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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1906)
u () - I N.' Vol. VI. No. 12 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1906. Price 5 Cents. m lW y A 1 v I i-. y l --fet 4-tfe y4 Ife 1 . B -tb. y r L H A B s H BrB "'"BBa m bb BT A. H A VS bVBb HB 1 II lir TIT s"l I I 1 ' r I II "-l rt K V"! B . - A NARROW ESCAPE NEBRASKA DEFEAT8 SOUTH DA KOTA IN HARD FOUGHT GAME. w h Field Goal by McDonald Gives Only Score Lack of Team Work Spoils Chance of Decisive Victory. s ' ) Nebraska 4, South Dakota 0. Much, to the surprise of tlio rooters, Saturday furnished one of the most closely contested' games ever seen on Nobraska Field. Nebraska not only mot with stiff opposition from South Dakota, but had! the hardest kind of warka. pull thp game out of the Are, only managing to score a field goal JUNIORS ELECT TODAY. No Contest Expected Hughes Only Candidate for Presidency. The Junior cIuhr is onjoying u roa-1 pita from the storms which have hith eTto made its political life a sea of troublo'd woters. So fnr only one can didate for the presidency has been an nounced definitely. This is "Mlko" Hughes. However, it is rumored that A. H. Miller, a doughty football man, will contest for the office. The mooting is to bo held nt Convo cation hour this morning in Memorial Hull. A large uttendanco of the class is desired. Joint Debate. A meeting of the .Toffersonlun club will be called In the near future by NEW BOOK BY DR. CONDRA. "The Geography of Nebraska" Tltlo of Book of General Interest. Professor G. E. Condra of the depart ment of Googrnnhy and Economic Geology is the author of a new book which has- just appeared in print. It Is entitled "Tho Geography of Nebras ka," and is not intended to be u col lege text book but ruthor for tho gen eral reudlng public. Dr. Condra was induced to write the book by sooing tho ignorance prevalent in one section of the state concerning some other section. He is especially fitted to write Buch u book, having surveyed sixteen different counties In Nebraska in the service .of the government. Tho book is being very favorably WHAT OTHERS DO INTERESTING CUSTOMS THAT PREVAIL ELSEWHERE. 8ophomore Freshmen Rushes Other Details of Class Rivalry as Told , by Our Exchanges. Much has been sold lately of tho de endenco of tho ancient custom ofcol lego liaising. Tho following clippings from our exchanges show tho start ling progress of this reform: At Michigan. Froshmen ooutcd with paste and cov ered over with pretty autumn leaves wero on exhibition on State street at ml I ' i ' vz k .fBLLLHLVnHaBBBBBBBBi Sij'lVIIHiBHIiB 19 I " A9 ws -3IIGWBBBttBuHBBflBBBVBKBnSfw 2bbbb r bP' ' " :MmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmwimmMmVfmmm.mmTjmmPmmmiSmmmmMmm . VsjviN ' " mmmW m HBBHBBBBBBBBBTBBBr'l'BBMBBBBYJ.BKt H't'bbbbwbbbdSIIbbbbbbbh " - iWI) by w BBBBBBBBESKSBfBMBBW' K asH bbS bbbbbbH Tm 1 H E"BH9biH&bbbbVj Bl Wfm- bbbbTHbBH jk .HbV. H I I M BBBrBmBlMEESrBBHBkBVVBBBBB BbS Ftll ' Hhh -si gatfBMJWi JIU' t-Mr?'WBBwwwwr:jlllllllWBMBBBBBB I '-c 'r'f"TTHBMMhjBMBMBBMBBBBBBlfcjKi f .tft a,,,f ijLSMIBBIifc v LfPBMBBBBBBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB'l """V . Sfa!IHIiBP"'9rflRJHKHM t DHbHbBbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI , . iiJi Ji , , " - -- . , I , THE UNIVERSITY TESAlPLwE .v '--'- W ' , , ' ' r f t 1" and that not till well on in the second halft . i;t must be admitted tliat, in large mpasuro, tho town's difficulty in win iilng was due to its own poor work. Owing to missed signals, slowness in lining up and lack of concert between' the-line and back-field, Nebraska's' for mation pluys proved Ineffective and sho was forced to resort to straight lino bucks, which proved insufficient to score a&ainst South Daklta's strong dofpnse. Poonhandllng of punts nnd fumbling nlso lost much '.ground" for Nebraska and to make matters worse the team suffered heavily from penalties. How 'over, Nebraska's defense proved very satisfactory, piling up the Dakota men on practically evory nttempt to gain and allowing thorn, to make first down but once. The features of tho game wero tho (Continued on page 4.) THE UNIVERSITY 'The University Temple, situated di ngonully' ncross. tho street from the southeast corner of thQrcampus, has been in process of erection all sum mor and rapid progress has been made. When completed it will have cost $100, 000.00 and will goono of tho finest buildings of its kind in tho country. TEMPLE. . . - , . Tho Temple will be used for rellg IouBpurposes as woll as for a gather ing place, for the students of the Uni versity. It will luivo u largo audi torium besides many specially ar ranged rooms for the' various organiza tions of tho University public, and is expected to become1 the (center of tho social life. In tho University. D. P. DeYoung for tho purpose of con-' slderlng tho challenge issued by the Republican club for n joint debate on tho issues of the present campaign. At the'presont wx'iting it seems highly probable that tho Jeffersoninn club will accept the challenge Engineering Society. The Engineering- Society will hold its first meeting of the year on Wed nesday, October 10, at 7:30 p. m. in VM 211 The election of officers will bo tho chief business of the meeting. All -members arq urged to bo present. received. Professor Duvls of .Hnrvnrd. Ex-Chancellor Cnnfield, now Librarian at Cornell, and others have written flattering testimonials nnd it bids fair to have a wide reading uinco it is the oriiyr comprehensive work on the sub Ject in publication. . Zoological. Cub. The Zoological CJlulJ holds, its first meeting of tho year tonight ut 8:00 p. m. in M 301, Dr. Ward will lecture on his trip 'to Alaska. All students, members of Iho Faculty, and their friends are Invited to attend. T nn early hour yesterday morning. It was a climax of niiothor jkinhish between tho underclassmen -in tho "proc." war. Tho first-year men wore defeated at every turn, for tho sopho mores put up their "Black Friday' posters and prevented the freshles from placing "profane hands" upon the edicts. Tho sophs wero ilrst in tho field and were busily engaged in pasting up their posters when tho "tens" ' -appeared, t Tho t freshmen wero put to rout nnd eight of their number madp prisoners. To this octetto of fresh men was delegated tho task of carry ing tho soph paste buckets. When they hud completed this tusk they were relieved of most of their apparel and given a bath in paste. .The finish ing touches wore put on with Mry leaves. Then, loking very-nxuclj, like Jlllllllliyu JUtll, IUV3 U'l'HlVl-B WUttllU CorUlnuul on pngo 3.) y v V 't .t v Of i u 4 t I ' 'f 1 i