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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1905)
T jl "' ,rf ' ' ;Vpl;Yo;34. ONIVElITYOF.NEBRAS UNCOLN, FRIDAY, NOVEMB ji), 905. Pric5 Ccnti Mmt v f tBbe aito IFlebr aefeatt VlH. ' : - " ; ! : : ' - -, . aBaBMaMaBBV1fl v ?1V t. . . ..1-; in i 1 X twfV" TX mJ i' -V Vaj TEAM LOOKS GOOD I."- '.-.' COLORADO STRONG ON OFFErt- f ' . SIVE WORK;. VVendstrahd,lh" Tomorrow's Llhe-Op--'.Convocjtlon Tbls . " V Morning. at. JTho 'Colorado team 'arrived this morning- oven -the Burlington from penven$ Tho Colorado men aro In the bolt ' of physical condition and will $o "Nebraska thq bestfthoy havtfim Nebraska flqld tomorrow aftornoon T&oy wlllrlndulgo lVsecrt)V 'practice somp .time today In tho near vicinity, "of Lincoln. Coach Kfenh'ol-" hopes to .' feet tho; me,nth0roughly. Jtbbergd UB in- tnis practice so mey win uu uuuu tho worsq for-theJLr long ttlp. . Proift a'lottotf'tiiat was wVl'ttoh, to a Nebraska student by a ColoraW "rijan wS can .gathor some pf the possibili ties' of- tomorrow's" game. Th'e blotter4 In 'part says, "that Colorado realizes that they aro playing awa'y'from homo ami .gainst "a, powerful aggregation.'. If Colorado had had Kansas on a dry Vr eld sthQ.vsco,ro .pjiU Jiavo . doubtless, been considerably larger." It further says: -"Wo aro weakest on defense--Klenholz's offensive formations aro .splendid, for none of the teamshavo. ' tieojx able' to withstand them, so '.fav Our bright particular 'star'" Is. Ctiloy at fullback; when ho plays his best game ho is hard to beat Christiansen also, played a .star game In the Colo- rAdo-Ujtah- game,1 Tho Colorado-Utah . game was, very rough from all imports,; V uiffruian menusins,iaoir uuw-lu.uttjr,- promiscuously wnu iau iwnua iuuv some of 'th'or Colorado players were' pretty badlyVcutTup? "w ' v" ' One 'thing le...qi4tosuro and that Is that tlio people who enrich the A& lotlc ".Board treasury "bn Saturday, by ,comIng.loMtho gamp.wlll0gotyaluo re ceived for their 'money. The.Cql&rado gamp will bo thb -.hardest, most hotly cbrites'tod and be'st gamo on Nebraska moid' this" year; This ft duo to. two things Colorado's victory of lasfc yoar and the present antagonism between the two schobl.B. - ? ." iJ'o varsity ia In good QOdlttbn for Saturday's game. Last night some - swift signal practice was indulged "in, natwell'aa scrimmage work. Tho men ailf showed up wllwatv their respective p61tIonX.J.Bened'lctdjd some gVeat ,wokat p;uartorrand during the scrim- ' mago-work ho made one of, theprot- . ' Hoof tnolrtna AVr Rpfin :ort- tlio' local ;i Afield. t Av6rywlth-iila;ionr. days' oxr ' ,; perleflco oh the varsity, 4Id,somo good wwVk.'- This man Is 'about elgtit or:ten :' 'i1?11 heayr tna5 XQns)ow; and'. If A he maKe-M'.so pr, tnis extra weignt tno . i'way' Donslow uses "J" weight,' Avery ' "shouldbo a 'great end. NVeriubtrand was put in at guara last nigt m jen vkliars'"bltffcp. HO, plays ,'a 'great' Jgamo ,,. "for ''a new .man, showing a speed In t ''ciiaVglng iand aggressiveness' In (every ,- play that 'makes the coach's "heart REMEMBER THAT l&'''USli$ tM . . 7" j " - vw " - ' iJ- Mmmm"mmmmm0MimmBmm0m NWMMfM - : 8 F QJ"O.T" B A I-. Lqj I NEBLAiSKA VS. COLORADO 8 ,j ': 5. 'SATURDAY, NOV.Il'; .. , ' H 8. ?)i ' . i 3:00 p. m. . . r glad. "' Tdkoh. all together, Nobraska will be." roprespnted' (y a1;ilrst'claVs team aalhbt Colorado j : Tho rdliy 'fortoindicrdw's amtf will bo held InKlemorlaf Hall tfils morn ing at Convocation borlOd. The root ers will co-operate with Mrs. Jiayrpond In- the regular jnilslcal program. Tho University band will render several selections and tho University chorus will sing ttho cOlldgo songs": In all ''probability tho Colorado team will 'bo presontrat tho rally. Como'and glyo us your heln In the rooting. . ' " , From Colorado.. The last "number of the "Sliver and Gold," published at tho UnlYorslty of Colorado, contains a number of Items which will probably be of Interest to students hbre. In an editorial com ment on tho Kansas gamo, which Colo rado won by fifteen points, tho play ers aro lauded because they put up such a magnificent game against a team greatly outweighing their own. In the'sunlmary of jhvagame the aver ago Syolghts ofUho twtkjtp' are given Kansas, 180,3 pounds;. Colo rado, .179.9 pounds. Seven ouncesto tho certainly. n-wholOjlot. 'In cidcntally, by their own showing, tho mountaineers outweigh Nebraska, for wltlTTaylor In the game our'men av eT&ged just under 179 pounds. After tho cowardly, attack on Coach Booth appearing. In. thathpapcr a couplo of weeks ago, tho two following itoms regarding . Klenholsi may bo of Inter est. The song composed by him may boJiJs own,, but. It Is -perilously Hko tho song we have beon singing Jiero for flvpv yearsT and wjth a single sub stitution of one word" thoy would be IdentlcaU His notlcoVogardlng "spot ters'.' reminds us of tho days when wo 1 "V ''""''"'"" '"' x -. , - . x CJ . CI .' ft a wn tMinPA At s a J p m ma v m m m .w m m . u m . w O v . X Cm ' f y r 1 Q I DANCING' :9oti -' ADMISSION 50 CENTS i . i. k . used to sneak behind th? barn to read "Diamond Dick": - An enthusfastlc student rally was held In chapel last Friday morning. Yells and songs were practiced for tho Kansas game. Coach Kienhol? com posed tho following 'song, and his prophecy therein was amply fulfilled Saturday afternoon: . (Tuno, "Tall of tho Kangaroo.") Oh Kansas sho was Jolly, Oh Knnans8he was gay, But when tho game was oyer, Sho felt tho; other way; . Sho saw tho constellations, Tho stars, tho moon, tho sun, Her team felt kind o'slckly, When that football game was done. NOTICE. It will be tho duty of every student In tho University to. keep an eyo out .for any "spotters" that are apt to bo visitors about the campus tho rest of the football-season. All such suspic ious characters should bo reported to the- Athletic Association authorities' al once. Remember this is your duty as a student of this Institution. . (Signed) W. SIMS KII3NHOLZ. Coach. Alpha Zeta held Initiation lost Sat urday, night, November 4. Thcso men were takon liu C.' H.'Bohrer, C.' W. Rlne and W. L.vZook. Tho initiation was held at tho State vEarm, as is cus ternary. A feed was glvcnafterward in one of the offices. The ' English .Club will meot wIthN Miss Howell nt Mellck Court on Satur day, Nov(embex,l. .. V Comniutatlon Room. tickets Unl. Dining I-, 1 ""'' - 904 MEETINGS 8EN1QR8.,HEAR REP0RT'OF COM MITTEE8.- Mon8olcct6d From ..Whom the Chan cellor Is to Pick Commencement "Orator Laws Meet. Yestprday morning during, tho con vocatlon poriod -tho Solilor class mot in U. 100 for tho purposo of hoarlng 'reports from a number of committees, and to- attend to othor shatters of minor importance. Tho play commit- - tco rocommondod an assessment of $3 upon every Senior in orxler to moot thciargo oxponsosincldont to tho pro duction of tno class play. It was do cldod to lay this tax, and to order that overy Senior oithdr pay this boforo tho Jlrst of tho year or else sign n noto" for tho. amount. Bach morabor of tho class who pays this assessment J will bo entitled tosx, tickets to tho play, tho tickets to bo distributed to tho Seniors boforo, being placed on general solo. Tho committee having in charge tho girls' caps and gown's reported that it was tho lntontion to have all tho girls appoar In cap and gown tho day before Thanksgiving, and that accordingly all. orders should bo placed o,t once. Tho cpramltjep'for' the selection of tho commencement orator reported a list of prominent mop of tho country whlch they had prepared, This list; Is to bo" submitted to Chancellor Andrews, -wjio is to se lect tho most ayaHablo" map and If possible engago him for that time. In ciiHiruie man on wnonrme airst cuoic falls Isyuhablo, to accept tho invitation, V tlio osIllo9f(9rca tQl sec ond 'choice.' Follbwlng Is the list: x Congrossmah Richardson of 'Tonnes see.' ' . President Stryker of Hatnlltph Col logo x ' " General -Milos,- N v S6nnfor Bovoridge ot Indiana: " Vice-president Fairbanks; ' " ' ,-dovernor Folk of Missouri.. . '. Senator Cummins 'of Iowa. " . Governor' La FolIotto of Wisconsin. Nflnnnfftl" IJn-"A'llIn, DrBuckloy. , v Hton. Franklin McVoy: H ' ,, Under thorules made by tho board' regents last yoarall student affairs :wltli financial .concehis, word placed under a acuity auditing" -committee. There ae'orao'd to bq' s'onlo (loub't a,s to whether 'this board was to bo selected by tho class or whs to bo a general boar1 appointed by tho' authorities. Tentative appointments-were ma,do In case It was the duty of the class to make thq selection. Upon motion thp president appointed a hat committee and a pin committee, which aro &b fol lows: i 4 '' Hat Committee Pugsioy, chairman; Whblan, Hollingsworth. Pin Committee flUtes Howie,- chair man; Miss Bunt, Benedict ' (Continued on. page 2.) r - -irTii. iijiiumu -Jin. LL-quT.u-jj.-j '. n 7CJ' CUSS DEFEAT 'I m 1 ' n- M VI l& i TJ jfi , ' M . r.M 1 -w :'i-.- J.- J . ," i t, . ? 1 ' .1 1 i I. .u