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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1901)
Iv Itf M W I Wilhelmina United to Duke i ien of in i Henry of Meiklenburg BY CIVIL CONTRACT FIRST Almpln ItttllglotM Ccruiitiiny Tlion follows In tlrmite KurU Irooin Moronic 1rlncn of tho NetliorlittiilnUofililoiiU of Xlio JlnKUu Aculitliu Luvo Mutch Ihn Hiilmip Fob 8 Wilhelmina tho first ruling unoon of Holland vested day married Duke Henry of who bucolics Irlnee Uclnrlch of tho Netherlands The mar riage was a series of brilliantly colored pictures but tho severe simplicity of 4he Dutch form of marriage which iwos followed to the letter In the civil contract before the minister of Justice Dr 1 W A Cort Van Dor Linden find in the old fashioned religious service In Oroote Kerk gnve It a demo cratic spirit A happier surrounding no bride ever bad The weather was cold crisp and inspiriting The marriage was a huge family affair All Holland that could came to The Hague to participate IThose who stayed ut their homes in other cities celebrated with parades decorations and banquets Never was seen u more beautiful and happy wedding The popular belief is that it Is a love match like that of Victoria and Albert and this gives a romantic coloring to the event which Is generally lacking In royal marriages The ceremonies were the same sim ple and unrltuallstlc rites of the He forincd church by which the humblest of Queen WUhelmlnns subjects aro married The venerable pastor admin istered to the bride and gfoom a cau tion that their high positions would not shield them from the common suffer ings and sorrow of humanity Queen Wilhelmina made a very win ning and human bride She blushed and became confused over the cere monial with the ring as all brides ore supposed to do while her happi ness and pride over tho enthusiasm of her people were plainly deeper than u anere matter of form The scone as the royal couple stood with clasped hands before the chaplain in a circle of brilliantly ar rayed personages Including their rela tives and people composing the highest families of Holland and the neighbor ing German principalities was won derfully gorgeous the masses of varie gated coloring rendering more effec tive the blue gold and white banked Sip against the walls of the church 1 Last night the populace was like a multitude of happy children Thou sands swarmed through the principal etreets which were nearly impassable Mowing horns singing the national hymn following the bands smashing liats and lanterns Aged housewives with their husbands from the prov inces joined hands with stylish city folks and danced to the music of street organs There was considerable mild hilarity Inspired by wine but no offensive drunkenness LOOKS EASY FOR CUMMINS Xtopubllcan Nomination for Governor Seuini Now to lie Coming Ilia Way I Des Molues Feb 8 The Indications ore now that the matter of the nomina tion for governor on the Republican state ticket will be practically dis posed of loug before the convention neetB A B Cummins will be the candidate If he will consent to run A meeting of politicians was hold liere yesterday utteuded by many of cue most prominent men in the Repub lican party and it was agreed that all factional differences ought to be laid aside The conference called In Mr Cummins and -communicated witli Lim in regard to his willliigness to be come a candidate provided it could lie done without stirring up fuctional fctrlfe Mr Cummins has not yet con sented to be a candidate but will meet Ills friends later In the week and is likely at that time to Indicate what course he will pursue One by one the others mentioned in connection with the office have been disposed of for various reasons II W Byers of Harlan had been considered a possible candidate but he refuses to enter the fight George M Curtis of Clinton Is In tho same category The Conger Idea will not bo taken up unless Cum mins Is definitely out of- tho race CLASH AT LAGUAYRA Ballon of the Ijtnvatter Wonted la Drawl With Veuezuelani 1 Washington Feb 8 Information lias been received here of a clash be tween sailors of tho Lancaster now at La Guayra Venezuela and tbe populace of that city From what can be learned the difficulty Is without any political significance and in all proba bility was the outcome of a brawl between sailors who had been enjoy ing themselves on shore leave As a result of the difficulty the Lan casters men were forced to take to jthelr small boats and return to the Bbip It Is understood that tho mili tary forces were not called on to take nny part in tho disturbance nlthough It is possible tho police may hove as sisted In quelling tho disorder No fatal catastrophes are reported on either side Freight Burnt Into Pauongor Train Pittsburg Feb 8 A heavy frelcht train ran into the reur of the Clever land express on the Pennsylvania Hues at the Allegheny aVenue crossing yesterday and both tralitH were wrecked Only one passenger Henry Lublang of Now York was seriously Injured but several sustained slight imilscs Failure to ling the freight train Is said to have been the cause of the collision HlTCH IN THE STEEL DEAL Negotiation Not Cloncil llrtuccn M orpin utiil Crti iuli New Vork Fob 8 Wall street wise acres who on Wednesday were loud ly proclaiming not only that a syndi cate headed by 1 l Morgan had pur chased the holdings of Andrew Car negie in the Carnegie conipauy but a billion dollar steel trust was to fol low were somewhat Inclined to modify their statements yesterday when the Information was vouchsafed that there was a hitch In the negotiations ami the whole deal was off As a matter of fact that Is running to the other ex treme What the position uctually Is Is this Mr Carnegie Is willing to sell his interest in Ills company Certain cap italists some of them interested In other steel companies have under taken to purchase the Carnegie hold ings offered and are now planning to flnnnco tho undertaking Progress however Is slow for the difficulties are many though not necessarily tin surmountable and thus the matter stands A purchase may come about at any time FIVE HUNDRED PERISH Fire In tho Iltunlnn lctrolotim 1lnlil De velop Into u Ilolocauttriaines Aro Still Ileyoiul Control St Petersburg Feb 8 A dispatch to the Hosslja from Baku says that GOO persons perished in the conflagra tion there The tlaincs are again be yond control It Is feared that the fatalities result ing from the great petroleum lire at Baku will reach Into the hundreds The full extent of the disaster how ever is not yet known The latest in formation Indicates that the lire has been brought under control The Rossijas Baku special adds that the police station ten large tenements C00OO0 tons of mnzout 35000 tons of naphtha and nil the Uothschild reser voirs were burned The Journal of Commerce and In dustry says Tamouse lake is burning The mazout caused explosions which killed many of the spectators Iowa Mules In Demand Des Moines Feb 7 The southern mule buyers are doing good business in Iowa They are securing large numbers of mules for market In the south and also for shipment to South Africa In Page county one buyer has shipped out a carload of mules a week for the last six months He has been paying as high as 135 each for good mules VrcclH a Mine at Charlton Charlton la Feb 8 A dust explo slon in one of the Cleveland mlnea Just west of here damaged the shaft so badly that operations will be Inter rupted several days Mose Davis and Ruce Edwards were overcome but not seriously injured A similar ex plosion there three weeks ago killed two TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Destructive fires throughout Aus trallti have done great damage to stock Hundreds of teachers in the United States are applying for positions in the Philippines A Are In the business section of Scranton Pa Thursday caused 400- wou uamage The resignation of the Italian cab inet was announced in the chamber of deputies Thursday Senator M A Hauna was Thursday elected a member of Memorial post G A It of Cleveland C B Power of Pittsburg was Thurs day elected president of the now American Baseball association The Twentieth infantry which has been two years in Manila on provost duty has sailed for Vlgan on field service O Kchvln Jones until last Wednes day a member of tho Chicago Stock exchange failed with liabilities or 100000 Uho British government has requi sitioned three of the Union Castle lin ers to transport reinforcements to South Africa Roy and James McGowan have been placed under arrest for the murder of Mrs G G Richards proprietress or a saioon at uurtervllle Ills Several orders were Issued at the war department Thursday looking to the replacement of the volunteer troops In the Philippines by regulars Assertions were made in Wall street Thursday that the Goulds have bought enough stock of the Missouri Kansas and Texas railroad to give them con trol Major General Elwell S Otis was the guest of houor at the annual din ner of the Society of the Genesee at the Waldorf Astoria New York Thursday night Thomas B Needles of the Dawes commission Is dangerously sick nt St Louis where he was called from the Indian territory n short time ago by the serious Illness of his wife President Newcoinb of the Ameri can Strawboard company Intimated at me uuuuui meeting uuursuay mat a id BWH1I Mrs Carrie Nation Talks Kansas Lawmakers to ADDRESSES BOTH HOUSES Bullion Wrichrr TnlU Tliriii Tlicy Hum Nut Hiiii DolnuI lirlr liitlliilili Italo Mix ting In IiiIIik Court After Cliiu Bv Aunliut Hur 1 1 ml lliun 1Uiii1himI Topeka Fob 8 Clty Attorney Gregg yesterday dismissed the charges hold against Mrs Nation for smashing the Senate saloon on Tuesday Ho throw till the responsibility for prose cuting the crusader on the state and said The city has no city ordlnnnce covering the destruction of personal property but under the laws of Kau sns the state can prosecute Mrs Na tion If what she destroyed can be proven to bo personal property The city counselor ami an attorney employed to prosecute Mrs Nation In the state courts had he continued 2 UltS CARHIB NATIOH sustained his view that she could not be legally prosecuted by the city and be therefore unnounccd the dismissal of the case Mrs Nation who was sitting at a table in front of tho police judges desk cried Amen thank vou Mr Gregg 1 ulwuys said you had too good a face to be on the side of sin Then rising in her seat and turning about so she could face the women who had crowded the court room Mrs Nation began to sing Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow Her followers took up the strain and the court room was temporarily turned into a praise meeting Judge Magraw commanded that tho disturbance cease but Chief of Police Stuhl who lias openly favored Mrs Nations work Interrupted with Go ahead ladles and sing all you want to And they did breaking out with even greater vigor with the words God be with you till we meet again Unable to continue business court adjourned and Judge Magraw left the building Talks to LrghHatiire Mrs Nation addressed both houses of the legislature last evening on the saloon traffic She presented herselr at the door of the house with the re quest that she be allowed to speak The request was voted upon and by a large majority Mrs Nation was al lowed to speak Some few voted no I heard those noes suld Mrs Na tion as she walked upon the clerks platform I wondered why theso people voted that way Why do you object to my talking But then dont I know that those noes come from the liquor traffic A storm of laughter swept over the house and It was several minutes be fore Mrs Nation could proceed Thank God the noes are In tho mi nority continued Mrs Nation I come to you today men as n woman as o grandmother I come to tell vnn mayor went to visit lelallves neat ICininotsburg Ian 127 ami has not been hoard or since Hi was a business man and nfier he had boon gone some time ait Investigation was made of Ills accounts and It was found that ho was owing about io0 LEE inn W The Mek Weekly News Journal NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY FEBRUARY 8 1901 our sentiments Now gentlemen said Mrs Nation In an earnest tone you can remedy this condition by knocking out the clause In the prohibitory law which gives tho county attorney the right to summon witnesses but which refuses mm tne right to compel them to tes tify You would do It if common mur derers were running loose why not do It In this ease Now men she said I am plend Ing with you I have been forced to do this smashing business I nm going to tell the truth to you you have not been doing your duty A good solid vote Is the best thing in the world with which to smash the naloons You re fused me the vote and I had to use a rock For the State Knratiintnrnt Plattamouth Neb Feb 7 Colonel John Heeso of Broken Bow depart ment commander of the Grand Army of the Republic in Nebraska and Major Wilcox of Omaha senior vice commander were In Plattsmouth yes terday to learn what arrangements are being made for tho state encampment which Is to bo held in this city three days during tho second week In May They expressed themselves ns well pleased with the work the local post had already accomplished combination might bo made with the Emmetsburg la Feb 7 The town outside manufacturers and an nri of rvrrii iu wifin T JournuiMit wiu tAlifllflJtfULTl OConnor a young man who wai TO GET HIS CHAIR uin South Dakota lcltlnturo Wit limit Opposition Pierre S I Feb S In the sonnto Sweet moved to have wolf bounty bill placed on Us passage but lulled nml tlio bill was placed on the eai eiular In Its- regular order The sen ate passed the following house bills Sewards bill regulating payment of road tax loaning pormnuont school fund to conform to iiinoiiilment adopt ed at recent election tlellnlng legal weight of spelz at IS pounds allowing cities of first class to Issue funding bonds Mr Parnioly Introduced a Joint reso lution In the house for an ainondinent to tho constitution allowing cities to Incur nn additional indebtedness of 10 per cent for the purpose of purchasing htreet railways light and water plants The bill Increasing the number of regents on the board of education ac cording lo the recommendation of tho governor failed to got a majority Senate bill imnronrlntliiL 15000 acres of laud for the blind asylum and tho senate resolution giving Governor Lou his office chair passed the houoe with out opposition MEXICAN MINE HORROR Whole Top of Mountain IJIowu On ami 87 ltnioiii Killed by Kiplolou of Dynamite Chihuahua Mex Feb 8 Several hundred tons of dynamite stored in an underground chamber of the San Andres mine situated In the Sierra Madrci In the western part of tlio Rtate of Durango exploded with ter rific force blowing the whole top o the mountain off and destroying a por tion of the village of miners there Eighty seven men women and chil dren were killed and many others In jured None of the men In the mlno were seriously hurt Anion tlio killed were Herman Lcnliman super intendent of the mine nnd his family 1 he government has ordered an olll clal Investigation of the accident Involve SovithI Million Lincoln Feb 8 A motion lo quash bill of exceptions was filed in the su preme court by the attorneys for the appellees In the celebrated Mills will contest case from Falls City The ac tion Involves several million dollars and a favorable ruling on tho motion would be a big victory for tlio several contesting heirs who appealed from the decision of the district court Mailtli nml Home Kllln II 1 lit Holdrege Neb Fob 7 The death of A It Potter living some ten miles from this city occurred yesterday from the effects of being crushed by n horse The animal was crazy with tlio cornstalk disease and crushed Mr Pot tor against the side of the stall In dicting Injuries about the liver II KbrIiik In St Cloud Minneapolis Feb 8 A telephone message from St Cloud Minn says a big lire is raging In that city The West hotel and other buildings have been destroyed TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Plague prevails In every part of In dia except the central provinces Great misery prevails at Para Bra zil on uccount of a long continued drouth Dispatches from Buda Pesth assert that 30 people were killed in a riot at Maros Vasorhely Muny gendarmes wore wounded while attempting to disperse strikers at Mervllle France At Thursdays session of the Cuban constitutional convention General Kl vera tendered his resignation Hon It W Steele tho first terri torial governor of Colorado lies at tiiu point of death at Colorado Springs Part of the Oriental powder mills at Newhall Me was demolished by an explosion Thursday Two employes were blown to atoms In an explosion of natural gas at the residence of Theodore Hosonbliisli at Canton O Thursday Mr nnd Mrs IloseiibluHh were terribly burned and died a few hours later Marshal Bennett who Is In tho field with deputies ami federal troops near Kufuula I T has arrested 21 more members of Crazy Snakes band This makes f0 arrests In this baud The rumor afloat In Chicago that the packing Interests of Armour Swift and Nelson Morris were to be con solidated with a capital of lrt000 000 wus denied by all the puckers interested The 8 story building at Harrison and Cunal streets Chicago owned by Ed win Foss burned Thursday The ouly tenants were two small manufacturing concerns most of the structure behg unoccupied Loss 7r000 Five women followers of Howie the faith cure leader Invaded two drug stores in Milwaukee avenue Chicago Thursday and managed to destroy considerable property In ono of the stores before they could bo ejected Whllo Marshal Gus II Crouch and rollceman John McGlasson were at tempting to arrest Clem Ferguson and Les Taylor at Metropolis Ills Thurs day the marshal wus shot and killed and McGluHson slightly wounded Both men are now In Jail mm -v y w Si tH liiJgT l THE NEED OF GOOD SHEDS Is painfully evident on a good ninny farms in this seotion espe cially in winter This should not be and nicicd not bo if you who are shy on sheds will tnko the trouble to run in ami iihIc our prioes Wo lmvu it good ntook of common boards plenty good enough for sheds that wo will noil you nt u very low price At our prices it is cheaper to own sheds than go without L C MITTELSTADT NORFOLKS LUMBERMAN rtuMMiMrT7u VT - 11- W II IIUOHOI ProMlilnnt IXfllTflI JT lALKXANDlCH llliAIt Viuo Prmifilim lUf IUIjIy - w mT National Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIN6BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exchange Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits Drafts niul Money Orders Sold on any Point In Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage MunlnesH Transacted DIBEOTOHS L BKAU F P UANLON P J UALK NA UAINnOLT w Hnuaiuuz eB COTTON C W BRAASCH DEALER IN -222 GKEfc AJOsT WM ZUTZ G30 JLj 111 Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal tho best In the market Scranton Hard Coal In all Hizes TELEPHONE Ol BABIES CRY F WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE PROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS You can leave the Missouri River after breakfast today on THE OVERLAND LIMITED arrivo California sooner than if you loftyostorday via any other train v H Im bbj HI sy pStoS TRIP TO CALIFORNIA in regal splendor can bo made on THE OVERLAND LIMITED tho celebrated Union Puciflo train This train runs via tho Overland Route tho established route across tho coutiuout It has perhaps the most finely equipped cars in the world There aro Doublo Drawing- Room PiUnoe Sleopers broad vesti buled Cars throughout Buffet Smoking and Library Cars with Barber Shops and Pleasunt Reudiug Rooms Dining Oars meals being served a la carte and every delieaoy is provided Tho cars aro illuminated witli tho famous Pintsoh Light and boated with steam A notable feature is that safety perfoct comfort and spoed aro all included Only Two Nights between Missouri River and San Francisco ForJTIme Tables and full Information call on F W JUNEMAN AgpBt