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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1906)
raefcan ". A Vol. VI. No.UJ UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1906. Price 5. Cents. ms& m fin m K ' ...... - 9 ! ", ' i Ir I) ft b ' W ft i ' i. M: kj- w TODAYS v. HARD TUS8LE WITH SOUTH DA KOTA EXPECTED. Teams Evenly Matched Both Light Linkup of Game Last Night's Practise. i Excitement prevails In football cir 'cles' -today. From what wo hoar of South Dakota's tenm, the boys from the north are coming here with the expectation of making its hustle for nny glory that wo may get out of the game. There is no doubt that the two towns as they will appear on the field today, are almost matched, as far cui..weigjiUlri concerned, for, .from statistics, both teams will averago a little moro than t04. .pounds . to the man. Evidently, beef "nnd brawn are riot going ttf win, tho gamofor us, but science axAC speed. The new game will bo tested today In u way that was not possible In last Saturday's game. The advantage of weight being eliminated, recourso will be bad to tho new, snappy plays that nro allowable under the new rules. Advices frbm Vermillion Indicate that tho South Dakota team is much stronger than last year. Coach Whlt tem6re says his men -are In excellent cQiitjltion .and will play, to win. The. 'Varsity's final practise last night was devoted almost entirely -to slgnaJ;W.ork, winding up. with a short" ponou oi secret signal praciiBo in inw 'Gymnasium, - s Tho- "-two scrub teams which have , been faithfully u hammering away nil vpoek'f.wer'e'lried upgainst each oth or for a. short gan'te. They wore very .evenly matched and a fierce contest. followed. Fumbles- characterized tho jttay and the ball' changed hands' fro uently Tho only score was made by a field goal from drop kick hy Haw key, ,whoBo' kicking- and running with (he, ball was the feuturo of tho game. - ' Nebraska McDonald. 140 L .B. "Matters, 190 ,..,. .L.T.I Chalqupka, 177 u. u. WilkiG, 1707 Harvey," 185 ...,C. Ewing, 109 ,..R. G. " Donslo'w, 153. . . : . : ..u: : . . : R. E. ' ook, 148, Benedict, 125, DralnlBO. , ' ....v,. .......... Q. B. 1 Jittlo. 172 ..C.v.'i.' i. . L. H, B. i Schmidt,' l'GG ..: .:,,. k . vt-i .It. H. B7 'Mason, 154 ...F. B. South Dakota: ' Cooper,. lGtr:..'.' ' Tj. e. thrown, 'CapL)175 . '. Ij. .T. ImbsrWB w -L- riJrlsblne, 170 ..,.-. T.... C. ) Dugga'n 180 R. G. JmtlU 4 iMif t m i tv X Evans, 158 '. R. E. '.Case, l48,'Ryan, 145....'...' Q. B. , Coffey, 118, Illsley, 154, .. . L. H. B. t Hart, 155. .,...., '...:, .R. H. B. ' O'Noll, 165. ...i. -............ ..F. B. Subs. for.S.D.: Sinclair, 1. e., 150 lbs.; Kolb, cf. 165; Keeling, t. and g., -inn. -i.i ir. ire. .xxr.n...... j.. .. 17u; OlsLo.n, to., 155; Wodlrnnders, g., 170. Games Today. 'Nebraska vs. South Dakota, at Lin coln. , , - , : ' Kansns vsi St.. Marys, at Lawrence.1 Drake 'Vs.i Buenn Vista, at Storm Luke , Colorado vb, Denver, at Denver. Michigan" vs. Qaso, at Ann Arbor. ' Cornell vs. Oberlln, at Ithaca. Harvard vs. Maine, at Cambridge; Yale vb'. Syracuse, at New Haven. Missouri vs. Warrensburg, at Colum-hia. THE GAME 000000C0OS50000a0000000020 PERSHING x FRATERNITY HALL FRIDAY, OGT0BER JI2 WALT'S ORCHESTRA Ti6KETS'$15 )00OffiO0000000 UNIVERSITY MAN CH08EN. E. H. Wllllsford Elected Truant Officer by the Board of Education. At n recent meeting of the Lincoln school board, Rev. E. H. Wllllsford, wtio took hiB dogreo of PK.DT tit the University this year, was appointed citytruaftt officer for tho coming Bchool year. v Heretofore truantwork has been ontrusted to a police officer, but now' tho problem Is to be attacked In a now way. "MrTWilllsford Is an active "Bill" Johnson. T"Blir-'-John8on, one of the speediest ends "and surqst tackleB that over woro tho "N," played three years on tho 'Varsity and tlfreo" years on the Lin coln High School team. He Is now assisting Coach Fostor on tho athletic field. I). worker In tho College Settlement of this city and his now task will bo to got delinquent children, into school by moral suasion When ntall possible. ' j Mr. Wllllsford has recently returned from a. six months' trip abroad and 'is to bo actively engaged In philanthropic. work thruout tho winter-,- ; . - it - Miss Katharine Sterling, '04, has jflmrge of'th'o Gorman work of tio Franklin High School of Seattle, and Is doing graduate work at tho Univer sity of Washington. ,, , Heae&a6&ai6&ai6sf6aiealc&3KHe&aiei -i 1 "HHHHHIv "HHHHHHIA ,H (vMfc;timt:j--Jtkr- rl Vm. H torn WxiJ!T,'-Ti,'i rtO xH iw -v- . - v4 ' m B.V K iSesison Football Tickets i r i i i i . , , ' CAN BE ' THE DAILY OFFICE -r (Vrv 2? 1 .c RIFLE HOP Freshmen Politics. Politics ate growing wnrmor and warmer in the FreBhmen class. Tho usual squabbles between towns Is on. So far, candidates foV president are .HeHeth,,an,olduicadeJtny,' map,, whoso, homo IS in Iowa; Geoi-go'Mydllaco, of Omaha, and possibly McDonald, of York. This year a new development has appeared" In that some ot the fac tions aro making out com pie to tickets for nil officers In tho gift of the cIobh. It is rumoed tbut various dark horses will bo Bprungt tho meeting. Edgar Cotton. Edgar Cotton, the famdus 'Vurslty tticlde, has held his position on the Nobraska line for four- yenrs against all comers. Cotton Is pow assisting the head potfeh on tjio football- field. i ne uevenage Meeting ' " " Thursday evening; Senator Albert Jf Bevorllge, of Indiana, opened tho re publican campaign In. Nebraska by ail eloquent address at tho Oliver. The University Band escorted the speaker to tho theatre and tho University Re publican Club was present en masse. The Club ocqupied the tjenter bectloil of tbe balcony and managed to get hi some very effect ivo rooting prior- to th6 speaking. The Kappa Knppn Gammas will give j a reception to Alpha Phi this evening; -ac- cal63696!! dK3c3fc3feafc9icHc ,.,, i . ' , ,. : HAD AT NEBRASKAN . i y x J1 g0000000C GLEE CLjJB TRIP MANAGER AGEE ANNOUNCES DEF INITE WESTERN TOUR. ' predlt for , Vork ,6n' plub , lncred Tryouts Announced More Appll cations Wanted. i X, Tho Gleo and Mandolin Clubs held thoir first buslnoss mooting Thursday night and dlBcussed 'tholr plans.; for tho coming year. Manager Agoo pre sented avory bright dutlook for a big trip In the spring. Ho said that ho could promiso as something tnat'cbriltU bo absolutely depended uipon, n trlb thru Colorado and' southorn Wyorainlf. , Beyond'UhatiXllYlliniiend' ort Uiq ' men tiiemsolvos. ' , ' '" At tho oTd-mon stahd yth clubliR they did last "year and tho now men follow their exanrplo. It is hoped that tlio trip mny be oxtehdod ns fin ix Holt Lake City. "Now thlV tho man ager emphatically concliidedSiMii ho pipe drenrii nor hot air blorft, suchvon wollvod upon Inst year, but'ji stralgb business proposition backed by cold fucts and cold dollars'. Tho facts wo havo and the dollarsuro whrc-wb can got them 'by merely tnklng thorn' Chancellor- Androws and Registrar Clark huvo promised that tho crddlt for tha work will bo increasod from oho hoiifpr tho year to twd, putting the Gleo ClUKon a par with tho UnJ- Jtcrslty Chorus asvfor as credit Is conr cornod. This fact hroxpected tb brlhuv moro men out. for thnMrvnntii litih coiudv olhorwlso bo expectodInco II, ' will lessen thp number ot " hoursthat a candidate vlll feel hltnsolfM required to carry In order, to hold his, own "in the Unvorslty. ." Tryouts will begin olrhMoprtriy night, when tho tenors will bo put thru Ihoir 1qcos, and will last thruout the wcok. kucii man who has nilod out an appli cation blank will bo notified by postal whenjo appearbut tenors nro hereby notified to show up Mopdny ovoning at 7:30 in Memorial Hall. J Tho old mon nro already busy with rehearsals for nn early .appearance nt ' Convocallon. uBi dolngithls IhV-Club Is doing what no other Gleo Club has ovor 'don'o' in the history of tho Unl- -vurslty. Ordlnnrl)y thorphuvq not bcea enough . men bock lomakjo.-an arly appearance a, possibility. The' date fqr their, appearance Is to bo posted sjiortiy: ' College Settlement Election. ' At convocation yesterday morning, members wore elected to servo on. the college settlement board. Professors Fosslor and Dnnh were elected from tho faculty; Professor Fotfsler to fill a f vacancy and Professor Dann', a3 a new member. .Misses Eleanor An drewrf and Virginia Zlmmer, and Messrs, H. C. Slovdns and A. W. Aron we're electedfrom tho student body. Following tho election, students from tho. University School of Music gave this program:, Violin Sixth Air. . .' Do, Borolt Miss Genevieve Mario Fodvca., VolcoGlpsy Maiden, I...r... Parker Miss Francolla French. Piano Theme, Four Variations and Finale from Symphonic Etude, opus IS . , Schumann Miss Floss Denny. ' "v. 'A J"' . Jf i'7- f&J'&lf&l'-)- i i J -VI c