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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1901)
Wmft!ef 'S'-'P';', hL ,r ,fl .i The Daily Nebraskan rl'l JSJ T ff J VOL. I NO. 38 LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1901. THREE CENTS 4 C A-r-- y NEW RATE TO OMAHA. Railroads 'Promise Special Trains at $1.10 Yesterday's Practice Ooach Outland Hopeful for a Victory. A war of small dlmenlsor.s between the competing railroads has resulted in lowering the rate to Omaha $1.10 Tor the round trip. This rate is made by both the Burlington and the Rock Island and both will run special trains. The trains will leave Lincoln in the m o r"n I n g a n d return about cloven o'clock Saturday night. Chairman Wyor of tho athletic board announced yesterday that wliilc botli roads had made the rate tne Itock Island was tho ofllclal route and unleas some changes were made be tween now and Saturday the team would go over tint road. There is no guarantoc, hnweer. to either road and it is left to the choice of the In dividual which road lie shall uatron Jze. A bunrh of four hundred tickets is now in tho possession of Librarian Wycr and may be liar at the library until tonight when they will be re turned to Omaha. Reports from there indicate that the sale of seats is progressing rapidly and a large crowd is assured. Those who want seats will have to procure them at once as the chances arc thai there will be none on sale at Omaha when the crowd readies thero Saturday. General admission will bo fifty cents. This will lnalude standing room only. Seats will bo fifty cents additional. Holders of season tickets will be ad mitted on them. TnE PRACTICE. Yestordav's pratice was the lirec est for many a day. Although Pils burv. Kingsbury and Shcdd were not out. The rorr.alnder of the team with several substitutes put up a snappy game against ti 1 cusc rubs. Th cp I ling -ing by Cuff was one or the interest ing features of the pratice. Seeal tiino he darted through the line for long gains before he could be downed. The team is still showing the eJYeots of the Wisconsin game will be a day or two before it regains its old U rm. KANSAS SLOW ' HUT CONFI DENT. Since the return of tho team from its northern trip, practice at K. V. s.eoms to navo lost lis snap and vigor. The return of Coach Outland from WIsconsIrTHfldcd new zest to the play Monday. The team mado a very unsatisfactory showing against the boruos, however. Fumbling appears to bo their worst fault and it seems to come at critical times. In spite or poor practice they succeeded in making two touchdowns against the second team. Concerning tho Nebraska game Coach Outland said: "They play hard foot-ball and K. U. will have to hurry to boat them Wo expect to do it. however and when we leave for Lincoln lu a couple or weeks if our team is in condition, we will give them one of tho liveliest games of their life. Coach Murphy of Missouri Univer sity and Wlffin of Kansas City havo been agreed upon as ofllclals for the KanBas game. The Kirksvlllc Osteopaths sprung a surprise Monday by defeating the Ottawa team by a score .of 'M to 0. From all accounts the game was a walk avay for the u odors. The Ot tawas had no chance of a score at any time in the game. The only excuse that can be offered foi the Kansans Is that thoy had a hard game Saturday and were not in the best nt condition. CLASS FOOTBALL The Interest In tho class foot-ball teams Is lively this week. The sopho mores, fieshmon and seniors havo teams on the Hold every morning for practice. The Juniors have not or ganized a team owing to lack ot ma terial. The Junior-Senior game will probably be forfitcd to the seniors. The sophomores and "scrubs" will line up Friday afternoon for a prac tice game. The freshmen havo a strong aggre gation and they have moro candi dates for places than any otLer class team. They will Dlay tho sophomores early next week. The sophomores are very confident, as they very oasily defeated the Lincoln High school scrubs last Saturday f)-0 In a short hall Tho seniors will plaj 1 he win ners of this contest as soon arter as possible. The senior laws and senior acade mics'wlli probably play next Monday afternoon. RECEPTI'N TO PLAYERS LITERARY SOCIETIES. The pr.igra'ns for tho literary so cieties for t( m irrivr night are as fol lows: UNION. Music Duet. Paper Miss Jennie McGufTy. Recitation Miss Meyers. Violin Solo- Mr. Nelson. A (J host Story Mr. Mllek. Rcckatiou Mr. Gibson. Vocal Solo Miss Grace Musetter. PALLAD1AN. Instrumental solo Selected -Ann Grinin. Vocal Solo The Flight of Ages Miss Lally. Piano duct The King's Hussars Pearl Emorlck, Sylvia Beatty. Vocal Solo Mv Lover is a Sailor Lad-Nelle McFall. Instrumetai Solos-Lonely Wanderer Evotik, To Spring-Grieg Martha Hassen. DHLIAN. Piano Solo -Tapnhauser Cramer Mr. Waiter Peterson. Recitation An Irish Courtship Miss Ruth Bailov. Vocal S010 Character Song Mr. Smith. Papor Miss Pillsbu'ry Recitation Mr. Irenarus P. Hew itt. Vocal Solo Selected Miss Lally. Missouri Girls' Basket Ball Team to bo Royally Entortained - Both Teams Developing Now Strength. Arrangements continuo for tho In tercollegiate basketball meet Satur day night. One ol tho patronesses. Mn.. John 11. Ilorton, will entortaln tho Missouri players and the Nobras-' ka first team at luncheon Saturday noon. Later in the day comes the informal receptnn in honor of tho Missouri players In the 'Test room." To this, memoers of the faculty and tbe women students of tho university are invited sinco it atiiI not be pos sible to Invite all. The Missouri team will be In charge of Miss Helen Pender, of tho University or Michigan. The play ers come as tho guests of the 'varsity team, who bring them from Colum bia and entertain them. The invita tion was extended in September and the team should bo a strong one. It is expected to reach Omaha with tho foobtali team and to come to Lincoln Friday. The 'varsity team for Nebraska consists of three new players and three old. Miss Eleanora Miller was cautaln for two years and her clevor and experienced work as forward needs no comment. She is a good general, knows the game well and Is swilt and reliable Her colleague this year Is Miss Minnie Jansa, a tall freshman, who distinguished herself as guard on the Wahoo team In the tournament last year. Miss Jansa prefers to plav guard, but is sure at catching and a brilliant thrower, so that her services woro demanded as forward, in plnco of Biancho Em mons. The centers aro nannah Pjlls bury (captain) and Gertrude Macom bor, promoted from tho position of captain of the second team. Miss Plllsbury retains hor old time speed post and combining reckless disregard of Injury with trustwortv guarding. It Is folt that those forardR must 00 well who scoro against Miss Sly and Miss Shields. So far, tho team as a whole Is poraowhat disorganized, owing to the fact that they havo played together but five or six times this season ahd havo boon out of training; but it Is likelv that by the end of the week team work will be smoother and will paBB under better control. CHANCELLOR ANDREWS UK CEPTON AT BROWN. A privato lottor from a professor in 13 row n Unlveristy to Professor Metcair of tho Botany department, contains the following account ol Charcellor Andrews' reception at Brown. "We havo been giving 'Benny' a warm reception; never sinoo I havo been professor hero has any man re ceived such an ovation from students and faculty and alumni. It was pre arranged that tho faculty should meet ano entertain him on Thursday evening at tho Gorman seminar. The students, however, to whom his fame has descended added extra features to the program. They first rang the University bell for about an hour; then with drum and life, red fire and ronian ca'idlcs went down the Infantry hall where he was speaking and Just after 0 pm. escorted him with immense enthusiasm and cheer ing, back up tho hill to the Univer sity. Thero they forced open the gates and forming in double colums escorted him and President Frauncc to the front stepb of Soylo's Hail. Thero he turned and addressed the sea of young eager faces, who hung upon his every woro. Comments all around were: "This Is a mant" Then while the faculty wero cntor taining Andrews, the boys adjourned to Lincoln field, where thoy built several big bonfires, and cheered and sang "For Benny's a jolly gftod fel- Professor Wilson will give an extra lecture this week. Sam Crawford of tho claulnnati baseball team and a Nebraska boy, was married October :u to Ada M. Latin, daughter of J. W. Lattin, an Omaha stockman. In the season of 1001 ho made moro home runs than any other player In tho national league He has signed with Cincin nati 'for 1902 and will make fchat city his home. and actlvljLyand her nj )illty to rise to crises. To Miss Macomber has rallen the difficult lot or filling the place left vacant by Minnie Guile. Miss Macomber is steady In match games, koups hor hoad well, and is always likely to emerge from a scrim mage with the bab. Her work as guard Ik gcnorally reliable. When theso two centers have had oppor tunity to get used to each other and to work together better, they should make a strong ouet. - - Miss Sly, guard from last year's team, now counts as one of tho strongest guards the 'varisty team has had. With the possible exception of Miss Jansa, she is tho surest of tho team at catching, is strong at throwing and never fouls. So far this season no playor matched against her has been able to scoro a single goal. Except for Miss Taylor's abil ity to co-oporato with the centors, Miss Sly's work seems .not less fault less. The second guard, Miss Tay lor's successor, is a player promoted from tho second team, Miss Zora Shields. There aro many promising guards in school, some of them in some ways moro brilliant. Miss Shields was soleoted to help ..defend tho Missouri goal because exporienced mid "safe." She has demonstrated tier reliability, inpraotlco games this fall, never straying from herl low ! ' ' After our faculty cntertaln ment tTiey crowdecl Tnto The oTiapel" and yelled "Wo want Benny" until he came lrr andnddressed them-froro-tho gallery." "Next morning at chapel thore was tho repetition of enthusiasm and after service tho boys deserted class and formed in triumphal processions, escorting him about as he inspected thoTecent changes in the Univor- slty." THE WEATHElt. - J!urecafibfirJLilnQolU-xiDfl j-Jolni Ly. Thursday fair, cold wave; twenty degrees colder by. Thursday night than Wednesday. Weather report for 24 hours ending " 7 pm. Wednesday. Hlsest tomporaturo 58 degrees, oc curlng at 2 pm. ,"' ' Lowest temporaturo, 37 degrees, occuring at 7 pm. Mean tomporaturo, 48 degrees, wblob Is 7 degrees abovo tho normal No Precipitation. G. A. LOVELAND, Sectlou Dl rep tor. Monday night tho Board o(CoiifcrpJ of the Y. M. C. A. met and compiet- cd arrangements for tho publication of tho student's dlrentory. It is in charge of Robert Hill and ho expects. Xo have It ready by December 1. i ''J 1 i -4 i 1 y t Va VI y 1-, - ril m i 3 a - A -s VJ id ft KiRY r is. 1 , v .1 V I jv