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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
i i n 1 1 Li Hung Chang and Prince Ching Wait for Orders ANTI FOREIGNERS IN POWER Atlvlse Kiupress Dowager Against Ac cepting Trriim Irlnres 11 and ChlnR Toll Her n ltedsal Will lie 1ntnl ami Lrjje Signing of the Joint Note Peking Inn 10 II Hung Chang la butter Hoth ho timl Prince ChliiR balked nt signing the Joint note when they considered the question until the court wns heard from again explain ing that the emperors edict direct ing them to put off signing prevented them from using the Imperial seal until Iterinlssloti shall have been received which permission they claim to expect hourly It is known here among the Chinese that the extreme nntl foreign clement Is now In power and that the court favorites now advise the empress dowager ll Hung Chnng and Prince Chlng both strongly urge the signing of the agreement and they believe their coun sels must prevail They have pointed out in the strongest possible terms that the very existence of China ne cessitates the acceptance of the terms of the powers and that failure on the part of China to sign may mean the allies will as soon as the state of the weather makes such a siep feasible Fend troops over the country and that parts of the empire heretofore un touched will feel the scourge of war Doxer Stronghold TuUen Berlin Ian 10 The war ollice has received the following dispatch from Count von Wuhlorsco Peking Inn 8 The fortress of Ho Ill which wns stormed Jim It wits the head quarters of newly orgmilzfil lunula of llox its Over 1000 linil terrorized the dis trict nuil they were plumilng to march on Yen King mid Clinu ring Colonel Invels column Is uiiirelilug to IM Xgon Ku to co operate with Colonel Mtidnls column from Yen King Colonel Pnvcl nfter extremely severe mnrches over by pnths nuri through high mountitliis stormed the fort lllcnt Ions Jan i These were defended by 10 guns and from 000 to J 000 men Having pro tected the mines the column Is returning In extended order iiirough Yen King Grip lipldcmlo In Indianapolis Indianapolis Ian 10 Estimates placed upon the cases of grip in the city by the leading physicians vary widely one prominent practitioner placing the number its high as 75000 while the more conservative mem bers of the medical profession place it at 0000 or 40000 The disease is general and affects all parts of the city alike The attendance at all of the schools is very materially lessened by the number of pupils suffering from it The disease however Is mild in form and only when complicated with pneumonia is it looked upon as danger ous Developments in Itellevuo Scandal New York Inn 10 More sensational developments occurred yesterday in the investigation of the Bellevue scan dals It is reported that eight of the Mills training school nurses have re signed and that 12 more are to follow The nurses give as their reasons for resigning the attitude of Commis sioner Keller toward them If the other 12 resignations occur It will make a total of -11 nurses who have left the training school since the investi gation started Complaints of ill usage of a patient named Joseph LleberUash will be Investigated Cut In Kates to the Coast St Taul Ian 10 Through rates from the Twin Cities to the coast have been cut At a meeting held here yes terday there were present the passen ger officials of the Northern Pacific Soo Pacific and Great Northern The north coast rate on 10 day transporta tion was cut from 00 to 50 between eastern terminals and Spokane it was reduced from 0 to 420 iirst class rate from the Twin Cities to Helena and Butte was cut from 40 to i2i0 Mosqultos Spread Yellow Fever Havana Ian 10 The American commission under the superintendence of Dr Reed which has been making examinations at Quemados as to the propogatlon of the yellow fever germs by the mosquito has obtained extreme ly satisfactory results Dr Reed says the results show beyond a doubt that there is no contagion from an infected person or from infected clothing but the mosqultos alone are responsible for the spread of the disease - Guerillas Driven Oir Panama Jan 10--A band of guer rillas approached the city but on the government troops going out to at tack them they disappeared The government Is fully prepared being strongly Intrenched at the bridge next to the railroad station and at advanced points Disaster In Mexican Mine Kagle Pass Tex Jan 10 An explo ftion of gas in coal mine No 5 at Honda Coahulla Mexico last night caused the death of four men and the Injury of upwards of 20 others among the lntter being three brothers named Sullivan maimed beyond recognition Diltlsh Casuultlcs at Naaujioort London Jan 10 The British cas ualties In the lighting Jan 5 between Colonel Babblntons forces and Gen eral Steenkamp at Naauwpoort when the burghers were forced to retire were 12 killed and 13 wounded Jeffries Ilegln Training New York Jan 10 Champion J J Jeffries has opened hie Lock Arbor training quarters ut Allenuurst N J and has started In upon a regular preparatory system of work for his coming battle With liltn Is his brother lack and Hob Armstrong with both of whom he had a wirmlng after finishing a brisk run on the ocean boulevard HOPE FOR RESCUE Iliirrlennr In Abating and the Ninety ton on Stranded French Mull Strainer May He Saved Marseilles Jan 10 During a lull the men on shore succeeded In getting a line to the steamer Hussle but It snapped as It was being pulled on board Other similar attempts failed but a more hopeful feeling prevails In view of the Indications that the weather Is clearing A message from the Russlo says The passengers arc kept below but all the crew are at their posts and the captain and olli cers are lashed to the bridge The seamen tried to construct several rafts but as they neared completion they were washed away The sinking of the stern In the sand proves to have been a lucky thing for those on board as the bow of the mall boat is tilted above all save the big gest wave and affords a refuge Oth erwise It Is believed that all would have long since perished The cruiser Galileo and a tug with rocket apparatus left Toulon arsenal In an attempt to rescue the passengers who are chlelly colonial functionaries and soldiers FT MORGAN BRIBERY CASE Construction Quartermaster Is Itotiuvcd From 1IU Duties Washington Jan 10 Action was taken by the war department yester day lu the case of Captain C W King roeontly arrested at Mobile Ala on the charge of having accepted a bribe from M Ilobson the contractor for the construction of barracks at Fort Morgan Ala Instructions were sent to General Brooke to send an otlleor to Mobile at once for tlio purpose of Investigating the case with a view to determining whether Captain King Khali be tried by the civil authorities or by a court martial An order also was sent to Captain King relieving him of his duties lu Alabama King Denies Guilt Fort Dodge In Jan 10 Dr Wade King received a telegram from Captain Cyril King his son who is under ar rest at Mobile Ala charged with ac cepting a bribe from Contractor Hob son reading its follows Dont worry over the news you hear Have been victimized Am innocent of any guilt Congressman Nevilles Condition Washington Jan 10 The condi tion of Congressman Neville of Ne braska who is dangerously III tit his residence in this city is more favor able There has been no recurrence of the hemorrhages and the family hope that his ordinarily strong consti tution will resist successfully the bad results following President Is Improving Washington Jan 10 Secretary Cor telyou reported that the president had passed a comfortable night and that the rasc was yielding to treatment No unfavorable symptoms had ap peared but from the nature of the dis ease the president would be compelled to keep IiIb bed for several days Kaunas Miners on Strike Topeka Jan f Most of the miners In the Weir City zinc mining district are on strike The trouble resulted over wages and the introduction of non union miners There was a riot at one of the mines yesterday In which an attempt was made to hang one of the superintendents let Sioux City Franchise St Joseph Mo Jan 10 At the meeting here of the Western Leagues representatives it has been decided that Sioux Citys franchise shall be trans ferred to Minneapolis Dlizard at Dubuque Dubuque Jan 10 A blizzard Is sweeping this section and the snow Ik drifting badly train and street rail way service being Impeded TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD First Lieutenant A S Smith assist ant surgeon general died at Manila The house committee on hanking re ported favorably the Broslus bill to extend the charters of national banks The Carnegie company will build the largest pipe and tube manufacturing plant in the world at Conneaut Har bor O Representative Smith of Michigan proposes si constitutional amendment providing for the election of all con gressnien every second year Should no fresh developments ren der his presence in China necessary Count von Waldersce will return to Furope at the end of March After Feb 1 trans MIssouri lines will charge shippers for unloading and stor ing carload freight at points where there are no public warehouses Counsellor Hogers of the New Jersey Junior Order United American Me chanics formally announced that the state council litis severed Its connec tion with the national council of the order The recent experiments with wire less telegraphy In connection with the French licet have been so satisfactory that It has been decided to provide the entire Mediterranean squadron with wireless apparatus It Is stated at the war department that the action of General MacArthur hi sending several Filipino leaders to the Island of Guam was taken with the full knowledge and approval of the secretary of wur THE NORFOLK NKWS KI11DAY JANUARY 11 1001 Prospects More Favorable for Candidates Getting Together CAUCUS IS NOW IN SIGHT Four of llin RW Senatorial Aspirant Hold a Second Meeting mid rractlcally Agree on TcrmsCrounse and Itliiahavv Drudluek 1 nllkcly Lincoln Jan 10 -Although an at tempt to secure a second meeting of the six leading candidates for United States senator last night resulted In partial failure the Indications ale more favorable than they have yet been for the candidates getting togeth er on the calling of a senatorial caucus Four of the six held a second meet ing yesterday Those present were 1 10 Thompson George I Molklc John Frank M Currle and Fdward Rosowuter With them was Speaker Sears They adjourned to meet again this morning when Governor Crounse and 10 II llinshaw or his representa tive are expected to be present The four who met last night suc ceeded In reaching his agreement That they will acquiesce In the ailing of a Joint senatorial caucus which caucus shall make lis own rules that the call for the caucus must be signed by 50 members to become effective that 4 votes shall be required to make any candidate the caucus nominee for United Slates senator CLOSE SOME ISLAND PORTS Action to Shut OH Coiiiiniinleiitlon With Insurgents Volunteers for Iollee Manila Jan 10 The military gov ernment is considering die quostelon of closing certain ports lu the south ern Islands In order to prevent more effectually communication between the Insurgents The prt of Ubay on Bohol Island Inn already been or dered closed as te garrison stationed there has been withdrawn The act for the organization of the metropolitan police of Manila has been passed by the Philippine commission The force will consist of three com panies selected from the volunteer soldiery Woman ilovttcrs Compete Chicago Jan Mrs L C ninth of Chicago carried off the honors yesterday at the womens bowling championship tourney which opened yesterday Mrs Kddy of the Brilliants showed an excellent claim to second place Some nervousness was dis played by the contestants owing un doubtedly to the large number of spec tators that packed the gallleries The high average went to Mrs L C Wnehsniuth whose 1t7 made her eas ily he leader The nearest approach to the figures of Mrs Wachsmuth was made by Mrs Kddy of tin Moderns who ran up an average of 1JW 1 3 Holding Nash lor ISurglury Laramie Wy Jan I John D Nash of Omaha a printer arrived In Laramie yesterday asked for help from printers in the Itoomerang ollice and was given the price of a meal and lodging In the evening he became intoxicated and it is alleged thai about midnight lie broke open the rear door of the Laramie Hardware com panys store and took four line re volvers and all the money there was in the cash register Half an hour later he was arrested with the stolen prop erty In his possession Threaten to KIM Mayor Ames Minneapolis Jan 0 Mayor A A Ames of Minneapolis who lias earned the hatred of ox policemen and detec tives by making practically a clean sweep of tln police department walks the streets armed and ready for con flict The mayor received warning last night from several aldermen who are his personal friends that his life was In danger The names of sev eral ox policemen and detectives were cited as those of men who had threat ened to kill Ames at the Iirst oppor tunity Nebraska Historical Society Lincoln Jan 10 The Nebraska His torical society last night concluded its two days animal meeting The fol lowing officers were elected Presi dent J Sterling Morton Nebraska City vice president Robert V Furnas Brownvllle secretary II W Caldwell Lincoln treasurer C II Gere Lin coln For the Hist time in many years President Morton was unable to be present owing to the death of his son Try uk to Buy Missouri Fuel tie New York Jan 10 It Is reported that the Rockefeller Interests are try ing to buy the Missouri Pacific and the Wabash railroads If they suc ceed In obtaining these roads It Is said they will unite them with the Missouri Kansas and Texas railway thus ob taining ii trunk line extending all the way from Galveston to Ruffalo and connecting with other laleo towns like Detroit Toledo and Chicago Sleet Damages wires Kansas City Jan 10 Sleet In places half an Inch thick covers central Mis souri and Kansas today and has caused much damage to telephone and telegraph wires In Missouri trees were broken by the weight of fee Iu Kansas less damage has been done to wires and wheat will be benelltcd Stock In western Kantas will not suf fer Mrs Nation still In Intl Wichita Kan Jan O The attor neys for Mrs Carrie Nation yesterday applied for a writ of habeas corpus before District Court Judge D M Dale but were denied their appeal Later they filed their petition lu the conit of appeals where l was again denied The attorneys hen left for Topeka to make application for he writ before the supreme court DUBUQUE COMPANY TO GO Will lie Sent nt Citys Kipcuso to Attend Intel nor lu Washington Des Moines Jan 10 The Dubuque company of the Iowa National Guard will be an escort o Governor Shaw at the Inauguration of President McKln ley lu March and here will be three oilier companies lu the procession If they will do as the Dubuquers propose doing Captain Thrift of the Duhuquo company antl Colonel Dows he colo licl of lie regiment had a conference with Governor Shaw and Adjutant General Myers yesterday anil offered the Dubuque company as an escort to the governor The people of Du buque will pay all the expenses of he company and the stale will not be out n cent They sent heir company o he Yorktowu celebration some years ago and were well pleased with the result The adjutant general Immediately wrote the olllccra of he companies at Red Oak Sioux City and Davenport staling that If hey will do the same as the Dubuque company these four com panies will be taken to Washington II Is believed that they will anil that Governor Shaw will appear lu he par ade at lie head of four good compan ies of the Iowa militia HONOR PjT ARMOUR Thousand lather at Ills lller Funeral hurt Ices Mucked by li eat Simplicity Interment at tlrneelaud Chicago Jan 10 -Private funeral services over the body of the late Phil ip D Armour were held yesterday at the Armour residence lit Prairie av enue Following the services at lie house the body was taken to the Ar mour mission where from noon to oclock It lay In slate and was viewed by thousands of people numbering many friends acquaintances and throngs of employes from the great packing houses and other business In terests of the dead Millionaire many of them standing for hours in the street for an opportunity to gel a last glance of their former friend and em ployer The services at he house were of the simplest character carrying out the expressed wishes of the deceased and were attended only by the family and close friends Dr Gunsaulus of Plymouth Congre gational church where Mr Armour formerly attended services hen of fered a prayer The home of the dead millionaire was tilled with Dowers They came from everywhere many beautiful pieces being sent on cable orders from far off countries and from employes In nearly every large city of the country At public funeral services were held lu Armour mission and here again simplicity was observed lu every arrangement Dr Gunsaulus deliv ered no funeral sermon simply reading- from the lth chapter of Corin thians Singing by the choir followed and the vast crowd hen united iu the Lords prayer After conclusion of the services the coliiii was taken o a special train and conveyed to Grace land cemetery where the hotly was laid to rest In the Armour family lot Ilouso to Ilouso Vaccination Cauvnss Kansas City Jan 10 -Physicians carrying on he crusade of compulsory vaccination begun recently will to day start a house to house canvass vaccinating every one who cannot dis play a good scar The city will be divided into districts and each physi cian will be accompanied by a guard to prevent persons hiding or escaping The city physician recommended that every home and every business house I or other public building be scrubbed and fumigated A few additional cases of smallpox were found TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS President McKlnley Is suffering from the grip but is progressing favorably Congressman Frank G Clarke died nt his home in Peterboro N II Wednesday Paymaster Charles p Thompson of the United Slates navy died at his res idence In Washington Tuesday The board of managers of the New York Coffee exchnnge has decided to list tea on the exchange The opening call will be made on Jan -- One of the children burned in the Rochester orphan asylum tire Tuesday Allen Belmore died Wednesday This was the death In the lire The Canadian department of mi litia has completed arrangements for recruiting 1000 men for constabulary In South Africa Dr Leyds according to a dispatch from The Hague Is organizing a band of agitators to proceed to Cape Town and to endeavor to establish it corner In provisions John It Laing believed to have been the oldest Free Mason In the United States tiled In Chicago Wednesday aged 100 Laing Joined the order In Scotland In lSO At the age of 100 years Mrs Van Katon of Iu Id n Minn mother of a Union soldier killed tit the battle of tfhiloh has sought aid from the sol diers slate relief fund A young man named McCarly com mitted suicide at Uniontown Ky Wednesday by hanging lie was to have married a Miss Slzemore and de spaired at the last moment Peter Santos a Greek candy mer chant at Huntington supposed to have been murdered by his partner George Polltz has turned up alive at Colum bia S C Polltz Is serving a ten yeai sentence for the murder of Srutob P Ml n Millionaire Packer Expires at Mis Chicago Home ILLNESS WAS PROTRACTED ftenllrrs Death Is Near and Itepents Lords Priori Almost With Ills Ilnnl llrralh Nrtrr Itreowied Ilom Shock i Ills Sons Heath Sketch or Ills Career Chicago Jan 7 Philip lianforlh Armour philanthropist llnanclcr and in til 1 1 millionaire head of the vast com mercial establishment that bears Ills name died at bis home Prairie avenue at ft oclock yesterday aft ernoon A muscular afreet Ion of lie heart known to Hie medical profession as myocarditis was the Immediate cause of death lie had been slowly recov ering from pucumnulM thai for three weeks had threatened his life At II oclock yesterday morning his heart gave way under the strain of his re cent Illness his pulse running up o 1011 Thai was he beginning of Ihe end During he day he had realized that death was near To those around him he had said I know I am very sick and am ready for death when It conies Soon after luncheon and Just before the physician forbade his talking more Mr Armour in feeble tones said that he would like o hear lie Lords prayer read One of the trained nurses who had been attending him drew a chair to lie bedside and slowly read from lie bible the prayer for which the dying man had asked It was read sentence by sentence and each was repented by Mr Armour When the amen had been repeated by htm lie sank back on the pillow and closed his eyes rest fully It was the last word the great llnanclcr spoke except feeble fare wells to his family a little laler The end came after wo years of Illness during which line Mr Armour visited German balhs passed the cold months In southern California and de voted himself largely to an attempt to restore his health which however had been broken never to he regained For several weeks he dead millionaire had been living at the old family home on Prairie avenue the usual trip to southern California not having been taken this winter lie came down to Hie ollice of the Home Insurance building but seldom and as lie cold Increased he did not come at all It was understood iu I lie ollice that la had had an Incipient attack of pneu monia but if was given out no later than a week ago that he was on the road to recovery It was noted how ever that ho constant attendance of Dr Frank Hillings the family physi cian at tin bedside of the sick man did not corroborate the favorable re ports at the down town ollice For several days death has been feared as the outcome by he close as sociates of lite great eaplaln of liwbis try They realized that the decline from day o day did not cease and that there could be but one end When death came his grandchildren who had so close a place in his heart were at the family residence as was J Og drn Armour the surviving son Lost Strength Steadily Mr Armour had lost strength stead ily from day to day since the com mencement of Hie winter The pneu monia was checked but strength was not regained The firm grip he had so long maintained upon the business of Armour Co whether at the ollice or thousands of miles away slowly relaxed Reports no longer Interested lilm as they were wont to do during the first months of his declining health The sudden death of his sou and namesake nearly a year ago hung heavily on him during lie closing mouths of his life Iu fact he never recovered from the shock he experi enced from that event It stopped his progress toward recovery In his winter home at Pasadena and lis sorrow re mained fresh until the end After the death of Philip D Ar mour Jr the vast Interests of Ar mour Co which had been carried on as n eo pnrlnershlp were incor porated under the old name of Armour Co This was to provide greater stability Iu case of death and made no change lu the practical owner ship of properties Some years before the grain department had been Incor porated under the title of the Armour Elevator company The death of Simeon B Armour nt Kansas City In March 1800 caused no particular change in tho Armour Interests there as they were operated as a stock com pany So carefully had tho plans for the future been mnde that the death of Mr Armour will have little effect on the outward working of the great enter prise with which he had been so close ly Identified It Is believed all the Armour properties will be held Intact until the grandchildren come into their own Estimates of Mr Armours own es tate run from 10000000 to 2ft000 000 This of course docs not in elude tho ir000000 or 20000000 owned by the younger members of the family For years every enterprise ho was Interested Iu has been making linmenso profits His holdings of stock have all advanced largely dur ing the last three years Sketch or Ills Curetr Philip D Armour who was in bis CDtli year made his own lite on lines unique and wholly original with him self From a not over rich Oneida county New York farmer to the posi tion of paying more freight and cou trolling uiorv provision than uuj iah other man In the world were the two ex Ironies of his life Pile ancestral Armours were Con necticut people but Philip Armoui was not born until after he family had moved o Sloekbrldgc Oneida county New York Ills hlrlli date was May 11 IS Tlie California gold fever struelc western New York In IS 10 and yotini Armour was the Iirst In Hlocrflirldivi o determine to vhtll he Pacllle coast lie secured the permission of his pa rents and at the age of 17 started hav ing three or four companion from t lire taine neighborhood The almost In credible pnrt of it was that Ihe parly wall ed nearly the entire distance from New York to California Tho com mercial sense which always predom inated lu his life Indicated liu pres ence as soon as he saw the gold IoIiIm of California lie made money from Ihe start and at the end of six TCiirn he ret ui lied home with a fortune Me coming illssatlsllcd with he quiet life of his native own he came west again and together with a established a wholesale grocery house In Milwaukee Pills venturi was iiIho successful und In a yeartt time he purchased Ihe largest grain elevator In Milwaukee Phis led to more elevators and railroad slock Itt ISilit he came to Chicago o lake charge of the Chicago branch of a New Yorlc packing establishment The result wiih that the Chicago house ceased ti he a branch and ho west gained llu largest packing and provision plant In the world II was announced that the fnncraf services would be held probably at In Armour mansion ell her Tuesday or Wednesday They will be conducted by Dr GunsauliiM and In keeping with the life ami linhlls of the de ceased will be simple In character RUSSO CHIESE TREATY Crnr Agree to Dole I liln Against Any Altnek on Her nilsCulcstlnl Army Moves North London Jan 7 The Peking corre spondent of lie Chronicle says that Russia In her agreement with Ulnu agrees to defend tho latter iiust any attack on her forts Reports have been receive here from Sinn lu says the Shanghai correspondent of he Standard thai General Full Slangs troops have mu tinied at Ku Yuen Cliou iu the prov ince of Kan Su and thai General Fcrer Tse Pals army has been sent from lie province of Hun Nan to suppress lie rebellion An Imperial decree was Issued to d lay the alllxlng of signatures hut tho Chinese plenipotentiaries replied thai It was Impossible to recall he assent already given It Is rcporod from Shin Fu that the empress dowager has ordered General Feng Tse Tsal commander of the provlneo of Yun Nan to proceed with Ills army to the Yank Tse valley and from that section to move northward Ills force is said to consist of liOOtt men armed with modern weapons Count von Waldersce it Is assert cif has arranged with Prince Clilng and LI Hung Chang that the allied troop nre not o operate in lie prefectures of Shun To Huang Ping and Pa Ming In Hie province of Chi LI Int Itevnliitloiilsts Surrender Caracas Jan 10 The last place oc cupied by the revolutionists Carupuno surrendered yesterday Help m Nature I Babies and children need I proper food rarely ever I cine If they do not thrive I on their food something is wrong They need a little I j help to get Iheir digestive j machinery working properly f I COD LIVER OIL mm HYPOPHOSPtilTES or LIMES SODA will generally correct this 1 tl ficulty If you will put from one fctirth to half a tcaspoonful i babys bottle three or four times a day you will soon see rr Rcd improvement For s larger children from half to a tcar poonful according to rc dissolved in their milk iJ ycu so desire will very oc n show its great nourish ing povcp If the mothers nX docs net nourish the odfcy she needs the r It will show an effect t o cc both upon mother zA child is and f i oo al druggists s OTT Si HOWKK hniiists New Vcrfc 11 li Mr M MM 1