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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
3IbeEattg flebraskan -:-.. . 1 - Vol. VI. rto.5l UtaVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, J906. Price 5 Cents. L ikJt &- i K. r v. X GAINING GROUND i SIMPLIFIED SPELLING AS ADOPT ED IN BUSJNE88. Extensive Campaign to Be Carried Out . to Secure Further Co-operation in This Direction. The Amovlcan man' of business is adopting simplified spoiling. As n re sult, tho simplified forms of words ale going out daily, In thousands of business lettora and In newspaper and magazine advertisements and adver tising pamphlets where they are being read by Millions of people. Inaddi tlou, nearlylOO dally newspapers, trade JournaHJmagazlnes and othor periodicals are using some or all of the space-economlzlngfornis. These words, consequently, as aSiotural re sult nf fhftlr frfflllint nunonrnnnn In print, aro rapidly becoming 163,8, strange to the eye of the average American reader on whoso support, after all, tho success of tho spelling movement really depends. In a "recent stock-taking of Its busi ness of securing users of Its con densed words, the Simplified Spelling Board found some rather significant DrofltHin. vWhut, mlirht bo null nil ILr wJiLIe8al,e department the depart- menvuov.oted to extension work among "those? wtfosejitdoption of simplified .spelling means Its use, not merely In an occasional personal letter, but on a large scale In commercial corre spondence and printed matter. From Us list of 10,600 signers and from some 10,000 letters and newspaper clippings, the Board learned that 1,037 firms, heads of concerns and men in mana gerial capacities anyising thoshortor forms. In this list are not includod the hundreds of professional men lawyers, physicians, chemists, en gineers nor the 1,500 clerks and Stenographers who have agroed to em ploy theae. forms. The list ofv 1,037' is limked to What might bo cnlletMm portant factors In the business field. Of these 1,037 business, men, 279 arc In Ner- York state, whore tho active support of tho movement by John Wauamaker, the Dry Goods Economist and btberwoll known firms Is rapidly spreading Its doptrlnes buslnessward. New-Yorfc City claims 213 of these adherents and so leads the commercial HsX" PWn&ylynnla Is itoxt with 94 business uaors; Ohio is third with 80; Illinois and Massachusetts each hnve more 'than GO; New Jersey comos fifth with 47 commercial adherents, led by ihuh: S.Plaiit & Co., tlio legal department of the Edison Company, and other widely known business mon. In many other- slates and cities, the wide1 use of the shorter forms by pub licatiohs Is provfug'an effectlvo agency , in converging many business men to a personal use of these forms. Within tho next few weeks, somo 25,000 letters will bo sent to buslnoss v houses, asking them 0 join in the movement and to co-operate with tho Spelling Board in bringing about ra tional spelling. In this campaign, the members of tho Boarcf aro depending " for part of tyelr expected success on appoint of difference between the American business man-and tho Brit . C L A , - m -, w ml y (Continued onpage 4.) 4 i gO0OfflO0OffiQfcOSTOOSM00( Y, M, & A, Chicken Pot Pie Dinner Cooked by Dr. B. L. Paine St. Paul's Church I Saturday, December 8, 6 p. m. ooofflc3jtfeooocte)oooooooooooo MORE PLEDGES. Several Other Fraternities Corral Freshmen List Still Incomplete. In addition to the" list of fraternity plodges announced In tho columns of The NObraskan a week ago last Tues day, tho following names have been handod In for publication. Several fraternities are still withholding their lists, but It is expected to publish all names of FYfiRhnmii nlrwln-njl in Ann within the next weok. Alpha Theta Chi. Will Fleming, Sutton; John La ton ser, Omaha; Herbort W. Potter, Oma ha; Lawrence Voavor. Beatrico: George M. Wallace, Omaha; Laurence Holland, Lincoln. Sigma Alpha Epsilon It. Ewing, St. Joseph, Missouri;. Robins, Sholton; H." Adams, Sheri dan, Wyoming; H. Clapp, Elm wood. 8lgma Chi. Ed Pollys, Lincoln; Frank Proudflt, Lincoln: C. Alloubnch, Lincoln; CI. LeRoy, Lincoln: Chester Agcr, Lin coln; Grover Thompson, Grand Island; H. B. Johnson. WILL WEAR CAPS. .Freshmen Decide .Jo Defy Time-Hon ored Custom. TliQFresTimen say "Hurrrih, we're Hums 10 nave green caps witu white loiters." Tho ipnerclassmen wondor why such .appropriate (?) colors were solocted. Tho committee, however, is not Just suro whether they will get hats 'or capB. Tho class decided to have an In formal party Decombor 15, In Memorial Hall, the admission to which will be 25 cents. Tho class also decided to go to the footbull game In a body to day. GLEE CLUB TO SING., Will Render Popular Concert at Con vocation This Morning. The Men's GIpe Club' of tho. Uni versity will make its dobut for this year at Convocation this morning with la concert of popular music. Tho club nas been hard at work since school first began and n program of unusual merit Is assured. ' V " ' The- program for the concert this' morning is as follows: V 1 f v' " The Scarlet' and Crbam.".;. . ?'' i r ",. ,; r G,- CluV - Lullaby' ; Brahms Gleo Club.' t t i whistling soio' ...:.: ? f t ' ' ' Mr. Iroland, Old Kentucky Home '.. . , ' - GIeeClub. k Male Quartet . Tho . Pope '..?.y? ' Glee Club. ', d 5 ' ",. TOie annual roport of the" treasurer Of Harvhrrt nthlnHoa aUnn o. nVrvn. $56.70 J' for, tho football sdason. ' .' Tickets, Fifteen Cents TO HAVE OUTSIDE JUDGES. 8enlor Play Committee to Ask Help in Selection of Cast. Tho piny committee of tho Senior class, at a meeting held Wednesday morning at Convocation period, defi nitely decided to sccuro tho assistance of judges entirely outside of the class of '07 for the selection of the mem bers of the cast of the play. This' is contrary to precedent' and is-done to insure a cast choBpn solely oiv the basis of morlt. ' The plan for tryouts for tho Sonlor play will not bo announcod until defi nite action is takon by the committee In regard to tho solection of the play. Several plays are being considered at tho present timo atuljt Is Hoped that a final selection can be made by tho ChrMmns holidays. If this is accom plisheaVtryouts will bo hold before, tho second semester begins and rohoarflals will commonceearly In February. Tho names of tfohulges who havo been selected to assist the play com mittee will be announcetfin a few 'flllVR v. .. " ANOTHER FAKE. i "Students' Passport" Distributed Thru University Mall. , ": t , Yesterday morning a large number of tho men of the University were more than surprised to receive thru Station A a card hearing the follow ing inscription: "Students' Passport. "This card, j,vhen properly endorsed by tho Dean of Women will 'entitle the holder to ' attend a University function with the lady whoso name Is endorsed hereon. "The same lady's name will not bo endorsed for more thnn two functions. Tho above rule Is not applicable to those ladlos residing In tho Official Dormitory. "Unmarried members of tho Faculty wishing to UBe one 6f thoKo nnnHiiort must havo the same countersigned by tho Chancellor. "' Dean of Won&iC "- - Gentleman. N" V..,-Lady." Investigation proved that this card Is only a continuation of tho campaign Instituted among the students .after the discussion over Rule J14, to Indi cate their disapproval of tho mlnuto .wntchcare apparently exerte'd by tho faculty over things social among the student body. Mr. Royal B. Kellog, who was ox pected to deliver a' series of lectures on Forest Utilization before the, classes In Forestry on December 3 nnd 4, will be unable to reach the Univer sity until later 'in the school year, and his 16ctures have been accordingly postponed. . ' ' ", ' THE FINAL GAME INTERCLA38 CHAMPION8HIP TO BE DECIDED THIS AFTERNOON. Freshmen to Play Seniors Last Game of Year Hard Game Expected Teams In Good Condition. Today at 2 : :10 p. m. tho Freshmen and Seniors will .fight out (or tho class championship tho final football game of this yoar. Tho Froshmon havo do- foatod the Sophomores, 8-0, and tho Seniors vanquished tho Junior, 17-0. Both teams nro In prime condition "and hopeful of winning this deciding strug Klo. Tho football class championship InuT become a much covetod honor at Ne braska, taking prccedenco of all saVo 'Varsity athlotlcxhonors. it means not only .the right to wear tjm class nu merals,, but. tho gift of, handsome sweaters to mqmbors of tlib winning teanu ' . Tho Seniors havo an unustuUly strong squad this year, practically ovory man on the team having had considerable experience, and many orv them having been slmr In Intorcluas or high school football. Tho Fresh men havo boon nnnutrlmiihlv lmiwll. capped by tho loss of their two nlir tlcular stars, Burnott, who won tho Frcsliman-Sophomore game with his Iwq goals from tho field, and Hawloy, who has made a very enviable reputa tion as quarterback on tho scrubs. However, whlo thoy do not feel ovor confident,, they oxpoct to put-up a iiaru gamo and. bolloveheylll win unless the Seniors show ljottojforni tliam hqrotofqro. ' &x The' game will indoubtodlv- hv pretty exhibition of football, Class enthusiasm, will runhlgh and enthusi astic rooting is expected. A movo ment was startod to dismiss the two1- nnd three o'cldck cjaflBes so thobeyory one couiu utiena tno game, and the Chancellor consented to it on condl tlon thijt tho Deans made no objec tions' hut 'tlin IntlnT- rnfiial'K'.Jrf. tlon tjio project, declaring that it' would create a bad precedont. ' The proceeds already from the F , - ' bw xlJVtk lJ nilUL' games of the Inferclass series already 1 - Jt 'A ". . . i"j"i 41111UUU1 iu uuuul liny noiiurs, so that there Is every prospect 'that tho champions will luiVo quite a hand some sum with which to buy them selves sweatern. In case, as seems possible, there is nv considerable sur plus left over after sweaters. and caps havo been provided, there Is a move ment on foot to use this to onrnnizo " a University Fieshman team next fall which shall-Jiave n roirulnr Hchodnln competing with high schools, ' minor colleges and other Freshman teams of ' like nature. This would give Fresh-., men a chance to participate In ath-V lotlcs In splto of the rule debarring ' them from 'Varsity teams and would' 1A. Ai.. 'ii ..,... . ... . - miou ouiu iiiu jiromom 01 ueuurring them from class athletics In which they havo so great an advantage un . . . ....' ' iX tier present lonmtions, '? 1 The line-up: ' " Freshmen. ' Loft end ,....' ,..Bontley, Left tackle ,, ', .Haft ' Loft guar.d ...,m .-. . . . .Spellmoyor , . (Continued on Page 3.) o A tc 4 N. K. m v K v V v i - - M Jwfc-frfa- itttmyH'Ai',f' ." - '' ."l $ ",,.. , Vtfria4f.-'tti4Vf?gitiha8tUk,i.jui 'xMen&jiiti.' A," .. i&f"'