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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1906)
,,'t . f . 1Xbe.Saffo IRebtaehan W,; ir Vol. VI. No. 53. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 906. Price 5 Cents. GLEE CUJB SINGS MAKES DEBUT BEFORE A LARGE AUDIENCE. g)000000000000 STILL UNDECIDED 8ENIOR8 AND FRESHMEN STRUG ' OLE WITHOUT SCORE. . u V. M, C. A, Chicken Pot Pie Dinner -Cooked by Dr B. L. Paine - Z hxu lL N. tt K V N . i . ' 1 ' I,'1 ' r i-a- . sdB iV. t i. H Varied Program Rendered Old 8ongs Predominate Evidence of Un- usually Good Material. 'y, " N Before an audience which strained tho capacity of Memorial Hall lo Its utmost, the University Glee Club mado its bow for tho year of 1906-1607 at Convocation yesterday morning. Most of the selections rendered were parts of the club's roportoiro last year, but were nori'e the less acceptable for that reason. , The" opening Bong, "The Scarlet und the Cr.eara," winding up with the Uni versity yell, put tho audience Into an enthusiastically rocopttvo mood, and BrahnTsx "Lullaby" was applauded to the ' echo. v A whistling solo by Mr. Ireland brought forth "vigorous de mands for an encore, but tho limited time available prevented the re appearance of Nebraska's "whistling baruVir r NAncarrangoment of "My Old Ken tucky HomeV as a solo by George Johnston', wltlv humming obllgato and chorusby the Glee ClUb, was most creditably rendered and gave great promise for further work by the club along that line. Instead of tho male ' quartet which had beon advertised to appear, fin "elevontot" offered two of the most catchy numbers of last year's program, the J'PIckanlny Lullaby" and "Nut Brown Maiden,"- tho latter of which gave the first cHance for a heartyvlaugh in tho entire, program. The last-selection was a new ono, . -. . . entitled The Pope," and was, excel lently rendered. Taking everything Into consideration, the club showed up extremely well. Somoentrances were trlflo rough 'and, in thov',Scarlet and Cream" song, there was a very notice able confusion of words, but in other respects wo have nothing but praise. The "quality of voices in tho club this, year is fully up to the standard and there is every, reason to believe that the club- will meet with at least as equal an artistic success as did the organization last year, FRATERNITY HOU8E.BURN8. : ' . Members of Chi Psl at 'Cornell Meet . - Death in Flames .' Six men killed, two fatally Injured, and a number of others seriously in jured, Is the record of a fire which destroyed the Chi Psl fraternity house , at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., at -8 o'clock yesterday morning. '. Twenty-seven- -students were' asleep in tho house when the fire started and several were burned to death before help arrived. A volunteer fire de partment appeared as soon as ttie fire was reported and two of Us number were crushed to death beneath the falling walls of the house. , Seyeral thrilling rescues were made, , ono , of them by a former captain of Cornell's football team, who carried to, safety' several men on thl&i year's football squad. One of the students fatally burned was' the fullback of Cornell's 'Varsity this season. W'&&& A ! .O? if. ..rjgKafr, - t . rX St. Paul's -V Saturday December 8, 6. p. m. OfflO00000000000 o AN UNFORTUNATE AFFAIR. Members of Surveying Class Detected ' In Unfair Work. Several days ago one of tho Unl vorslty classes In Surveying had an examination and in marking the pa pers tho Instructor was astonlshod to And tho similarity that existed be tween several answers In different papers. Taking tho papers before the class, tho instructor notified his Btu donts thhbvlt was known that several men had done unfair work and that If they would coma to him voluntarily they would nott bo reported to the Chancellor for expulsion. To the surprise of tho Instructor, not only tho .studontB lie had in mind reported to him to ask clomency, but at 'least a half a dozon others, all of whom pleaded guilty to unfair work. The professor In question decided that the punishment of the offenders should consist in their debarment from fur ther work in tho department aftor tho end of this semester. FINAL TRYOUT8. Qlris' GJee Club to Start Work This Afternoon. Mrs. Raymond, thor director of "the Girls' Glee Club, announcetrthat tho final tryouts for the club will be nold hls afternoon at 4:30 o'clock In room 8 of "thq .University School of .Music Building, opposite the campus. At this tryout the? personnel of tho club will bo completed and plans for the work of the year will bo announced and discussed. Mrs. Raymond had Intended to be gin rehearsals with a full club before the present time, but 111 health has prevented her from assuming any more duties than wero absolutely necessary, and In consequonco, the. club has had to wait Work will be pushed from now on, however, and, re hearsals will come twice a week for about a semester An hour's credit is granted, by the University for satis factory work in the organization. Students' Debating . Club. , Tho. Students' Debating Club will hold Its regular weekly meeting this evening.-. After a short parliamentary practise, the following question will bo debated: Resolved, That the University au thorities are not justified In enforc ing the segregation of the sexes. Affirmative R. R .Smith A. G. Case beer. Negative W. B. Hill, O. C. Wisdom. The membership of the Y, M. G. A. to date is 370. Thirty-five now mem berg were enrolled .during1, November and' work" In all 'lines lgreported as progressing nicely. tto - JCfei &t&tfLL.: .'a. Church o Tickets, Fifteen Cents X 'VAR8ITY "N" AWARDED. Sixteen Football Men Receive Corn busker Insignia. Sixteen 'Varsity "N's" woro award od to tho members of Nebraska's foot ball squad for tho season of 1006 at a meeting of tho Athlotlo Board held yesterday afternoon. The men who rocolvod tho honor are as follows: Mason, Matters, Har voy, Taylor, Chaloupka, Sohmldt, Wllko, Rice, Oraig, Johnson, Cooko, Wollor, Little, McDonald, Drain, and Donslow Tho last three named woro glvon tho Unlvorslty letter, - not bo cause they had fulfilled tho require ments usually enforced the playing of a complete half in certain desig nated games but because of their faithful and long-continued work In support of tho team. 'This was done on Coach Foster's recommendation and is an innovation in Nebraska's athletic circles. PRELIMINARY 8CHEDULED. Intercollegiate Debate Preliminary to Be Held December 18 and 19. At ameetlng ot tho Debating Board yesterday morning it was decided to hold tho preliminary for selecting tho debating squad on the evenings of De comber, 18 and 19. The squad will probably consist, as usual, ot about fifteen men. , r The' question for both of tho inter collegiate debates is: Resolved, That American cities should seek thtf solu tion of the street railway problem thru private ownership. Nebraska will uphold tho affirmative at homo' against Wisconsin and tho negative at Urbana against Illinois. Both debates will be hold on tho evening of Friday, April 15th. It Is expected that a large number of last year's men will re-enter the debato arena again and much promis ing new material Is on hand. Foresters Will Pow-wow. Unless the weather turns suddenly very cold, the Forestry students will have their unique" entertainment In the woods, Saturday night, 'as stated earlier In the week. Take five o'clock Lincoln Park car. It Is hoped .that Mr. Norman Hack ctt, the member l of, Louis James 'company, who is to address the stu dents at Convocation xn next Mon day, can be persuaded to give a second address on "The Merry Wives of Windsor" at some time on Mbnday afternoon.' Watch the bulletin boards for an 'announcement , L. ,.B, Stllson, prominent horticul turist and bee-man, visited the State Historical Society Wednesday. iimmnJ'A.Z -, jx. Freshmen Outplay Seniors Seniors1 Miss Frqe Kick by Small Mar . gin Large Crowd Out. V Tho Senlor-FroBhman football game which was played yostorday afternoon resulted in no scoro on .oithor side, nnd was probably tho most florcoly contested class gamo that has boon played upon Nebraska Flold for ypars. Thoro Is no doubt that tho Frosh mon outplayod tho Seniors at ovory point oxcopt at punting, whoro How ard clearly surpassod Boltzor, the Freshman punter, but tho Sonlors would undoubtedly havo scored u flold goal in tho first half if thoy had not played in a, little hard lucks- With the wind, blowing strongly against him, v Howard tried a placo kick from tho forty-flvo yard lino, which fell Into tho arms of tho Freshman quarter back, just botweon tho goal posts. It was certainly ono of the prottlost kicks that has been made on tho grid Iron in n gamo this season, and do sorvod n llttlo bettor luck. However, in tho toam work tho Freshmen outclassed thoir opponents, making their first down four or five times to tho Seniors' once. The Freshmen tackles opened great holes In tho lino, which enablod the backs to go thru for four or five yards at a lirao. " In thoflrst half 'tho ball was mostly In the Senior" territory, withVono ox ception, whon? byn fumblethe Seniors gained possession of the oval In the Freshman territory, Here an attempted place kick by Howard gave the Freshmen tho ball again, "and the half ended. t Tho second half was played all over the field, with tho laurels all In favor of the Freshmen. They rushed the ball down the field, making their dis tance often and consistently. An, at tempted place kick by Bbltzer on the thirty-five yard line was blocked, but tho Freshmen gained the ball a mo ment later on u fumblo and tried an other "klpk from the thirty-five yard lino. Tho ball rolled over to tho east sldcTof tho field and was secured by a Freshman on the ten yard line. A lino buck netted four yards, and things looked blue, for the Seniors, but. the reforee's whistle saved them from dis grace and time was called. ' Tho game will probably be played off some tinie noxt week, and will no doubt attract a larger crowd than was present yesterday, altho a j larger,, crowd witnessed the gamo than has been present at a class gamo for many years. Over forty-threo dollars w&s taken in at tho gate,' which together with the fifty already on hand, In sures for tho winning team a sot of the finest sweaters and caps that can bo obtained. Tho Hpe-up was as announced in yesterday's Nebraskan, Turner 'being tho only substitute used. He went in at left end for the Seniors to replace Sunderlin. Coach Stuart was referee ' and Rice was umpire. I "V. v "s" -v ; - l