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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1906)
J SW - fM - -ttMtt mmwwimvmmumminnnmWfmaiiuiHAMmmuMtaiimmim XWmHHH ,,,, POTHPNHWVwnBEffRVlQm r.jsiiiiibrftfrtog.L,dK. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. v ' - K Jt i " SIX l K, Qbeg),aUs1Retragftan ' OWNED AND DIRECTED BY THE BOARD Of REGENTS OK TIIK UNIVKnHITY OK NkUIUBKA, Lincoln, Nkhiiahka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY HY THE IIESPEMAN PUH. CO. Pnbllcatlon Office, 128 N. 14th St. EDWIN MILROY SUNDERLAND, '07. - KDtTOIMN-CIIIKr .B. M. Rinakkr, '00 - - Managing Editor Frrd Dai.laiU, t -.-- Nows Editor, W. E. BTANDEVEN, 07. j IIURINKSn MANAGER - GAYllAnnv, ..-.- AiwlBtant Mnnagor' Byron Er-YouKU, '08, Circulator BUTEUmiE, Auto 1521. M'QHT, Auto 2385 and 4472! Editorial Rooms and Business Office BMmnt, Administration Building Postoiflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. Subscription Price, 52.00 Per Year Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. INDIVIDUAL NOTIOEB will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta per Insertion for ovory fifteen wordfl or fraction thoroof. Faculty " uo'HcW'ajiU Uiilv'orBltyttuUotlnslll'glRdlytKj published froo. Entorod at tho poatnfllco atLlncoln.Nobrnska. an second-claw mall matter under tho Aot of Congroen of March 11,1879. A REPLY. In rcplyttotho editorial in yester-( day's Nobraskan, taking " to- task tho Senior Laws for their apparently un warranted action In forming a class organization after participating In the general Senior election, tho following, communication has been received by tho editor: Editor NebruBkan: As a Senior Law, in 'answer to yesterday's edi-' torial in the Nobraskan I would like to say that the purpose of tho organiza tion bf tho Senior Law class was for tho purposo of having an effective way of conducting affairs which pertain to the law classes and law schools alone. The medicul school has its Medical Soploty, the engineers their have only a few more words to Bay before restlnc our case. If, aslr.. Green states, tho inujorlty of the Senior Laws favor the amalga mation with tho academic Seniors so far as the vital points of class govern ment and organization are concerned, and are willing to share heartily in the exponses incident to Senior week and other regular class functions, our only objection to tho proceduro of last Wednesday is that tho . organization perfected was called tho "Senior Class of tho Collego of Law." It is significant that ModicB and tho Engineers have their "Societies," not their "Classes" and that in no way do they assort independence from tho general Senior class. Wo acknowl edge heartily that the Laws havoxomo unique interests and wo believe some organization specifically formed to deal with them might bo advisable, but It certainly should not bo drawn along class lines nor labeled with a class numeral. Tho only "square" thing that the Laws can do in our estimation is to chungo tho-namo of their-orgaulzation and issue at once ,a statement repre senting a majority of their number, setting forth plainly their exact atti tude toward tho University Class of 07. AT HERPOLSHEIMER'S JEWELRY DEPARTMENT You will find everything in JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CLOCK8,KSterling Silver Toilet and Manicure Articles. WeLEAD THEM all in THI8 LINE, as well as In PRICES, Come In and see the new BEAD CHAIN8, just arrived. In -all sizes and colors. Wo have Just received a new line of UNIVERSITY PINS in very neat designs in Sterling Silver and Gold Pilled, at 25c and 50c. You can havo tho above in Stick Pin or Brooch Pin. Largest lino of Sterling Silver Souvenir Spoons in tho city. Over 250 designs to select from, and at prices from 48c up. ALL ENGRAVING DONE FREE OF CHARGE. WATCH AND .JEW ELRY REPAIRING DONE at popular prises, and workmanship GUARAN TEED. Watch Cleaning 75c Main Spring 75c All Work Guaranteed for one year." . BE8T MAKE ALARM CLOCKS, warranted for one yean Special.. 75c SPECIAL NOTICE. Always boar in mind that Our Eye Specialist, DR. D.P. COHEN, will cx amlno your EYE8 FREE OF CHARGE. " Broken Louses Replaced at short notice. We Editors. , Editing a collego paper is a nico thing. If wo publish Jokes, people say wo aro rattleTCaded. If we don't we are fossils. If wo publish original matter, JJiey say we don't give them enough selections. If ge give them se lections, they say we are too lazy to wrlto. If wo don't go to church, wo aro hoathons. If we do, we are hypo crites. If wo remain at tho ofllce, wo ought to be out looking for news itoms. If we get out, then we aro not attend ing to business. If we wear old clothes, they laugh at us. If wo wear good clothes, they say wo havo a pull. Now what are wo to do? Just as likely as not some ono will say wo stole this 11 ' ' The New Driveway. Tho students of . engineering, especially- in the C. E. group, have -been showing a. great deal of interest in tho building of tho paved driveway from R street to the Administration building. Tho driveway is to be built of paving brick on a concrete founda tion, with artificial stone combined curb and gutter. The drive comes from tho street to tho south door of tho building and circles back to the street again. Reimers & Fried have the contract for its construction as well as for the sidewalks which are being built around the bulltllng. Tho contractors are using a Smith mixer, driven by a gasoline motor for ma"ktng the concrete and with the help' of this improved machine expect to complete the Job very soon. r p For Men Only. Dr. C, E. Bessoy -will address Uni versity men Sunday, October 7, at 3 p. m. In Memorial Hall on tho subject, "Some Things a University 'Man Can Do.'' A large attendance is desired. Another One on Mary. Mary once had fifty cents, . But down her throat she letxit go, And now Bhe's usng Floischman's yeast That she may raise the dough. Portland Pill Box. H. S. Clason, who graduated from tho classical .course of the Univer sity in 1892, and who used to bo much interested. In Botany, remembered his Alma Mater by sending, a few days ago, n curious specimen ofa Lodge polo pine stem with, tho cones 'deeply Imbedded in tho wood. It created con siderable commotion in the Botany Department when it was passed around among tho instructors and ad vanced students. Mr. Clason Is in business in Denver. it it it it it it .it it it it it it it it it it it -se- mt 2 1-2 inch ribbons. Very doggy. Look me up about them. They just came in. BUDD. $2.50 Hatter. 1141 O WHY PAY MORE? ( "Engineering Society, but tho laws hav ing no Bucir6rganlzatlon, all things pertaining to tho law school, hav "come up through tho separate law classes. When the class organized, It wasn't for tho purposo of affronting tho Senior Academics, nolthr was it intended to repudiate tho alliance When tho Senior Laws participated in the Senior class election after the .conduct 6f the Senior laws of last year which we have never approved of they cortainly did it with their eyos open and' with the intention of shoul derjng the dutieB which such partici pation would demand from all gentle men. Just .because a citizen of Lan caster county supports a county gov ernment' Is no reason why he should not be allowed -to havb;a voice In tho State Government. Anply tho same to the Laws of tho Senior class. , . J. R. GREEN. 'In answer to Mr. Green's statement of the position of the Senior Laws we from an exchange." So we did. The Armour" Institute Fulcrum. ' ' We take pleasure In seconding tho motion. Dr. H. B. Ward has been notified of five positions for graduate students in Zoology: two fellowships; Zoology to bo taken as a Major, and Botany as a Minor if desired; and positions in tho 'government service, in a normal school and in a college. The salaries of the last throe range from $840 to $1,400. Dr. Ward was called upon to recom mend candidates last, spring for po sitions with salaries as high as $1,500, but was unablo to do so from lack of available students. New Fall and Winter Waists White and Black Net Waists,. Silk lined, from $3.75 up. Very handsome styles, at. 7T $6.00 JReal beauties, for $7.50 up to $10.00 Silk Waists in Taffeta Pean-de-cIeneCrepe-de-chlne, etc. A large number of styles in black and all co.lorB. Tucked and pleased, with turn-down collars. Great values at. . . i $3.90 A Correction. In" Friday's Nebraskan, Dr. F. J. Al way was reported, as In charge of the "Department of Agriculture" at the experiment station. This, should havo read "the Department of Agricultural Chemistry." ' '. ' Waists for $5.00 - At this price we make a Bpeclal 'effort, filvlngHho best stylosarid .material which tho market has to offox Tho fact is that tho waists which we sell at $5.00 are really $6.00 'values. Our assortment at this price Is very complete. T I New Tailor-made White Linen Waists and oyelot embroidered styles, excellent values at $1.75 to . . , $3,.00 Gloves for Fall Wear Don't put off buying your long gloves for fall. The glove market Is In a very uncertain condition, and thoro is no assurance of, ordors which aro oven now placed being tilled. We have a fairly good sup ply at present of 8, 12 and 1G button gloves, In all tho new shades and In silk, from $1.50 to. . . i $3.75 Miller & Paine AtlECRETTI CHOCOLATES AT RECTORS r I .! $ j