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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1905)
' :-'.?v."n.' ii - --. ,..-" "t -- r r "' - -H - h.i . V'1 v .1 -, vv. 'J. ..V-l F'.- ' i'i "i N V iv 1 W VoU V, Na 33 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, J9Q5. Price 5 Centi ',! '" .-. if .' - rw V - ur & & rc KVf . I-. it W L . Mv- w D m. r- to . l, - : i KLii? TEAM IMPROVES XVerV AND WEND3TRAND SENT ;1 TO TRAINING TABLE. Signal Practice at fitate Farm Con- H,tlnuefri Our Slogan is, "Down '' ' With .Colorado I" Tho Colorado game Is 'only two days oft and Coach Booth Is developing a now end to take Donslow's place. Avery, who Is being' givtfn a trial at end, hatThad considerable fdbtball ex perience, having played on the Lincoln-High-School -team for two yoars, and last year on the University scrubs. But the loft side Is the side that will require the most formidable forma tion, becauso the heaviest of tho Colo rado runs are directed at this side.' The guard positions aro still being flllod by Cotton and Jenkins, but Booth has two. -worthy substitutes for these positions In Wendstrand and Nelson". 4 rColorado Is still confident of victory "Nebraska on Saturday. Their! confidence is increased each day as reports como from the training quar ters of, tho tearn Tho reports of the physical Inability of some of the Ne braska players to enter the Saturday's gamp Is also, received with consider able deilght and thankfulness by tho people In the mountain tops. Tho Col orado coach Is toacbing his team every now play on tho catalogue with t10, hope of catching Nebraska sleeping at some, stage, of the gamb. It reports count for much another repetition of the Utah.Tgamo1 Is expected by ' the Westerners. Colorado.has. always played, the var? slty aXvery close game at Boulder, last year winning for the first 4tlmo. , But tho game in Lincoln' has boon quite different, as. iho Boulder team haa never; held ub down to p. close, score at" eastx One thing lsN8uro, that-Is, that - .thoHrue. effect or the, high' altitude on '-. the -varsity.? can- be toldNifter Satur I 'F Q Q T B J Lu -juj NEBRASKA VS, COLORADO O SATURDAY, NOV. 11 O 8 3IOO P. M. 8 LECTURE COURSE r PROMINENT- MEN fO. ADDRESS LANV 8TUDENT8j let and cream from tho defeat she suffe"red In 1004. One thing Is suro, tho people of Lincoln will see' a. game onSaturday that will bo straight foot ball. from tho tlmo tho whistio blows at the beginning of the .Qrsthalf until It Is blown ending the game. A mass mooting has been arranged fo next Friday at Convocation hour. Tho slogan of this' meeting, and every one present will bo, "Down with Colo rado;" and this Is the spirit that ovory Nebraska, student must carry until Saturday evening when t,ho gamo Is over, and anqthor victory Is awarded to Nebraska. Tho football men are working hard for victory and to the rooters comes the' burden of strong vocal support. . cessful and helpful. The committee chairmen reported good progress and showed the good work being accom plished by tle Association. Captain Borg of the football team-, and presl dent of the Y. M. C. A., spoko briefly on "Tho Opportunities of Commlttoo men." Ex-Captain Benedict also em phasized tho Importance of tho Asso ciation nnd said that tho Association was a strong factor In making a col- ' day;'s game, "for tho perspnrielof the Colorado team rsvoractlcally the" same this year. as la,st,v ' , x . Tho, work of,' thbmen In tho Blgnal practlcb at the Statearm;wffs snappy and full of life. Booth lnxthls practice -s1s given ample opportunity to. criticize tho : work of each pjayeVj ,as toKf6rm, and .much Individual work is indulged' MS., Both the new menTtvory and; '. "sVondstrandwere given stiff work last nighty v These two men have practical ly cinched their place on thfc Squad, as Booth sent ithem to the tralhlng-tablo last evening. Vendstrand is. of good weight and has shown VeatTniprove. ment in the .last few practiced. Thus "wo can see what our chances are; for a team In tho Colorado game. While our men aro not all.old 'veterans, yet they have the Nebraska spirit which "never gives "up," and. it matters not at what position thfly aro placod In Saturday's game, they will fight to tho ilnlBh to redeem the Commttteem'ens Dinner. On last, Tuesday evening' about seventy-five Y. M. C. A.commltteomen as sembled in tho dining room of St. .Paul's M. E. church ,tp Indulge in aN few rounds of good fellowship and in cidentally to help each other dp-away .with, areal old-fashioned sproadvjho affair was a success Xtt' Dota:Teeeig-; While the social committee, composed of such noted dignitaries as Wallace, Ramsey, Van Orsdel, Laird, Patterson, Steele and. others, wore getting things, ready In tho cafp car, tho. men wore' assembling in the parlors and amusing themselves by singing college songs Promptly at 6:0 the first 'call was given1 and the response was so unani mous thai it "was found unnecessary to givo the customary second and third calls'; 'It was hero the 'men played havoc with roast beef and mince pies, as well, as other substan tial eatables. . ' - . " , Dr.H. B. Ward presided as toast master, and it Is heedless to say that" this paftpf the prpgrarajyas-mostBuc A Remarkably Fine Lecture Course Arranflcd by Dean Pound for Benefit of Students. Doan Pound of tho Collego'of Law1 yesterday completed arrangomonts for a series of lectures to be given boforb tho law students throughout tho so--moster. The ledtuYors will bo mon of1 high standing In the legal profession, and will address tho studonts on essbn tlally practical subjects, giving advice dorivod from 'their own experiences in activo practice. Tho locturesr will be' given each Monday ovpnlng during tho somestor, and are arranged 'for "tho special benefit of tho studonts of tho' two upper classes, although tho fresh- ' men will dorlvo much advantage from1 V lego man an all around, man. Short them also. Last year an effort, .was- and Informal talks were made by Dr. Palme, Professor Smith, Mh Heck and others, after which Chancellor 'An drews gave a strong address on "The Young Man and tho Ago." Ho said that the young man who could meet the problems' and opportunities ,of the. ago was the young man with a good jharactera strong physique and an cuucatou mma. uo ineso muse, now evor, bo added tho willingness to work and work hard.. Tho affair was frequently Inter; rupted by tho Unlxorslty y.elr and fa miliar jBongs. Every man went, away feeling that tho Young Mon's Chris- Uan Ascltie was.ld4 && -active; force for tho'lieVthlngs is threJiW? of a college man. , The first debate in Rhetoric 15 was held yesterday aftornoon in U. 106. Tho question was: "Resolved, That trade unions should bo jncorpo'ratod," The Bpeakors for the afllrmatlvo were K. A? Morgan and A.. E Burr; for the .negative, B. C. Enyartvand 'R.' dTOsV man? The speakers were criticised on four points, namely, English, ease, clearness rand fdrco. On the whole, the workwass very good, Mr.. Burr re ceiving especial commendation. "Perkins" Swedish;.' ' gymnasium shoes at Rogors & Perkins Co., '1129 O St '- i.j 1 , f, 8 : DA M,r TKTtrODTl A T 5 o v - - X O ri J ' . M DANdNG" 9 to J2, ; - ADMISSIOl 50 GENTS ' &XM0000000 made to have similar lectures; butar-" rang'ements for each lociEtiro Were inad rangoments for each locturo wen made only a week or so boforohandi and as a consequence thoy wore hot, " entirely successful. - This year Dr., ' ' '' Pound has finished all arrangements boforo the first lecture, so that each lecturer w,lll know doflnltoly when hb Is to come, and no slips should occur, - -Following; is the course as complbted: x . Novombor20-r5. G? Flansburg, Esq-. VN Foes. .'' ""-. ' Novomber 27 Hon. S, J. Tuttlo.' Examlnatjdnof' Abstraets. ' Judge Tut tlo is ox-district judge abd.couasel for . the Security- Investment compaay. , Ho wfti' inte'W .$m 9firct9mi 4mmx- .. . stfate'froM it, t-,by point Copies of the abstractrveill be vsupplled.sit''"? dents. , ' ix Decombor 4r-T. C. Mungor, Esq. Prosecution of Criminal Cases. Mr Munger was or many yoars county' attorney of Lancaster County. Ho will s take up an actual record and explain Xs ;it step bystep. Copies ot tho rocor"d. ," will bo distributed to the studonts. "December llHon. Lincoln Frost.iJ' . Instruction-to Juries. JudgaTTros't is x dlstrlctludge. i . January' 8 S.' L. Qelsthardt, 'Esqi " Foreclosure of Mortgages. vMr QolVt- ' hardt .will take-up a record and, "ex plain it. . . , 'January 15 -E. E. Spencer; , Esq. '' ' Bankruptcy Proceedings MV4 Spencer Is referee innbankruptoy. . , 'January. 22Hon. 'prxls Brown. Advocacy. Mr. Brown is the attorney ' ; , ' generalt f ' Sophomores Defeat Academy. The Sophomore football team played a team representing the Academy yes terddy afternoon at J1 and, ft park, and' defeated them by a score of 27 to 0., Ther Sophomores "showed up a "very powerful offense, and the Academy could not stop-tho lino smashes. Blrk uer at full and Cook at end were jthe ptars of tho game. , .f t . r- (jWWHWIWW(WWW JMC REMEMBER tmf w -i C MP A tarf v LJ ' ' M , J JXTL JL t 904 t.' Ta v J "f K 'miimmfmmmf DEFEAT - .a. ' ,- ? '- i. " A'. i : .? . iL , -i .1 -' f", - -t . '"' A i. Miii -,. "" -im" .; ...-. ........-. "y- r--hijorrTLr.nrrij4u:arri(Lrrir-jf " '"j" f Sifcj' '.? 4. '. I. Mr 4 fu- '. 1 t v. V. m H :'. '" l Jfl "J . a 1 f& a J' .'iJ s O "' r , ,' -rill i- rut ii .-J I ':m 'c vi ''A O . sLw n 1 'f - i w a J w.' 1 ,. .v;-d .. i1.i -T- N v, H jrrm . ..viJkl I. I ..! d '! - rl ' .." ? i;t