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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
If." V r i m J f 4 ) t ! 4 G.-i.up 'f (. "as;--.Per of -A.ft i .. v.i E.i. ,. in. Men and pay out . Mf T i i J f H Bjfj!!ff jBkJF BB-aTJLaaWaaaaaaiyjaasaaa' wMl jfris T i ' iaTTV' TyiiaMaW7aaTaaaaBaaaaM A ftMJ lilffiir? VY-V-l V -r blind Wf- - V- - PrT-wn.r - Rt-s,aence f A. Arder.-'-. Pre? der: F.r: National 3ank. -"'-" laaa Ir - a. v. ; fife&f&ac SaK v i I Ll 5tf ir-wTfc VaaaaaVv v JL m awH ttifes Ilaam . !Av'tB Residence . f J. N Heater r. ;. . T.p trestcm manager :or tne H we t '- ' ' " i Re-Jtnce :R a t Mngtr Nrth Uiera Koue. Congregational Church. fnc3 whieii i fiective and bodies wbi-h is olrea foolisii and !iaT'vn. Ki illntratiTo stories wtTe ua.h apprtrci.ited. J C I"'.'.i -tr of WeT Point caught ;br f r .'.r.:"s fancy with ni response ; . "'Ihp Good Time of a Fireman". &oni'a of hi reminiscence? were Terr vivitl and more or le" personal. The evere:-t .-hjck he ever cot in Colnrn-bc-. be -a: :. wa when be came in the o:hr day and fonnd Howard at work. air. Hl::o:t i n:ui.-ci! au cilitor mud i- f-ni"ns -;:r;-r Tit- firecen for his nfvr dna-r uc orapii'iinit-ntf His :rno rorie of tLe izoid liines that tbo firemen had iuclnded several of :h" o!d-:imer?. and the crowd insisted ;hat Mr. Hull of Freniort hoald take the stand jn re&attal. Mr. Hnll told a irne tcry abont Eiliott au 1 the bsitle ended in a draw. At the conclusion of the toasts. Mr. Howard thanked the visitors for their -v. will and gentlemanly condnct. r.z;":clo-l the .-p-ech-nraking with a b--ar::ifnl and poetic apostrophe to the Manhattan cocktail, concluding with r. iva::::ns of its dangers when like f:rf. it itvts beyond control Wih a tor. t to the president and the connrrj. the delegates joined the orche.-;r in the national hymn and LAND BUYERS! the twenty was r vtr. Kvrvrhi" third anneal conrention wen: c!f a; smoothlr as FIREMEX 3AXQT7I" 1 1 REMEMBER THAT F. T. W A L K E RS REAL ESTATE AGENCY RUNS A LAND SEEKER'S EXCURSION TO the REPUBLICAN VALLEY EVERY TUESDAY. YOU WANT Journal Job Printing BECAUSE: ffrl are alwa ; t-.laie. Work is guaranteed. Prompt delivery. Reasonable pricv-. If we haven't it we will enter it. We can save hu-irit men money on printed forms: we can ire: engraved card for KcietT people: better :yle? at lnwrr prices. Journal S)e Bills brinj: crowd?. Journal Letter Head? bring butiQess. Try i-. Only Daily iu Columbu- Help u- pu?h. . Golumbus Journal Go. Cream, Butter, Butter Milk. ML Every family has to Have some thing' in this line and we are here to serve you. If you want us to supply you regularly 'our wagon will call at your place every day or we can furnish you in any quantity at our creamery. Columbus Cream Co FRANK N. STEVENSON, Manager. 300 Firemen Xake Xerryspeechs. Music and G:.oc Thtrs? :o Eat Tne twt-ntT-tni.ri annnr.! :rn.-n:n'n of the Nelira?ka ?:.i:e Voinnt-er Fire man's Association fazt t" an e- i: one o'clocK thi? mornmr :t''r:atnc hall in a bla?e of glorj Tbr ai.ncal banqnet i the cronins an. fr-ir'srei: feature of the vesrly co::vfn:icn. and tne banquet of la?t nis:h? va? r. brill: ant and happy aSair. ?:x Ions ;ab!r. rac the length cf thp ball, with an other table a: tne heati i r tfcr cixj officials and rVrahf-r-. P!a:e-- wtr laid for 3ix ! Six member- rf?Tond to tea;? ibe , reaking betinnir; shortly a::er ten i o'clock. Music by the Ortih-'-ns or j cheftra nlled in the .rap?, an . the ;.oy- 035 banqueters accompanied :he cr . chestra with the tinkling cf im;ror:?6 . cymbals, made by tanpmj; forks against variously tuned sl3sse?. ! No better were ever hfp.r"! . at a banauet. Evervlodv was :n a happy hum.r, and .rrav? and cay were intermingled m orcerlv rvvdrv. Jcrge Edgar Howard cl C-iicmtus was toastmaster, ad :.llrd the plar- with witty an : scholarly cra.e. In his opening remarks Judi:e Howard said: I r-Jinnot tell you now honor ed I am in being place: in this pc- ! ition tonight, and how kmdlv we all feel towar i you who are our visitors. The task cf giving to you. ; our guests, ha? Lr-n drl-cate- t: 'another. I presume sj-; cf "u navt I met him dunnr vour .-tay htre He is always to be found where tnecr:n ary rlremen congregate. "Solomon an ' W:sd m to c"n- au . beautv Aroun-i Sclomon's t'ian our civil cc.vernment m Columbu? has f been organized. In the persrn cf ur ' mayor we brholl a pillar of wis .cm. In th--r-".n cl cr.- ch: i ci k'.: . who weiUs ''' runt:-, w av r. pillar of strencth. In ih- vi.-ul - i our city at oru-v -w- have a pillar r '. beauty. Yoj! no: be able to 5 him at his btst thi? vnin'. bee r--alway? m the wjuter time ce v.-ea:-his wic " Aftrr toasting th visiter- ZJr. Ho -ard introdu ed City Attorn-y Ccrn eliu who resj'cuiir ! : tht ta.- " ;ur -csis. . -i .'.it. i.' c. .ut. Oomeliu-' remark- is e- :nIowJ "Tfaerr is nothing w van r3y or '.o that will fully r?psy the many obli cations that .re citizen? owe to tba Columbu: :- '".-piirtmei;". Evrrv tej tnev nae taken h".- b-rn r. d:r-:t ben-5t to the city. Twenty-three year? aso the f -Dda;:on of the stat asociatnn were laid, and tnfy build , d better than th-y Kiiew. Yuu ctn- amy known to c:viliza:cn an aruiy orcamzrd ret tc kill an", -lstroy. but to save and p-cn- i The?;:r:t that prompts the f-remai: i? the same spirit that inspire? the soldier. Al! hou'-.r to the Nebraska Volunteer nreman " J. C Clelan". cf Turnout, the "father of the tate association. "spoke to the toast "Whv I atttn: the Ccn- jvention. ' lie exjees-ed hi? jdea-ure ;at the reception nacorced themrmoer.- and romifd to attend cr sist- fear? could b? imacind. The appointmen were p-rfect and the service, the menu, the music, the speeches and the wine were all first clase. Public Sale ! -H 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tuesday Feb. 4 ' . Wholesale Grocerv Abt i Calto. " - :?-js -r- ;- ' v-.jf'- vt" - : a JaaaaaV i - - ? & aaahaaaaaaaa --- awaaaaaaaaam -fj aaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam B3aaaaaBaam """1 -9 Ubv IaVfeSaraT -'j-ifl v-' aHaaHaTVEaBvlaaLL''iib73)H UaaVMaBaHBaaaMaMaV -f mphr aE3aaaaafcaTr--rf 'f -diaaaaaBBaaaaaB 'Mr- EBiirMgi JKaaBPaWaaaaaaaaal arP ffl .HbiiS J" '-"v5Baaw BMrcBaaaaaaaaaal a j aaEawMj - a arcjam .aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaaa Residence of H Rajrat:. Merchant trive. strrnet f sn: nc to R'inrn ' 4nrii ?r' i i n ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii iiiiiiii 8 lead of Horses A head of Cattle 115 head of HOGS I ! 1 i I ill i I I I 1 I I I II II ill III All my Farxn Machinery Almost New. v M I I t I I I II I I II I I II I I III I Free M i In ! h-v:-: -: i 1 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J. F. SIEMS. I Bnckmaster. the hardware man. tf Dr. Mark T. Mcilahon, dentist I FRESH OYSTERS atJKersenbrock and Burke'B. tf. j Mrs. F. W. Herrick is confinec'. to ( her bed from illnese. Mr. Oth watte of Cedar Rapids came ' down today to visit her daughter Mrs. t K. P. Borers. Bt. Ulmer went to Central City in Columbu today to attend revival lerviceB which i the convention? fa are beinx held there. jmore." "'n. behalf of all th- mem- I Dr. Panl. the dentift makes a spec-1 hers of the assr.ciar.or. he rr'-at- i a ialty of fine gold work of all kinds, j cane to the retinn- trs:.-nt filiina. caowni and bridges. It Eauer. M: Bau-r r?sp.n---d Miu Elizabeth Sbexsben will go to fi03KEB&R0BR & GiiflMB&RS Real Estate Insurance Loans : : Land.- ir sale. aBm jatZSfc 3aTTr -iZ-2- -'T "". TaaPC jajpaaMaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaM ayvjci-x ?- ff g1' v -ywaB6gWawaiaaaaM Tnurst-..r. H'-tt-I. Lihman A: Wnale. Prpnetors. YrTlii a M ft rVfXy . gri3 WrL-mV I mmWSFtTlr' lati-.i -tt aw aV w awaWaWaWM .AWWy, n4.,v- a. ' aQLMaflMaaHHawiwBE Bfc;-r-v awaHaaaWBTaaaaaaVaaav-cJaT,aaV F-- MaHaPaaaHH&aal IVjV VaVaaaHavaTlaaaaaaaaaHAaafV aW. m'w - ar-BKaaaaaaaT VK aH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTw awaw9 Btt A BalalEfflaaaaEllVaalaaaaaaaaaa aHbaclaV Mafl9awS95aYTll aavJaTawwaaVavaaawaaaaaaaHaaYaam , aTal aEflaWaWawiaWaWawaWaWaWaWaT aWaWaWaWaWFaWaWlaWaWaBaaWaWaav' V 2vkJal f l E P wi jw I'-LCETi- &r- yrc:.:.rf(i : .-uddIv the Cn i'.' V,- -;r:r: !vr:r.r.. :r dwellings and i-. "Vc have ny-ney to annreal estate in small or -.ri'c .irx-'.ir.ts fr frcm I to 10 T. H ' jii3e ., M re lax; neat impromptu spe"!: 'f.0t00X00000X0X0X000XX0'0fXtX0X000X00M j:i3fr(fftnnnnonnnnfMnfMnnnnnnnnAnoAnAA Horaphrey thia erening to be the sraesx of Mrs. Dr. Condon until Sunday. 'Usr Volunteer r:." -a- toast of L. . Harue cf ilm.-n. Epeakins a; a iawvr n- p:ked a litti- WANTED. A situation on a ranch fun at newspaper men for rue L-u :' t or farm by yonng man aad his wife. ' of the toastmaster. and r:ld n:vr th- 0 5 iff lawyers in his town ha 1 one- arrued 0 a fire out c: existence ru'- cr.-- : alarm . tn discnarse . 1 r. :hr cf Bett cf referenoea. Bobt. Arery, Co- lumboa, "ebr. tf Remember that Dr. Paul extracts , a fals- tth ithnnt rmin H rn fmnrrS . dUtT S51 Jt.r. xia i lire nerTes from arming teeth without 'teer 5reman kn:r u pain and fill thera at one sirting. ! but serves a.i all-:-... . , . . association haa r:;en mim uor zioiareage oi cnuyier is , . . ,.-.,.;. , ... , . . . a pure busin-?? oraa:.:ati n the guett of ilrs, W. L Speice this, . v .. rx r.,. made a classic an 1 witty speech en "My Experience with the Columbus Fire Department'' Tne ;ucre explaij- On Wednesday her physician per- led that he was not a member cf the formed an operation upon Mil Judge department owin? :o the fat t-.a- was subject to r;ontanecu? ccmru tion himself and nad hard work K--7-ine himself cool, without crda? t fires. He called attention tr tL- f.-.c that without oraniaticn an ". rxutnal weak. She will return home Monday. aoooMpanted by Mr. Sjioe who will Titit there two weeks. Batterman, at her home in the north wet part of town. She is reported as ! being very ilL MiM Margaret Labker had a tenth birthday Wednesday, and celebrated , fnnfOTpnpo e urmen miht the ooocaiion by inriting about six, de acre varin li:aa ;ne fire, f or la: of her friendf to a tix o'clock dinner. Ber. Weed of Joplin. Mo., who ha been visiting in the city thia week, left for his bocae today. FOR SALI : A six -room "house on weat lSth atreet. Colnmawj. Nebraska. Also household furmitare. Inquire at Journal office or addicaa "X". Co inabus, Kebraska. it p. of proper training in fire Judge Hensley was cf th-- orinn the Columbus fire department. :f t-v had been present, would have exir:r uished burnins Rome before old N- re could have cot his fiddle tuned. H pictured Chief Gottschalk in an all -gorical descent into Hade in su"h convincing fashion that the chief wa- compelled to appear on the pia'form In district court Gearge Sheridan ' to satisfy the audience that he asks for a decree of diftwee from Ada , grill on earth. Sheridaa oa the gronaw of deeertions Louis Lightner spoke on the ten sinoe October. 1902. Tie Trries to "Obedeince" and crew an eloquent ti e. us 0S. ." ft s 0 0. ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A3 SX 0 0 X0 0 X0 0X xs 0X s 0X X0 X0 0X X 0 X0 0X X0 0X S.0 ZX X0 0X X0 0X The Qneen Incubator First Prize Winner at State Poultry Show. Hatched 97 per cent alter being hauled and shipped to the State Poultry Show, at Lincoln, the lamp not burning for four hours. 0 An Incubator guaranteed to hatch more strong, healthy X chicks than any other on the market. SS I have the exclusive agency for the North Platte Country. K I also have 25 White Wyandotte Chickens and 10 Rhode & Island Reds for sale. I carried off my share of State Show Prizes. Eggs in Season from 19 Varieties of Ghirtcens. Columbus. Nebr. J. E. Folmer President Platte County Poultry Association X the sait lire near Craataa. distinction between rational oteli- xt0X0xxrxrxr 0X0X0X000.00, OOQOOOXXXXXKKXKSQOOOaOS& SOOCX J