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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1901)
m m m TBH8 mm njsnrt SU I ISMT fv I IT IK If- 1MB The Norfolk Weekly News Journal Reorganization Measure Passes Its Last Stage In Congress NOW GOEO TO PRESIDENT f mute Adopts Confrouio ltcport on tlio 11111 by u Voto or lit to 2l Seerul Ito publican Ho unto in Voto Willi Democrats Aitlusl tlio ltnpoit WuHlilngtou Vcb 1 After an event fill legislative experience twglnnlng with the prcsont session ntitl covurlng nbout two inonthH the bill for the re organization of the United States Army piissod lta last stttEu in congress ttnd now goes to the president for his signature The final step was taken lu the scnute where by a vote of 113 to i5 the conference report on the bill was agreed to The lioftvs of rep resentatives already hnd agreed to the report The conference report was kept before the senate constantly yes l terday even the shipping bill kIvIhj way Opposition to tho bill continued to bo vigorously expressed Teller making an extended speech in clsin of the war department and of the measure In general An opposi tion doveloped on the Republican sldo to tho measure based on the alleged freedom the conforeos had used In In troducing new provisions I On the final vote several Republican senators voted with the Democrats Against the report The vote in de tail Yeas Alclrleh Allison nurd Clnpp Cul leui Defooe TJopow Dillingham Dolltvar Klklus KnlrlianKt Fo raker Fostor Frye Hannn Hitwloy Kenn Kylp Ilndsuy Lodge McKnory MorRiiii Nelnon lorldny JMott Conn lroctor Quurlt Sewpll Shotip Simon Stewart Thurston Wt wore 33 Nnys Allen Bacon Unto Berry nutlor Chandler Chilton Cluy Cockrcll on Gttlllncur Hiilo Hoar Jones Ark Krnncy McConian McCumhcr Mnllory I Martin Pnrrn PntHirpw PrtH llnw llns Teller Vost 25 The shipping bill was discussed dur ing the latter part of the day and Bonie progress wus made on amend ments A speech by Rawlins Utah against the bill was in progross at tho close of the day Chandler announced that a night session would be moved today to udvauce the bill to its Until Gtages I Iloiiao Fusses Fortification Hill I Washington Feb 1 The house yesterday passed the fortifications bill nud made good progress on the post office appropriation bill During tho general debate on the former bill Ian liam delivered a notable speech on tho future of the Democratic party on wiilfh he made a strong plea for unit ed Democracy and counseled tho bur ial of the hatchet and the welcoming back of those who in the last two pres idential campaigns have declined to support the nominees of tho party Many amendments were offered to tho postoffice appropriation bill in the In terest of various claims of postoflico employes but they all wont down be fore points of order by Loud who was In charge of the bill POWER TO INVESTIGATE Committee to Look Into Charges Made by Governor Lee I IMerre S D Fob 1 Governor Her reid sent to the sonate the names of J P Foster of Bangor for stato vet erinarian und I W Goodner of Pierre nnd I N Aldrlch of Milbank as mem bers of the board of regents of educa tion The senate judiciary commit tee proposed a joint resolution for an Investigation committtco to consist of three members of the senato and four house members to investigate all charges made by Governor Lee in his message against tho heads of different Institutions and members of the board of charities and corrections The com mittee Is to be granted full powors of investigation I Farmers Full 1roves Fatal I Bloux Falls S D Feb 1 Word reached here of what Is rumored to have been a murder near Garretson O J Aassen a prominent farmer liv ing three miles south of Baltic was thrown from his buggy at a point seven miles from Garretson sustain ing Injuries from which ho died be fore a doctor reached him Ho leaves a wife and two children The sheriff and coroner have gone to the scene The report is that Aassen had quar reled with some one who was riding with him and that he was assaulted and forcibly thrown from tho buggy I Myrtle Intimity Is Fatal I Deadwood S D Feb 1 Myrtle Btanley of Central City a raving ma nlac died here yesterday A week ago W C Stunley her father who was separated from his wife 17 years ago came to Deadwood and endeav ored to coax his daughter Myrtle to return with him to his homo at Den ver The girl sat for three nights guarding her invalid mother and her self from imaginary attack from Stan ley Signs of Insanity developed and she died raving over her fathers Visit Talks to Illinois Kdltom Chicago Feb 1 Members of the Illinois Press association who are holding their annual meeting In this city listened to an address by Lafay ette Young of the Des Moines Dally Capital who Is tho guest of tho asso ciation Mr Young In general spoke on the position and Influence of the country newspapers and among other recommendations advocated the es tablishment of advertising agencies h INVITE FLOUR MERCHANTS lluroprun Drnlnn to llo Shown tlin Atl vuntiit of tho AinnrUinii lroilurt St Louis Feb 1 Millers of St Louis and vicinity hare made ar rangements for running a special ex cursion from the lending cities of Great Ittitatu and the continent of Kuropo to St Louis and the other leading milling centers of tho United States Their purpose Ih to enable the principal Importer of Hour In Kuropo to visit this and other mill ing centers of America lu older that the Kuropeaiis may become better ac quainted with the advantages of fered by American millers A meet ing was called at which about 150 mill ers were present Klngstand Smith of London Knglaud explained the condition or the Hour trade In Europe and was enthusiastic In regard to the proposed excursion He said that the Hour Importer of the United kingdom and tho continent are tho wealthiest and most Influential merch ants In Kuropo and that the export flour tiule could be considerably In creased by bringing these lmpirtcrs here and cultivating their acquaint ance He explained that It Is the In tention to Invite all of tho leading flour importers of Kuropo to Join tho excursion which will arrive In New York about May 1 TO FIX PAY FOR MINING Bituminous Coiil Operator ami Miners llolilluE a Confurcnce lowiv nud Michigan Itarrrd Columbus O Feb 1 The Joint con ference of the operators of Ohio In diana Illinois and western Pennsyl vania called to ilx the price of min ing for tho scale year beginning April 1 1001 convened here yeaterday Tho real work of the conference will begin today with the appointment of tho scale committee to which tho de mands of the miners formulated at the Indianapolis convention will be submitted The operators and miners of Iowa and Michigan will not be admitted to tho joint conference That was settled last night by the committee on credentials after a pro tracted discussion The committee being unable to agree the request was referred to tho chairman who decided thnt Iowa and Michigan should bo barred The only point upon which there Is absolute unanimity of sentiment among the operators Is that no ad vance will be conceded BRINGS REVOLUTION TO END Forces of Veiicuelun Insurgents Defeated nnd Lenders Made Prisoner WilloniHtad Island of Curaeoa Feb 1 Advices received here from Ven ezuela confirm the reports of severe lighting probably Tuesday last at Aguafria in which the revolutionists were completely defeated and aband oned their arms and ammunition Two sons of General Aeosta were made prisoners It is also further reported that the principal leaders of the revolution were subsequently intiile prisoners at Carlpe near Matiturn In Venezu elan government circles It was con sidered that tho revolution was ended Clerks Koli and Hum Storu Houghton Mich Feb 1 Samuel Abraham a clothing dealer has been arrested charged with receiving stolen goods Recently Millers clothing store burned and Miller was charged with burning his own store but Louis La Fortune jaultor of the block was caught selling clothing bearing Millers cost marks und con fessed that St John and Silverman clerks had robbed Millers store sys tematically and set it on lire to con ceal their thefts Detectives claim to have discovered evidence of a gi gantic conspiracy covering Michigan Wisconsin and Iowa for systematic robbery and disposal of stolen goods Gandy Gets u Tlallrond Gandy Nob Feb 1 The special election on the proposition to aid tho Callaway Loup Valley nnd Northern Railroad company in the construction of a railroad from Callaway In Custer county tho present terminus of the Kearney and Black Hills railroad to Gandy resulted in a victory for the proposition Logan county votes 22 000 bonds In aid of the project The people here are jubilant and cele brated the victory with bonfires and music - ISiirllutrnine It Qiinrnntlned Topeka Feb 1 There are 20 eusct of smallpox at Burlingame a city south of hero and the entire pluce Is quarantined The schools ch Irenes and theaters are closed TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Mrs Banks widow of General Banks died at Walfham Mass Thursday J Ogden Armour was elected a di rector In tho Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul road succeeding his father Flro at Toledo Thursday destroyed the Dolphin pulnt and color works and Injured the adjoining buildings Loss 100000 The directors of the Union Pacific Railroad company Thursday declared tho regular semiannual dividend of 2V per cont on tho common and pre ferred stock The committee In charge of prepara tions for President McKlnelyu sec ond Inauguration aro making progress and aay the event promises to cclipso any preceding inauguration in display j nuu cuiuiueieuuus syiTK NEBRASKA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1 1101 As Oh 1 IS II Property Worth Million and a Half is Consumed THIRTY PERSONS INJURED Utililon In the Wlclco Hot Factory Is rollowml bv a Costly Cimllii trrit lull UiiiiiimI Aim Tike In it City lllovlt Lumber Voids Scorched New York Feb 1 The explosion yesterday In the 7 story cigar box fac tory of W Wicks Co lu KiikI Thirty first street In which over IK persons wcie Injured was followed last night by one of the fiercest conflagration New York has witnessed lu ninny years causing an estimated loss of lr00000 The burned area In gen eral extent took lu about ono city block The Wlcke company building the building abutting It from Tlilrly Hccoud street and several tenement houses were among the destroyed hulltllngH Several lumber ynrds In the vicinity were considerably dam aged Tho lire was witnessed by thousands of people and was the most spectacular one New York has ever witnessed Tho panic stricken tenants threatened were assisted out by tho firemen The force of the explosion In tho shaving tower was tremendous The disintegrated brick work fell on the engine house crushing It nnd the ex plosion cracked the big smoke stack -100 feet high Nearly 100 persons were at work In the factory Three hundred nnd fifty of them were women A pan ic ensued Only a few persons were Injured none fatally The lacolxon Iron works on the south side of Thirty first street also suffered considerable damage Swift Co lumber ynrds In the rear of tho Wlckc building and extending to the river front were also damaged The table factory of Theodore Saner was dam aged to a slight extent and the sash door and blind factory of Prince Carl suffered a heavy loss The flames leaped hundreds of feel Into tho air and there were but few points In tho entire borough of Manhattan from which tho blaze could not bo seen For blocks away from the lire tho flames made it so light that papers could be read with ease BIG BLAZE JN BEATRICE Fire ItreaksOut After Midnight III Ilaso meat of llouiiliiml Druj Company Beatrice Neb Feb 1 Shortly ufter nildiilghtthls morning fire was discov ered In the basement of the building occupied by the It 1 lloagland Drug company and before the flames could he got under control tho building and contents were totally destroyed Hoaglands loss which is fully cov ered by Insurance Is placed at 5000 The building was owned by Ports Wil son of Lincoln Numerous tenants of the upper floors are losers to the extent of from f 1000 to i000 among the heaviest lowers being Dr Brash and Photographer Woods The new building adjoining the lloagland store owned nnd occupied by Begoles fe Vanarsdale Dry Goods company was damaged slightly This building was only recently completed on the site of the old Begoles Quesada and Nunez advocated the re store which was destroyed by fire a few months ago COATES THEATER IN RUINS Principal Playhouse lu Kansas Oily De stroyed by Fire Kansas City Feb 1 Fire last night destroyed the Coates opera house tlio principal theater of Kansas City Walker Whiteside and his company were playing Heart and Sword In tlio house and had Just concluded the evening performance when Bonie of the actors discovered thut the build ing was afire the flames enveloping the whole rear part of the theater in a few minutes The company lost their wardrobes and scenery being obliged to flee from their dressing rooms Tho firemen were helpless to check the flames and directed their chief attention to the Coates hotel diagonally across the street and the largest hotel In the city Wind blew great showers of cinders upon tho hotel the guests were notified of their danger and some left the house but It was not damaged The theater block Is a total wreck Loss 150000 ELEVEN BUILDINGS BURNED llusliiess Iortlon of Aburcromblo N U Wiped Out by Fire Fargo N I Feb 1 The business portion of Abercromble 30 miles south of here was destroyed last night by lire which Is reported to have been started by an overturned lamp in a muchinery house Botli the telegraph and the telegraph wires are down but messages from adjoining towns state that the lire was controlled after 11 business houses had been de stroyed These Include the hank post oflico Milwaukee depot elevator and two implement warehouses three general stores drug store and tele phone exchange The loss is placed at from 80000 to 00000 with less than 10000 insurance There was no lite depurtment Crusade Against Drue Stores Topeka Feb Mrs J A Mc Henry editor of tho Searchlight printed ut Howard Kan lu tho Inter est of temperance Is In town ready for a crusade on tho drug store ACT PASSED BY COMMISSION Appiotc OiKiuliilloii or rillplmis Mtinle I pul Ooiel iiiiients Manila lcb 1 The act organising municipal government In the Philip pines was passed by the Itillcd States toiniulsslou yestcnlay after the atlop tloit of amendments Including a pio Msiou dlsunlllylug fiom voting and holding olllie any person who alter April 1 Is in arms against or aiding llioso opposing the rutted States au thorities The power to review election Irregu hultles Is transferred from the gover nor of the province to the election Judges A provision Is added for re turns and ic cords of births niurrlngcH and deaths The presidents symbol of olllce Is designated as a gold headed tassel cane The cabled statement that tho movement toward PtntexInntlMin In tint Illll I I til I kiiii ir in ir imiii twin Ishlng rapidity Is exaggerated Tlio Methodists Presbyterians Kplscopal Inns and British and Anifrlcan socle ties have worked in Manila and Its vi cinity for two years and the member shin of the four Molhnillsl ihIhmIihii lu tfll I I I - I IWii I in inn in u runriiii uiiirv in iwmi the Presbyterian mission Iuih a na tive membership of ENVOY WESSELSSHOT rnc Agxnt Said to lime Horn Kxnoutod on i dor or Couoi nl DliiniKO IMIurs Cape Town Feb 1 The Boer at tack oa the Moeksliurg mines resulted In damages amounting to 100000 Four or live hundred Moers recently evaded the British patrols reached Benoiil and attempted to destroy tlio mines Some fighting resulted and tho Boers were beaten off carrying nway most of their wounded and leaving two wounded behind them The British captured three prisoners One Briton was wounded The commissioner at Kroonstad re ports that Andrles Wessels one of the peace envoys was shot at Klip fonteln Ian 28 by orders of General He wet BARBER SHOOTS BURGLAR Duo Kolilier Tumbles Dead Dow n Stairs Other Is Cnplui cl San Frnnclso Fob 1 Ktlward Hall a barber shot aim killed a burglar last night lu a lodging house at VS1 Tay lor street after nearly losing his own life Hall who lives in the house went to his room which was opened by ono of two men who were engaged in rill ing the apartment The burglar In stantly drew a revolver and pulled the trigger The cartridge railed to explode Hall grappled with tho man securing possession of the pistol Tho other burglar then rushed toward hlin In nn attempt to secape Hall fired at him as he reached the door The bullet entered his brain and lie crashed headlong down the stairs fall ing dead at the bottom Tho other burglar was captured Duke Henry at Tho llnuo The Hague Feb 1 Duke Henry of Mooklonburg Schwerin wiioin Queen Wllhelmina will many made his for mal entry Into the capital last even ing wearing the uniform or a Dutch general In thanking the various otll clals who welcomed him he spoke the Dutch language Knormous crowds displayed the wildest enthusiasm Tho duke drove io the palace where Queen Wllhelmina awaited him In tho vestibule Tun Allies of Warships Cowes Feb 1 A glittering cres cent of light stretched last evening from Cowes to Portsmouth It con sisted of ten miles of warships tho pick of tho British Fronch and Ger man navies These lie at anchor ready to take part In todays ceremon ies when the navy will pay a last trib ute to tho sovereign whose reign was marked by tho greatest naval progress In the history of the nation II libber Trust Announces Cut Chicago Feb 1 The United Stntes Rubber company will put In effect to day a cut of 18 per cont on all Its man ufactured goods It Is declared the In ependent companies will meet tho re duction The circular announcing the companys plan was Issued on Wednesday but was kept a secret In tho hope of surprising the rival con corns Rival houses were well ac quainted with the plan Whisky Snlesmaii Sent to Jail Topeka Feb 1 The people of Wav erly Kan are up In arms against the joints Yesterday in that place a whisky salesman representing a Kan sas City firm was arrested for taking orders for whisky Ho was con victed nnd fined 200 nnd GO days In jail Ho expects to be released on habeas corpus proceedings Tallin f Ittiislou Money Ottumwa la Feb 1 A law point which Is of exceeding luterost to pen sioners throughout the nation Is raised in a suit brought here in which Hon Calvin Manning Is plaintiff and Coun ty Treasurer John II Spry and Wap ello county are the defendants The question is can pension money bo taxed Kansas Kdltor lu Session Topeka Feb 1 The editors of Kan sas lu besslon here urged nn appro priation of 50000 for n Kuusas ex hibit In the Pan American exposition at Buffalo The editors also de cided that they would have an excur sion to Buffalo next uuniasr - i VnGjt IOBMisMSmLiMtflsal3LujlJfiJusftjKmMM on i iimii wucmkihi JJwjR n5KwflMrytaMsTM3iwniaWsrawasMM i VSiAJCSsHfAXiBlswAljHIWTBilsKBlLassnssBsasKinRFrLiri mmtKmKmmtttKBBBMMsMwMuKi WM CAUGHT A COniNG AND A GOING ifl H Its bad enough to pay too muuh for what lumber you buy DH H but when you come to use tho stull and tlutl it ti couple of B sssl iriuloH worun I ban ll looked in tho iiile von ato einiclil n eomliur HH HB and a golng sure enough Our lumber Is as good as is mado It Pfl BH Is honest lumber every hoaid strictly tin to gtado Always VaB m glad to hIiow you anything you want mid tell you tho price IH L C MITTELSTADT tfl H NORFOLKS LUYlBUUAtAN JB BBBBMBflrSJaflflciii hmiit frToTiiBEijyMnlBBMssiMolLr Norfolk It IIUCIIOI IroHiiliMit w liiANIllt lliAlt Vint Wiimliluut C W BRAA8CH DEALER IN COA W IT iishlor National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEORASrA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exchange Interest Paid on Time Deposl Is Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Kuropfc A General Steamship and Foreign Passage HusIiichh TriuiHiioted DIHEOTQES A flKAIt P HANIjON V J HAliK W It UUUIUHZ VM ZUT3 NA HAINHOIjT BB COTTON FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Btiiidin and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary s I 1 3 WOT2H 00 i 1 Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the i nest in mo umrKCb Scranton Hard Coal in all hi tea TELEPDONK HI BABIES CRY FOR WHEATUNG AND BREAD MADE FIOM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILL Womans Crowning Virtue Beltov Mo July 17 For yers IsuHercd terrible pains erery month anil my doctor told me I could not be cured except by an operation I frit I could not submit to that and was so des poudent I had given up all Hopes of u euro My husband Insisted on my trying Wineol Cardut and at lat thank God I did try It Last month I did not h ive a pain and did all my work which I had not douo in seven yens Mn8 MINNIE LITTLB I s Lr Modesty Is the crowning virtue of American women It Is the trait that all mankind admires A modest woman is the most pleasing of all created things Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a physician and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt ing They cant get their own consent to an operation Wine of Cardul permits sensitive women to retain their modesty With it they can cure female troubles in the quiet of their own rooms If special treatment Is required they can write to the Advisory Department of the Chatta nooga Medicine Co and their letters will be promptly answered by lAOItl ADVIJORT DtPARTMINT For ad vice In cae s rrqulrlne special directions adJrrss trtTlnxstiiiiitoiiis U4Wldilrlpl ItMlUTTiMHJUl KDIClSriO CuatUMUOgS Tim women trained in tne cure 01 womanly weaknesses and irregu larities There should be no hesita tion Delayed treatment means a chronic condition The longer postponed the harder to cure LARGE BOTTLE OP WINE OP CARDUI COSTS 9100 AT THE DRUG STORE