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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1901)
fjiKW SW "N. u f s THE DAILY NEBRASKAN. rtr(Wrf)'r,- 6' r B it v' It n J. K 1 i" ; ' 7 f . v. l I TV i. "A -) l?r Luc- : i- l3,i i'.' K'" w ltd v I'rt ' L ". I. ' T '. . . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A otwipapor devotad to tho IntoreaU of th University of Nauru ska. Published at 134 North 11th St., by THE HESPERIAN PUB. CO. (Incorporated.) DIRECTORS: J. W. Crabtreo, Fraildont. O. L. Towno,8orotarT.Trosnror. J. I. Wyor, T. J. Howott, B. W. Waeuburn. BTKSLrNO II .MCCAW QkOEOBP. 8DIDLEB Managing Editor Asst. Manager - Athletio Editor HEP0RTER8. R. C. Pollard, Clifton Carter, Norrls Huse, B. T. Hill, J. R. Forney, Cliff Crooks. John A. Wilson, Linn M. Huntington. The subscription price of the Daily Nebras Van i 2 for tho college yenr with n regular de llTery before clmpel encn A7- Notices, com munications, andothor mutter Intended for pub lication, must be handed In nt the NebraBkau office before 7 p. m., or mailed to the editor be fore 8 p. m., of the day previous to that dny on hlch they are expected to appear. Bubicrlptions may be left at the Nebrsskan office, nt tho Co.Op., or with Business Manager. Subscribers will confer a faror by reporting promptly at this offlco any failure to receive tho All changes in advertising matter must bo in the ofilce by 3 p. m. on tho day previous to that on which they are to appear. Address nil communications to the Dally rfe braikan, 13i N. 11th Bt., Lincoln, Nebraska. Telephono 479. r Entered nt tho prwtnfnVc lit Lincoln. Nrl . us Hivond cliias mall nmltir gravy, some ooffeo nnd a little cranberry aauco on tho tablecloth It whl make moro work for everybody. Never praiso anything you have to cat. If the waiter should happen to have heart troublo and hoir you sho j might Tall dead, and tho rook could never stand up under a word of ap preciation. AlwayB ask for an ax when o your steak Is brought In. This little pleasantry Is absolutely necessary If jou wish to bo a p,cnc. If you order spring chicken say something about tho ark and other Bucb things. This will sort of. break the lco and everybody will sec al onco you are a wit. Kick about everything. Kick about tho last boarding nouso yon were at and everything you can think or. Kick all tho tlmo; at every meal, when you Day your bill, whon vou first arrive and tho last thing you do boforo departing. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. SCHOOL LOW PAY J' OR BRAINS. TTndeTT;lic nbovohnad n corres pondent of tho Chicago Rocord llorald writes of tho remarkably luw salaries paid to professors in tho Ger man Universities. Tlio correspon dent says: "The price of brains In Germany, like other marketable commodities, seems to bo regulated by U10 law or supply and demand. Tliero was uointcd out ttmo the other day one r the most eminent and learned scholars in the world, whoso compen sation lor tho last eight or ten years lias been $.V2 a month and tho good man seems to be satisfied with his Income. Another or the most famous pundits In Germany has been living on $00 a month since lie could re member, with an occasional honor arium from Romt) ror an article. Wo have heard how much Mr. Astor pays ills cook and "Mr -Whitney the Jockey UiaL riUJL JuiL horses at the races and Lhe profits The School of Agriculture is a practical school for girls as well as boys. Girls planning to attend this year will bo pleased to learn that Miss Itouton, Director of tho School of Domestic Science, will offer a course In cookery and a course in household economics especially for them. Thoy have tho benefit or a well equipped laboratory and tac tical Instruction. The progress made In fruit grow ing in Nobraska has resulted from a sciontitic study or horticulture. The State Horticultural Society this anri cordially welcomes anything which promises to Increase the num ber of hcientltlc horticulturists. IUs Right to Study But you should exercise also. Dumb Bells, Indiau Clubs, Boxing' Gloves, Striking Bags, Foot Ball and Basket Ball Goods. We are Agents for the D. & M. Line of Sporting Goods, Wilson & Hall, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, IIJ3O STREET. Capital Novelty Works NEW and SECOND HAND Bicycles BICYCLE SUNDRIES, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. TEL L-U95. 317 South 11th St. J. S. DeVore, 317 S. nth Si. derived by the authors or sensational novels aro enough to lure a wholo fiicuity uf'tiiu ablest and most learner! Cierman prolessois. There are maov communities In Nebraska which hae come to onjoy a large mojsurc of prosperity because of an intelligent study of dairying. Nebraska is rapidly advancing in tho quantity and In tho excellence ol lior dairy products. Shall tills industry make such development as will place Nebraska in thu first ranic as a dairy state? It will lT tho voung men or -Nebraska rrmictr themselves- Ttcrruntnt od-w-th-tho BOi0Ho-f-dalrv-hHBband- of Nebraska which begins ry. Tho t'oiversity School of Agriculture HOAUDIMJ HOUSE Rl'LKS. For tho benefit of tho public and especially students Will Reed Dunroy has compiled tho following rules that must be strictly observed If a person wants to be au ' fa'lt: Always give your order in a low, mumbling voire. ThlB will give you an opportunity to kick when the waiter comes back. -Never forget to kick. m lf your steak is not cooked right, bawl out the waiter good and plenty and send her back with It. Let everybody in tlie dining room know about it. Whon you come to the table grumble and kick all tho time. It makes things so pleasant ror every one else at tlio table. H you growl enough you will probioly get your board for nothing. AlwayB clalT tho waiter girls. Thoy can't hem themselves and It see ai8 so kind of chummy like to bo on easy speaking terms with those who bring In your soft boiled eggs and your toast. If vou can manage to spill u little November 11, 1!)01, offers a thorough course in dairy husbandry. Young men cannot afford to miss such an opportunity to lit themselves for good positions as managers of dairy farms. Dancing Academy PROF. HOLMES, of Chicago Offices nnd Studio 325S JUTH 12th. DuncniL' Academy Wnlhli Hall oor Hoclc Island TicUot Ofllco. 11th and O Sts. GnnnnnrannrannnncnrjjEintfjnpnnBcr DHDnDQQOQUCUDDEUQQDQHBUtllDQi i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY gl dq tad nnrsciBPrsncianncacincinEnninrsncn ntaDtaEacycataauanaaairaiaucianu JR. HAGGARD, M. D. QfJIco JLlOtf O Street, Room h 212-21-214 Rioh rdfl Block, Telephone 535. Residence, 1310 G 8troot, Telephone L981. OLIVER JOHNSON, D. D. S. Den tal Offlco, Cor. 11th and O Streets, Over Hnrloy's Drug Storo, Telephone L911. DR. BNJ. P. BAILEY; Dr. Maj Louiso Flanagan; Offlco, 141 South 12th Stroot Tolophono G18. The New Century 1123 N STREET Is the place to get your Printing Their work speaks for itself. Uneqtialed in the city PHONE 365 D A 1HPADTUCV III Mi III UMIl I (iL I Proprietor DR. J. S. McNAY, Twt-nU e.irs ex per irncr Has made ove. rtnnltnl S w :ts of U-itli. A (jood sit of Uollllotl Uctli, J io 2 K Cold crown Ji 0 I l fl Qfmot 'lUri filluiK-t V cents und I Z I 4 U OII8BI) ui. Cold niluis $100 uitd I llinni II up 'I citli cxlrnctcd without pain LINbULNi ;s.'c,.. NEBRASKA, .".friV1 T"K "'"- Clothing Cleaned or Dyed At MANN'S, 1322 0 Street Every year the academics and col leges of our country .send forlli tl.ous atulsqf Rraduates. Tjiosq for the most part, co ror tlie enrii'liiiieiit of the industrial and mental life of towns and cities. It lias recently been seen that schools should be es tablished, whore farmers' sons and daughters may be so trained as to make t horn desirousof yolun back to the farm and of enriching the lite In rural coinmunitiet). This .means to apply scientific principles In such a way that farming will become inoie profitable and also to seek to bring more beauty into the home. The University of Nebraska School of apiculture which opens Novomber 11. 11)01, not only uives to its stu dents a thorough training in tho principles of arglculturo and In the subjects relating thereto, but lb also succeeds In causing tho stqdcnts to love tlie life of a farmor ana to re solve to dovoto themselves to the en richment of tho life in their res pec tlve communities. wj 'Fntercollegcjte Bureau. COTTELL & LEONARD 412-nH Hramlirny A lliuli) , New 01-1 At'nkers of the Spalding's Foot Ball Shoes. OiriiTI " our Foot Bull Shoes we are now putting the new .style eleats as shown in cut. After a thorough test last season by a few of the loading' play ers, they unanimously declare them the best cleats ever put on a shoe. Insist upon hav ing: them for your .shoes. Kvery thing for football Head harness, nnkle brace, shin guards. Handsome il lustrated Catalogae free. A Q. Spalding & Bros. Incorporated Xi'u York Chicago Denver Spalding's Oflk-iul Football Ouiflc for TU01. eihti'd "by "Walter (. amp, price TTJe Dr. Shoemaker's Private Hospital. Special attention Rlvon to diseases of women nii'lnll mrRlrnl ihrnsioi. X-ray oxomlnatlon wllli no discomfort or Injury to patlont. Kt eryttiintr n tiomehlto as possiblo. Board and room rciiOiinl)lo. 1117 LST. LINCOLN, r. O. Box 051. , Telephono 68fi J tjj W W v W J V W w v' w J W Caps,Gowns and Hoods To the Aiuericun Colleges and Universities. Illustrated Manual, sample prices, etc., on request. Gowns for the pulpit ami bench. JJTfcfej XaVk'vA'woM Yle men krWand the Krtu Havtu Union ay: '1 he question ol xiJwt m A xuorU to ftvt a friinJU solved by S0N0S OF ALL THE COLLEGES which is alike suitable for the collegian ol the past, for the student ol the present, and for the boy (or eirl) with hopes; also for the music-lovinir sister and a fellow's best eirl " "All tkg nbw lonzi, all tki old tougt, and th4 tongt popular al all tht colUgn : a wtlcouitiril in any homt any wntrt." fl. K BOOK STOUE9. 1IU0IO PKALX84. $1.60 KINDS Ac NOBLE, Publisher. l--6-12-lJ-14 Cooper Institute, Nbw Yokic ocaooiuoou o( au puuuQero at ouo storo I y W ? J THE ONLY ttJ DIRECT ROUTE OtO-JtO BETWEEN J California and the east la the Union Pacific, "Tho Ovor J land Rbuto." This waB tho J flret road to span tho contl J nent with bands of steel. It 8 J J ilsi iSsvPllBbsJ ssssssl lA Pirov J Jtjjtj(j4ji JtwSltfJJJ J J J v Jt I.JI made friends In those early daj'8 It Is making them now, on account of Its superior ser vice and superb equipment and quick truinp. For full Information call on or addresB, E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. . Y S3 i i :i fv V hv A' . -Jr-'--'- ''& "ll. M,4&&8$Mr ti,tom' v& -. . ? !