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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1905)
1111 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN- i I'-' i V 'X 1 ", - Z)i Daily tltbvhsKan "q ! y. consolIdftUpn of ,Tho IIcBporlan, Vol. 31, Tho Ncbraskan, Vol. 10, Scarlet and Crcam, Vol. 4. Published dally, oxcopt Sunday, and Monday, at tho University of Nobraako, Lincoln, Nob., by tho Hesporlan Publish ing co. Board of Directors. O. V. P. Stout.. 'Laurence FoaliV H. P. Leavltt Dwlght Cramer. . A. O. Schroiber. Edltor-ln-Chlof. . J. p. Clark Manager r,....r. Fred Naughton Circulator, Waltor E. Btandovon Athletic J. A Van Orsdol Editorial Hoomc. U 304. Business Ofllco, U 211 VI. Post onieo, Station A, Lln .coIit, Nob. Ofllco hours of Business Managor and Editor, 11:00 to 11:30 dally. t , Telephone Automatic 1628 Night Telephone Automatic 2365 Subscription Price, 2 per year In advance Entered at tho poptofflco at Lincoln. Neb., as Bocond-clnss mall matter under thp act of congress of March U, 1870. Individual notices wllPbb charged for at tho ruto of 10 cents for oach Insertion. Facultv denartmontal and unU'orsIty bul letins will gladly bo published freo, as. heretofore. CR088 COUNTRY WORK. . Ip ypstorday'a Nobraslcan was an appeal to tho students by Dr. Clnpp, yho urgod ovory studont who could And tlmo to do so. to got out and tako cross country runs with tho squads which go out dally. It Ib lrapcratlvo that NchrasUa turn out as good a team this year as that which won tho chanv pfonahlpat Chicago last Thanksgiving. Tho clip which Is offered for tho cham pionship becomes tho property of a college only when It has jbeen won three cbnsecutivo times, and i( Wo aro defeated In tho contest this year tho OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXDOOOOpOOOOCXX)OOOOCOOpOOOCXX) I SELL Nobby Stiff Bafo both brown and blk. Our ptfcfe Why Pay More? Budd, $2.50 Hatter victory before will not avail us any as regards tho cup. In addition to this, iUs up to us to win again for tho sini plo reason tha't all tho teams plttod against us will represent Conference teams, and if wo fall to land fir$t place tho cry will again gd up that Nebras ka Ib not good for anything excepting nt times, and that she does not deserve -tnomborahln Jn tho Conference. Wo raiust showthoso colleges- that Nobras- ka can. turn out consistently . good" teams In any branch of athletic4.?. Ofc last yoar's cros-country team only two aro in school, nnd neither of them havo their placos assumed. Three and per haps, all five places must bo filled """ within tho next two wopks, and there aro onjy a very few candidates for these places. Long dlstanco running can bo undortakon with success by any man with grit and a strong heart, and oven, thpugh one falls to moko tho team, still tho exercise Is Invaluable, and Is worth tho trouble and the time a hundred times over. Como out, thon, and even It you fall to bo one of thoso unknown wonders, you will still feel that you. havo gotten ' your money's worth. Start the school year right by get ting a nice engraved or printed card. Georgo Broe,, 'printer's, Fraternity Bid;., 18th and N St., Cut Tni Out. Below wo publish a Nobraska song Which wljLb'o .sung tomorrow at tho mass mooting. Out it out anci presorve It until then: Tune: "Tho Old Oaken Ducket." Alma mater, wo hall thoo with loyal devotion, And bring to thy altar our offering of'pralso; Our hearts swell within us with Joyful emotion As tho namo of "Nobraska" in chorus wo raise. . Tho happiest moments of youth's fleet ing hours Wo'vo passed "neath tho shade of theso time-honored walls, And sorrows as transient as April's brief showers Havo clouded our lives In Nebras ka's fair halls. And when wo depart from thy friend ly protection And boldly launch out upon llfo's stormy main, Wo'll oft look behind us with grateful affection And livo our bright student days over again. Whon from youth wo havo wandered to manhood's high station, And hopoful young scions around us havo .grown, Wo'll send them with lovo and with deep vonoratlon As pilgrims to this, tho best shrine wo havo known. And when life's golden Autumn with Wintor is blending, And brows now so radiant aro fur rowed, with care, ' When tho bllghtings of age. on our heads are descending, With no early friends all our sor rows to sharo. Ah, "thon as In memory backward wo wander And roam tho long vista of past years adown On ho scones of our student days often we'll ponder, And smllo tQ contemplate Nebras ka's renown. STIFFS; Professor Barber at Convocation. Professor Barber occupied the half hour at convocation yesterday morn ing with an .Ulustratod lecture on the r,ulns of Pompoii. A largo crowd was present Tho lecturo was In the nature of a p stroll through tho streets. He showed views of a number of public buildings, Including tho forum, temples, theatre, churches and cathedrals, and amphi theatre. Professor Barbor vfslted the place a number of years ago and Is well ' acqaulnted with the conditions' thoro.- Tho talk was especially help ful to historical students, for it showed tho civilization of tho inhabitants of Pompeii at tho tlmo of Its destruction, 7j)' A. D. Professor Barbour will glvo another Illustrated lecturo In a few weeks, treating of the homo life of tho people. Tho lecturo closed with un imagin ary picturo of a flower girl In tho last days of Pompeii. Association Football. There seems to1 havo developed a craze for association football at Chi cago, and a mass mooting In Its In terests was held the other morning. The "Maroon" has ' tho following, to say. about tho ganie: , . In twenty hours tho' "floefcer" foot S2 Sfcfc3 Only Clothes That Fit Arc Satisfactory ' t W One of the clearly defined principles of this store (6 W is that every garment be properly fitted in every W .rf flptnil lipfnrp Ipnvino tliA Iimica 'MrtfUiMnr e!i-f W, i of this meets 'our approval and much of our suc J cess we owe to strict adherence to this rule. MS Our Clothing when worn 5: to-measure, is one of :' much about "Kensington" clothes. When look- jL ing at the relative value of Clothing, look well jri to the fit and make, for there is no real value if jjl the .fit is unsatisfactory. Our exhibition -in- 9 eludes the latest and best fabrics. Suits Overcoats m 9 9 .Magee & "KonelpB'on" ClothoB thoy fit. ball fevor has spread all ovor tho campus, and men's hall teams are now being organized. Tho plan of organ izing Inter-collego' association football teams In tho junior colleges was broached In the meeting of tho Philos ophy mon with Dean Vincent yester day morning, tho idea received tho hearty support of all tho students pres ent and tho approval of Director Stagg, spread with favor through the other divisions within a few hours after tho meeting, and this morning bulletins aro posted for meetings of all tho men's halls for" tho organization of teams. Tho "sockcr" game seems to bo got tlng unprecedented support by tho students because il gives ovory mnh n, chuncoto get into tho gnmo. Weight is not Xnecessity; in fnct It is a handicap, Tho only requisites aro a moderate amount of sneed. a little shifting ablUty aiwlssomo enthusiasm. Of tho latter thercNsooms to bo a' plenty, and out of jhoMargo squads that the "fovor" Is bound muring out, somo good material ought to bo do vojopert sor that the month of Novem ber will present an interesting Infer: collogo and Intor-house schodule. .&$$$Qas(B2e w MHblTJATIONAL BANK Capital $ 300,000.00 Surplus amd Profits 200,000 00 DejioslU 3,620,000.00 $$3$3$$$$$$$ I CRESCENT BOWLING ALLEY ell34- N RRIVMTTE - ALLEYS- FOR LADIES TRY THE FRANKLIN ICE CREAM CO. FOR ALL ICECREAMS, ICES, PUNCHES AND FROZEN DAINTIES - RiriuciJ prices in line quantities. I3I6 N Street, lith 'Phwes GREGORY' HIE COAL MAN CHARLES . GREGORY, U.j N. t1. BOTHPHONES. ' im'Q STREET it m it looks as though made- ft the reasons you hear so 9 m 9 m 9 m w m 0 .$5.00 to $35.00 $12,50 to $35.00 Deemer 1100 0 St JUST RECEIVED t ' All the New "Uni" Pins Brooches 25c to $8.00 5at Pins. fiOc, 75c, $1.00 Fobs 25c to $2.00 Stick Pins 25c, 83c, OQc Belt Pins. . . . .vv .$1.00 and 81.25 Seals v. r.-iy.25c to $8.00 Spoons... 75c to $2.25 Many entirely now designs We carry L. H. S., Wetley an and L. B. C. Pins, too. HALLETT JEWELER-OPTICIAN 1143 0 Watorvllle Pocket Knives EVERY ONE GUARANtEED HALLS. 1308 O. STREET STREET: n 'r" i :.1 5 ri s i'. , ' , S..