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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
ft The Norfolk J4cujs W N HUSK Publlehor KTr weak DAILY Established 1887 day except Sunday lly carrier per 15 cents Hy mull ior year ftiOO WKKKIY NEWS JOUKNAI Tho News established 1SSI The Journal eatuhltiiheil 1877 Kvery Friday lly mall per year lr0 Kntered at the Postottlce at Norfolk Noli conil class matter Telephoue No 22 Those who had supposed that the do feat of Novombor U would impair Mr BryanV talking facilities were evidently not oorrectly informed as to his ability to snrmount small difficulties The reapportionment bill of Dr Ely of Ainsworth introduced in both houses of the legislature Wednesday places Madison uud ttoono couutios in u benatorial district No 15 It makes this county the Thirty Third represent ntive district and Madison and Platte with a iloat representative between ihem tho Thirty Fourth It would seem that a small acreage of popcorn would be of value to tho avor ago farmer aud it is a wonder that moro of it is not grown Tho retail price of popcorn in Norfolk during tho present season has been live cents per pound The Albion News recites an instance of at least ono farmer making a good proilt on tke crop Albert Porter rnisod come over 400 bushels of popcorn last year the yield being SO bushels per acre The price quoted now is three juid one half cents per pound That would be 1210 per bushel That makes a pretty profitable crop It was a horrible condition that re sulted iu the incarceration of u man named Packer of Colorado for 17 years lint there will be few probably to ob ject that this service has been deemed bufllcient for the crime by Governor Thomas whereas the man had been sen tenced for life The crime for which he was convicted was that of murdering bis five companions and eating of their iiesh whilo lost iu the mountains of Colorado in an early day Tho only surviving member of tho party was Packer and he testified that one of his companions became insaue through the horrible sufferings a d murdered the other four after which Packer killed bim in a desperate fight He further admitted that he did eat of their flesh to allay the horrible cravings of appetite Cn this evidence the man was convicted for life und he has just been given the benefit of the doubt It is said that his character was good previous to the crime S I MO 20 PER GENT FAIL TO GET TOGETHER tteimtorliil liplrunU ut lliuwilii UmiliU t Kcui li uii Acracmiiil m Teiius of Gnumn Lincoln Jan 11 Two attempts on the purt of cundldutpx for United States Minitor and one on the part of Republican members of the legislature to rwiuh an ugreemeut on the caucus question resulted In failure yesterday Ulushuw has declared himself In fa vor of u euueiiH but says KO votes should be the minimum for selecting candidates llainer Is still holdlug back An unofficial conference wus held lust night attended by 29 mem bers chiefly Thompsons supporters who hud sinned the 4t petition They discussed means for getting a full caucus on the terms they had sinned but came to no agreement REACHES GAME COUNTRY lloosnrolt Arrive Ill Colorado on Ills llliutluir Trip Stents loir at Meeker Colorado Springs Colo luu 11 Colonel Theodore Koosevelt arrived yesterday and accompanied by Philip H Stewart and Dr lierald 11 Webb boarded the Colorado Midland train on which he continued his journey west ward to the hunting grounds where ho will seek spoil with mountain lions and bear Tho party will leave tho train at Hide Colo and ride to Meeker Colo where the well known guide John Con awaits them with horsos hounds guns ammunition pro visions and cooking utensils A crowd wub assembled at the Midland depot to witness the departure or the hunt ers and it made a noisy demonstration In honor of the vice president elect Severul cameras were pointed at Col onel Roosevelt us he alighted from his carriage Tillman Denies lUport Washington Ian 11 Senator Till man R O who yesterday returned from Omaha where he attended the Jncksonlan banquet In company with Mr Bryan took occasion to deny the report of a disagreement between him self and the recent presidential candi date The statement is without any foundation whatever he said There Is no disagreement between Mr Ilry an and myself We are agreed as to the future policy of the Democratic party anil there has not been the slightest break In our relations Drop Simpson for Orennyer Topeka Jan 11 The Populist mem bers of the legislature have dropped Jerry Simpson as a senatorial candi date and have decided that the name of David Overmyer will be presented as the fusion candidate for senator A caucus of the Populists will be held Monday night Kirk Aiuionr Impro lug Kautus City Jan 11 The condi THBXOKJfQLKKlEAVff fltlDAY JANtjAliY 11 1901 tion of Kirk 11 Armour nephew of the lute Philip D Armour who is ill with pneumonia hns improved aud his physic Inn expressed the belief that he Is out of danger TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD A dispatch from Cadiz says Admiral Cerveru Is dying The entire mainland of British Co lumbia Is snow bound Charles E Barnes consul at Co logne has received his exequatur Heur Admlrul Thomas h Phelps died at the Nev York hospital Thurs day of pneumonia Commander John W Quaekenbush U S N retired died Thursday at his residence In Washington HewMi e of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will suroly destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the wholo system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces Such artiolos should never bo used except on prescrip tions from reputable physicians as the dnmago they will do is ten fold to tho gocd you can possibly derive from them Hulls Catarrh Onre manufactured by 1 J Cheney Co Tolodo O con tains no mercury and is taken intern ally acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Iu buying Halls Catarrh Curo be Buro you get tho gouuino It is tuken intern ally and mado in Toledo Ohio by P J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by druggist prioe 70c per bottle Halls Family Pills are the best A Iromlneut Chicago Woman Speaks Prof Roxa Tyler of Chicago vice president Illinois Womans Alliance in speaking of Chamberlains Cough Rem edy says I suffered with a severe cold this winter whioh threatened to run into pneumonia I tried different rem edies but seemed to grow worse nnd the medicine upset my stomach A friend advised me to try Chamberlains Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at onco I am now entirely recovered saved a doctors bill time and suffering and I will never be without this splendid medicine agaiu Foreuleby the Kiesau Drug Co If troubled with a weak digestion belching sour stomnoh or if you feel dull nfter eating try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Price 25o Samples free nt the Kiesau Drug Co WHEN YOU WANT A GOOD SHAVE or BATH -GO TO- W 0 Halls Barber Shop MAIN 6T TH11ID DOOEEAHT OK FODBTU - r f c r 1 DISGOUNT FOR TWO WEEKS 20 PER CENT Commencing on SATURDAY JANUARY 12 1901 wc will give the above Discount on ALL OF THE GOODS IN OUR STORE Everything Goes Nothing Reserved 20 CENTS OFF OF EACH 100 PURCHASE The unusually mild winter forces us to make this Sacrifice Sale and gives you an extraordinary opportunity to buy Good Goods at a gain SUITS OVERCOATS UNDERWEAR FURS HATS CAPS Etc all go Remember this sale lasts two weeks and no longer THE STAR CLOTHING STORE 20 PER GENT At NORFOLK Bar- BLCKnbbr 1 20 PER CENT 1 BOOKBINDING Rebinding Old Books and Magazines H BRUMMUND Next Deans Point Store 5th St EYERS Invites you to Compare Prices Tomatoes per can 8c Peas per can 6c Corn per can 8c Java Coffee best per lb 15c Oat Meal per lb 2Kc Sonp 10 bars 25c 4 pound can Baking Powder 20c Best Prunes per lb 8c Blueing 4c Soda per lb 3c Starch per lb 3c Crackers per lb 7sCC Clothes Linns 9o Lye per cau 4C mixed Candy per lb 74q Pearnne per package 40 Rioe per lb 7c Lamp Chimney 4c We have a big liue of Tinware Gran iteware aud Crockery whioh we are selling very cheap B MEYERS ruiEi i t man For llQinlriDg Steam Fitting Iuinps Tacks Wind Mills Aud all work in this Hue call on W H RISH Satisfaction Guaranteed First door South of The daily News Office B W JONAS FINE TAILORING Suits made to order and Iu the latest style Re pairing ueutlyMone Shop oti South Fourth St south of llauni lro CRSEILER Sale and l Boarding Barn Horses Bought and Sold on Commission Bratuch Avenue uu Third St PHONE 44 ANNOUNCEMENT T have purchased the 0 D llamstreet stock of hardware and stoves I intend to add to the stock until I have a store as complete and first class as any in this part of the state I hope to retain the patron age of all Mr Ham streets customers and to Rain many new ones After February 1st this stock will be found in the Robertson building In the meantime you are invited to call on us at the old stand opposite the Oxnard G E MOORE C W BRAASCH DEALER IN Ml CCjjAml I III GKB A TTT Exclusive ageDt lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the best in the market Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes TELEPHONE 61 What You Ask for at DGet IMFS fiRdPFRY Vllkh V UIIUUkMII ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care Our goods are FIRST GLASS in every particular We know precisely what is wanted by our custom- ers We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money South side Muin St between 2d nnd 3d Telephone 41 FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS SEE v The Norfolk Building and Loan Assri C B DURLAND Secretary A i