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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1905)
w . .1 fc k4? .1 l UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1905. Price 5 Cent Vol. V, No- 32 ;tlbe S)ait IKebraeftan N " ' ' ' '" 'v ' A w. . f. - , r' B-: Tv- V Bt i ; 1 --U- ' v ."? COLORADO NEXT COLORADO IN GOOD CONDITION FOR 8ATURDAY8 GAME. The VarsHy In Poor Condition Physic ally, But Determined A Maw " Meeting Friday at Chapel. The Bcoro of last Saturday's gamo betweon Colorado and Utah shows that Nebraska will not have a snap In the coming game. Colorado simply overwhelmed the Mormon school by a score of 40 to 5. Utah seems to .have ji cood team, and made some very ooxxxcococxxxxxxxx FOOTBALL- NEBRASKA VS.COLORADO , SATURDAY, NOV. 11 3100 P. M. STATE FARM OPENS ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- . 8EVEN REGISTER. substantial gains, both nround Colo rado's ends and through her line. The average yardage made by Utah in tne second, halt was 5.65 yards on eachof twenty-three downs; while Colorado only averaged 3.G7 yards In fifty-six downs. "Something of 'a sensation occurred in" the Colorado-Utah game, when the coach of the Utah, team made his in spection of the armor worn by the Colorado players. The heavy shoulder, pads worn by Captain Roberts immedi ately attracted Coach Maddocks eye. Ho hit the pad with his list and near ly broke his knuckles. A little rlp nlnc awav of the padding rovealed the fact that tho shield was composed or metal sheet, covered with padded felt. Roberts declared that he had worn, the pad all season williout complaint, but manfully doffed it1 for a less dan gerous shield' When requestedto do so by Maddock?'(3oh3fado- seems to havo,tho necessary nerve in entering tho game without regard to protection Word comes from Boulder that tne Colorado coaches are exerting every possiblo means to bring awinning tnnm to Lincoln on Saturday. .The rninrndo team will havo secret prac- ticotho rest of tho week. By thls theyliopd to work up some now plays that will bo successful in 'running Ne braska off her feet during tne ursi half of the game. The victory of 1904 has so stimulated, the: Colorado, men that they cannot, but hope and expect victory again in 1905. While tho Colorado team is in the best of physical condition, Nebraska x is drilling away with a team really belonKing to tho hospital corps. Den- . slow, who was hurt in last Saturday's ". gamo, will bo kopt out of practice , this week and consequently the game .Saturday. Cotton still continues to :jbo on the stale list, but is improving some over iaBtweok'B condition, The quarter-back position will' likely fall to Benedict from this on, owing' to ,ftho. great form he showed in Satur- .,' day's game. Tho team wont to the Stajte Farm for practice last night. Several new men were Included In tho squad to flH some of tho vacancies on tho team. A few of 'these men were tried ouUin Den Blow's Placo at end. Avery was th5 Students' Convention. Tho Nebraskan Is in receipt of an invitation to all tho students of tho world to assemble in Milan for a Con gress next year. Tho call is as fol lows: Follow Students: With tho object Important Shakespearean Document. In tho London Standard for October. 1R. there is a Ions artlclo by Prof. C. W. Wallace of tho dopartment of Literature regarding his discovery of thrco documonts touching upon a law suit in which Shakospearo was a de of strengthening the bonds that unite fondant. Following is a part of tho vouths ot education all over the world, of discussing ami dealing with those mmutlnna Hint IntnrGBt our class, tho Students pi Milan, taking advantage of tho -Great International Exhibition that Is to take placo hero in 1906, havo decided to call a world's -Convention of Students. to bo held during tho period of tho Exhibition. Wtf hope, feliw-studoilts, that you will 'respond to our invitation and will come in great numbers to Milan. Wo, on our part, will do all in our power to onable you to spend tho time you will pass in our city to tho best advantage. Fellow-students, ' by seeing and knowing one another wo shall bo ablo the more to respect and esteem one another and fulfill the noblo purpose of forming all the educated youth in )n .v immnncn linTiil nt hrnthars. with thosamo aspirations, tho samo ideals of peace, of progress, of civilization. Make up your minds, and all ot you como to Mllanin 1900! With regard to tho subjects to be, discussed by tho Congress, wo, beg you To communicate to us those that may interest ypu most, of which wo shall take nato for discussion., In duo counte. wo -shall send you the deflnito program, and will lot you know the precise data'of tho Congress The official festivities will last about 11 week, and will incliido sports (re gattas, footbaTTTBhooting at tho tar- got, wrestling), receptions, balls .pro cessions, illuminations, banquets, and excursions maho neighborhood of Ml-lanr The commltteo arranging tho Con gress has alBo taken measures to ob tain for those who attend the Congress notable reductions f fares both from the, railways and froKrthe steamboat companies.- Wo bee vou to communicate to us the probable number "oTttio students of your university who will cpmo to tho Congress,, to sorvo as a guide in making tho general arrangements. It is of course understood that tho Invitation wo give you,.fellow-students, artlclo: All tho world Is always Interested n Shakosnearo Scholars havo searched, ono would suppose, ovory nook and cranny that might holdtho Hllchteat evidence bearing upon his Hfo and career. An announcement concerning Shakespoaro at this day, therefore, strikes 01x0 witn excited surprise. Yot tho fact that in the state archives ard valuablo documonts hitherto unknown touching tho last vnnr nf tho ereat noet's life. Theso documonts I discovered. in his majes ty's public record office some -weeks ago while making a systematic re search concerning tho children com panies at Blackfriars and Whitefrlars theatres from 1597 to the mlOIlHT'ot tho reign of James I. practically a now field,' despite tho fact that year ly every Shakespoaro scholar ror a century and a half has glanced at It Incidentally, In addition to tho dis coveries published below, I have como upon other Items touching Shakes peare, particularly elucidating tho fa mous passago in "Hamlet" concern ing tho children, and contributing toward tho questions mat cluster about. thq 160.3 and 1604, "Hamlet" nuartos. In conducting my researches in tho nubile record ofllco concerning "Black friars" and "Whitefrlars,''.. taking into account not only "theatre" and "play house," but also "mpssuages," "lands," otc, I came In natural course upon thp present documents that add an 'item Jn the life ot tho greatvpoet;. , I Theso documents are tho result of ' In il.n rviir- nt r.hnnp.firv. In Marked Increase Jn Attendances-Line Up Yesterday for Mili tary Drill. Registration at tho Nebraska School of Agriculture, for both tho long and short courses, oponcd last Monday morning and boforo tho. closo pftho day ono hundrod and thirty-sovon had ' reglstorod. Of theso, sixty-thrco wore freshmen. Tho registration was con tinued yestorday and will probably roach ono hundred and fifty boforo tho closo. . Tho records so fav snow a marked incroaso In attondanco- over tho roc- t ords of any provjous years. Tho rdgls--tratlon for tho first day. of last year was ono hundrod ' and two, as com nnrocl with ono hundred and thirty- t I Bovon last MPndny. Last year thoro woro twonty-four In thoJ3onior class, as compared with forty In tho graduat ing class this year. Tho total number registered laBt year, for both long and short courses, was threo hundred and thirty-two. What the total number will bo this year is notitnown cording to present IndicaUonsvIt will exceed that amount. A forco'of about twenty Instructors is now required to handle tho classes 'at tho farm. -In addition to this, ,a good many of tho students havo claBspsj at itho Univer sity. The State Farm-has beon greatly lm nrnvori flurlnc tho past year. Now " - w - N buildings havb) beon . built, cement walks laid and a sower Is now behig Sail dug to connect tho farm with croekTThe lafgeBt of tho. now bulld- ingsvls tho Agricultural Hall, where tho registration iff now being held. -This hall vhasx Just recently bito' fin ished and willbo dedicatou some umo during the midwinter,, commencement;. The 'students rcglstoredln thbxthreo year course are required to take 'Drill-, tary drill and yestorday'hUc'f noon -.they lined up for their first formation, a. a suit in the Court of Chancery, in which William -Shakespeare is ono of tho plaintiffs and. MathowBacon de fondant. The suit concornscortaln London "dwelling houses or Mes suages," etc., possessed by Shakes peare and his neighboring property owners in .the... Blackf rlas precincts, near tho renowned old Blackfriars theatre. ' ' ' . man given the greatest attention by extends also to your professors and nnMJniiPrt nn naco 2.) tneir uhhihiuuib. Indian Curios JMatch holders .in birth bark, smeklng. sots,-etc., from 10c each to 25c. Tho Lincoln Book Store - II... St ,T.rMasfcwl Avlnnila cordial invitation to students to a-tend-tho annual art exhibit atvhisv studio of photography 226 . South Eleventh street Friday and Saturday ntthia wpok. Tho Btudlo-vwlll, fce-weti Saturda:xflvening, with special -icY" by St. Paul orchestras --? TCmll P. LanKP '99 who .Wasuwcll known n tlio Botanical Department aa a( proficient botanist, called- at tho University on Monday. Ho s now liv ing In Falrbury. Ho has bao'n ongaged. in botanical work during' tho .summer. . f . . In tho last number of Science,; Pro fessor Bessoy reviowa .a rdpou.t book on tho wnter lilies of, the wprld, by Dr. i Canard. .Thebook'appBared aaa ono of tho publications of tho Carnegio (institution at Washington. T :.' :iJj:jlli , -1,',,-nu j, i n-i -!!)-! Uj..,JLii.iJ-iijr.--"rl ' ' w"'"""'i '" '"" ' wwi'iiiH f REMEMBER THA't J904 DEFEATJJ -K I 1 1 . 1 r i eri v "hVi N 'A s; r x X' l - uujM-'M'yifrrf"r - .... ixwwwmwwh mwmywvwM'wMQ .j , . 'J ' - ,i,i rf. L.f. k . r. f' in ji ' A