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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
J(rrZy'BBBBPJBBEBgBBBcr w "Bw'1 " f ? v . Cysi i Stork Cash Stork i I 'dlc'plioiM. No. 57. Telephone No. 7 r 8 Mail Orders Promptly Filled. OUK (REA1 KY- Mail Orders Promptly Filled. k m H B H i Annual Sale of Under-Muslin, Sale Begins Wednesday February 1st. and ends Wed. February 15th. In connection with Lace Curtains, New Embroideries and 1905 white Fabrics, with prices lower and quality higher, with greater quantities, and more diversified assortments. With best facilities for showing and selling this sale means more to women and household economy than any that has gone before. The interest will center largely in Under-Muslins-the billows and billow of whiteness will be our banner showing every garment of flawless muslins, cambric or Nainsook, stitched as exact as the most particular woman demands, as shapely as the highest skill in the land can pattern, trimmed with pretty edging, insertions, laces and ribbons. This sale will teach the economy of buying here, and the futility of trying to make, or match ours at the price. LADIES' MUSLIN SKIRTS ( h-:ij) a.- u can lu tin ni;i1iM'i;il. Mu.-Iin -Kill. deep lawn liounce with du.-ter of ihivc link- aln f" l':tnc hire, .-ah prire. vC Mu.-Iin mnJMvlla skirl lawn lloutirr. two in--rrt iim-and w i i - trimming of rluuv lace, .-ale 79c j.n ,' A ' ! -4, .A'.. . ...i 8 "O-W'W Mu-Iiu i:iiiiii'lla .-kirl. deep law ti ilouucrand rnllli- willi luc iu-rrt iug and 1riiiiniiii.iT.- I" liiii lac .-ale prire. . . OtC ,y(7rr Camlirir -kirl. wide llnitiire of allcruatc ia ' 7 iviv' . iu-erlings n' 1wi 1 1 1 -1 1 ,'- ''-JT" , " lawn ami Hall K A hire. ,. .i-,.;ir ' -at heivd 1. lO ."V''-sV -JL ( '.'i m It v i . iniil.ri. In A. m. r' , '-.. " B I - 1 ' ....---.... C''' ki,., ,1,.,-p l;,wii Moll lire. three in-etiiug- hi' vali'iK'ii'tiiii's Ian ami rluMrr ij seeii .-paced luck-, gathered lawn nitlli- willi tii-f rliiiur and tritwmiug of alriieienie hire, ale 1.39 ov .';.,- - - I prire . M:ilin umbrella -kin. law n lloiiiu-.-and rnllli'. bias iti--i-rlt ni: !' l';iiic liniliim lare. alter nating wiih luster lurked 1 a w ii . mat'-ln'd lace I ritn- i ni 1 1 it , i - V 'f- I . " - H : ' ,V i v ; .&, 1. 98 -siM& -1 yap- -r-v. -, ;,- .-- Zj S B i to a I ?5 "ainlri.- nndiri'lla -kirl. lawn llniiiu-t' willi iwi in,li iii-i'iiitiir and mahhi'd iriitmiiuir of tain- lilo.'ki'd loivltan !;n-. cluster of lurks salt pri.-e 1.59 raiiiluir uuilu'elia -kirl. Ilarhiir lioiim-e with veriiral in.-ertiii.iT.- of Xorniandie Nalenrienues iare. allnuali w ii Ii duier- of .-pared lurking half wa i" wide 1 riimiiinir of malrhed lare sale i'li' iC.Ot? ain-.i.k -v. i- -kirl-. pri.-e $2. .SO. ..00. 4.00 and U-Uer one.- $5.00. LADIES' GOWNS l g One-half regular price on Ladies" Cloaks. p liu:, -1 Lai-Tain-.-er ntl'ered in 1 .:! ('ii.ak- in Cohuuhu-. I he pii. .--at.- .ad. I., .lo.-e llii-e in fe-,v day.- All :..ii.i .-loak- al $3.00 All 1" '( .loak- al 5.00 All i:..iM rhmk- al . . . . 7 50 10.CM) i V, jl w Muslin tomis. riuster tu-k'! Tir2&7? oke. hemstitched lawn ruffles. 39c t prire.- neer heard of before in Colunihus. Muslin irowns. eiustfr tucked ft .-ale prire. . ,'-' .Muslin Hishow irown. Hue U J 'lV'A' ln'tnstttrhed lawn ruffles, sale prire OC Muslin irown, siuare yoke of V "i i . -. i , . . i t . V : leinst llrueil I lir K 1 11 W I ill lll.-eri ion ami t riuiiiiiu.JTof lorrhon hire, sale iii-ire VJCV i Muslin itowii. yoke of Umpire embroidery in-ertint:-. I urkinrr and hnnstitclniitr tucked lawn ruffle.-, ale prire cOC Cauibrir now u. larife lawn rollar with insertion- of aletirieiiues lare. lawn I'll files, aleiirien- lie- lare 1 riinini Hi;-, -ale prire tOC r l-V X ' 'l?r r ' : ' tf v' flf, j w iLiihi ',V ft .'- '. f,v'. I 1 I Muslin Kuipire. (iuipure embroidery iti.-er-tton and row nf beadinir hired with ribbon, line lawn ru file.- 1 rimmed with torchon lare. .-ale pri.-e 1.19 ambrir itow n. round yoke of rlu.-ter tucked lawn with in-ertinus of line lorchen lare linished with fancy braid, hemstitched lawn ruffle.-, sale price 1.98 Ladies cambric empire irown. voke of all over I " tucked lawn with insert iniT and trimminir of line loivhon lare. ribbon hired, beadinir across front, sale price Nainsook surplice irown. fancy triple pointed voke with insertitiiT of line embroiderv and tiled alion of lace, ribbon laced beadinir around neck. etnbroider edcriiii". elbow -leeves. price ..($ LADIES' DRAWERS All i'i.j.0 ,-loak- al Kxcelleiit values in dainty drawers. Muslin drawer.-, hemmed cambric flounce cluster of tucks above, sale ...19c &$ prire ... MiihI iii drawers. hem.-tiirlied lawn flouiire with a cluster of -een S9c -..- v .-j-ace tucks, -ale price Muslin drawer.-, clu.-ter of tuck.- a bine cam bric flounce, with insert iny and edtfe of turchon lace. tuckinr between, sale price JilC Muslin umbrella drawer.-, cambric flounce with ruffle of line embroidery, .-ale price.. j"C (' a m b r i c umbrella drawers, ruffle of cam bric with five embroidery trimmhttr clusters of four tucks, .-ale price. ."OC ('a in b r i c umbrella drawers, lawn flounce. with three hemstitched tucks -above trimming of fine torchon lace, sale pnee oyc Cambric lrawers, with seven inch flounce of fine swiss embroidery, two clusters of line tucking above! sale price 700 Loiiir chemise, lawn ruffle, insertiiii- ami H Kr ..,..-..' ' .-...He, 98C Hetter ones up to $3.00. IVlill-end Swiss Embroideries. In a swell line of -style- and qualities. I'rice. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14 and 15c at Lm broideries. Swell line of !.". bs ami 'J'u- embroideries 10c Gorset Cover Embroideries. New spring styles, prices . . . 35. 40. 50, 60. 75c Laces English Torchon. Laces in a trreat variety of styles and width. uriees 3 l-2c and 5c Suits. li) .-uits at - . . $6.00 IJ suits at - 7.50 l.'i suits at 10.00 l.s .-nit.- at . . 12.50 Ked Spreads. sl.T.'i bed -spread.- $1.49 '2.7') l)erl -pread.- 2.39 :;.:() bed -pread 2.98 ."i.Uii lied prcad 4.25 LADIES' CORSET COVERS Hery item an excellent value. Cambric torchon lace trimmiiisale price lUc Cambric, full front square neck, round hack, duny lace inserting-and trimming sale. prieeliJc ('ambric corset cover, full front w9Qt short cover, transverse inserting of ' wide torchon lace, neck finished with " 1 1 j- 4-ftp ' ribbon laced beading, price . ou m0 Cambric shirt waist cover, three $gff ruffles of lawn. Valenciennes lace i v ' v- edging, neck finished with beading ap5n fgj and laced with rib- ' '" f bon sale price vCly 4A Tf. Cambric corset cover, lull ' front, eight clusters of tucking ; down front, insertings and triin- iitings of Valenciennes lace, rib- '''Ih'tfczYJi bon laced beading all around 'sSCL5fZrt N trTW bhJ af rm tieck. price OC7U 5 A A i V Handkerchief corset cover 4-jJC 7 Swiss cmhroiter lare trimmed .flVV- - d sale prire Ipl- -Z5 ''M MV ( rieiital hu-e trimmed sjth prire I wf 4TW LAGt CURTAINS. We hae been cry fortunate in securing an erelletit line of lace curtains below th cost of maniifarturing them. We shall give our customer- t he benefit. A few sample prices. 1.2." lace curtains at - J.i0 he curtains at . . . :'.." hire rurtaiti'- at . ."..00 hire curtain.- at . . i. on lace curtains at 75c 1.39 2.75 . 3.50 . 4. jo flP COFFEE BIRD 4nHf FOUND ONLY IN jf Mi COFFEE PRODUONG !fm COUNTRIES Ki ORIGINAL CAPTlREO imoNELTRIUNFO Have you dranfc i Gup of the Finest Coffee, Direct from the plantation of the: German-American Coffee Go., I riumfo, Mexico? Whether von have or not. visit our (Jrorery Department at anytime a no! let u.- hae the pleasure of serving you with a rup of tin.-deiieini Gepman-American Goffee It quality ami flavor you will pronounce i.- unsurjia-M'd. It ex.ell. anything you ever bought no matter what price you have heen paying for coffee hen; or elsewhere, whether 1 iic-. -,"-. '' 'M)' or :ifc our 25c (Jrade "The Iowa Brand" put up in a ri package ecptals orexcells any :tnr or :'..'. grade you ever used. 'J'his coli'ee is Free and .-.-rved ;vjry day. Von an; entitled to a cup everytime you call at the (Jrocery Departriiuiit. Don't forget the. invitation. if KJ fl I