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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1905)
JVl M5W T- -- KJrr "--" i 1 mrrrr- r "- The (oiuiiihus 'iiurrlu. j rnrBTsna Columbus has nine chisrci buildings, all comfortable, well crccto.i rdiliccs I It is a fact that Christie!! uuitv is felt anions members id the various denominations, for (hero has, never been I z.. - f .. at any unit ii jmm . ;"oi; soirit of unity than inert- is tod.y. The strongest ehun-h iu our city in , wealth anil membership i the &t Bona vent urn Catholic The church buildins is 120.V0. ca- j liable" of seatiiis conveniently 1.10 ""people. It.- siyle ol architecture is pure vjoiiiii;. mm -" -- - imililintr with ::!! furniture 15 about .!. Aim Th.i :ii4ml..r.-!i!I) of this church, accoriiin;; to a census ot 1WJ, is M0 -families v.hich will amount to about 1, :'.(!'. individuals. Adjacent to the char .h is the mona stery, a solid bri.-k tfneture 70x::u. two ston.s hih. it was at one time . tlio l.-irest and 2im-st buildms. in town. It v-.---.--. ,,;.. J. H. GALLEY 505 Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, - NEBRASKA. t IniTs t r; r ' 1; v - V e ' J f I I J I ! f ,, f.i ; M V;v j IK E; biL fet 12 k? sly si a S ! L j J. H. GALLEY v 505 Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. HESrSin:J552f.!f5S5:,-SS?a8a!S13SK Clearing and 3 & S Pi s, f ,:: Si A 2 ?. '- , HS;H ? s . aBaa:5S.; IV S31 $ i. 2U:t SS Sale I ; va'.iK- fin b- rouh!y esti mated at about si-.',mui. i-'our i'ran- , ,-U-fu: ni-iostf ::!-! two 1" brothers resid.- here: two ;.i ii--ts attend to the iiarish work a; ami tr.e other two attend outvie mis.-.ion-. at Platte Center slid Duncan, the fir-t numbering about '- Catholic lam ilie? and tl.e FC-coyd r.bwut l-,'. Tliero a:e .wo Cruriur.n cLurih-.-, tw. C'.-Mian Reformed and the Ct- tnnn hpmn. Kext t- lisfCalliilic ,.,rrh the Kcforin. -I ha tae l:irc-.-t .........imrJiiii : .') i.t-Ptde the va!'.:e of fft thechurh'nroj.ertv !-e;u:; al,ut -t",- g .-,()(. The ;'r:uan l.uthe:an . I'lirch , S has about -'"-o iem!i?J with j.n.i.'rtv j g valued at abor.t .iu. Thi ehurdi K owns its own sch ol tmii imir and em- i g jiluys a teacher t' in-tru -t :1k- child- ft WED. MO irr v- - n. . . j-i r.f fc Bra B. 1, '05 FE 3Da,37-s .ar .. to- ren. -. A glance at tHe prices below wiiM show yea that our reduc tions during this sale are larger ad broader than ever before. With only a ler exceptions, me csiscojnts cover the, entire stocK. early, it will pay you to aueiici unas sale. tt'it.4,fTmku ttka'vrn 1 -.. I A Uernian MHh'Mhst oraiM.uion , holds fervi-es Simdr.y afternoons in the Methotlit church j The nn-mlxTs 1 theKt.Ncoi'al church have a beautiful home in which to worship. Their pro-ierty is -tiruated at .'. Of.n tlie communicants number- i iiiK aliout loo. The re-orniii.',cl church ot Latter Day Saints ov-n- two lot, on T.-nth street near ih Su-in s. jf.rtion o:' the c'ity ami valu-s the lot? and buildings at "not less than 1"00. Tin- church was orani.'-i i-il in 1 wi !i II. .1. Hudson and Geo. Caller a-- -ider. The cl-.urch has "0 me.nhers. - The Methodists value tm-ir prorer- ty, .church ami, at about ff,, 000. The mi i:iher-hi:i is JJ" it- cn..c TlwVlinrch is in :i flourishing i condition with Kev.DcWoIf as jiasror. I J . - t Tlw tfii!'rp-fitin!Mil chui, b.of which 'Kevj. Munro is itor, is ojjc of the ' most modern in construction ol the city churclies, and is e.-,ti::;at-d to be , ; worth 5('..(M)(. The iar.-onaf:c is ab-o furnished with uiodeni in.'-n.venients and is" valued at -J.oOO. IN- an un- .'.accouutablo error, a cut .t this church ""failed to reach us for this editi n. 'The 1'ajitiMs hii.-e a la.'iulierhip ol T.'i mid own oroD-Ttv vah'ei! at about 5::. 00H. The jiim r. U' . rimer, is .1..: II !- 4 v ......,. .1... .... I lining f-Vftiriii mv i 1 jii.ii.i; ii.v- '- 1 gani.ation stnn in the commnziity. , Tlie I'resbytcrian church :n;d y.::r- Konajte are rated at a alv. of about i f f..",0()'i), and there is 11 miinpeisliin of ' .(." Uev. HaNev, th junior, is an ! - , , I earnest, u cere worker nmonjr ' '.peole. and is respocfd 13" all citi'us I .'of Columbus . j .The churchvoi 1'niUd 1 1- thri: owns ; Vl)roo:rtv.or:h abutit c;o. The is ... . . , -tojr j&f;-KjJv. Lohr who lias bein iu the 'jciy for a number id vnr.-. ii:i i - " w - - . .'uUfT.TiA' V..1.1- . ti t!i.. iCplumbu .lournal :.. 1". Failkt-r 5 was'strucl: and inta:iilv killed abi.nt fe ' 4 ' - 'll;o'clock thi -mornii.r bv tram Xu. I t'1 -; . 10'on; the- linion ra:-u; . liis team ' 3 was';iilo killi-il outrmhr ar.l a ;".: on" demoliMied. The o-rurrc.l at tlie second eror.-in;; ivii i: tlie itc lot. Failkcr wa- a l .inner ain' Ive.l itbout si miles !ieu hrc lie leaves irfamiiv n noor circunstarice-. The FT coroner ha lu-en i-.itiiicl and an in- im ques"t will behind. This ir.iin ri:ehc ' S Columtms about one o" Ink -J ' S aHU!!tJiJHJ!iil:lJH:!!M!:!,J:Hl5i!;!Hm" :J Dress Goods. At 20 per cent Discount. '.VI inch fancy Mohair, value 20c -- ---- ---- --- --- ' 10 inrli fancy Suiting, value U5c ' - .' inch all wool Suiting, value 40e now l'2c '.) inch (.intuitu Cloth, value i)0c o-S inch Jirilliuntiiie, value oOc -10 inch all wool Granite, value (i-re VI iuch'Siuilian cloth, value 7oe Il')i "'L -In inch .Sicilian cloth, value SI i0 inch Uroailhcail Worsted in plain and fancies, value $1.25 now..$1.00 Men's Gaps. hi . r. .-j-xr - ht.kl iMfNMI Ilk CT b" -'A i 3 m iiMivbitt jLss&.v Sx::'.vSQgi5Si usav fiusmic mm, mmm m UV,U HIT BT 1 71 I mum : e 1 mmmmmmnmmammi Men's Duck Coats, Panis, C;ijs, Uucicrvvejiv, Sweaters, Hose, Woolen Shirts, Gloves vavA Mittens, all p;oin at a discount of . . . Men s Overcoats aia Lotmng . . v vm F.&mr:i' j. ( LA UKHlrf.r . e ' SM K 1 tie S rrt. Men's C'ap in all the latest styles L'l'injr at 20 itr cent discount iluriiiir thi sale. 20 per ct. off On all Flannels, Flannelettes. Fasei-liatoi-. Shawls. Hoods, Wool (.i loves, and Mint 11-, Ladies, (.'hidren's ln-di-ruear. Wool Ulankels and CVmi-eit-. Ladie- and (.'hildren's Outinir Flannel iowns. All Klcgaut Line ol' Overcoats to Select From. All Si Overcoats at S I-i All .) Overcoats at 5 All 8.50 Overcoats at C..7."i All 10.00 Overcoats at S Ol) All 12.00 Overcoats at JM'.0 AH 13.50 Overcoats at 1 O.St l All 15.00 Overcoats at VI W All 1S.00 Overcoats at 1 1. 10 All -J0.OO Overcoats at ld.Ot) s"" . V" .r. 1 J-. ?q' - : ;-'J tit : T " iciA I.I 20 Ai! Winter (Jot hi iiv (ioinir ai 2o'ier cent AJI .i'..0 ) Suds at .-? ;.Tr. N All 7..V) Suits at... fitW 'v Ail S..";) Suits at 0.7.". . .,"'-.. All '.urt Suits at .... 7.-2H ."":.;. All 10 CO Suits at.... S.00 i"'"C -.AH I5.M.) Suits at.... 1:J00 'f All 10.511 Suits at... 1:5.20 ' ;?' All is ii;i Suits at... 11.10 Furs. ; 1: . i w . rvj ' 5V ,?-&. ;i "..j 'ifftr A8' ILarge 3 Cent Discount. -: -i .-.V.. V." ,i- . srr-- f.' () .j. .. . -- 'ii v- r . .i?. : . 2 iiine 01 ClotHing to select From. Y..' -.' ".. z l r-jw (') "v Special Discount oil Muslin, Sheeting, Pillowcase Muslin, ?vi?its, Apron Ginghams Percales. Cretons, Siii.-ting?, Satins, Towelings, Tickings, Oil Cloth, Bed Spreads, Table Covors and Lacj Curtains. :-: :-: :-: 4$&& l&f D.i you want a Fur Scarf This is the time to tin v one. Your chiiiec of any .Fur Scarf or Mutl" at 20 per cent discount durini; this salef r - Cloaks-Skirts. Now Is the time for everyone who nccij? a.cloiik ty;get one .cheap. 25 per ccnTflTscoiiiit on all Cloaks. All ?4 -Clnaksjjit ..?...-.-...; $: .' ' - ' " ' I j , r-. $7.50 - $io;'oov $1250 ! SI 5.01) ... .-- a t . .1 , I1 4 . m) at 'in ""t ?20.0- . at.,'..: 15.00 20 . Percent 'discount on all Tailor 1 1 a " 1 Made Suits Jnd Dress T)kits. i w: 20 ., I'er cent discount on Shawls, i" Flush "and Cloth Capes, iChil- . dren's." Coats and .Jackets, Ladies' Fleeced wrappers and .dressing sac'jues . r .J .-. Agents for tlie Standard Patternsall Patterns lO and 15 iii -Monro -i. ' rz Nii:i!iiii:;!!:ii!-i!i:ii;ii!!::i!:!-;!!;!;i::niH (From liiesol' .lourunl August '. i71 y m-"-r r Dil'il.' Aupusr J. Lathrop'n: The vouhl' 1.1a a; I". : r'ci k.CLarli s was a son oi year.- ilr. ami Mr-. 11. I. Latlirop. Messrs. IluberiVrJolinon have erec elo on Olive street, a livery stable 1 by ".1 feet. Th- Messrs Clother. 'ro;irietors ol the Clothcr hotel, are i lectins; a liv ery jtable on Twelth street froutiiii; the depot. David Hale tells us that i:st vok David Yoiiuk while hunting en Union Creek, found and killel a Tai;lesuake live ' feet louj;, with tweatyseven rattles. As our local readers are interes:eil in the matter of coal in Nebraska, we intend to keen them no;etl iu the dis covery near Milforl one county south ot" us. Mr. Storkhftiu. ef ho" dis covery at that jlace we h..- nit'iitioii ed belere. is r.rejiariisir to si:-.:; a -baft to the bed of ''oal. The drillics ha been rcntiuued to ihe depth .f tis leet in the vein. (From tiles Auc-i 1'?, lTn. E. .7. Baker is erecting a .-toe b.cuse on 2s e bracka avenue, one 1'oor south ol Pierce's store. The British liou-e of Common- has . passed a bill providint; that v.itiiu; in Enciaud shall her -after be by ball t instead of the oice. a Ju arete f on-. One Ion? stride toward the rr publi can form of covernmeiir. We are indebted to Horace Hud-on. son of H. J. Hudson for a line bis watermelon. Sunday the re-itlmce of James atii! , Thos. Kusseli four mil? nnrth of town. wa burned to the sround. After spendius Ten days ar the Al- ! bany, instead of tv.o. n he has oris- ' iually plnnred, Dr. II. C-. Floya cf Enrekea Sprinss. Ark., left la.-t cvea injr, with his brlie, for Caiiforuia, i where he expects to remain two days, instead of ten. Tl i- ti:-trinr of Dr. Floyd's plans is da entirely to th" delichts of Colorndo's winter .-lima;", j 'I cannot understand why your peo ple have been fh-w ;ti r-miins to a full , realization of the j ossii.iliti of Col orado as a writ report " i". eland the . j - P . w.0.-. t .1 'A -.Vm. ... w:x.l Z. Y.'V.. 3 i.'-i I N J H s? g R 1"SSl. ,??i K v-- St. y v-..jwrA-.7.:n : il2(i, Si tU EY r -- 50 rr J I" f ii i i n :i $. COLUMBUS CAi. o jr. EBRASKA atgss3iKit:i5!vas??j-:K-- --v.rri"y. Tissasassci doctor, who is not only president of theConitnercial clubot Eureka Springs but also at the head of the Odd Fellow of Arkansas. "VV'hv, yon simply have ali ndvertisea 'winter resorts' nailed to the mast. Dr. J. E. PAUL, Dentist. c-$i mK i3rL- S.ilicits your patronaj;e- We make a specialty of doinjr all work ( intrusted t us carefully and conscie- tioTily. Nervous persons who have j a dread of the dental chair are fcreiit j ei with patience and consideration. I will cost you nothintrto consult na anu set our prices. W e have one of ll-e largest and without a doubt one of tlie bept e.pupped dental oflices in the state. All work guaranteed to be I -ati.-factory or money cheerfully re funded. f ) . t Nit ohncr's cor. 13th and Olive Sts. S K. -.rnor of I'ark. Ikth Phones. Z5fe North Opera ' 'mmmmmmmvsmmwKi-j-' -vh..-" fj-' i BHCBbmSi'" i'iV '"'"j.7! """'rrtr " - ' "? - - -"r -V'" Af?S-. --: -' Fri 1- ; i-' gg- i JL2'lte' ?25Ci irfS 'Sv ; -l l v. ".,- 1. - - I' -, ...7 .. , - - - - - KSi '-ng : ; :wri33 .j; . "TLN'T! h 'i-'s&SiHi! s mi yftua JJ. W. Sale', .Manager. M:::LA: x W' HWtU v V , ijLmmmmmmmmtki m 't k b! 'so .- Gv.'f.Ul Ilcf.e:.. J ;v'' SS " 4v-iT- i? v. IB: " BRBess:Bio- -Vi'' "' Jt' fll BhMBBVNI' v .:; iv BBBBBS. f.vr H ' ' J BBBBBBHm - j A ... ii flflflflflflflBflBBflflflflHFw. T5 - - - .rsx1. - "i'ffl BBbBBBBBIBBbBBBBBbBl?, - - . -.-; BBBBBBBBBJBBgSStSaBSy.1 j.. - ..ivg; . 1 (r..V'V. .TrS "vi-s-vi l..lpii 1. te. "f : . . ; --71 - - -: : i . . . ' '. . '. '. . .. 1 - - - - ''fi v l t-gsk-- - -- "" -Tr -- ij . "i-'U" . U JL.js,-: - "" - 'ft ; 4 ssf... . - a . HHhlJ jes kmumwithf' - rJ-!' '" v 1 ' " . o-i-: iBBBBfcP5i?rTr-i--s'iHTsBBBBBK?. ?$& - WfjtimWmK&i' &P - s MKBPBbSj Itl'r 't BBBBBBBbbBBBBfi. bfi it " - 3j BBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBWBBBBB '' T?t, . . BBBBBBi'lr'wsSEro,14 -jv- ----'"rt;;- 3i pflBBBK -- jlii,- v - .-v4v -J iBflBBsv''? lpBJBJBBBR5jv ,'vS''- '..4. '.' Episcopal. . "ju'A . K'. l . . -;- l'i 1 ""J : :KT1 -ls5 "hi - : ii35.' "V"s'' - . " .-- -,-'!- 'i..j ;....- 1 I If '&; .- .. . - --?: - . "rt.: y v. -"" ff? wvli-iiUf WflMiHrtX: ;3 . . .L- " BvBCSH ,. Vv 'j, ff iSjTB' 'V V l v' x 1 " 1 Methodist Kpl . .p.ii. Kav---f I ' ,nH9V)ri 5T-' -, ? --:r". 5aK'- v. ? SSG:' -.."Sf '' : 7i ? I I kv I ""SaB tR 1 " I i V v t p. isi jJBjj iftj MMBMbbW-bIL1 ' ' " ' "'" l ;nr --''- - J1 i " "S"'?vK S V ' v 1 (ii'i'iiian Keforin. St. Uynientura. "j 1; i .5 f V i r w f I 4