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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1903)
IHE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL , , , , , NOUKOIA' NIWHASKA 1'MUDAY ' NOVKM1WH 1H U)0J ) ! University Wishes to Know if Norfolk Wants One. DO THE FARMERS WANT Y\t \ . Those Who Have Had Charge of Pre vious Meetings Will Await Wishes of Those Who Should be Interested. Expenses Met by the University. [ Kroni Tupfilny'B . L. M. Gaylord , sccrolary of the Fanners Institutes for a iniinbor of years past , Is in receipt of u commu nication from Superintendent 10. A. Burnolt of Lincoln asking for Informa tion from Norfolk regarding the hold ing of an Institute hero again during this season. Prof. Burnett pledges i the university to do Its share toward another Institute If the agricultural 'people In the vicinity of Norfolk will iindertake to see that the Interest and attendance Is what It should ho. This is u matter deserving the thoughtful consideration of those to whom most of the benefit accrues from these meetings. Those who have had anything to do with Farm ers institutes in Norfolk In the past will realize that the men who have at tempted to conduct these meetings in the past have had little encourage ment from those who should he most interested. They have provided pro grams of exceeding high merit and great value only to have a vary slim attendance from those whom It was intended to benefit and Interest. The expenses of these Institutes come out of the university funds , which have been contributed by the taxpayers ers for the support of that school and it Is a sort of return that the farming people should bo glad to avail them selves of. It costs them nothing di rectly for the speakers and Instruct ors except to furnish a room , have , "programs printed , advertise the meet- J' . ing among the farmers and glvo the speakers local entertainment. .Tho speakers are men who have made successes In various lines of farm work and who are willing to glvo of their knowledge to aid those who undertake such special lines of work > iu greater or less detail. It Is an op portunity that should appeal to ev ery progressive farmer , and those who have taken an Interest in the In stitutes of the past may bo depended upon to Interest themselves In the fu ture , but this Is not enough. These vyho have never taken an interest or attended should do 'so , or a successful meeting will be Impossible. A. L. Carter , who has been presi dent of the institute , and L. M. Gaylord - lord , who has been secretary , have practically decided that they will not arrange for another institute until the farmers assure them that they are ready to assume a share of the work and responsibility of making the meet ing a success. They will wait to hear ifrom those who should bo Interested 'in ' such a meeting and if there Is no evidence that an institute is desired no arrangements will be made for one this winter. It Is up to the farmers to say whether or not an Institute Is worthy of their attendance and inter est. The matter should not be de layed. The university people are al ready planning their work and mak ing dates , and if Norfolk is to liave s. meeting the agricultural people should speak out at once. JHELPED HIM EAT THAT 'POSSUM ' , Cooked With Sweet Potatoes and Richly Flavored , a Dozen Rel ished the Rare Game. TFrom Tuesday's Dnllv-l Cooked into a rich , delicious spread -with mammoth sweet potatoes , Bos ton baked beans and other things to match , the 'possum which was killed on Spring Branch Saturday and which was presented by the hunter , Fred Jenkins , to Col. Al Johnson , was last evening eaten and relished by a dozen special guests In a rear room at the Klco liquor store. Col. Al had prepared the game with that rare degree of excellent flavor In which the colored folk of the south land , whore the 'possum runs right by the door and the sweet potato vines are laden with their earthly apples , are alone capable. Ho had been as- sisted by his wife In their home down on Braasch avenue and they had made the feast a tempting ono. The 'pos- ' Bum was tender and juicy and very rich. Somewhat like the pralrlo chicken In its color of meat , rather more tender than the best cooked tame fowl that was over fried and bathed iu a liquor which savors of the choic est spare ribs but which Is to bo com- pared'with no common sort for all of that , the 'possum may bo said to taste just like a 'possum and nothing else , exactly , In all the world. ARRANGEMENTS ARE COMPLETE. Sparring Contest and Athletic Exhi bition for Wednesday. All arrangements are complete for the athletic entertainment tomorrow , Wednesday , night at the opera house. Jack McLaughlln will go on first with a gymnastic exhibition. Next will bo the famous Farmer Burns' boys in their stunt. The show will wind up with n grand exhibition of sparring which will bo Instructive to all and ladles should learn to know the art 'of self defense ns well as a man. It Is to bo strictly understood that this Is no prize fight but n sparring match between the two clover light weights , Clarence English vs. Tommy Sullivan. Thin Is a llrst class show and ladles should see It to teach their boys to bo strong and physically well built. HE WAS KIND TO A PUSSY CAT , Stranger Gave Lineman Half a Dollar to Bring Poor Kitten Down From the Pole. ( Ki'om Tucsdny'B Dully. ] Now and then there are among men , after nil , a few of the typo who are naturally humane without belong ing to the society that protects dumb animals , and who , out of the kindness of their own hearts , will take an extra step and an extra hour to bring relief to some helpless creature which Is suffering hut which has no precise way of calling aid from the charitably inclined passers-by. An Incident of the kind happened yesterday In Norfolk when a tiny cat which had In some unthinking way climbed a high telephone polo down town and which , having reached her heavenly perch , was unable with any feeling of safety to climb down again. The air grew cold and raw and wind became cutting. The snow blow through the street In bitter blasts from the northward but still stuck the kitty to the top bar of the polo. People ple went and people came that way but not one noticed the helpless little kitten save to glance curiously at It for an Instant and then pass on. Along about noon a stranger called at the manager's ofllco of the Ne braska telephone exchange. "Aro there any climbers hero ? " ho asked. There were. Kenneth Norton was Just spurred and strapped up for that sort of work , ready to go out upon the wires. "I will give you a half dollar , " ex plained the stranger , "if you will climb the polo that stands In front of the Queen City hotel and get down the cat that Is on top of the cross bar. " "Done , " said the climber , and In loss than no time at all poor pussy was running around on the streets trying to get warm. The stranger made good his promise and went his way. HIGH CCKOOL NOTES. There remain twenty-five members in the senior class , only six of whom are boys. The workshop that was established by Mr. McCoy has not boon used thus far this year. District No. 05 lays claim to hav ing the host "shinny" team in this part of the country. She seniors arc still trying for class pins but with no great amount of hopes of immediate success. There Is a nice book case In the recitation room , but the pupils do not have access to It except between rec itations. The seniors sent for a $25 micro scope a month and a half ago , but It has not yet arrived. It will bo used In the study of botany. A bulletin board would bo a great convenience In the lower hall. Other schools have such boards to announce programs and classes. Everyone in the school Is proud of the record made by Frank Perry on the university football team , and they expect to hear from John Dlngman when ho goes to the university , after completing his course hero. More Interest in the gymnasium has boon taken this year than over before slnco the establishment of this de partment for the recreation and phys ical development of the pupils. The "gym" Is crowded almost constantly before and after school hours and the paraphernalia Is In almost con stant use when school duties do not require attention. The board of ed ucation has promised to have a now floor put in as soon as carpenters can bo secured to do the work. The par aphernalia has recently been Increased by the addition of a set of boxing gloves and a now punching bag will soon bo added. The room has been wired for electric lights and other conveniences added. It Is estimated that the value of the paraphernalia Is now about ? 100. Every Thursday night the gymnasium has boon devoted - voted to the use of the girls. Trial of William Wise. Birmingham , Ala. , Nov. 11. The case of William Wlso was called for trial today before Judge Green of the criminal court. Wlso Is charged with the murder of Ellas M. Lathem , a well known traveling man who was shot and killed at the Morris hotel last April by Glen Havls , a friend ol Wlso. Wlso was present at the killing and had taken part In the dif ficulty leading up to the tragedy. Havls Is now serving a term ol twelve years in the penitentiary for the crime. Lathora's alleged Im proper conduct towards Wise's sister caused the tragedy. All parties are prominent and great interest is man tfestod in the trial. Nights Upon Which Theater Will Have Attractions. GIVEN TO PREVENT CONFLICTS. Frequently There are Social Attrac tions Set In Advance When Plays are Announced , Which Is Always Unfortunate for Players. In order to avoid conflicts an much is possible between the theatrical at tractions which are booked for the Auditorium and social features of the city's season , a list of dates upon which there will bo ulnys at the Audi torium IUIH boon bunded to The News and IH given below. Heretofore upon several occasions parties and other attractions through out the town have frequently been set for several days when suddenly an announcement of a good Miow would bo made by the management of the Auditorium and the result would bo that seats would , bo but Hpuri'igly ' taken while a largo number of society folk who would otherwise have attended the play , would of course accept their Invitations out. This has not been the fault of Nor folk nconlo so much as It has been the management of the playhouse because - cause Invitations and plans tire al ways made a number of days In ad vance while the theatre announce ments have been made but two or throe days , often , ahead of the book- Ing. Ing.It It Is hoped , now that the dales are sot for several months in advance as to Auditorium attractions , and since but a few features arc announced for each month , that conflicts may bo more easily avoided and an advantage gained from every viewpoint. So far ns known , shows which are booked for the near future will appear upon the following dates. It might bo well to cut this calendar out and save It for reference : November 11 ! , 1 ! ) . 2H. December 2 , ! ! , 11 , 21 , 28. January 7 , 18 , 27 , 29. February 1. TILDEN MILL IS PROGRESSING , Expect to Get More Power for Less Expenditure Than Any Wen. of Mississippi. Tilden , Nov. 10. Satisfactory pro gress has boon made upon the work of the new mill and elevator during the past week and , If favorable weather continues , the framework will bo raised within the next few days , says the Cltl/.en. Mr. Bowman , of Belleville , Kansas , who is the de signer of the building , left on Mon day and the work of erection Is now in the hands of Bert Edwards. After a warm contest for furnishing the power plant and machinery between the three principal mill furnishing houses of the United States , the con tract foi' the entire equipment of the running machinery was- awarded to the Nordyko & Marmon Co. , of In dianapolis , Ind. , America's leading nlll builders. Roughly speaking this nachlnory will consist of twelve > airs Of roller aiid a full line of the celebrated Nordyko & Marmon ma chines which will bo placed on four loors. All these machines will bo Iriven directly from the fly wheel of .ho engine by means of nlno strands nanlla transmission ropo. According to this arrangement the designer ex- > ects to produce a barrel of Hour on a smaller expenditure of power than n any mill west of the Mississippi river. The contract for the power ilant was secured by the Minneapolis Steel ft. Machinery Co. , of Minneapolis. The outfit Includes a high pressure iioller capable of carrying a working pressure of 150 pounds to the square inch , a Twin City Corliss engine and ono of the celebrated Minneapolis con densers. This combination Is guar anteed to furnish a horse-power on a consumption of twenty-two pounds of water per hour. , METHODIST MISSION COMMITTEE , Bishops , Clergymen and Lay Dele gates Meet In Omaha A Pros perous Year. Omaha , Nob. , Nov. 11. The gen eral missionary committee of the Methodist church , North , met In this city today to review the work of the past year and to discuss plans for the future. The committee Is composed of the bishops of the church , the officers of the missionary society and fourteen representatives each of the general conference and the board of managers of the mission ary society. Reports to bo presented to the meeting show the past year to have been the most successful , financially through which the society has passot since Its organization In 1828. The Increase in missionary contributions during the year over those of the previous year was more than $150,000 a showing that la regarded as remark able , in view of the fact that the re ceipts of the hiHt ilHcal year worn $112,000 ahead of thoseof two yearn ago. The InorciiHo of the p Ht few yearn are credited to the educational luillny of the society , which nyHto- mntlcally almn to IntoroHt all Motho- dlHtH In the mlHHlon c.aiwo , and nlno to the work of the Open Door lOinorgono.y commission , which led In the forward movement for missions. Twenty-Four Hours Scoop. An a striking Instance of what IH be ing done In a telegraphic way by thin paper , President IlooHovolt'H tnoHmigo was given to renders of The Newn who Ivo north of Norfolk on the llonotlool iraucli of the Northwestern railroad lust exactly twenty-four hours ahead > f any other paper on earth. It scooped all other papers Just seven mil ouo-lmlf hours more than a half i day for persons living west of Nor folk on the main Hue of the North western as far IIH the Black llllln. The News carried the president's inert- Hnge to every town bet \\een thlH city and Fremont all the way from neven IIOUCH , at Stanton , lo one hour , at Fro- moni ahead of Ils publication to them In any other journal. The mime scoop applied south to Columbus and northeast - east to Sioux City. The president read IIH ! message at noon on Tuesday. Before t o'clock the ono o'clock edition of The News WIIH on trains headed for Itn patrons In every ono oflive directions. No other paper coming Into the Held could posHlbly compete with It. The Lightning Work. An President HooHovolt read IIH ! speech It wan clicked out over the wires. With lightning rapidity known to ono who has been In the midst of a dally newspaper bedlam , the HOII- toncon wore cant Into typo and locked Into their foiniH HO that within loon than an hour after the wordn had loft the lips of the president In Washing ton , his Hues wore put Into print by The NOWH and carried to every town within many , many miles and all of that In thlH far off , wild and western Nebraska. No train going to Bonostool will leave again until Wednesday after noon , taking the name report In Omaha and Sioux City puperu Into that section just ono-soventh of U week behind time. The people of north Nebraska and the section of South Dakota into which the Northwestern loads , are getting lo feel that they are Independ ent. They no longer need to depend upon Omaha or Sioux City or Chicago for their general news and they , to- golhor with The News , nro taking a prldo In establishing ft news service which Is ahead of tiny thing elno Unit can bo given thin territory from any locality in this or any other Htate. Daughters 'of the Confederacy. Charleston , S. C. , Nov. 11. Charles ton has thrown her gates wide open for the army of fair Invaders gathered from every part of the south for the general conference of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. Ar riving Irains lasl night and this mornIng - Ing brought scores of delegates from Texas , Louisiana , Mississippi , Arkan sas , Missouri , Tennessee , Florida and other slates and all Indications point to an exceptionally largo attendance. Ever since the Now Orleans con vention of last year the women of Charleston have boon preparing for ho gathering with the result thai the arrangements for the reception and entertainment of the vlsllors are pro- lounced perfect. Today was given over largely to welcoming the arriv als and the completion of the final letails of the conference program. CORNNUSKERS WIN GLORIOUSLY , Defeat Knox College Team Saturday With a Score of 33 to 5 , Before a Big Crowd. Lincoln , Nov. 0. In a glorious bat tle on the gridiron hero Saturday , the Cornhuskers defeated Knox college - lego 33 to 5. Knox made their only score on a drop kick from the field. Nebraska was by far the more skill ful team and Booth's great training In team work won the day. Nebraska has not boon beaten In two years and this Is the second ncoro against her team in that time. Coach Booth says that It is not the matter of being scored on , but the matter of develop ment that Is looked to. "When wo re turned from Iowa , " said the coach this morning , "about twenty persons shook hands with mo and of these , nineteen said , 'Well , the team was scored against. ' " A big crowd watched the game. Flower Show at St. Paul. St. Paul , Minn. , Nov. 11. The flow er show for which the Woman's Aux- Hilary of the Northwestern Manufac turers' association has been prepar ing for several months opened an splciously today. The exhibits como from all parts of the northwest and In many respects the show Is the big gcst affair of the kind over hold In this section of the country . The ox hlblts of chrysanthemums and orchids are especially notable for the num her and variety of the specimens on display. The show Is to continue through the remainder of the week Father Shyne Opens Weelc Course Sunday livening. ADDRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE. Speaks on the Duty of Man to Ills Creator and Master--Clone of the Mlcolon In Norfolk Parishioners Glvo n Pledge , The Catholic church nl Iliilllu ( "rook IH the fluent building In the town. UH appointment ) ! are complete down to the hiHl thing required by the ritual. It WIIH dedicated Jiml one ago and In now to all boholdom a chiHHlc bit of architecture , a thing of beauty , n monument to the fallli of the people , a petrlllod prayer. When Kilt her Hhyno looked out over the audience Sunday night there waH. Hciirccly a vncanl neat In the church , lie began by Haying thai the philos ophy of man may lie Hummed up In a Hculcnco : Muu IH made for God and all thlngn olno on earth have been created an a mcaim to amilNt , man to reach God. Every man every human being iniml say : I came from God , I belong to God ; lie created me , Ho hi my mauler. IH It not true that the Mau ler ban a right to the HorvlcoH of | IH ! HorvunlH ? IH It not true that a work man can dlHpoHo of hlH work UH ho chooHOH ? What IH then In man that does not belong to God ? "Whathavo you that you have not received. " (1 ( Cor. IV 7) ) What would remain If God took from mo what In IIlH ? Nothing. God's dominion over every human being IH essonllal. It WIIH not nec essary that God Hhould draw me from nothing but Hlnce God haH created me It IH necessary that I Hhould bo IIlH. IIlH dominion IH Hiiproiuo. We belong to God before everything mid above everything. IIlH dominion In absolute. He can glvo or take from me fortune , health , honor , life. My duty IH to receive everything fiom Ills hand with resignation. IIlH do minion In uulvorHul. It extends to every stage of my llfo and to every faculty of my soul and to every Rouse of my body , llln dominion In eternal. It begins with time and continues through eternity. Death which de prives men of all their rlghlH cannot deprive God of anything. Ills domin ion IH Irroslstllilo. WWI B or unwH-1 ling , wo must siihmll lo It.Vo must live under the empire of bin love or miller bin justice ; wo must glorify Hln" powei by free obedience or glor ify It by Inevitable punlHbinent. Wo nniHt either grind In God's mill or bo ground In It. Here the lecturer showed that faith , reason , all creatures , the hu man heart , experience ) , showed that wo are made to praise hlinetaotaol we are made to praise , reverence and servo God and those Have our KoulH. Father Walsh IH at Battle Creek directing the work of the mission. Closing of the Mission. The people who gained admission to the Catholic church Sunday at ten o'clock and came out at 12:20 : wore universal In their opinion that though hey had attended HOIIIO missions bo- 'ore ' they never reali/.od what a mis- lion was till Father Sryno had closed ils week's work. It was a grand and rare sight to see ho Catholics of the parish bowing lown for the papal benediction , but his sight was surpassed by the grander and rarer sight of all In the church rising to their feet In an In stant and proclaiming In the Hlght of leaven that once a month for a whole year they would approach Holy com- minion and HO put the seal upon their salvation. Never was anything like this witnessed here and It all came ifter a speech that lasted ono hour and a half. A large number r.f people from Crelghton , Wisner and Intermediate towns as well ns from towns west and south were present at the close of the Catholic mission that has been conducted In Norfolk during the past week by Uov. Father Shyno of St. Louis. At the close of the service Sunday the people of the parish and many of the children crowded about Father Shyno to dhld him goodbye. The scene was a touching ono and Father Shyno to bid him goodbye , though they may never again meet bore , they might live good and pure lives that they might meet hereafter. Ho exhorted them to bo faithful that their reward might bo assured. BATTLE CREEK PAPER SUSPENDS , Republican Issued no Paper Last Week and the Enterprise Has Not Bought it Out. fFrom Monday's Dally. ] The Battle Crook Republican Issued no paper last week and it is rumored in Battle Creek that the periodical has been permanently suspended. It had been thought that F. B. Martin of the Enterprise had bought the pa per or a part of It but Mr. Martin in an interview this morning stated that ho had bought nothing and know nothing in regard to the change. An other rumor In Iliilllo Creek had It that (1. ( A. Lullmrt of thin city hail bought the plant and would move It 10 Tildon lo start a democratic paper. When neon by n NOWH reporter , Mr. l.ulkurl Htild , "I know nothing of the- papor'n chance. , I have not bought 11 and had no thought of moving the plant to Tilden. I had heard It ru mored Unit the paper might bo moved to Tilden. but If It wan It would be made a republican paper there. " LIVED HERE FOR THIRTY YEARS , Mrs. Marqunrdt , Who Died Saturday Wno One of the Pioneers of This Locality. Mm. Johanna Wllhelinlno L. Mar- quiirdl , mother of ( ! . K. A. Marquardt of Ililti city , a I no mother of the late Mm. ! ' . Vorgon , died at her homo north of the city Saturday nClornoon of olil ago , nhe being 81 ! yearn and nix nioulliH old. The funeral wan held from the family homo north of the city thin nllernooii at 1 o'clock and WIIH In charge of Itov. Philip Hooll/.el of St. Paul Lutheran church. Inter ment WIIH In the cemetery west of the chin oh. Thin In the third death In Hie fam ily Innldo of a year. Mm. Marquiirdt'ti hmdiand died hint April at the ripe ago of nlnoly-nlne yearn , and her BOH , .lulliiH , followed him lo the grave a month later. Mm. Marquardl had boon In feeble health for iiomo time , but her death on Saturday wan unexpected , as but little change over her normal condi tion of the pant few weeks had been Hhown. Mrn. Marqiiardl wan ono of the early ploueorn of thin vicinity , having moved hero In 187 , ' ! , thirty yearn ago , with the llmt colony of Germans to locate In thin necllon of the state. Her remaliiH were followed to the grave by a number of remaining ploneem , and by a largo number of IrleiulH and nelghhoi'H. MODIFIES SALOON CLOSING ORDER City Officials Decide to Permit Them to Keep Open Until Midnight no In the Past. The police offlcera notified the sa loon men Saturday that the order In- sued to them to close at 11 o'clock In the future had boon modified and that they would bo permitted to keep open until midnight In the future an ban been their custom in the pant for many yearn , There wan a storm of protest from the tmloon men and their patrons over the recent order , the saloon men holdIng - Ing that from 11 to 12 at night was one of their bent hours during the entire - tire day , and many patrons , working on late shifts , objected to being de prived of a chance to got a "night cap. " Mayor Haxen this afternoon denied that there had boon an order Issued closing the saloons at 11 o'clock , and therefore that a modification of the order was Impossible. Nevertheless the saloons were closed at 11 and are now permitted to remain open until 12. "The republican platform , " said Mr. Ha/on "provides that the saloons should be closed at 12 o'clock , mid night , and as long as that was the platform on which I was elected , and which must have been the sentiment of the voters , who elected me , it will be abided by , though tlm ordinance provides for closing at 11 o'clock. " Bachelor Girls Fntcrtalned , Miss May Dili-land was hostess at a Jolly party of young people In honor of her sister , Miss Edna Durland of Phiiinlew , who has been visiting Nor folk relatives and friends. Cards were a feature of the ov Rlng's pleasure , together with music. Panned oysters wore served from a chafing llNh. The company was In the nature of a revival of the Bachelor Glrla club which has been Inactive during the summer. Weds Army Captain. Newman , Ga. , Nov. 11. Numerous guests from Atlanta and other cities were present today at the wedding of Miss Lucylc Atkinson and Captain George Franklin Baltzell , of the Fifth United States Infantry. The bride is the daughter of the late Governor Atkinson of Georgia. Captain Bait- 7.ell Is at present stationed at Platts- burg barracks , New York. Indiana Municipal League. Terre Haute , Ind. , Nov. 11. The twelfth annual convention of the Mu nicipal League of Indiana which be gan hero today Is largely attended by mayors , recorders and other officials of the chief cities of the state. The formal opening took place this after noon In the city hall. President Goo. E. Downey of Dearborn county presided - sided and Mayor Stcog of Terre Haute welcomed the visitors. This evening Thomas J. Brook , city attorney of Jofforsonvlllo , reads a paper on "What Shall bo Done to the End That the Municipal League Shall Accomplish the Greatest Good For the Municipalities ? " Another paper will bo by 0. W. Shorritt of Munclo on "How Shall Indiana Cities Protect the Boys ? " The convention will continue in session until Friday.