 7K I - ' Halr Dressers, BeR. soft water fchampoo In the city, 124 No. 12th St. B. Goodman Tanner. -x Candv Sale. The5. W. C. A. will lave a sale of x homo-made candy all day Friday, De comber 7, In the .Associations-rooms. Tho quality is kuaranteod andvtho " , prices aro. low. V P. .L O'Gnni. '02. connected with the botanical branch of tho United States! Department of . Agriculture, has just recovered from a long siege of typhoid fever. Good resolutions and goojl deeds aros tho order .of the new -year. Thoy should bo recordod in ono of ouvneat littlo diaries. Drop In tho UnL Book Store and seo them., ' slderod representative of the team. If this wore tho solo instance of any thing of this nature, It might well bo charged to tho ebullient spirits of boys colobvating the termination of a long period of hard work and solf denial. Howevor, wo fear that it was rather but tho result of tho spirit, and , tho indication of tho standards, which havo long dominated tho team but havo not before been publicly mani fested. We bollovo a University should not only Insist that its athletic teams. .should bo composed of bona fide stu dents and that thoy come up to the averago standard In their collegiate work, but that it should also require , tlio members of "teams in'Uiolr capacity of representatives of .their University, to conduct thomselves as gontlomen. Tho reputation of a Unlvorslty, as regards tho character and standards ' of its students is, to a considerable ' extent, In the, hands of its athletes as ' thoy visit other institutions. T.ho vory groat lnfluenco and prestige which the athlotic body of a school possesses Is . a 'good or a curse to tho institution subjects by Teodulo Topaclo, a Philippine student now in the Uni versity, and by Mr. Ozman, who was a soldier In the Islands at 'the time of tho Insurrection and later was tho edi tor of an American newspaper in Ma nila. ' Other purely Phillpplno stunts will bo given and several' curios will bo exhibited. Percy W. Metz, who was a member of tho graduating class last year from the Law department, Is visiting his follow members of the Alpha Tau Omega. Mr. Metz Is now practising law In Basin, Wyo. You want something, porhaps it is only a collar button; it doesn't matter what, just stop in at Unland's,riround tho cornor at Eleventh and O. Yo oldon candlesticks andyo new ones, too. A flvo-minutes peepat our old candlesticks and Tiffany glassware will start you buying. Ask Harris, the joweler, 1137 O St. He's reliable. Tennyson program, For Father A Box of Cigars or A Pipe From - "" Ed Young's , Always good. To Be Rendered by the Palladlahs In Their Hall Tonight. The following program will bo given by the members of the Palladlan Lit erary Socloty In their hall, U. 106, thin evening at the usual hour: Skotch of Tennyson's Llfo Miss Grace Whito Ono of Tennyson's Songs Miss Helen W, Anderson Two Short Poems (Recitation) . , . . . . , , . . . Miss Ethel Stokes "Enoch Ardort" (with musical ac companiment) -..,...,... .7 .Miss lmogeno Brewster ! Tennyson as a Man... .'...Mr. Krydor "Crossing the Bar"..Myrtlo Kauffman BREAD, PIES AND CAKES THE X-MAS CANDIES FHT K(M We have a l'c,,cious lULUlVA assortmcnt of candies COME IN of our own make. Gregory's Semi-Anthracite $7 ALLKRHII CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS 4 x; .; lj - X. .Sfe: . ." ' im fi r mr? . -Ik. j(lmmm , 5,l -W l $ m. t