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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
ff W T-r- i .& ,-M- ,.k . . :- : V "J THE DASLY NEBRASKilNi. . -.. CM. SAT i f -IT Hm. V. jkv 'if; ';j . -' j , .JMKr".' . ' j Mm' - -- " HalHHallllllMHIaailHh,alB,IHMIiaalaIMalManalalMMI'BaBMa'BB"IMHMaMHH , , 8e '' dHt 1.M I a abb bbsM. niiitiiiiiii antai Kli& ' mmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm tbSv KH BUSIKtSS D1IECT0RY ;ewI, PalTerrtiaealirtle r-l 'WtjraatM tlnM. .Mearae- UMlyH4M, t HHtiM jae ' Mk'M 4.1 I $?" i,-1 SfJr ' r,a- S" tf BARBBR SHOPS Arleto; Greea'a Palace, Mogul, Richard. , BAXBBtY Mrs. Petey. 0SyMTATXOmTCaa,' jjfa coU Book Stare. UaL Book Bterev 'Btowa Drag Co., Barry Porter. BOOK HOSPITAlrHQUlffjp la BANKS CflwnhU Natloaal, lint Nav tlOMO. JWWLINO AIXMT-CrMcW. CAFB SM WeeterfteiV JOeer Oaa eroa. ' - - "i CAWBNTBJt-0m A. IWJL CATWUIR "Tow," U killer A; Fatae's Feaatala. .--' CKIATIBAND TOBACCO Gw. X.! CoawayBrwla Fefjcias. '! CLBANSR9 AW DTBWh-J, ?. Wee4j Ckn ' " " ' v " "" " ' ' -! CnHmQ Amtri, Balaa'aWj ge Deetaer, !& V j OOAlr-QrMfory, .WUUkrHit' 1 O0NFBCTIONBJ11 M axwl, TlM F MMAUf OF T,- BAB. AN THBOAT 1BrU'B. Wlward. -' BUT QOODB MlUtr FU; HMrf DRWGQIBT iw, Browm( JUctor. FLOBJBTB ClMHM Brav. Q11PCB-).; J. Xi Bom. . HOTBUh-L)l. Jt1 ICB JUDAM VKB K3B Frkliji IM CrMun.C. , ,- CLASSIFIED COLUMN All advtrtlMmintt In this ostumn miist bti said f or In 4van.v , Kati oq ent penirerd ach imwrtldn; minimum, ta oont. ATHt. CHRIS' BATH HOU8B Turkiah. aalt glow, sulphp-aaline, ahowr, plala. iitnma f him, dr.tTH TATir!;ThriM miitm anA A'auf U6tt 1131 Q4K.1 . ' "BAGQAOJE TRANBFCR. FAQES .Bltbfl.. Baaeraent Wlailaer hoM. No.llta St Baggage and paraela. BCNTltTB. BOSTON ItoBtfata, ltll O Bt DR. ft A SHAINON. lit! O. AuU.1 atzx; sen, ziH. TAILORING n. C. HUBERT. UdlW and genta? tail ering and preaalng. 117 No. lath. AuU, 1771. LOST. LOST Alpha Theta Chi pin.' Re-; ward ;or return, of same to Nebraakaa oJfce.- , j ".,., BE ' ' J Friday Canvecatlan. The Chaa. HageaoW Siring Qilartettt. Program. . Quartette-i-Op-74t. ,s .. . .Bteioven Poco Adagla Allegro. Adagio maaoTn Troppo. Novellettea Op 15.. . . . . f .Glaxounow Alia Stagnuola, " Orientale. FOUND. FOUND Viking pin; owner -may! hare saaae toy identifying property and: paying for this ad. JNebraakan offlco.. BULLETIN Maw 18 and It. I Basebali Kansas and Nehraaka Ainmio nHQ. '"- -- -? . " - i Academy Notes. " The first Botany excursion waft taken last Tuesday morning.. The stu dents tramped over the., well-known, hills' of North Fourteenth street and found quite a number of powers aad specimens. .. The last number of the Academy News for this year has been mailed and the editors are heaving sighs of relief. Some of tho students in Physics' have already completed the semester's laboratory work. Miss Frankish and Miss' McQahey- spent Sunday at Malcolm as theguest of Miss Tremain. They report a fine time and as. this is thesecond visit there,; they hbpetmay becpmtoaji annual afalr.x The "Sneak Day" picnic is still lin gering In the minds of some of the students. The closing reception is to be held at the home of Professor aad Mrp. Hodgman on Saturday, May 26. 'An unusually good tltoe is promised and it is hoped that every Academy stu dent and teacher will be there. YOU WILL w Gramiatn Rifflt ".'i IF YOUWBA ONB1 ' , Of. . UNLAWS Tailor-M.Ue x SUITS . If yoa waat a graduaUos aait that looks.el Come ia .an aee me at 11th and O". ' i JBWBJEBr Taoker. . HaJUK. LAUNDIUBB Tal Bwifc. '"S fvnh jariulir. mvi ", ' " N. ww -' w. . , fSUNTINa New , CaatT, Klaw A . 9uiBiTQfftr Ptt l Bros. u, .-' m -. ' . BSTAtJBTiIV-CCt,- BKOBB4Miaersoaf B--v. ! '''fed,' '" ' I'smma pablobWpM' mUkkm Partor. , .- " PORTING GOODS-Iiawlor Cycle x i'ca' " ' ' """ ' ' tAILOB ral4, . XTaloa Oelltga ? TaMaraLadislg. - TTPBWRITBRS Uaderwaaa Type writer iCa;- -V -.-, YPBflTINO-r.-W.-BrewaUr. ' IPBCIALISTB Dr. Brla B. Wae4- wara:- WAlTBB'tIlU-A1pGraatf .- - "" Haaaaamm,'iipanwaaanm"H'P'Pwi" 1; - OLIVER THEATRE ""npWf 'P" aa' H' !. kv Fv! 1'- TONIGHT, 8:15 . xAND ALL BUMMER rH JEvar Night at :30. ' V (Exceat May 21-23) ' MatlnM Wadnaa. .atur4y at 2:30.' . ."? . AXav 11. t Tprehman. party. Walsh1 HaU. t - Sophomore party." State Farm.. . ...... tife .a. ' " Theodore" "Thomas Orchestra AadI torium. ' x i f May 2a v " " ' vRecltal A'dvaaced 'students, la Blo-cutloa-Memorlal hallf 8, p. :ia. , Ivy day. Seniors aa Jaalon dis missed' from alteraooa clajises. - ' May 24. . College olMediotae C OstaluL v t' May 2f. vxv " Annual competitive driBX Pan-Hellenic Hop. Auditorium. v May 28. ; Kansas-Nebraska track meet. State Fair grbuads, 2:30'p.-m. .. ;Ualon picnic. Epworth Lake Park, 2'p.jq. : May 2t-Jiine .2, Cadet Encampment 1' June 4-f. . Semester examinations. A k -r 1 4 fulton Stock Co. ' ,(' wt . In a Raaartolre 'ef 'BUndaN-Flaya. a Tvw Flays Eaeh Week. Bv . A . v, Last Ha)f Week.w.HAZEL-KIRK. Eve., tec, 1Se eV 10t. Mat. Ma 10e . V urtMnav niqmt' UAV 21 ;.? ' ;;CirpwAJLH -; .i- "ra. .', '"J 'I l7. 1 l -L ,;- ;t - . at a a ,aa easi ea -r June .12-. , Senlpr Play. -Oliver Theatre. June 14. Thirty-flfth Aanual Commencemeat X-New Way te Lea Anpalei. You can now go direct via Salt Lake Cjjy to Souttfera California by a aew daUliraMr the Los Angeles Ltisked, 4ulad with vail- tha lateat Iaaoya: Uenriar tiavei oaarn: inatag -vaxa, Meals a la Carta,. . Observatloa Can wltk Bue Louagiag- Rooms aai library. Blectrlo Llghtea taToagbwiL via taa Ualoa Paciiq aad Bait Lake Baate. FM,.sleelag jar fearvatJeaf aad lan lafematiea Mfatre " '- h B.B. BLOBBON. Fralernlty Qamea. "v. Jx Phi Kappa Ysi.. 8 '3 ' 0 Delta Taa x-;- ,.l - t . ' Kappa 8ga.. 3 2. 1 Alpha Theta Chl.3 Jt I Alpha Tau ,.'.i. 3 '2 "1 DeKaN TJpsfloa. '. . J s2 . 1 Phi GamBttrTjeita "2 lx 1 SIgaia.Cal .'..,.,. 8. ., 1 ;v .838 Beta Theta Pi.. .. 4 X 3x .259 Delta Taeta, 1 ' 1 " .MO Sigrnar Alpha BJp- ' r stloa .;.tv.... 4 t 4 .000 P.C. 1003 .668 .668 .oe , obbbbbW-, "" 3illul!iisrlBBB UjBjBBr 1 t ;:. i i . i M HT w BBBTLTNB TQ KANSAS CITY I AND-1 s? ii . ST, LOUIS :! Homeseekers Ekcurskm toHthe SoisW '- ojj. Juae fr'aai if,., - ; Trala4 , lave- UaeoJa at-JJf ?iaf5 and 10:15 p. m. with through Pidlaiaa sleeper eyerjr alfht to Kan Cky ' . City ticket oflce abtariBeis3pnieirv 12th and P streets. "Depot;tk aa4 f.t ( rf.W ,Taa eatranea raalreeaaat, jcrf-tba Cellece f :MeBoia va4 Baraery at Mlaaeeota aaye.beeo iaereasti totwf fall yeart of a eoiief eoarse. tw aatloa:waa afcea at taa ."ifM e- taa rijeals raeaaaaaaeeea. Vacation, Meney. Wehave aproposltloa whch will interest you and your, college frleada looking for profitable summer" work, part or all of yoar time. We have a patented article used 4 nevery home, a fine seller, which has books,..maps, desks, etc., beaten a block. It comes as near being a self-seller as any arti cle -Made. W. waat you to act asgea: era! manager and will pay -you well, also, allow you, liberal cosamlssloa oa every salo of your sub-agents. This Is the time 40 begin laying out your plan of operation and interesting sub-; agents. Write how for full, particulars and choice, of territory. Pease Manu facturing Co., 519 Main. St, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' .6-18-6-2 ,. Convocation. """ Friday, May 18 Music. Monday, May 21 Hoa. A- S. TJb betts, "GovernorJBoyd." Wednesday, May 23 T. W. C. A.; "Special Program." Friday, May 2Jr-MuBic. Bcheol ef lf Inlng . Professor of Physics: salary $2,000, IThe Board at Governors will reeeive awlicatloaa Avguat 1st, Caadl aatea Must have ataading.aseaperl- in(Mkrah4 successful' teasers. t Leeturer oa Mechanical Baglaeer lng; aalary, 11,000. Aplkatka will ha received up to Aagait 1st Baperl cc 1 teachlag U a daHraW eaalli catloa.' For. particulars aply fo, taa swretary, Seaabt 6t Mialag, Kiaaetea, - V f ' ' ' l IV'' "' s USUIIW, ." ! THE gMIVEKITY:OF IHICAH' a mmia a Tka llskeafsala eA aa BlitBeiit -- wafvseay yaja sej icrrBBM fftJwavSa 'i ileeeaaa lausieaalaBi im" nBTaie J ia tfca - aI.V-..t b I nwepv seaa"ai fa 'rpssww tei ssse usvsPSsaaejfSNBSiBjBjBjBi ejej JLita aja Ll4aaSMaa Bsfc laitttiA A'iyitJ..'..'--1 waw ara iMVBwvweMB pie aw vgaea MveevHsevy DejeeaRajB seg 4 etM4 te Sm Dlttekv eairf flMUwScaMi, xa Ue CMg iaHiNl; Ml -v-- -J . X Cuaetaaia an&4Atf bJT Vaaa ait BiaAili' IBaaA SbIbm' ,w, 4Baia vywe jaaeiw avtvejaeej ltwffl anatsiBBg Jm (Jkljr Stewid Tmi JtJy pf-Mgml j, Kj1ief' eaea nae -- a.eatA aaa rtnart a tC'ia. a , eawi eaj gBsmvvi w,aaeai eenew S4eswew 8w seje; .ejaseaeja. ferejj FuM 4 Wfiiltr aac I'k4 fcf wwk.aMM. 'SfMhf snatea ata 7wWia sew bhbsisbj . V .,, v qPUB IIUIUVB . AW. U ArM AD.i v V". aa eb . m n & n ei er a- era a a a e -cMwaaa .- . auftam ''.? "'-. . - ; tXXXOXXQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOBO j R. H;.61LLESPJE hr,0 .!J! 1IM-fflfHlj!,.j" Uteif,-ier.. 1' V I j I in I! In II! " " m , ' ft . j- r r 't , V H. C. Waaeam, a aiadaat ia taa Ctrtt BaiarlK Krt haa. ,lalt' scaool to aacaat a poattkm with taa Tri-Btaia'la eeaapaay; ffa wttt''aM aaw aa SaiYMMlsjMLf' -' ' r .. j ar 'bbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB , ' BBBBBrv v'BBBBa ' BBBBw tSsiBBBBB jBBBBB- . ' h?x )bbbbb kfBBBBBBBjdBBEBJ il''? M',p'af,frw,.wj- ' '- 1 HM', ' wflaJByey B.;aay ' , I A4MATTV,Vr'A'Tx'l ' u s' aa' liai . I "afKlKSaSy W':l i BB , . eBaaaaai -BaaBto aaaBBjpr - ,v . . . . BB M,-t' h,,. .I, i ---if. ''TllW W ,h . Mata.r ' , ."J ' Clean ae; WafiAa aMaaafakAaaaai Baw aat aeaaay aaaaaj fvw SVf all LHCTT, PKBODY A CO.;'. eapaajBBajej a' aaa y afaflP eaaaaaBaaaj BSSgaaaai kV'f ;", . , ,?m, .' 'i,Ti, . ' ' -1 . r- . T ' , ear will be oarpwirfdy veaheS, , at 7:ia. .lasincinwi cc w B Bfc rtaaaBBBBBBi , r w",- aa aBBBB .wj I WMBlBaati faBtiPM to . ',! -, -v1 -A-a , v ryt 2 ifl i-i -t. . i HV A-J fi .' rj ? i ' r. i. ' : :.;;; V a 9 ? , ' J! '"', ' x A' xv ir T . . i "l Vw'? h ', rf JM l - . T -srfl V, -' .? iwrny.,' y ' 'Jr & s'-r'auTt Hy-.'.4,''r .' r- '-'. .- :, .OAF! AINRAMBBT. - A Al : v --..r'.s - ? -s? ' Vrt'r- -&.V5 - - -"K'::';' ' "- '; j , t- :, . -,'. - --" v-:-'J aHx- :& i. . . ifrw.- ''j