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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1906)
BBBBaY'' tf ' ' ' " '" " '- , ' : ' ' .. -V . . , -,. v-.' ' J - - . . - , .sV $ l- - - ' fc ' v . :-2 -' -ii-. 'ir . c - r: s , ,!'... ',.-.., '....... ... ; -. . , . - - .-V '.rib. F " P'Af .o.US? IS?- L f ii k c f i Wz . l?,''.-.' lr. i. w .''-. f? W t i.' V. !. "" rij r j, .-.if v MV. ' -." u X m , DEFEATS KANSAS IN FIRST GAME OF SERIES, 9-3. ? , The Secon,- Innlngv-Was Nebrk?a vJ4am RiitvnnnH Raanhall. S A. J'.v? . ' "" ir- P ? the first timp in three yeara the KbmU( athletes were seen on the ath IeUctfleld yesterday. The crpyrd that ttiraed out to see the varsity play was sfiuui out entnusiasuc,' xne XNopras 2 luWm played gilt-edged:! ball, ottly i t ' 1- ' w v v-4 vwm. errors Doing cnamea up against .'.:. -" thWM.' 3ut Kansas seemed to go to vJ ".. 5i. - Jti'pib aC critical times. Sprngue in ickCtleld played a; good game for the .rarMty and was able to put the ball .ltet .for -alc sacrifice hits at the right Im. Tfnnlftn'o Tirtnrtn nin W thn Male.- Fenlon's home run was the ffeaUroli'fc6-'gamr',Jrhe'StorT-ofthe- 'game more in detail Is' given below. v vKa"a8 hatTtWomen on base&in .her .kaft of" the fliraC lut was""' unable lo raoore. 'Rlne got to first dn1 the "short- a top's 'errQr, Barta sacrificed; sending iaa to' .second 'and. Fenlon knocked a aoae -runp'QYer.j the' rifeht-vflld fence, flHiaglBg In two -scores. " Kansas man- , . ?ed Uk score on a hit, a -passed ball ; j. iad a'slnglo in th secpH..vMorse . : icered on a hit and a long two-bagger W-i 'aacrffice by Barta'. TEls,eladed'fthe rr " V .fiM for the second. .-. . t tf& Kaasia "scoreS Mwo on a Inrefe'bagr v-.ser is me miru. iuro uiew imo aad scored, on an errorK,, f ;; Kaaaaa was retired wUhowtnalag t-- . m W'w ' :it la tMefourth..Fveklbji7rew. three Ll. tWn-oa Carroll's fly;.!oit. V 'v ' 5 xae. ann. Biarieawiia'.goqe-egK lis? the .Jayujkff;anj Wa ,'e, aaamaer' fon theofnusjKrs;; -' ' iiTfce rest of 'the 'grime -was fast and , t?r '. t 'j'.. , - tf . w" 'tinappy, neimer siae scoring, any mora t 4WJ.'" ' "", - " - J iTke, day was .fine1 and, brought out ., BefehTJyde" if aiv outr 6 rtheiganje ' , SrttlJai-Wdiy.lnedhaB-vaB ;amfl., .. Dbrtpltahedgoodball .and ifWTM jww J;Ji Wy ;' ,wuio (il,! trifei???fod imir 'ait. .. t . . II II.. . .U I I' 4 M' ! l A UA 1'r A " - I -a. I "T ,r r' r u uam aaoHia oe. oommenoea ana en-!rarv,Jf- x JerafctQ repeat ;the perfoxaiaaoeto- . . : Vn'.-r".'. .iwi- V. .1r, r- - T... tr . fc.t' .-'. I" wikiV---- '-ah "It: :frvh ' -;r-viDr6i;.i.,.,f,:.-.:,.V ic o:-;o, .a !-A BBam lh T . &V t '.;iMB.ifc...'.v.t.-.r..r,B' Jt Jz j i. .o Mfc - ; IjtoimxUr ??& A 0l'kXwVn taewpwaii I i'' . f ' ".'' . - ' 1 'f "A' A V A (Deartow. se. ;. vf. '. s.4 Q "ft, .:$ 'X Feak, Jfc )....wV.,5, 1, S 0J !f.ft &TjBfHHL' . IB t,. . i .-,-V . .. ill vl'-? 1 t; -P j"Qf Tie r:vi ':' s-r-Mi t. L, '1'JsaasssLr.M.v...-....'L-. .1 .;4.4rl!it,'it , v HaUbsn Cv'-ww ,- BsiUr, ' -JWkmt it 4 ft ft el 1 4. Lt 0 ft e . ' . JMBSB Zr-"t2 T iSi t"' ". saturdajY, tii$v nineteen .C ALSH I.I.ERESHMAN PA&$8k . '.' '-M , -f-r. -p r 1 't:' I ' " fcV' Wv . . TCKEtS $ji25 jt poooobooocxx)oocxcxxxpoooopobcxooooc Earned rftns Nebraska 8, Kaasas -2. Two base hits Rine. Three baae hits Morse, Hoffman. Home rua Pen Ion. Sacrifice hits Barta, "oung. Basesrstolon Gaffdis 2, Rine, ;Kbrso, Sprague, Hoffman, Jones. Bases on balls -Off Jones 2. 'Struck out By Dort ,, by Jones, 5. , passed ballsr Carroll. First on errors Nebraska 'i, KanjM.s2.,vTJmepjLfga.mZ7;l.: Um pire PInneo. Attendance 250. b.v JElocutlojp Recltal.-a ,w Miss- Howell will give the second recital oifnet Wednesday" ovoning in Memorial Hall. 'Thistime the J pro gram will bo In the hands of the sec- ptd-y.oar students, assisted- by the Schppl of JMuslc, and a very fine oven iifg's'entertalnmeht Is promised. Those wild take :part h the recital are! Messrs. Walker, .Baldwin, Sawyer, Gibson, i.asses Ferris, Fail, Cook, Haynes The program will begin at 8' o'clock sharp. Prsf. E. M. Pease Visits University. . V.PrqKJB. M. Peaie of New York clt 'day. ProfessorPease was at the head bf;'th'eLUn; department in Stanford nlVeraitJup Jbo ISOIt when tie left with? Professors Ross and Howard. Slncefthat time he has. been in busi ness foln the, metropolis. Professors Howard, Caldwell, Luck.ey.vand Fessler, TOOK dinner, .witn jar. rease 'yesteruay. . " I m - w j '" K QrarfuateFaculty Netlee. Mrs. Minnie Thspop England's thesis as candidate for. the degree of doctor ---.-- " ,r ft of philosophy la Political Economy and. Socioldgytls ,'4eposlte4v'i 'tnehaaoel-' lor's office fer. laspectieaaadwitlvM-; main unUl'-June 2nd? 1(The Utle Hf; ;ine innwc oj. Amroa-'wo Upon ;RellgiiaBd-pclal i n, :tv. .... j. ' 'i . -T. : :. -r v . . Mare CatllBR 1 t.. n.UtiJ Kb. w&m - d. MMVlWHWM Jl 'P1H. ""l ! 1 I M. -m - ..L. ' " ': i, uj'vi.!.. -tiu. Um sttnMrTiti- ,vffv7,:''',w".w", w: aad tnuis: f'rtnfft a et as By tl-f BtMftHf jiBBocietins) A . j, a t .'. ' STATE SATURDAY, 4PVMI!Ji:'l-,pir HALL 'J. FRAf CRNITY COUNCIL ME1TS. Takes Initiatory Steps. Towird Re forming Existing "Rushing" Evils. ,;, J Whether; the Freshman' of the fu .i ture Bhall We "rushed" tha day he -arrives upon .Nebraska, campus, at the close of the first semester, or in his Sophomore year, is the questfon coa- fronting tho Fraternity Council at I present The matter was taken up and discussed by tho faculty and student members of the Council at its last me'eting' early this week, but further than referring it back to the fraterni." ties for their opinion, no definite 'fic tion was taken, relative to its settle--ment. , . v That something must be done Ho. eradicate," the. 'existing evils-of early rushing seems to be the unanimous sentiment Qf the Comhcil, btt "exactly what, measures w.ill bestaccomplish: that .end; its. members have .not as1 yet been able teclde". The faculty , mem-. bers of the Coancll seem lp. favor the Sophomor'vt year, while tlie stueit representatlVeVelBeiLBed -to Brftwr sCueraVle . tlm' , was ..Uksa ud vatV;ta iii. x rr;i Ti. ' rli-Mfc. .:. hil uireupBsmBcuBsiBgrioe;pTOS Bad cons iwo suggesiea, rsBMdie, and although no definite" coBclusto Mm .arrived at as id which method ll.itWtjlBV'MUrtttBiU-lH able that. the matter, will, be satisfac torily settled at the aext. session -sf F COMPANY B CEtlEBRATES, . .; fc-,T ''? T5"" '.TaT - ' ' Oompaay B Iwjd-Us anattal "Wow- at tA b fcUeMa hdse' iast sreifcrat. . Cigar, lcirsm,.fruH m4 taadwWpes wse-ths areata, of thtf V speeohss frow the daises ofjtM obsb- . .. ' ,rt . - .- - ' 'Tfce Ual. Book tore has - ek sate . a w ttae of paats of att ootlaam Teal. oufjt to aav .: . i t-w . rAJtla , . HA Y NINBTEEN Q- z. ' (Jsf';:" 'J v w wmr BBm BB, 9 BB Bi f as BBM -wV BBBi 'rf . ' S i t nrtftBlABUV iniinni ......... V ., .OF-tu;MMiR sESSibH. S--4; vi' Especially Flannwl Ur tesehtrs 'Km i PrlnclDsIs FrsfBMP. CaiuIp ;A. 4V. ', e Direstorv-i'Stronfl FasuHy. . f&jSSi. '"M "STUM VAKAA1 i mMma i-Si-iaj-.Ji,V.V; " w i. the middle west, alms to meet, the "defc ; r r .'. mandsfor better Instruction la geogra- - tions and with little expense.' Three , professors ,will .dYPte their satire Dhv and nature sttulv hv rivirt tmaAM ers .an opportunity tp study these sub-X4 Jects uhde.r the mosf favbYablel4cKhdi- tjfm time to ihstructibp, and. taevare' to 5 have asslsUnts In laboratories aad la flew excursions. . ... J,- Professor R. -H; Wdlcott," WW for. three summers has taught aatttre study to large and enthusiastic. sksses In the University pf Missouri is rfto be one .of the'ihree. HIs work will be of high grade, and preclsslyVdap.Cek to bublic scihtool teachers. r ' Professor Wliiiani G. ilshop;, forriier" presidenttof the Llasoln mWs4n Col- ,.v. lege, now or Nebraska Weieyaa UbI- f yerslty,. is no teach general geography; for grade teachers. He'hashWexperl'i eace -lm: all. departmsBts fwiwhric W The . director, is to torAK W MA to courses X, .8 aad 3;M.jMtliaM.i Besides the regular class, work. Jec ture course 4 (s a ttreM fsatiirs oisl'; "'I hl 4WnAl' ' .TIu'-'UktyM -,. Vm v " glvea' by ms sspily eompeUsit ' t .Ma4M-vett L:th BBiipiil ill M;.t-iy:.-r 'fcWr -TMrtj,at .tkaxttaV yr.ltrioamika'a:tW.V leyaa. Tie locatlM ot tk 1a i 'flfe. vsHitles makes Jt"posie"or '"isjMB era , to select corses at, both ' j&mi mmwimpMmmm geography..n4 Mtt9jH4r,t -- -, ivsMLrnitup IN is SS.vv- . A: stronglctur eoura has B raaged as foUbwar '.'l. QosscfaDBJr Taaahln ftiiw ilSi y B. Daw Jem la Aadrews. .1. The Hawaiian IslsBflai isBiUMm- mrtitte:iboit imjmmty. ' . . tbs Phuipihaii nmgtmda H, C. Abou (lUttsiMtei) "., 4. Caiaa aad lapatsiswtBMBiMt N. C, Jsttott (lUflBtrai4): I. Tw Yeltovffeaw frH Preliaist , a lasaoac B9aatrasad aita astofad . Tas PloturaatBB gBatawaat Ja MrtalaMM C. M. Bmrr tUaHraU4). T. afsattliBB at Osoataaar aad AsErt- atfC. t. BraaU aad ArasavHae rrodassui Lawraaee Bniaar (tuatrats4)- 9BpriU Mesioaa Was) mr. Oaoitt L. Gates (t)QdrBtd). 10. 8oU aad Crop Special Prolsaaoi T. 1 Uro (lUattratad). 11. Our Commoa R. H. Wolcott (wltt apsateaas). If. Panama add ' the Gaaal uapm ,V OHttaaa, The lectures are ooaa to afl lasiihsii taUaf gsofrapay aaW aatara staaaV ' ; ft ' -fc' . Jl .'ff1 ft ,. x f. M'4 x: Vlntf Jpf "e . .' . sW . v '. ' - .? vi iS i ' ' 'J .- .JE&i;-,: "m fT.'-R a J0E jbbb '&- txrt'J tr :v JHBr- MasMaka ....: . Ill ft f ' i;w .-.., "V ,1 afiat1 tasa-iB vKVU4Jt.-Wi J4 t'fft ' . :l i -it 'ft'i,? tizmfo h.- '?: ... titati ' ' 'w."'i t iatcr w . aisw jssr".