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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1906)
:' - . .'. ' . .. HB daiJCV inebrask:in. !-.. ,w ." - i ,;- .. J, ?jr. '- , 1 . T ' .". . ' '. .w .'" $A'T i s $ K f r-j t - ." .. ." ? '. ? SW''n fcf (. CM' V t X. . K V . X ftf.' ' f ri A LJ. :'K L'. ? r, :.-c;4 n . - tt l"? 'il'-t . f ','& P-f,.' VJNt' j - i'n- iii i. j-c-, ,rrJ Cbc Daily Utbraskan TM Heesarjan, Vol n, eHafcraataa, ' VeL ,19, StarJet aT Oream, Yei. i. .Pabllssad dally, ct 8i aenday, at the Unlvarafty o( iaeela, .Hat)., hy tha Haeaari In Co. Sunday and oT Nebraska, Haasariaa FubMsk- Jtotered a second class mstter, March 14, 1906. at the Fort Ofltce at linoolm, Neb., under the Act of Cos aTeeeMarc I,'la7V Manager .. , .Fred Nauahten .Asft. Manager. W. E. tanaavan TAFF. EellUr-l-ChUf.....R. A. Van Oradel "Assistant Idlter. ........ Frea lallara Athletic Editor... ...mi. Harry twen ' Reverters. M, JVXfcMv . Gee faf . Joele Fraxler. Tetephene Autemetle H2t WlfhtTaleahefie. . . , . . Antematlc MM j Subgcrlptlon price $2.00 per year in airance. ' , r Today wo'metKanBaa on;thebaee- baJl teld. Xiet every gtudent come put and ielp the yaralty win. We puet have hia jame. Within the lael year the University of Nebraska has done rnore building than in any other year pf her exist-1 once. This 1b, Indeed, to he expected slnco the growth ojt the school has Jbeen Very rapldikvary way. 'It is necearyvthat-these buildiags should yut'tip if we-areto comtinue in Gils ajowth: Bht within another year, or twbtho University campus wllrbe so thoroughly crowded wjtli hulldlags that'the campus proper will be a 6n- The Hoodoo, man seems to fee after the Kansans' scalp -for, fair lately, judging by editorials from various col lege papers and from tholr own rag. The tidepeadentaad "Daily I6waa" claim that the chinning department of their respective institutions have got tea adyaaced cases of lock-jaw owing to the "Angelic' lscllBatloa of the "pious" Jayhawkers, Accordingly negotiations for-the annual "oafaJt" are off betweerf the Iowa and Kaasas Laws and the most radiant smile from the brightest sunflower .that ever bloomed in. state coull ftot convince the fissourlaas that they intended to do the square thing for Missouri needs to be shows. Worse .still, Kansas runs into r ill luck iii the face of her most important track eyonts. On May 10 the captain of the track team, on whom Kansas depended for the 100-yard dash and thp44Qflpralnod bis ,ankle,so. severely. that he was. ,compelledP to make ihej V t. Columbia trip, and may not bo abloto work out any tnoro this season. This accident may 'deprive Kansas of irst places in the 100 and 440, dashes and may lose the high jamp.for 'thesa, Since YeuBg will sot eater the high; jump as. usual, in xirder to make a; place In the 440 to try and save that1 event. "p'yowiwIU boactlng captain during . Ehrlscoll's mbseace. This isnwelcbme news for Nebraska, slnde "Hink" Winters does Jhisbest1 workWhen In fastcompany ahdys! U1U VU UUU UtlD Ul LJJU3 BOUt, DIIUU T :7 - ' , "- " ' -"v X .' - 'VN. "V V. atlty. 3 Tne studentsare as, anxious to see their alma mater "prosper as any one associated with it, BuUa largo and spacious., campus ia almost lndlspensa- 1 .T. i. Si THE t .- A PAN HELLENIC HOP JS KOT ICCMWLETE IFTTHOUT , -LUNCH AT - ' " THE LINDELL CAFE H ' I I ' ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE AUDITORIUM OPEN .UNTIL 1 v .. X Xdolf Myer and KHedeareJosisg no sleep over the high jump, and would frM mnrlivrhnrn Hlrn rnirirattnftiriB ok' the,-26th If "Capr1 Young wouWstlck: to. his event and-be. In good form. is A M, sr K PLEASE PAY UP1 ... If yoo have not paid your subscription, please ktihe matter have-your early attention, x 75c for second semester. Office open daily 4r?to tt:30; Rtidm2l1 2 UniversityIaU,: i "i i X U pBMSflSBMSHIBMaBMBBaSHBW 'v:. r ir ' M Ble where three thousand students are r gathered. They must have some "place for recreation or'half-the pleasure of school life will vanish, Other schools save large campus privileges, conse .ently they look back with fond rec ollectlons uponthorr many pleasant times spent "upon the campus. .We don't say that the Nebraska, students de iiot .do this -now but there will be . s time in the sear future whes the cramped condliion? of the campus will tfk'e' away much f6f the pleasure of - school life, )tNo cemplaintls filed against the Re- 9sts fir their Jbosduct in placisg the sHilng8f But we feel arrangements 1 t should W made somehow so this sys tem of jammlsg buildings is together' pestd. s brakes sp: Give thestu disia a large, spseloM camss as4 they 5wi show ifaslr sssreeiatlos "is Foolishness?. ? ? . Lest there bo any misunderstanding as to tho exact character of the so called "Sophomore foolishness"- and the 'rules which are to govern, the samor-tho committee wish to etatq. that tho "Sophomore Foolishness" is a combination of rwhat were to 1)0 a class plcslc and a Sophomorp hop, and whllo wholesome foollshsess in the stjporla tlye degree will prevail during the earlier -part of the evening, at 9: SO the gavel wiU be, turned oyer to the mas ter of cereisonies and -ths Sophomore sop will he s reality, "Refreshments" will be on tap during the, evening and the fact that the price of tickets has been cut 'to a minimum and that "es corts" will be out of order, eliminates 1 all possible excuse lor asy -ttepk f ah lag to enjoy his share of this climax ,sf Sophomore functions. , .-.' . . ' f- -l ' - ' ,V""-" ' .''' 'K"5' ' ' - - JIM "" THE COZIEST .PEAX IN THE Cmt- f i i i i i f mi 'i ' r . - ' '?if w - .- . .... - . . . ajR m I Oct through your cqrisppndence by fXn tlic " M sBm II lffOff1lssJMaAsssBfc ' ' " " V X J sbbbbI V 'BsV jKJsViBBaCnBSBBBlBSlBSVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfcLsBUjBflBB ,l Jk3 HM t' n- - in Y .yjiiiifflnllWwlBBTBfi i - ? x -1 BBBBBBBBBBBBWBSBmw W X " V I f a ff f . SBsS6iSBVrr ffL . V-A '' iJ lttavM25prctntoftht bptrators time, which is Yourtimi K . ij 1 URierwHi Typewriter Cl. ,Iffl7 Farian St., OMaki, Neb. I I 000000000C)000000000000000t) ;V r s 'bj Artistic u.i - . .-J mt , -f -'.'.' .-Kennedy . '"i "i Miuiyw-w , . ' ' ' .13S so. TWMLsrrm ' fl IsssssmsssssssssssssssssBMsam ," H UKCUURY Bersard Shaw's comsdy, "Xp. Never Cam Telf," was presented by the Wisoosals DramaUc Club raceatly. THE GOAL MAUI CHARLES B. QREGOnY, U. tfN.'ll. 90TH PHONES. , .OUip STREET Dawsons Aqiia Pura Batfi House TfkWiV yor, Sulpho-Sallne, Salt Olsw. Hot mnd Cc4d BMh w sina mpatrn. ups u Night. Good Beds. Ants Phos.M27 Ja. T. Dawson, Prop. Corner Hth and ISI Lincoln 'ku'VI ?J nsi "ii "H : i i' ' ., ...ii ' ii, Subscribe for the Nebraskai : $ "syi w i ' i' ' '' 5 ' , f , j-7 rry Wi.Wi !i! J4 J 'a Jl( !, V IV. t:y: .. '" ..'r'''J U (u'. v-j.W ! V 1 u1-" V H L "" -'0 . 'i 13-J-.i-J-"'. r - ... . if . r .I'Mi.'L t"3 i'.A-A -in ' f T ' '" . T . w ' ji'-v" H. . r , --j -!