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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
Gbe Da 11$ flebr&ahan u. '", EV VN l i le " l333EI Hi.- ' '' , V 1? I Sb . " II - ."K . 1 w Gotrell & Leonard, ALBANY, M.-T Makers ef CAPS, 60WHS art HOODS I Te thr AmrlciQ CjIIiim tid Uilvireltlii. CUSS CONTRACTS A SPECIALTY Russnible Prlcts ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON AFTER THE DANCE r- - CAtt'UP' Tl Ensign Omnibus and 5 Transfer Company,. - x ,For Good, Prompt LIVERY .SERVICE . i 3dR JNO..J&fAVIS; Qraduale Refraction-,. S Spectacle aad EyeK ahtites Correctly v Htted. k , Officl222 O St., XAuto Phono float i JV i OhooolaUs ami Tk"-ihryCiitr. FvpW -. : '" n . i iniBKinc BpcBRing on ones icci Some splcnum doous to qjd. you 20 uucoUlU to (cachera liowto AttruHliml )lo)ilnAtidlcn;e ,. I1.0G ' Kchim'ti huU'.ni'ii nntl Art of IocuIIqii ()it' llutr 'l'o tio tlu: , Volet), j, ....,.. ..;,...,.. l.W UU'IIUrToO(ttitiv. ...- 1.1V (J.immon Krroralu WrltlUK, Speaking...,.,,.. &0 It iiirord'K UonipoMtlon sua llltotorlc .;...;. l.U) It -H'e 't'liu WorOi or Wonii ... IM Mkiii itixl Opposite (rynonymi nU opp.) ..... .Ml v .'iraU:r (cplirm ly liimdredj, twlerul)v l.m J"irroaii(l Con (complete debatci) .J. ('.tinmcniutinut 1'nrti (aocclom)... ....,.. JVw ' lfii;u' That JUve Taken rriiM.t. ,.i..i,,.f1.2S Tins UtsitArnerlranOriilloiiBOfTodiiy.:..;!. 1.1M Unit.- iriStmlv Literature : 75 imtanfinrom lrjjaiirptiiry Uuldc..; M f i HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers ,,. 3t3.-3S WrifctK Str . NeW York City - Schoolbooh-r of'allJjublUhcrt at one ttore .ixJfSlS - . Vfcf,- .. '-.-VM,'.., fFIRST NATIONAL BANK cl. . ; - '- , .-. io I fHurKiHi -h nt.. aeo,e;oo TBierO8TsJ.f....-...T.r3,OT0,J0tf.00 K&Sowiii t Ifflellakli Materials lUnawhii Prlcis QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOQ i s ci roTDin ounc 0 I Repairing Factory X The only up-to-date plant in y K; the, city. It saves you time U X- and money .,.... jL2200Stj! Lis5 . t -- v - J l-c J Would, Like to be Your ;! s:';-i' - - s. T, ;Uiwidrynieai i'i v - . YULE BkOS, A Z&tfdttftMKS 'r wF I OLIVER THEATRE 4( W n' H n W rh H R JJ flit TONIGHT AT 8:15 STETSON'S f Uncle Tom's Cabin MONDAY-NIGHT, DEC. 10. , . . Merry Wives of Windsor f TUESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 11. LOUIS JAMES " ,N " ', IlLllKlLl lKUoIYlllI PRICES $1.50, $1.00, 75c & 50c. II ..LYRIC THEATRE.. 1 Mai, 3 'p. m. Evening, 7:30 and 9 Admlslon, 10c and 15c. THE ROBERT DEMATT TRIO CLEVER TANA ED. MOON MR. JACK WILDE THE LYROSCOPE - r rs f 3 Shows Dally:- 3.00, 7.45 and 9:00 p. m. Prlxe Matincss Tuesday and Thursday, - . i . , 10c ADMISSION 10c Piye., Metropolitan Favorites - WeIcH. FRANCIS & CO. One. of the VaudsVUIe Hits. Greatest Musical Act Jn Vaudeville WATERBURY BRb8. & TENNE ' Presenting "Harmony Island." MR. WILL H. SMYTHE Illustrated Vocals " mmmam rs. A European Feature WAHLUND, TEKLA & WAHLUND Novelty Acrobats MR. CHAS. H. DUNCAN Character Vocal Comedian UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. December. pThe BIJOU ' -crJdnip7ionshlp Earner Seniors yJmGni G(l ,n h, worlf Freshmen, 2:30 p. m.r campus. Glee Club Chapel. . Innocents mcBt, 5,p. in., U.Up . Palla'dlan; Literary SocletytieetB., UnionLUerary society moots. - r ; ' 7 ". - Saturday, S. ,. -- ,T , superintendent of 'Construction for English Club. Miss Morrison, 1031 kGrant & Smith, a larg6 'railroad con F street."' y h : , '. $ tltracting firm", aiul has had charge of DtT&pI;:ri.''m,0hnBl,lorab!o r ,nc!,""nB t,"-r Monday, 10. ' . ' 1 Bporlndonco of threO steam shovels. Norman Hdckdtt,f"Sliakospoare.'' lB, G, Smiley is with tho sumo corn- Wednesday, 12. ' tipany and occupies a similar position. , Prof0 E.vBarber.t'RomanvPortraitr ' '. , Sculpturoi'':. (Illustrated.) I l ,X lltll Dlltlj , O.U. Students' Agricultural apciety meets .In Memorial HttlLV 3 u?ur ' i Friday, 14. I song reoitai. lvimimu 'ftftt.' .. Satifrddy, 1&. rn-?iWsy- f f 'fr ftSdir'"- SETTS Pror, Tv u lioiton, Tino -jiyiyscnoiogy . , OhanqQllor Andrews. .sAddress M. Alpha ?iS3-igam.uat.i n y. .Ts -'- T " - "I7 rfrf Wr i H nn1n Saturday. 29. - V vu!"l',u' THE FINALGAME. I (Continued from page 1.) Centor . ... i ...... . . . v.Forris Right-guard Spraguo Right, tncklo ,. . ....... tllalllsan Right ond Proudflt Qunrterback Burleigh, Lofler. Left half , ..Arnold Righttfnlf : ;Beltzor Fullback.., t . . .i,, . . Freqland Substitufosr-McDonuld, '.Burko, , and Smith, , W V I :' 't...v Seniors & 'Left o'nd ..v Sundorlln 'Loft tucklo ?X. Meier , gr. . "r. : : : : : : : : im&SK I Right guard Crazier Right tacklo ...; Foillon j Right end : Butlo IQuartorback Lott i T nft Imlf Mvnru Right half' ... ........... V. . .Howard SubBtituVeHAviiliamH.'RuHh, Wolf. Referee Stuart. Umpire Fouler, x :-- EQUAL SUFFRAGE. Society to Secure It Being Formed In Unl Circles. Thcro Is a movoment on foot among the women of tho Unlvondty of No-braslca-to form an equal HUffrago so ciety for the. purpose of aBBortlng wdman's right to tlio fronchiBO. It is not known to whtxoxtent tho move ment Ihib gone, nolthei' IpiB any formal name.beon announced. Thero was n meeting hibt night however, of all University women: In- tereBtod'in tho .subject at the homoV.oC. Mrfli Mlnnlo' T: England, 324 Soutlr Twenty-8ixth 'strcot, vvhon it is thought - " !., x: i.ii 1 an organixuuon vcuh, iunuuiuu t Engineering Notes. B. M. Howard and Pat Day, now wltlu the Trl-Stato Land Company, wore campus visitors last week. ; Sfudoni in" Englne''orlhg lia'o lieon IntereBted Ihtiie Oroctlon-of tho ton- ton columns on tho Tom pie buinilifg. J. E. Henry, C. E. '05, is working within brother iiuKansas City, assist ing In the erection of an olglvt-story building. " '. .- x Nt "SV. M. KiUlascnft graduate "of tho University, is assistant engineer Nop the Illinois Central nnd will pass thru Lincoln during tlio month. Profossor Chatburn has received an in o4 apilicatlon from China for a copy .tins article on curbs nncbguttors, wmcii; appeared ji the Blue Print'last year, James Green, chief engineer for tho Tri-State Land- Company, Is having a series of tests made by tho department of Applied Mechanics of sands and ce- H. W. Roberts, C. E. '05, was a vlsl- tor Wth j,8 friends last. week. Hq ' R. hnon oeeIinvlnir.ho 1)OHitinn B Tho Board of Regents will ,1m vo n 1 meeting next week. r ' fl Profits for the footbaH season at Minnesota aco 120,000. " Tho Englisli Club meets Saturday evening with Miss Morrison at. 1035 F street. Phi sorority installed a now 3r at tho University' of Toronto,. Tuesday, December 4. .The chai)r brs nnoxi.". tffa..Jt iii : -itX .J - SAjVrSCAgEJ S. F. Wesierflftld g Spocial Servlco to g Dell Phone 3flrf qW ?S Auto ...... 3305 of R A Specialty in Oysters in Season 8 Or- 117.19-21 Ne.43lh 81, 8J ! UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAl 1 )8 C, A, TUCKER Jeweler,1 ? m w " - ir .. . h Rl k on. b. b. SHbAB, .uptiojan v X 3123 OlSTREET. YELLOW FRONT gi jR YdU!ff:fATR0N(i6E0LICtTED. J 1 Bcxx)cccocoooopoooooo JtwttEH ana gr riuiAB l . 8 Fine fcbairiiigapeciurr w . K tY .and tti best qf goodpft gatreaspnablc prices. - g ' . UNDERWOOD VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS 138 Htrth Eltvtnth lill 34l.f "Aiiji 3181 I 33KSJC FRESH EVERY PAY! Oni? Cadle andsBiilu'd Qeods jure Aiwy Freafc find Oood.,' CtrlDg la ur"p8uUlr) "v THE MAXWELL CO., TSmth. Pkeaca. X3tk W Btvtm T.J.TH0RrftCQ4 v - . . '. ; . . L TflJ SmI. TriiChckl.Ktti. f LMkimilhlM. Genera Lckimlthlrrf( Qenertr McMm Wrki:rfi MachiM Wwhi, MiM Makers, tic. I 308 So, lllh, LINCOLN: !ABB0W8 Ckwc Shrunk, QaarUr SiM.CsUtf J cr.ujrtTf ITJATIODV & CO. Uakera of CfcftU ftrxl Hoaarvlk Hhlrt ISJSMSMMBjMMB pXJpftipfl 5? UONARJV I VT IS w ffll JL cr.urrr, i'eahodv & co. AM MVcrof C'ltmUftrxl HuHrvhHhlrU .Wlf-I I1S83 Mm: ''.'. tj&sski: 1 , :. S ? x i i NT . . T -.k-- .k V