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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1901)
i-" jyn"' ?HF Jn-.s. if A . t J - " T"1 f. '"'", ' " f I ,r .,"-,-. - - .- -..-- - - , ..- -. rj- r ,-,, tf-t W.' V 1. 'J rhe Daily Nebraskan ,s VOL. I NO. 40 LINCOLN, NEB., MONDAY, NOVEMBER n, 1901. THREE CENTS IV V J" ,'. fc 1 tf fr i TIGERS VANQUISHED ON TWO FIELDS. Missourians Outclassed in Both Foot Ball and Basket Ball The Omaha Game a Revelatlon---Every Man on the Nebraska Team a Star The Girls' Basket Ball Game a Decided Success. They came, they saw. they were conquered. Last Saturday witnessed the deTeat of the Mlssorul Tigers and Mich a defeat as it was, 51 to 0. It was an ideal day. Y. AI. C. A was tbo batfclo ground. About two thousand people were scattered about the gridiron. The Held was in rather poor condition as one fitted ud for the occasion would be naturally. The Cornhuskcrs fairly overwhel med the Southerners at every point and stage of the game. Only onco -did-the Tigers mako -tho required distance. Their punting was the reature of their play. Nebraska's all round, sound, snappv football pre vent ed any csnecial feature. But Drain played a quarter that was the marvel of everybody. Never dlci he run, nuard and catch as Saturday. Then too he kinked a goal from field. Tillsbury plunged through for twenty feet ovory time he oollidea with the Tiger's line. And his punt ing was of the finest type. (Jrandall at half covered himself with glory and sore spots. Cuff for a new man played line ball. ITo showed green points hero and there but taking it nil in all did very finely. Captain Westover at tackle was a wonder. Repeatedly ho pulled wholo piays through the opposing lino, lie ex perienced little trouble from his in Jury at Minno;ota during the game. atringer-orrtho lcftemhnlaycd -in his old time style, breaking the Tigers pot plays before they did harm. 0. Sheod replaced Strlncer later in the game owing to a bad jolt the latter got in the oyc. Brow and Maldnoy both stopped anything at guards. Koehlor at center did as ho always does and that Is enough. Cortelvou played the same end in the same fashion. He was al ways there when there was any helping to be done. Several criss-crosses had him mixed up in them and they usually netted a few yards to the good. Speaking generally ltr was a kind of- a game whore Nebraska being ahead could afford to try their trick plays and snares. They did this with fre quency and yards. Coach Booth may well reel proud of the showing his pupils made Saturday. They simply outplayed Missouri at ovory stage of the affair unless at punting. Kirk or Missouri was certainly a wizard. When ho went out of the gamo later on the Tigers felt his loss sovoroly. Missouri's team Is maoo'up this year or ainjnataU new wen- Tbev seemed ..Jo "lack expernce and woio muob under size to Nebraska. joach Murpb was naturally very disappointed au he outcome of tho game but is determined to whip the team Into shape before the season closes. Hespoko v?itb groat respect or tho work done b'yv Nebraska aprt said: "Experience and superior team piajf (havecoftquered laojc of- -exDecl ence and indlviual work." This sums up tho whole thing In a nut Blicll. THE DETAILS. Captain Washer won the toss and Park chose the east side of tho field with tho wind at tho Tiger's back. Ne braska kicked off to Forrester who carried the ball back a few yards. On the line up Missouri made trials at yards nout in vain. It was Nebras ka's ball. Cranoall opened the ground gaining by making livo yards around right end. Pillbsury followed through the. center-,, and Cuff tried the richt end of the tiger line with good results. The tackles were given chances and made gains. In abeut four minutes after tho ball was kicKed off the first time, Kingsbury made the first touch down. Drain kicked goal. Missouri kicked off again. On tho lino up Crandall was thrown back lor a loss on account of slowness In netting started In tho play. The next movo was a surprise to tho tigers. What apparently was to become a run around their left end proved to bo a doublo pass which ecnt Cortolyou around the opposite end for thirty five yaros. Two minutes later, West over carried tho ball over for the second touchdown. Drain missed goal. Score 11 to 0. After Drain next mado a long run on a fako after a few Strong gains uirouftii jinn une Juki some end j.iins Crandall carried tho ball across tho Cuff L. II Anderson Pillsbury P.II Hall Offliiiulls Pixley, Omaha, roforoo; Itremaii, Dos Moines, umpire; Cornell, Lincoln, timekeeper: IUnger, Lincoln, (iordon, Columbia, linesmen. OTHER OAMES SATURDAY. Harvard ;n, Pennsylvania 0. Illinois 27, Iowa 0. North western 0, Chicago f. West Point (1, Princeton 0. Minnesota Recond eleven 10, North Dakota 0. Wisconsin 4."), Ames 0. AN line- Goal-was kicked. Drain mado the last score of the half, hy a splendid ilfty-fivo yard run around the tigers' right. Missouri had kicked off and Nebraska had ad vanced the ball up tho hold about twenty yards when Drain got away. Tho run pleased tho rootors and en tnuslastic cheers went up from five thousand throats. Four touchdowns were made In the second half and Drain further dis tinguished Himself by kicking a goal from tho field. no also made ho last touchdown after a thirty yard run through the entire opposing team. Kirk had kicked to Drain who was playing back and the latter mado a splendid return of the ball. Shcdd made one touchdown on a double pass and Kingsbury and Pills bury are each credited with one point scored. Tho gamo was finished short ly before 5 o'clock. Both teams were driven to tho Millard after the gamo w here they took supper and spent the evening. Line up; NEBRASKA. MISSOURI. Cortolyou R. E Blrney Westover, (Caflt,) R. T. . Wapher (Capt.) Brew R. Q EUia (Gordon) Koehler C ICoo Maloney L. G j. .Jesse Kingsbury . ,..Lt.T , Anatnosa Springer u L. E. (Suedd) Drain -t;...Q CraadaU &.. H. . . . ... , . Perry .. .Kirn Forrester NEBRASKA GIRLS WIN EASY VICTORY. The Saturday night match with the Missouri girls' basket ball team, despite tho fact that all arrange ments for it were mado within a week, proved one of the events of chief interest in tho year in univer sity athletics. The Missouri team came ano went in tho best of spirits. It was composed of an attractive lot of girls and was in charge of Miss! Helen Bender, whose charming per sonality brought tho Nobraska play ers, like her own, under her spoil. The Nebraska management of the match had to roll up its sleeves and work like Trojans, In cot ready the numberless details r such an event in short order; but previous exper ience was a help and an event, really of national importance In tho feminine intercollegiate world, estab lishing posslbiy a national precodent, went off, unmarred by hitch or flaw.; The score was somewhat ono-sldcd, but play was exciting from boginninc to ond, and interest never lagged. At tho ond of the first half, tho score was in favor of Nebraska by a hopeless margin and still further points were rolled up In the second half, until the final figures were 31 to 4. Honors for team play during tho evening belonged to Miss Miller and Miss Jansa, who worked finely to- -gethcr-and-UDOw-whoro-to-find fiaohl other at every turn. Miss Jansa has proved an addition of tho stellar ordor to tho team. In sure pqbs of catching and In the brilliant certain ty and excellent "form" of her throws, hor work has not been sur passed on the unlvensty team. Many thought that in some respects tho Missouri team seemed superior to Nebraska. They caught bettor, or fumbled less, on the wholo, and their criss-cross work at center an innovation for them was skillful and sure. Tn the second TiaTf the "ball was at least half of the time about the Missouri goal; but except once it coulo not get by the impregnable wall of Miss Sly and Miss Shields. For the first time this season Miss Sly let her forward elude her for a goal. Every one was glad to see Missouri scorp, but a repetition was looked for in vain. Miss Shields re alized expectations, by her consci entious work, and lived up to her last name. At center Miss Pillsbury had one Of tho hardest propositions on the Missouri team to look after, but managed to hold ber down, as well as to mako a goal. Only once did she lose her head, when at the belgnnlng of the second half, she tried to mako a goal for the Missouri team instead of hor otto. . Gertrude Macombor had hqr usual number of bard tumbles, but emerged smiling and unhurt, giving her opponent all sho could handle. Honors for tho Missouri team woro carried off by Caroline Stonor, who throw tho goal from tho Hold for her team, ogan Norvoll at center, and i.ako Ilrcwcr as guard. THE SECOND GAME. Tho "mixed" team and second toam match was hard foimht but f nil of fumbling and wild passing was anything out cloan cut. Systom or order was a minus quantity. Much of this was duo, however, to tho exc ellent gunrding put up by both teams making all throwing difficult. So goud was the guarding that in splto of tho many skiilfui goal throwers on both teams, not a point could be scored on cither side, until tho first half was almost over. In this match Ida Taylor of last vear'8 taam took part, though sho has not boon playing basket ball for a season. Her appearance was tho slcnal for a round of applause. Min nie Guilo at center for the "mixed" people was a whole team in herself, bntrhnd" liard-lnrir-witrr-hor throwsr Sho was led a lively chaso by Alice Towne, one of tho most competent and active all round players on the second team. For guards, Miss Fowler dlo all that coulo be asked of her against Miss Hlgglns; and Miss Cook, also Miss Bryan, who came late and whose place was flllcd'durlng the first half by Mi6S McCutchcon, substitute proved efficient in shutting out their clover opponents, Misses Archibald and King. Tho goals for the second team were thrown by that difficult and experienced duet of of forwards, Misses Higglns (captain) and Rltchcy. The match was pretty oven, however, if rather of tho fum bling, scattered sort, and ror a hasti ly organized team the "mlxco" girls hold up thoir end with oredlt. MISSOURI TEAM ENTER TAINED. Tho Ml.sfiourx-team-arxi-vcd Fr4day afternoon and wore taken to tho unl- -vcrsi tyrhcro-thcy-passcd-the-attcr- noon in looking over tho buildings. In tho evening the bosket ball field j-was given over to them for practice. Saturday morning thoy were taken driving about tho city; and beside the informal recoption glvon in the afternoon in the rest room, there were various gatherings of un im promptu nature In their honor. Very strong interest in the game was shown by the olty and university peo"pIe. Tlokets were sold out long before the match and some hundreds more could been disposed of Sat urday afternoon, if there bad been raoro to place on sale. Many students and friends ot tho team lent a band in tho arrangements, men as well as gjrls. TLo local team is indebted to Manager Cowerlll of the football team for much valuable assistance with regard go the transportation of the players. Mr. Gilbert Nelson and Mr. Morrell and Mr. Hewitt helped the teams by looking after tbo doors and tho general admission and tbe people or tho university book stores looked fter tbe ticket selling. Miss Adel- loyd Whiting was time-keeper, Miss Nell a Cochrane assisted in. tho man aging, and Miss Mabel Tuttlo at tended to most of tbe duties connect ed with tbe Informal reception. Many more gave their services in getting out tho invitations, looking after tbo posters and so on and. as (Continued on fourtb page) v.' . TA 1 w l n 1 ;:i mi 1 ,' ' ' $ 'I t "' ''-- I'M SWA ''- ,,'' M mft,ii ViW Pu&bJWl WW-. &'&ividfto ... wjr.:,K.Vft iWI'r), -!;- ., tCJU ' ?.. .'J. iW.'viif tk . . .,