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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
Zlbe 2atl$ IFlebraekan i IS . FV (Mil fSJ. mm KB? Vol. VI. No. JO. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN? FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1906. Price 5 Cents. GAME TOMORROW SOUTH DAKOTA REPORTS UN USUALLY STRONG. TEAM. - . Good Game Assured Open Practice Last Night New Men Out plays Work Well. The Dally Nebraskau is in receipt of a letter from Vermillion which states that tho South Dakota team is in excellent condition and will make Nebraska work hard to win on Satur day. South Dakota loseH three of her best men this year because of the 11 rm -stand that the faculty has taken against delinquency in studies. A new and rigid' scholarship rule has been adopted and strictly enforced. The claim is that could those three men play, South Dakota could come to Lin coln this year with tho strongest team that has ever ronresented their uni versity'. Nevertheless, the South Da- kotans think their team is a winning ' team and promise to make us hustle for our laurels. , Practice on the athletic field grows wildly exciting for tho rooters. Secret practice has been abandoned and the now plays are critically watched. "Pip" Cook has been shifted from end Jo quarter, where he bids fair to make good. McDonald Is getting his leg into shape and by the looks of things a gopd many goals from the field will bo made-. i,v Several new men have ropqrted to I VDiUUUhL'i fU&Ul UUIlUf) lliv; llttik iw. tlie Hno-up for the coming game' may . . . . ... ... . ... M uo cnangea rrom tnat 01 iosl weeu s game. From forty to fifty men" are out everys evening .now. and the field looks quite like old times again. llpjeher. Harvey and Howard, are the moBti promising of the new mon and show an interesting game to tho old '"men against whom they are pitted. Denslow Is not up to his best form as his leg is troubling him again, but he will be all in the game when the whistle blows Practice last night was fast and snappy, the cool weather seeming to glvirthe real football atmosphere to tho work. After tho ' coaches had given tho men work at falling on tho ball, on the chnrging machine, going down ' under punts and other elementary fea tures of the game, the Varsity and the scrubs went thru a -faatvslgnal prac tice. The work wound Uh with a sharp scrvlmmagQ, the scrubs kicking off to tho Varsity. The first team tore tho scrubs line wide open, the Varsity backs going thru for long gains on , straight bucks. Tho forward pass-wasi worked twice for good gains and lu a few minutes the Varsity scored. ,ntThen the scrubs were given tho ball 'cm the VarBlty's two-yard lino with .four downs in which tq make the dis tance. The Varsity lino held like a stone wall and the scrubs were car ried back op every attempt. ,. jr. " Senior Laws Elect. i The" Senior 'class, of" tho College of Law mdt ori, Wednesday- and plected t$o followingl officers fpr the first se--me'stor: President, Edward 'Affolter; .vlco president, J. W. Hoar; secretary, Harry Keyser; treasurer, B. C. 'En yartf sergeant-at-a'rms, A. C. Meier. FOOT BALL SAT.. OCT. 6 "f SOUTH DAKOTA vs. NEBRASKA a .. )y)oyQwtgt3 ) swiKa DR. F. J. ALWAY. New Head of Department of Agricul ture at State Farm. October 1st Dr. F. J. Alway took charge of the Department of Agricul- Frlday Convocation. The following program will bo fur nished by the University School of Muulc: Violin Sixth Air. r-r Do Borlot Miss Genevieve Marie Fodrea. ture at tho State Farm. Ho Ib a grad-1 Voice Gipsy Maiden, I Parker uate of Toronto 'College and received his Doctor's degree at Heidelburg In 1897. For the past eight years Dr. Alway has been head of tho Chemistry Department at Wosleyan. There ho Miss Francolla French. Piano Theme, Four Variations and Finale from Symphonic Etudo, opus 13 Schumann MIbb Floss Denny. x I N. UNIVERSITY YELLS No. 1 U-U-U-N-l, Ver-Ver-Ver-si-TI, N-E-Bras-KI ' Oh-h-h My. No. 2 Hoo-Rah-Rah Hoo-Rah-Rah HOO-rah, HOO-rah Ne-Bras-Ka. Hoo-Rah-Rah Hoo-Rah-Rah HOO-rah, HOO-rah Ne-Bras-Ka. No. 3 Not in use. No. 4 V growl, a whistle, Hoo-RAH, Ne-BRAS-Ka. ATHLETOOARD UNIVERSITY. 8ENATE. ADOPTS NEW REGPLATION8. Work of Board Defined Mor6 Careful Administration Demanded in Control of Athletics. has built up a strong department and, has made many researches along the lines of organic and agricultural chem istry. The most recent subject of his investigation is tho alkali soil or' the arid vgeions. His principal work at the State Farm wlIFUo along the llpe of oxperlment station research. Ho will also teach Chemistry In the School of Agriculture and will bffor next so mester a course for University stu dents In the methods of agricultural chomlcal analysis. Basket Ball Practise. Basket ball practise beginning, next Tuesday, October Sthplit 4:00 p. m. will be held' twice a week thruout the season. Pragtlso will bo held on Tues days and Thursdays on the Gymna sium iloor and all candidates for the team are requested to come "out at once. Connhusker Meeting. TM. 1 1. ..! .... rft.. ...111 iitf.nt 41lr iiiu wui iiiiiiniwi niun rni iiitub Liii morning at 11 o'clock in U 110. 1. The work of said board Is to he administered in a pronouncedly ucn domic spirit, moral, elevating to schol arship and to character, and as frco as ' possible from nil semblance of -professionalism. 2. In prescribing rules uxm eligibil ity and play said Hoard is glvon lib erty, but Is required to mako tho riiles It adopts perfectly unambiguous and. to enforco them rigorously, without rcgurd either to laxity at other In stitutions or to tho offect upon our record of victories. In construing tho foregoing .provi sion, tho term professionalism shall bo understood to refer to the conduct of athletics in tho University only, and not to prevent the adoption of any rule which shall be deemed expedient whereby bonn fide students who have played summer blisebnll may take part in athletic sports. 3. Said board's finances are to b administered with tho card insisted upon by the best business establish ments. It is to contro expenditures beforehand, as well us audit tho ac counts afterwavd; hold responsible all coaches, managers, and other ugents, scrutinize all alleged debits, and pre vent all extravagance, qpoculntionjind fraud. .4. Tho Hoard, through lta r finance committee or otherwise, shall each yenr during the month of December, publish a prJntod report of the boards financial- transactions for the year end ing that December, all items to be ex hibited in the minute detail, appearing la the Regents biennial report to tho Governor. 5. Any member or mombers of said board may appeal to the Senate against board acts or policies believed by him or them to traverse the above program or to be objectionable other wise; provided, however, that notice of Intention so to appeal shall In each case be given in a. meeting of the Board. G. Said Bonrd may upon delibera tion request the Senate to modify the above ordinances' in detail, but should it conclude that any sport how by it directed cannot be carried on in ac cordance with said ordinances, it is hereby ordered that such sport so ported upon bo then forthwith discon tinued. - ) $ & J6pfc5MeeKteMeH iSeasoil Football TicRets ... CA1SJ BE HAD AT , THE DAILY NEBRASKAN a ', OFFICE . - - Geology Trip. , The claBB in field geology under Dr, Condra will make a trip to -Roca,. Neb., on Saturday, October Gtb, leaving via the Union Pacific at 7:25 a. m. and, re- . turning via the Burlington at 5 p. m. fa . . i m Notice to Rooters. A Seats for the rooters in next Satur day's game wilfbe roped off, and 're served f dr. men carrying megaphones. . The seats will be tho best in the' bleachers and rooting leaders Blaugh-' ler and MoWllliams urge an early ap- pearance on tho field for preliminary practise. ' , x L uMiinV nvi h ('. ! lfcf.fl 1 ll.' . 'A.f.,-1 ft !,? hMm'.-j,, rrsJttV . I---1rfr r .. - r "t