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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1901)
h J M i i R 11 Armed Creeks Preparing to At- v tack Town of Bristow INDIANS ARE RECRUITING Aliprul lu niamitlillril Klcinnnt to Unite I Acalniit tho SoIdlrm CJovernur llioun i tr the Heiitlnolcft Apiiculu for llilii lu llu Council t Ilrnitli Hill Muskogee I T Ian The Crook tiprlsliiR Is growing to dangerous pro portloim Marshal Bennett hus just reoolvcd a telegram from Hrlstow I T announc ing that 000 nrmod Creeks Htatloued two miles from thorc are prepared to nttack tlto town and pleading for pro tection from the marshal Marshal Bennett and Agent Shoenfelt are swearing In large numbers of deputies whom they are forwarding to the eeene of trouble It Is now feared they will reach the town too late and the mayor of Bristow has been In structed to swear in ull the men neces sary to protect the town Holdlers are being hurried from Fort Heno to tho seat of the trouble Indian Agent Khocnfelt will ask for more help as it Is found that one company of cav alry cannot handle the situation for the Indians are dividing up Into bands of 100 Marshal Bennett with six dep uties Is about to leave for Eufuala where Crazy Snake was seen yester day and will attempt his capture The Snake band Is within three miles of Jlrlstow and are reported to have whipped white men The Dawes com mission are fearful for the safety of their party of appraisers headed by llepresentatlve Ilackbust of Leaven worth Kan and who are in the Wetnmpka district Nothing has been Leard from them for two days Choctaw Uprlalnt South McAllster I T Tan 25 Yesterdays reports of a Choctaw up rising are fully continued Scouts sent out from this city last night re port that the dlssatistied Choetaws have a number of the Creek Snakes among them nnd they have been iuletly organizing and arming for eome time They call themselves the Choctaw Snakes They comprise all those Indians who nre opposed to al lotment and the conflict is between them and the treaty Indians While non citizens are not in danger It is stated that the Snakes have planned to destroy nil the railroads In their na tion by burning bridge nnd section houses on a preconcerted night They have deposed Governor Duke and Is sued an order to all citizens to cense leasing or renting to whites The llrst offense they -will punish with 50 lashes they say ears will be out off for tho second offense and death for the third They have organized and have lenders In every Choctaw county and claim to have a membership of 2000 United States Marshal fJrady has rent the leaders word that arrests will follow the first violation of the law N no matter what may be the result He has wired the department for permls lou to fiwenr In special deputies and If this Is granted he says he will be nble to handle them and will not ask for troops There Is to be n meeting of the ftdl bloods Saturday and the marshal says he will attend It If he erm nnd give the Indians a talk The Indians nre riding over the country In bands of five or six serving their notices 5en rral Superintendent Harris of the Choctaw railway who was here last night from Little Rook has enioined rspecial watchfulness tinon all em ployes of the line In the Indian Terri tory Indian Art Recruiting Muskogoe I T Jan 25 The fact that General Lee has ordered a de tachment of cavalry from Fort lteno to the scene of the Indian uprising in the Creek nation has aroused the Creeks to a grenter degree of de fiance and they are seuding out light horsemen al lover the four tribes ter ritory appealing to the dlssatistied to join them against the soldiers Gover nor Brown of the Semlnoles has ap pealed to the authorities here for aid for a number of his tribe threaten to join the Creeks nnd it Is expected that within 24 hours they will number over aOOC armed Indians all of whom will be compelled to swear allegiance to their cause and stand In defense gainst the soldiers Marshal Bennett und Indian Agent Bhoenfelt have marshaled their forces of deputies and Indian police together and have ordered them to go to Brush 11111 located ten miles west of Checo tah where the Indians are In council They also carry message from these government officials stating that ir the Indians will lay down their arms nnd Bubmlt to arrest that they will be treated with every courtesy and be consulted lu the settling of their griev ances Some fear that this move Is not a wise one while others are say ing It Is what the Snake band has been contending for and the Indians ore wllllngto compromise The cavalry ordered from Fort Reno will arrive over the Choctaw at ITold enrlllc Rnd will mnkc an overland charge Into the nation May IIuvo IJcen Kidnaped Atlauta Gu Jan 25 J T Patter son has asked the police to find his sou Alonzo Patterson a boy who disappeared from his homo lu this city last Tuesday Mr Patterson believes his boy has been kidnaped The family of Hass Krnaer who Is be lieved to have been kidnaped two wcekB ago from the leorgla school of technology have given up hope of ever seeing him again FIERCE FIGHTWITH A THIEF St IouU Votlcrmmi Shot In tho Arm ami Trimmer tat Auj St Louis Jan Lo ore daylight yesterday morning 1ollce Sergeant James Hickman of the mounted dis trict had a pistol duel with a horse thief that he encountered in the west ern city limits and was severely wounded In the left arm Tho robber escaped though It Is thought he was badly wounded The sergeants horse received two bullets In the neck and another from tho robbers revolver went though the olllcers cape Two horses that the robber left behind were retained by the police Sergeant Hickman arrested the horsethlef about r a m As they were proceeding to the police station the roliber suddenly drew a revolver and shot Sergeant Hickman In the left nrm which stopped a bullet Intended for his heart An exchange of shots followed until both weapons wero emptied and then the two men came to close quarters clubbing guns Hick man almost had his man overpowered when his strength gave out from the loss of bljod and tho robber escaped WOMEN IN A FRACAS Mr Nut Ion Mi cts lliifiiacloun Wife or ft Saloon Kciur nt Kiitd prlorMlrror SlURihcr I HoiHcnrhlpptMl Enterprise Kan Jan 2 A street tight between women led on one sldo by Mrs Carrie Nation the saloon wrecker with a following of V C T U women and on the other by Mrs John Schilling wife of the manager of the snloou wrecked Wednesday who was backed by a dozen women who championed the saloons was en acted here yesterday As a result Mrs Nation swore out warrants against Mrs Schilling and her husband and Mrs William Din ner charging them with assault nnd Mnyor Hoffman swore out a warrant against Mrs Nation charging her with disturbing the peace All were ar rested and taken before Judge K B Holt They were roleased on bond The fracas was started by Mrs Schilling At 10 oclock Mrs Nation In company with Mrs C B Hoffman nnd some other Womens Christian Temperance union womon entered a store two doors away from William Shooks saloon which Is still unmo lested Mrs Nation apparently to give him warning that she would at tack his place sent for Shook He complied but before ninny words were exchanged between the two she was assaulted by a crowd ot women par tisans of the saloons who had organ ized since last nights raid and hud been nwnltlug the threatened destruc tion of the saloon property A gen eral fight between the women ensued during which a woman heavily veiled rained blow after blow upon Mrs Na tion with a horsewhip Men drawn to the scene became interested spec tators but offered no aid to either side Quiet was restored only when the police Interfered Mrs Nntlon was badly bruised Mrs Nation left last night for Hope Kan where she will hold a meeting of the temperance women this afternoon From there she will go to Kansas City Knn tomorrow nnd will begin the usual operations there There nre two Joints In Hope nnd the liquor peo ple there nre terror stricken at the knowledge of her coming CliuuCaiiqiia Superintendent ICIi ctnl Beatrice Jan 25 Hew C S Dudley of Chicago was elected superintendent of Instruction of the Beatrice Chuutau qun for the ensuing year TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD The Cuban constitutional convention Thursday began the draft of the consti tution recently submitted by the cen tral commiUee Arrangements have just been com pleted whereby all the corrugating plants in Ohio have been put under one management James Francis Algar for tho past 15 years general agent of the Union Pacific railroad died Thursday at his residence in St Louis Thirty live persons perished In a hurricane at Herro Norway Jan 22 Sixty boats wero sunk In the harbor and eight houses blownsaway Fifteen hundred acres of sugar cane were burned Thursday as the result of political friction on Joseph BIgneyH plantation near Manzanlllo Cuba The California legislature passed a resolution Thursday protesting against ratification of the Jamaican reciprocity treaty pending before the United States senate The senate committee on the Philip pines Thursday decided to report fa vorably the bill providing for the maintenance of u soldiers library at Manila For the first time lu five years the great International curling trophy tho Walkerville tankard was won by American rinks at St Paul Thursday the Canadians being beaten by a total score of 11G to 03 A cablegram received Thursday at the navy department from Admiral Itemey at Manila announces the de parture of the Solace for Guam with ten Filipino political prisoners de ported by General MacArtUur NOHFOliv NEBRASKA FRIDAY JANUARY 2o 1901 I Complete Substitute for House Bill Reported CHANGES IN THE MEASURE Cut Kneeled hv t tin Niimtti Hill Will It XrnrlvSHO00000Tuponlroprlctif MmllHni Tolmcio mid llucr Miiterlutly Itvdnivd Many Mump Taint tlvpcalori Washington Jan 25 Senator Al- drlch chairman of the senate commits tec on llnnnco yesterday rcportedtlio war revenue reduction bill back to tho senate The committee reports a com plete substitute for the bill as it passed the house Senator Aldrlch made a statement explaining the changes which are as follow Stamp taxes repealed Promissory notes mortgages bills of lading for export powers of attorney protest charter party certlllcntes of nil kinds leases warehouse receipts telegraphic dispatches telephonic messages pas sage llckets costing less than I0 ex press receipts freight receipts bonds except bonds of Indemnity legacies to religious charitable literary or educa tional Institutions Special taxes repealed Commer cial brokers Taxes reduced Conveyances Insur ance Bunkers capital proprietary medicines cigars tobacco and beer The tax on beer Is placed at 150 per barrel and on tobacco at 0 cents per pound The statement says that having nl ways In view the revenue requirements of the government the purpose of the committee has been to repent such of the taxes IiudommI by tho wnr reve nue net of 180S as are most annoying and burdensome to tax payers to re tain such as would be kept as a perma nent part of our revenue system or nt least retained until nil wnr tnxes can be repealed and to reduce others as fairly nnd equitably as possible by some general plan of reduction Pur suing this general plan It lias been possible to reduce the Intfes nffected approximately one half Taking the estimates of the trensury department ns n basis the reduction of revenue effected by the bill will be nearly S 10000000 n reduction some whnt less than was produced by the bill ns it passed the house of repre sentatives INDIAN BILLJN SENATE Pettlirrevr Makes Sharp Attack on tha Diiwi CoiuinUnion Washington Jan 25 The senate yesterday devoted tho day to the In dian appropriation bill and made only fair progress The chief feature of the debate was a sharp attack by Pet tigrew on the Dawes commission which he said was extravagant and was accomplishing little In the way or results An interesting announcoment made by him was that he did not pro pose to filibuster against any bill The ship bill was not taken up but today will witness a speech on it by Depew It then will give away to appropria tion bills Frye saying he did not wish to delay them At the opening the senate adopted the Pettlgrew resolu tion concerning the reported deporta tion of A Mnblnl a citizen of the Phil ippines to Guam Naval Hill In Iloiite Washington JHn 25 The house yes terday considered the naval appro priation bill all day and completed It with the exception of one paragraph The Item for Increase of the navy will remain as reported namely two bat tleships and two cruisers Some op oposition was manifested to any In crease of the navy nnd Mr Cannon of Illinois sounded a note of warning as to the size of our annual appropria tions and added that with lhe present appropriation i20000000 would have been spent on our new navy and We should stop Tiiiittiniint Itrcwcr Fate Washington Jan 25 Adjutant Gen eral Corbln received a cable message yesterday from General Mat Arthur in response to his inquiry as to the case of First Lieutenant Uichard II Brewer of the Twenty seventh volunteer infan try who was reported to have been burled alive by the Filipinos General MacArthur says that young Brewer and Sergeant Schrader of his regiment disappeared Sopt H last and neither has since been heard from notwith standing the most constnnt nnd dili gent search uid It Is feared they were murdered by the insurgents Gardner Get tha Ilare Sioux Falls S D Jan 25 The South Dakota railroad commission has perfected reorganization The strug gle for appointment an secretary of the commission between David Bicker Peter Haas of Siour Falls Frank Gardner of Sturgls nnd T B Roberts of Armour terminated iu a victory for Gnrdner Senator Smith Want Arbitration Topeka Jan 25 Senator Smith In troduced a bill In the senate yesterday providing for the arbitration of labor troubles The bill provides that a court of record be established to have jurisdiction In all labor disputes The Court Is to consist of three Judges and possess full common law and equity powers WuUon Succeed Sid Kent Lincoln Jan 25 Governor Dietrich yesterday appointed G K Watson of Omaha to succeed Sydney P Kent us deputy labor commissioner and head of the state bureau of statistics Operation on KriiKra Kyi Ilrecht Jan 25 An operation was performed on Mr Krugers eyes by Professors Nelcii unit Dhrcymnns The operation was perfectly successful BIG CLAIM AGAINST EDISON rUouiigrtyh Cotiipanlr Sim Inventor for Ill each of Contt act Willi Them New York Jun 25 The New York Phonograph company has tiled suit for V 25000 damages against Thomas IM son iiml Ids various phonograph companies Including the Kdlsou Plio ungraph company and the National Phonograph companies The Ndvlsa hlllty id bringing the suit was made tho subject of Investigation and report liv a special committee appointed Inst September by Hhj members of the Na tional Phonograph association In lis llfth annual convention nt Cincinnati K Judge Howard W Hayes counsel for Thomas A Kdlson said The action Is undoubtedly based on n claim to territorial right to New York state on Mr Fdlsons phonographic Inven tions We are qulle ready to meet It Tho New York Phonograph company claims 1 believe to possess the patent rights for New York on all the Kdlson Invent Ions rein I lug to the phonograph since 1SNN and for 15 years after that date The fact Is that Instead of Mr Kdlson having violated his contract he lost between 1 00000 and f 500000 In the deal out of which tills euse has grown RICE TO BE DEPORTED General MitcArthnr Compel Maulla Kill I or to Iteliirn to United imillud an an Incendiary Manila Jan 25 MacArthur has ordered the deportation to the United States of George T Ulce editor of the Daily Bulletin a marine Jour nal Kite will sail on the Pennsylva nia next Monday The order charac terizes him as a dangerous Incendiary and a menace to the military situa tion Bices offense was tho publication of allegations Hint Lieutenant Com mander William Braunersrciilher cap tain of the port had charged excessive pilotage and moorage fees per cent of which lie had kept for himself Rice came from Bed Wing Minn and was formerly a member of the Minnesota volunteers BELIEVES HESTOLETHERIG Slicrll StroiiK Arrcntrt a Voinifr Man on Complaint of u Virginia Liveryman Tecumsch Neb Jan 25 A man about 24 years old has been arrested by Sheriff C B Strong on a charge of theft It seeing that he hired a team and buggy from the liveryman at Vir ginia tiage county drove to tills city and attempted to sell the rig Not be ing able to dispose of tlto whole outlit he sold one of the horses to A B Cooper who in turn sold if to a foreign horse buyer who was in the city About that lime word came from the liveryman at Virginia asking that his horses and the man be held The alleged thief had hired another rig and started on east on the Brownville road and the oflicers arrested him near Graf He was brought back and land ed In the county Juil He gave his name ns 101 1 McBiide He was taken hack to Virginia to answer to the charge of horse stealing I on a Vuterlmirle ICleit Ofllrfira Don Moines Jan 25 The Iowa State Medical Veterinary association yester day adopted resolutions severely crit icising the action of the federal gov ernment for the nlleged Indiscrimliintc distribution of vaccine among cattle men who do not know how to properly use It Otileers were elected as fol lows President P O Cuto Forest City vice presidents S II Kingery Creston P Malcolm New Hampton secretary and treasurer J D Brown Oskaloosn llaukriipted lir Employe Fort Dodge In Jan 25- II S Mln nick a prominent grocer of this city Hied petition In bankruptcy yesterday Creditors have claims against him to the amount of -1000 He Is In debted to several banks of the city for large sums Mlnnlck claims that he has been systematically robbed by em ployes to the extent of aboul 2500 The case Is creating n sensation ns Mlnnlck was considered a wealthy man and his failure was totally unex pected TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Congressman Neville of Nebraska continues to improve and is rapidly ulnlug strength The coffee war between the Arbuckle and Woolson Interests has reached the Ohio supreme court The Cleveland and Pittsburg flyer left the track near Pittsburg Thurs day Knglueor Hooland was fatally hurt By nn explosion of hot metal at the lSelluIre O steel works Thursdny Thomas Murphy was burned to a crisp and four others seriously burned Dr It A White iu a spoech before the mldcontluent congress of religious at Chicago Thursday declared against the subsidizing of great Atnericau uni versities by millionaires Fred Lawrence entered a saloon at 1023 Clark street Chicago Thursday night and after remarking that he would give an Imitation of how they do things in Kansas proceeded to smash up the tixtures lie was ar rested m r it The NoRFiiy Weekly News Journal scety Ml hi no tilt i til piII A aSTD w i I V i This Kind of a Man DocHtit Unowthc dlllcrcucc between good lumber and poor lumber Any old slulV would suit him Hut our stock wasnt bought for Midi follows aft him It was bought for the most particular men In the coiiinuinlty If you happen to bo one of those particular chaps and want some extra nice lumber heres the place to got It Prices Low as you get anywhere L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUVBERVAN twi i iiMiti mitfoiul VT 1 1 w lW II HlCIIOI IrcKiililit IXI ill I mf UXAN1KI Illilt Vlro lmiilimt J JlffjtV K W JTZ National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BAKKIN6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exchange Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Drafts and Money Carders Sold on any Point In Europe A General StcamBhlp and Foreign Passage UuslneHB Transacted DIRHOTORB A HKAK K P HANLON V J HALK W II IJUOHOLZ YfUZVT N A BAIN BOLT BH COTTON C FOR Q00D LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE 5- The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary OC C W BRAASCH DEALER IN GOAL CO 3 Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Bock Spring Coal the best In the market Scranton Bard Goal in all sizes TELEPHONE Ol BABIES FOR WHEATLING CRY AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS A LITTLE DOES MUCH Boons Iowa Dec 14 No tongue cn tell what I have riidurrd In the past ten years with my mouthlysick nea While luHering untold akiniy a friend called and recomwrmlrd Wine ot Cardui I sent for a bottle and Ohl what relief After the flrit dose I beKan to feel better and have had no pain alnce MB3 GUACE LAMPHEHK IA0IU ABVItOIT CtrWMUT 1orKlTlc In rfa rqulttiiK ci lal mtri tluni atldrru glrliik ytniioiit UdudurJip OktiUnMiH nvmaBiu unaiianuosa irnu m 9 Wine of Cardui not only cures but It acts AT ONCE Here is x case of ten years standing and yet one single dose nude the sufferer feel better and stopped the pain The Wine goes straight to the seat of the trouble It acts directly upon the menstrual and genital organs Its action b not violent and it does not force a result It simply gives Nature that little assistance that the sufferers system lacks A single disorder in the feminine organs spreads many disorders all over the body and when the Wine cures the source all the other ills vanish as a matter of course A woman can be her own physician and cure herself at home Local ex aminations are largely things ot tne past the obnoxious custom is no longer necessary Wine of Cardui is the only perfectly safe and sure vegetable wine made to day for the cure of female troubles Druggists sell Large Bottles for 100 ulyj z ro M f ii 1 Ai I f 3 1