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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1906)
STl "" 'ff18' '8T WHitifrVf' V - " T - - - . x , pi,f 'Trinity h.' .-" 1 - v& - ., 1 '.: ... . --.... ,. mri. Itftte msc ocJiy -?-, tm rf Vol.V. No.422. X"Z ' Ati?FY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MAY J7, J906. ""Viil . i ' fflB Price 5 Cents i i'r mnmjmm .r - v - jgSBWHW. ' ' - ' ' - ' t , - - k " - U .a I v- n, -J N r Lr ; Lvtf ATHLETIC GAMES 80PHOMORES WIL GAMBOL ONH THE FARM NEXT SATURDAl L Prizes for Most Comical Make-Up and for Winners of Field Events ' Dancing and Gqod Music- 1 MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL - m ..... in p.! i i ! i i i i i ' "." ' " """ " ' ' " '" " ' THEODORE THOMAS ORCHESTRA, SOLOISTS AND" CHORUS J There will bo .foolishness a plenty at the State Farm next Saturday night when, tho Sophomores turn loose on that fanning community with an even ing track and field moot, an indoor stunt" that is vefy carefully guarded lest the ones who furnish tho enter talnnienhe "sketired" out. This sec ond vBtmBtSi'St Indoor event of tho evening, sliwitdbe a drawing card alone for tho very secrecy and myad tory'that surrounds It promises to fur- ntah Bnmothlncr t'hnt. no Sohhomore canTniljnl89.,",Anathen, 'to cap tho climax,'-' nmTt:n5jghearts of the social sturiters leaporfjoy, there wJH bo tho long and interesting dauc lngprogrom. ? . . Alf who expect' to' attend will bo Tory careful to note that "foolishness party" means that no one shall como unless i&jfcfcra0 ridiculously made up tharfhMM8ho over hoped It pos sible to bS$jjThere will be "Happy hooligans" "Sunny Jims," "Nervy Nats'" and all the rest, accompanied ly "Brldgots,r and "Mary Anns." Prizes that "tho girls oa the committee prom iso will be" bortujefchlng and appro priate Will be glYMMpr the" bet make-ups and for thoJmblaco .pebplQ on tho track teararcSpiSPp "s- afc. It wnL;bjiaWd Interesting to eo the ttSgffiSSUMjUty athletes as taey &t4rtMyUMcir competition. WhovwWjlKtyfMid: , Ing broad grin?' vault?" Who can. en mw? . . !.. ey T-..-' j 's. rnr tviii rnQni.zinHiHMuiH iiiMnkvcir .Js3W?JC k.ftrwFAL ,. .4. jw TI. u ' r Ti m. and whofKeiaiThwb and a host 6f other quesnQnirBli lng In upon tho class pfMenrand tho committee, Can Matters out grin Mclaughlin, or will Miller show thein how? - Can Verne Hail put .the hammer C b5er-. than Per- Murnay or. will "Colla.I'oster. outshine them both? MlssRtioades letshergolf be heard 1 In tho Glee "Club and Miss Greenwald aincs In the Thomas 'Orchestra chorus: will .either of "them be able to "voice vault"-better than either , JostI or Long?'.", , " Wn Aounrt8 HQ eatln. but ty' Fowler1 and 6;ert?nn are onuch bigger onthan he and Tf-slzo lVa critei'lon for capacity, It cems thatr-Enton will need, to do some eatln' to keep ahead bt tho game. To look at them 'you wouldn't-take Clark, Mills or Curpenter fqr tailors but In the "ten knot kneedle racj' at tho Farm next Saturday they'll make ' tho local tailors lopk sick, for one of thom is decreod-by tho oracle of Jupl - ter to be the vlqtor and "tp the victor belongs the spoils." Yes, Mueller is strong on wind and "can toot tho bugle, but Fenlon Is not slow and Crltes has drilled some ' himself so the shot put Is not exactly a sure thing, either. , And when it comes to potatoes,, well, we ought to have Ue. domestic ' (Continued on pai'e 4.) THREE GRAND "CONCERTS, MAY 2 1 AND 22, J906 Seats on sale at G. A. Crancer Co Season tickets $3.00; Single admission $1.50 and $J.OO )ooaooooooooooooooooooooooooo SENIORS SNEAK i CLASS OF '06 MAKE.GETAWAV-. GO TO MI.LFORD FOR DAY. Annual 8neak Day Observed In Highly' Appropriate Form Juniors Plan to Interrupt the Proceedings. ATHLETIC BOARD ELECTION. Denslow, Schmidt, Lott, Sprague, and Welton the New Members. At an election yesterday which was in strong contrast to previous elections Jhe student members of the Athletic Board were elected. Tho absonce of the A'ssoclaed Barbs' tlckot was large ly "responsible for this decided slump. Out -of about .one hundred and fifty DR. JOHNSON LEAVE8. Professor of Roman History Resigns from University. Dr. F. M. Johnson, for many years professor in Roman History, has re signed from the University and will loavq 'for his homo In Herndon, Vir ginia, today. Although Professor Johnson has' not yet definitely decided wnat vocation no win pursue, it is 6iS: ?tep iKj..jun.ut.5-T- m.i t.K.y "g4?imiAtiwjaMMJM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH !fVl?2BH LLsBSBSBSBSBSBSLsH wMmSm bbbbbbbbbB WS-it'I'?' 4- ijiBBBBBfcJWPP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH 'SjCz tkr' ?.BHHHiy.. Vi iBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJI iZ2-CiS?BBwvW IP.'. kiI tBSBKTr-P'f'TH iBVUBbnbf'Ai9i('iaHHKv Hp t t m LLLLbIbIbBI BBBWLti j?iT fJ BBB' 1. XlfI3l'a-'TlBBBiBBB ' H iBBBBBBBBBHBlBBHBBVMe"" ., BBBBBBBBBBBBBh I KMBEiMm8IBxi LBbu'bbHI IH&I&WcHBhbH7! ' bbbbbHR'nbbbH i PVBmbijS Xmjv VtifBBBBBHLr. WQ9b1bbHE Sm i bsbbbbbbbbbbHbbbMI --K .H wmM&0'J'mB&Fi IbbbbbbbI BmiflKfSiF'kBBBBaBB&. w BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbV -- -, i 3' Mme. Maconda, Soprano. Theodore Thomas Orchestra. -A registering only forty eight voted. - The resultr-of the vote was as fol lows: ' Lloyd, Denslow i.48 Francis Schmidt, 48 Ahtono Lott ' . . . .' r.V- -48 E3. E. Sprague ;.. ...47 M. M. Welton 47 Mr. Glen Hall, Tenor. Theodore Thomas Orchestra. Graduates Elect Officers. - - At Its recent annual election the Graduate Club elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Professor JtlBlfrpresldent. ; ProfessorfKbn, treasurer. Mr. AylswarCii, secretary... aulte nrobablethat he will either con tlnue instructing in the classics 'or ente.r tho government library servlco at Washington. J Professor Johnson Is one of the strongest men In the classics this In stitution has ever had and his loss will bo keenly felt by the University faculty and especially by those who Jiave taken work In his department. E. H. Burrls'a Freshman Engineer, severely cut his wrist yesterday af ternoon. Tho cut was sufficiently deep to 6ever two .arteries. ' Z Mr, Haggard, 312-213 Klckards Blk The Seniors loft this morning at seven-thirty over tho Burlington for Milford to spond tho day. Tho Old Soldiers' Homo In thnt pluco will bo tho scene of much festivity. This is tho same placo the class of '05 spent n veryj enjoyable day about ono year' ago. While the class of 'OG are not attempting to plagarlzo In any way tho plans of their formor antagonists, yet success can always bo copied aftor. Tho "Annual May Outing" of last year was such a complete blind that a Senior class mcotlng wns callod for tdday nnd was successful In leading the crnfty Juniors astray. Mr. Wollonslck, chairman of tho commlttoe, hnd everything carofully outlined, and. only tho greatest of a mishap should be the means of spoil ing tho day. The tickets havo been sold to nearfy ovory Senior, and tho largest crowd ever' taking pnrt in a Sneak Day affair should be on hnndu today. A very bountiful feast has been prepared for tho party. Baseball, foot races, mumble-peg, marbles and blind man's buff will bo tho principal nmusements of tho dny. It the manip ulator at tho weather bureau should be Indiscreet enough to send tt shower upon tho picnickors today they will amuse themselves on the spadious porch of tho Soldiers' Homo. Tho old soldiers will gladly tell of battles fought und battles won, especially when Invited by a pretty Senior girl. It was reported last night that tho Juniors had heard of tho Sneak Day celebration and wore planning to break up tho entire affair. ' If such plans mature It may bo tho means of very materially spoiling the affair. Butso secure aro tho fortifications of tho Senior ranks at tho time of going to press that little Jiopo is manifest for the Juniors. OQO SOPHOMORE FOOLISHNESS . ' STATE FARM l SATURDAY, .MAY NINETEEN ".i,;.. ' -SEVEN P. M. 4 FOUR PIECE ORG., TICKETS '50c & 2c V ' .'. OOCOCOOCOCXXX)000000000000( Engineers Visit Plant. TJnder tho direction of Professor ' Richards tho class In Steam Engineer ing visited tho new electric light and puniplng station erected by the clty,of Lincoln about a year ago. They also Inspected the now one million and a half gallon reservoir -which is being, constructed. Two-bid University stu dents, Beardsloy and Brockway, have. tho eontrtfot-for. building the reservoir and this fact makes It doubly Interest ing for the students In Engineering. Professor Richards took thd boys all through the plant and explained all the details of construction as well as of operation of tho plant. The plant is ovnnntlnnallv nf interest to tllO Stu dents in Professor Richards' classes inasmuch as the designing and con struction qt the. plant has been in the hnnrfa nf- Professors Richards and Morse, who were employed by the city of Lincoln to superintend tne wont. This plant Is one of the most up-to-date plants In tho country, being mod ern In every detail and the professors are to be congratulated for the success of their efforts. i i fl 11 , j i it i ' -&'i iJ. P ki