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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1903)
8 Till' ' ] NOHFOLK NKWS : FJllDAY , NOVEMBER ( I , 1908. LJin , , miirr iniMirmm-ii ONLY TWO DAYS MORE ! As we will RETAIL PIANOS at WHOLESALE PRICES only up to 12 O'clock , Saturday Evening , November 7 EAT PIANO SALE ! DIRECT FROM THE FMCTORY. - V iw" r "fT"'F ' W" F T8" " " " " "ii * * * 1" i "W" 4 T18 P * " * pp § 7WA I < I--H F n r \ / - F-H tv F /M\jTTLPs JZTJTv 1 \ JJ vZ > JHJTv We arc EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS for the following manufacturers for Nebraska : Knabe , Kranich & Bach , Hallet & Davis , Kimball , Lindeman & Sons , Mathushek and Melville Clark Pianos , All Strictly High Grade Instruments , and Thirty Other Thoroughly Reliable Makes , which we will RETAIL during this Sale at WHOLESALE PRICES , and as an extra inducement to buy this week we will extend to you the EASY PAYMENT PLAN a small cash payment when delivered and a little each month. They are soon paid for and you do not miss the money. Stool and Scarf Free with each instrument. Old Pianos and Organs taken in part pay ment. Write for Catalogues and Bargain List. . . . . . . . t .j.ji * * * * * * * : : * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * I * To Out of Town Customers : $ Wo will pay railroad faro and all expenses of the trip to any person living | : within 1115 miles of Norfolk , who will attend this sulo and purchase a piano. It is | Opposite New Government Building. 128 South Fourth St. \ cheaper for us to do so than to come and see yon. WRITE 10 II BARGAIN LI ST. | t STORE OPEN EVENINGS. . . . . . . . . . H. R. WARD , Manager. * * > * * < > * < * * > : : < * * * * * < * * : * * H'4. * < * < * * * * .H ' > * L When.The Results Were Tabulated by The News , Norfolk's Son Was Ahead. Good values In blenched or un- blenched muslin at Gc. Full standard prints In light styles nt Gc. Outing flannels at Cc , 7VjC , 9c , lOc , 12 % . Good Canton llannels at Gc , 7c , 9c , 12c. IGc , 20c. Ladles' Fleece lined underwear , good values , at 2Gc and GOc. Anytlvlng In our dress goods , un derwear , cloaks , blankets , wrappers , otc. , at equally low prices. TALK If you have feet , prepare to clothe them no\v. We sell the best hosiery in town the famous Wo , are agents for the celebrated Peerless Pattern. The cheapest , best fitting popular priced pattern to bo found anywhere. Gc , lOc , IGc. The Fair Store 8HURTZ& JENKINS. I' ' ' - PERSONAL. W. H. Johnson has gone to Chicago on business. W. M. Wagner wont to Pierce Thursday on business. Dr. William Keller of Princeton , 111. , Is a guest nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moldonlmuor. Miss Hiittlo Maas and Miss Anna Mints of Moillno , Minn. , are visiting Norfolk relatives and friends. Ex-Senator Win. V. Allen of MadIson - Ison was In the city Thursday meet ing his numerous Norfolk friends and Ivlng his opinion of the meaning convoyed by the election returns. Dr.R. A. Mittlostndtdentist. Bishop block. Telephone GO , Got ready for the roast pig supper to bo given by the men of the Moth odlst church on Friday evening , No vember 13. Wanted Men at C. & N. W. now roundhouse. Call for Mr. Schinncer. New Belts. Wo have just got In a largo line of now belts. The now silk stitched Tailor bolt , pleated satin bolts , with fancy buck les. The elastic bolts and the wide girdles. Prices range from GOc to $5.00. Mrs. J. Benson , So. ICth St. , Omaha , Nob. l.nvr In tilt * Muli Political economists have told us Unit self Interest Is the mainspring of Industry. H Is not true. Love Is the mainspring of Industry. It Is love for the home and the wife and the children that keeps all the busy wheels of In dustry revolving , that calls the factory hands early to the mill , that nerves the arm of the blacksmith working at his forge , that Inspires the farmer at his plow and the merchant at his desk that gives courage to the soldier and patience to the teacher. Krsklne was asked how he dared , as an unknown barrister , face a hostile court and Insist on his right to be heard. "I felt my children , " ho re plied , "tugging at my robe and saying , 'Hero Is your chance , father , to get us bread. ' " It N this vision of the chil dren dependent on us that Inspires us all In the battle of life. Uev. Lymau Abbott in Atlantic. Origin of 11 Kniiiou * nucllil. who Is Mimi'tlmes called the father of mathematics , taught this subject In the famous school at Alex andria. liclug asked one day by the king of Egypt ( Ptolemy Soter ) whether ho could not teach him the science In a shorter way , Euclid answered in words that huvo been memorable over since , "Sire , there Is no royal road to learning. " Not many scraps of conver sation have lived , as this reply has , for 2,200 years. Phat Will be the Subject for Tonight. GREAT CROWDS ARE ATTENDING Mission Week at the Sacred Heart Church Is Proving Very Successful. Crowds Fill the Church for Father Shyne's Every Lecture. The chilly weather of last evening in no way kept the Sacred Heart church from being packed by persons eager to listen to Rev. Father Shyno , the brilliant lecturer who ds conduct ing services at the church through the entire mission week. Every mornIng - Ing before the sun has thought of coming up , people nro to bo soon walk ing along the streets to the church at the corner of Fifth street and Mad ison nvemto for the early service and Instruction. Again there are crowds during the middle of the forenoon and nt night the church is taxed to the limit to accommodate the audience. Tonight will bo a lecture upon "Tho Great Conqueror. " Last night was upon "Man's Greatest Help to Happi ness. " The choir sang the hymns , "Tantum Ergo , " and " 0 Salutarls" with feeling , bringing out all of the meaning powerfully. Meditation on Hell. For ono hour last night Father Shyno meditated with the big congre gation on the pains of holl. Ho brought out clearly that a meditation on hell Is n protection from sin. Ho first showed that hell exists ; that It Is eternal ; that , as in sin , there Is a double malice the turning of the will away from the creator and a turning to n forbidden creature so the punishment - ishmont of sin Is two-fold the loss of God and the positive Infliction of pain. pain.Thoso These two elements arc pointed out In the words which must bo hoard by all who dlo in mortal sin : "Depart from Mo , yo cursed , Into everlasting rtro. " Wo call these the pain of loss and the pain of sense. The pain of loss Is the fooling of regret for hav ing thrown away an eternal good for the sake of some potty pleasure. "Wo fools esteem their life madness ant their end without honor. Beheld - hold ! how they are numbered among the children of God ! " These are the words which the wise man says the wicked will use on the last day when they see these whom they though to bo fools on earth honored by God and His nngels. The pain of sense Is Inflicted by fire. "Depart from Mo , yo cursed Into everlasting flro. " Borne people vhoso conscience tolls thorn that hey must cease to sin or suffer for ever try to persuade themselves that his flro means remorse , but no ono can depart Into remorse which ho carries about with him , nor was that emorso prepared for another person. 'Depart from Me , yo cursed , into ev erlasting flro prepared for the dovll ind his nngols , " if meditated upon , vill remove all doubt about figures of speech. It Is an article of Catholic faith that ho pains of hell are eternal. The loctrlno Is taught expressly In scrip- urn. It Matt.xvlii:8the : future pun- shment is called eternalIn ; Apoc.xiv : .1 , xlx : 3 , wo are told It will last for ever and over ; In John ill:3(5 : ( and Matt. xxv:4G : , etc. , the same duration Is as cribed to hell as to heaven. It wcro jotter for Judas that ho had never icon born so wo flnd In Matt , xxvl : 24 and this would not bo true If wo wore destined one day to reach heav en. St. Augustine says that eternal woo Is duo to him who destroys in itmsolf eternal good. This destruc tion is wrought by deliberate mortal sin , which cuts a man off from God. In that sinful stnto the sinner is llko a branch broken off from Christ the vine which withers and is cast Into ; ho flro forever. Protection From Sin. When Father Shyno had given the logmntlc proofs hinted at above , ho jegan to show how a meditation on ioll can bo made a protection from sin. To do this ho asked the congre gation to reflect frequently upon the following points : First The habitation of the damn ed. Second The company of the damn ed. Third The punishment of thorop- rebate through the powers of his soul ( n ) torments of Imagination , ( b ) of memory , ( c ) of understanding , ( d ) of will. Fourth Punishments of the damn ed in the senses of sight , hearing , smell , taste and touch. Fifth Ho ended with the torment of eternity and said : "How many years or centuries shall tha lost soul ho Imprisoned ? Forovor. How many years shall ho groan In tears of regret and despair ? Forovor. How many centurion shall ho bo con demned to the society of demons ? Forovor. How many ages shall ho burn In flames ? Forever. Will there bo no Interruption of these torments ? Never. Will there bo no mitigation of this awful pain of loss ? Never Stretch your imagination ; add years to years , ages to ages ; multiply them llko the loaves of the forest , the sands of the seashore , the drops of water in the immensity of the oceans you will not concolvo the moaning of these two words over , novor. On the brazen arch of hell they are writ en in letters of eternal flro and are mrnlng into the marrow of every ruined soul. " OUR NEIGHBORS. The Brock family are certainly a race of soldiers. In talking with J. I. Brock recently , ho remarked that ils grandfather had fought with Na- ) oloon and participated in the battle of Waterloo. Mr. Brock himself was a soldier through the entire civil war , John Brock , jr. , Charles Brock and saac Brock , all cousins to each other , were In the Philippine war , and a young grandson of J. R. Brock shows ncllnations of the war spirit as ho went "with the militia boys from hero ; o York this summer ns their mascot , ind his grandfather believes he will make n soldier some day. Columbus Journal. Kaum-Welch. A happy wedding and n beautiful ono was Thursday for the ceremony which united Mr. Arthur Kaum and Miss Martha Welch , at Christ Luther an church. The service was per formed at 10 o'clock in the morning by the pastor , Rev. J. P. Mueller. Af terward the bridal party drove to the homo of Herman Welch , northeast of the city , and a glorious feast was held throughout the day. Many persons wore Invited. The News for job printing. MADISON. Fred Bergman and wife of Ponder visited at the homo of Wm. Test over Sunday and on Monday they left for a visit with Columbus friends. Mrs. J. J. Clements has returned from Marengo , Iowa , where she was called by the illness of her brother. Gumboil & Bloy shipped to J. S. Armstrong , nt Bearing , Iowa , ono of the finest Poland-China boars which wo have seen shipped from those parts for many a day. Mrs. Thos. O'Shea returned Monday from Omaha where she had been nt the St. Joseph hospital with her sister , Miss Eustochium Carrnhor who was operated upon for appendicitis. The Madison football team have inado arrangements to play a game with the Genoa Indians on Thanks giving day at this place , and the boys are putting In good time getting In shape for the game. Jos. Nichols and wlfo returned Sat urday from tholr visit with tholr son Frank and wlfo at Plalnvlow , and vis ited their daughter , Mrs. Brlnckman until Sunday when they departed for their homo near Croston. Mr. H. W. Davidson of Foster , Ne braska , and Miss Luqlnda Jones of Omaha , drove down from Norfolk Sat urday night and were married at this place the same evening by Rov. Both- well. They returned to Foster Mon day. day.Rov. Rov. Wlgton of Norfolk preached ; wo very able sermons In the Presby- lerinn church last Sunday morning and evening. Ho was sent by the synod to declare the pulpit vacant E. H Brewer , who lives west of town , received quite a serious Injury Tuesday afternoon while loading lum ber nt O'Shea & McBrido's yard. As nearly as can bo ascertained the team started to run and Mr. Brewer grabbed the linos. The team turned In such a manner as to place the un fortunate man between his own and another wagon which was standing nearby and catch him. Mr. Brewer received a gash over his right eye , and his right log from the thigh down to his foot was severely bruised and cut. It Is thought a portion of the bone may bo fractured. Star-Mall. OAKDALE. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torpln went to Wahoo Saturday morning to visit their daughter , Mrs. Zanuck. Miss Emma Molrs , of the Nlobrara schools , visited with Miss Flnlay last Saturday , on her way to Nellgh to visit with her sister. A new house Is being built for Thos. Warner on his farm three miles north east of town. H. Cllngman has charge of the work. R. McAdam left this week for Clln- ton , Iowa , where ho will visit for ono week , after which ho will go to Hot Springs , Ark. , to spend the winter. Mrs. B. W. Caldwell came from Norfolk - folk Saturday to visit her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Thornburg. Her mother accompanied her homo on Monday. A. H. Bohannon , cashier of the now Antelope County bank , has moved his family over from Elgin and they are living dn Mr. Strlngfellow's house. Jas. Bartlett contemplates moving onto a farm next year and for that reason says ho will sell his six acres of ground by the creek in the wast part of town. The interior of the Antelope County bank's place of business ds undergo ing a complete remodeling and rent- ting. The room has boon enlarged by tearing out a partition , and when repainted and repapered will present an entirely now appearance. Senti nel. i. "STAUMY , A ] " " ' " ' ' " " ' men Between , T"n" . 'i'c""V..w or 21 mid 3B. citizens of " of Brood character ni " IXs , who cun GDGtilc f % K * ° A * $ . i , Dr. J. H. . . . Mackay * PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 'Pl > ° ne 11 , NORFOLK , KEBB.