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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1901)
I I V I V I 4 r 1 r The Noqix WeeelxNewSJojjrnal H1BII No Important Change In Ne t braska Senatorial Situation MEIKLEJOHN LOSES A PAIR Crouimc Itrlntnt tlio Snnie liltlon While Oilier Irndi n All Show Sniiill Snlin FiihIoiiUU Vot Tor Allan mill Hllrliciick No Intllriitloii of n Clinlrr Lincoln Inn 18 third Imllot for sciintnr wns tnUun In joint session yesterday uml wns no iiiiiror conulti Rive Until tlioxo which lmvc preceded The Cent lire If tiny there wns was the loss of two voles by MelUleJohn Cronnse simply licltl his iwn while Currle sullied two llnlnor one llln chuw one Uosewaler one with lliild1 rlge absent I 10 Thompson one The nciitturltiK vote was even worse scattered than before Peveral who disappeared from the list Wednesday reappearing The following Is the vote 1st Allen 51 Cronnsc 8 Currle JO Halnor fi Hurl it i - J Hny J It 2 Harrington I iHltchcork J i Ullnshnw 14 CHowc 4 iKInknld n ilndny ftfMklr John J2 tMorlnn 1 Martin 1 Murplir 4 jNorrnl 2 TUchnrds 1 fftORpwntor 12 Shclrtnn Sutherland 1 Thompson D R 21 Thompson W H Xi iVnn DiiKcn 2 Itnllotn and lit r7 10 in JO K n o 0 o 1 1 1 n 11 17 1 1 A o 1 1 a 2 2 1 1 It 13 1 I 1 M 32 rR n l The fufdnn vote was oast solidly for Allen and TTltchcocV except one vole for Sutherland and one for llnrrington Tho Vote In Detail The Republican vote was Allen Currle T E Ttanmpnn Andrews O K Thompson Cronnsn j Areuils Currle Hlnshnw BldrlRp I R Thompson Hosewater BetVlr D R Thompson Carrie Btethe T K Thsmpgon Melklejohn Berlet D R Thompson Rosewnter Broderlck ninshnw Melklelohn Brown Onss and Otoe Hnlnrr Oronnse Brown Furn Thompson Melklejohn Buresh Martin Itosewnter Cain Martin Melklejohn Corneer Cronasp Roaewater rpy D B Thompson Melklejohn Croanae Currle Harlan Crrl Orotinae Van Duapn IMfar Corrlp I R Thompanm Ens Tler Iv Kowler TTnlnrr Melklefohn TlPdrtph Cnrrl Halner -- Calloglr Klnknld MplklPlohn Jawne M I Klnkald Melklejoha Hall D R Thompson Crouns Varlan Currle D R Thompson Warrls Thompson Currle Tlathorn Currln TT S Morlan TTIMiert fJrortro Mnrnhr Cronnsp Tlorton MollleJhn Klnkntd I TTtimphrey n R Thompson Melkletohn Johnson ft K Thomnson Rospwnter JouTpnat TTInsliaw Melklelohn IjRflln T K Thompson Currle Tanp P K Thompson Cnrrlp TOXTP 11 Thompson Melklpjohn Marshall Cnrrlp Mnrtln Hlnolmw Cronnsp McCarcar Cnrrlp D R Thonnnn TIlnshsT Tohn R ITiivh MrCnv Klnkald Rospwntpr Mead Thomnson Roipratpr Mpndpnhnll ninshaw RoaPTrnter MtakPlI P K Thompson TTIhaw Mnekett P R Thompson Melklejokn Mullpn Ciirrlo Rospn atpr Newpll Currlp Martin Olpon Rospwater pltlpnnn ONpIII Rospwntpr P R Thompson llaon Mptklelohn Owpns Cn le Roapwatpr Rohwpr Hlashaiv Crounap Sandall P R Thomnson Melklpjohn Hoott TtndaT Cnrrlp KhplOiern P Thompson Cronnsp Bmlthherrpr Hlnshaw MpVpohn Bnenppr P R Thompson Mplklejohn Wtpplp Mplklohn Hlnshnw Stelnmpyp Tt1nshnw nrnhr Swanann VelHelphn Hnshw Tefft P P Thomnson Rnspwatpr fromnpn Cnrrlp P R Thompaon TwppiI P avr Mpkpnhn TJbl D W Thomnn RosPTnite VsnUnsVI MpiviBlohn P R Thomnson Warnr P R Thompson Mplklpjohn Wpnrl Plnshsw Cnrrto TThltmore Pilnpr Volklnlnhn sxIIpot T7lhW Posewntpr Wllklnro Panpr irrlp Tnun RoPTtpr rlnn Mr PopRkp P R Thomnson fronnp Tpl lo nhsent and Rplsnpr palrpd with Hamilton V fanrns Tn Sla ht So little success attended the effort to secure signatures to an agreement for a Republican caucus on the sena torshlp yesterday that the effort was Abandoned for the time being Of the necessary 07 members only 30 have Igned the petition A bill will be introduced In the house today providing that In a lynching the relatives of the person lynched can ob tain damages from the county where It occurred Seventeen new bills were introduced In the house yesterday one providing Tor two new normal schools to cost 110000 The committee on elections recommended the seating of Coffee and Bawlisby Breska T7p Hone Kong Junta i Ilong Kong Jan 18 The adoption tjy General MacArthur of Consul iWlldmans plan to deport the Insur gent leaders to Guam has had a tnarked effect The activity of the In surgents has been reduced the lions ICong Junta lias been breaking up and the poor people In the Philippines are being freed from the domination of tho Dative army Troopa Ordered to Corhln Vrnnkfort Kv Tan 18 Onvernnr kjeckham last night ordered a com cany of troops from Lexington to Cor bin They will be In command of Col onel Roger Williams of the Second regiment FHM6RS UP IN ARMS On thn Lookout for n Inne r lllnukinall or Near Kmt SI I011K St lotils Ian I Kartners living between lOast St Iouls and Alton Ills are wrought up to a high pitch of exclteinuiit as the result of devel opments In the attempts to blackmail prosperous residents of that district For several days past letters have been found nailed to posts In doorynrds threatening to blow up the homes of four liiinllles If they did not at once put up 1K Armed guards were placed about the houses at night and on two occasions they tired at un known persons who It was believed were attempting to put dynamite under the houses One of these parties wa wounded as wns shown by a trail of blood he left A mass meeting was held at Oldenburg and 100 was sub scribed as a rewind for the apprehen sion of any or all of the gang dead or alive Armed men patrol the roads throughout the neighborhood on the lookout for members of the gang CULLOM RENOMINATED Tanner Citiiiinii Illttnuit Irlnro Wllliclniw Jbrom lllluuU Senatorial ltnee Iearlna Luclu Shelby u Wnlkowr Sprlnglleld Ills Ian 18 Tho con test among Illinois Republican candi dates for the Putted States senate came to an unexpected close yesterday with announcement that former tov ernor Tanner anil Messrs Cannon llltt and Prince had withdrawn from the race leaving Senator Cullom a walkover The announcement of Governors Tanners withdrawal came Urst anil was shortly followed by announce ments from the other candidates The exact causes that led Sonator Uulloins opponents to leave him a dear Held are not announced further than that all the candidates and their friends after several conferences agreed that It would be dilllcult If not Impossi ble to defeat Senator Cullom The Republican joint caucus last night unanimously nominated Senator Shelby M Cullom for United States senator ARMED MENARE MASSING Troops Sent to Iut Dimn Feud of Two Kentucky Families Corbln Ky Ian 18 Reports were received of armed men mossing out side of the town representing th fac tious in the feud that caused so much trouble Wednesdny The special train with troops from Lexington is due at 3 s m No attempt wa mad to clear away the debris of the White building wrecked by dynamite Everyone kept within doors fearing further trouble between the Shotwells and Whites be fore the troops arrive Fifty of the Chadwells from Clay county have joined the Shotwell fac tion Sheriff Sutton has sworn In a large force of deputies The Shot wells occupy the hills near the town while the White forces nre mostly In Corbln All the residences are barri caded Roch White and Rnlelgh White were arrested and tnken to Will iamsburg Roch White Is crippled and will loe both eyes as the result of the explosion It Is believed he will die Sending Food to Circle City Seattle Jan 18 Kdmund N Car penter the last man out from the Tananana district says there Is a great shortage of food at Circle City and that the government officials at Eagle City are sending provisions In as rapidly as possible On his way out he met many teams laden with supplies for the famine threatened district Ilubbard Get Another Chance Lincoln Jan 18 The case of Hub bard Savory under life sentence fot murder In Richardson county was taken up In the supreme court yester day on error TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD Secretary Root is confined to ills house with the grip Kid Carter got the decision over Joe Wnlcott at Hartford Thursday In the 20th round on n foul The date appointed for the first meet ing of the coming session of the con gress of mothers is May 1 at Colum bus O Tho battleship Wisconsin was ac cepted by tho nnvy department Thurs day subject to the usual throe months reservation The new American association the ally of the National League nna enemy of Ban Johnsons league was launched at New York Thursday The president Thursday signed the bill making an apportionment of rep resentatives in congress from the sev eral states under the 12th census John W Qrlggs attorney goneral of the United States was elected a di rector of tho Trust company of Amer ica Thursday to till a vacancy in the board Senator Lodge introduced a bill Thursday providing for the amend ment of the Immigration law so as to exclude Insane Idiotic and epileptic persons At the annual meeting of the General Managers association held in Chicago Benjamin Thomas president of the Chicago and Western IndTana road was rechosen chairman S II Jumper postmaster of Aber deen S D stated before tho Indus trial commission Thursday that tho condition of tho fanner had improved materially during the past four years and that there were now practically no foreclosures of mortgages RFOLK NEBRASKA V DAY JANUARY 18 1501 II ISfliHllIS Roberts Makes Stirring Appeal for Sooo Yeomanry BOERS MAY INVADE NATAL Itilllli Authorities Still alihn Hopeful View of Situation In Smith Ut ile Authentic Iiifiiriiiutluii UonreriiliiK tlipe Colony lilt nileia Loudon Jan 18 Lord Roberts has Issued from the war olllcc a stirring uppeal to the country for a speedy re sponse to the call for 0000 yeomanry whose past services In South Africa he commends to the nation The authorities continue to hold n hopeful view regarding the South Af rican situation but they seem to rec ognize that vigorous measures are nec essary The proclamation of martial law throughout the whole of Cape Col ony Lord Kitcheners slronj meas ures against the population of the re publics the placing on reduced rn tlons of the wives of men in the Held and similar measures go to show that there Is still heavy work ahead British offensive operations have ceased for the present It Is supposed Lord Kitchener is collecting his strength for a Until effort to crush or capture the coinmnndoes by a repeti tion of the tactics which caused the surrender of General Cronje and Gen eral Prlnzloo It Is said the Boers are preparing to descend Into Natal The casualty list Issued yesterday shows that the Hocrs havo released 27 British captured at Helvetia and Belfast The facts regarding the cap tures at Belfast have not been allowed to transpire It Is asserted that more henvy naval guns will be landed at the Cape In formation as to the doings of the in vaders is hard to obtain but It Is clear that they are getting very little help from the Dutch Twice they at tempted to cap ti to Barkeley East but wore repulsed Small scattered par ties are reported operating in various parts of the Ceres district Protest Against Kltobenara rollcy London Jan 18 The atop the war committee yesterday paused the following resolutions Orders which a British officer re ports he received revonl the adoption by Lord Roberts and Lord Kitchener of a poller having for Its aim the ex termination of a heroic nationality by starving Ita women and children and the deliberate massacre of un armed prisoners The latter clause alludes to General Kitcheners alleged secret order to General Dewets pursuers to take no prlsouers Culvllln Drives On liners London Jan 18 General Kitchener telegraphing from Pretoria under date of Wednesday Jan says the con centration of i000 Boers at Carolina Transvaal is reported lie adds that Colvllles mobile column was eugaged near Van Tondes hoek The Boers were driven oil with heavy loss Three hundred Boers entered Aberdeen yesterday looted the stores and re tired on the arrival of 100 British In fantry Martin Law In Cape Colony Cape Town Jan 18 Martial law has now been proclaimed In every part of Cape Colony except the districts of Cape Town Slmonstown Wynbcrg Port Elizabeth and East London It has also been proclaimed In Tombu laud Groqualaud and in East and West Pondoland COLLEGIANS TO COMPETE Preparation a Maklne for lowaa State Col lege Oratorical Contest Dcs Moines Jan 18 The plans arc now almost perfected for the state college oratorical contest which Is to be held at Mount Pleasant Kob 28 next There are 14 Institutions of lenrnlng represented In the state as sociation and the orations which havo been submitted to the Judges on thought and composition have been sent to the committee In charge These Judges have not yet been selected but will be very soon The names of the contestants nre not yet known because the Judges select eight who will be permitted to deliver the ora tions submitted Railroad Surveying Des Moines Jan 17 The surveys of two railroads northward from Des Moines have been completed and the Jockeying for rights of way and other things Is In progress among the pro moters and town Biters The survey of the line to Boone was completed this week It runs north through Polk City which Is on the Northwest ern thence to Madrid east of tho Des Moines river and on to Boone keeping west of the route of tho Milwaukee to Boone Tho route to Iown Falls Is also surveyed and the promoters are at work securing the necessary conces sions In towns and along the way Mr Ellsworth the chief promoter declares positively the line will bo built next summer Mrs HoKsuck Indicted Des Moines Jan 18 Tho Warren rounty grand Jury yesterday indicted Mrs Hossack for murder of her hus band near New Virginia Tho case will not be tried at this term and the woman Is out on bull TRIAL NEARjNG END AifMineuts IteRUn In thn llossilileler Murdcr Ti Inl at 1uteron Paterson N J Jan IS w the en tire session yesterday tho opposing counsel In the Jennie llosschlctcr mur der trial appealed lo the Jury Assist ant Proseetillng Attorney Shaw In his Humming up claimed that the state hail proven Its ease lie denounced the accused who he said had taken the girl out to do her to death like a dog Judge Prancls Scott led In the sum tiling up for the defense lie was fol lowed by Michael- Dunn Their ad dresses were very similar They tie elated that no case had been made out against Walter McAIIsler William Death mill Andrew Campbell They ridiculed Hie expert lestlmony and branded the haeknian Seullhorpe as a man of the lowest type and of the barest motives They maintained that the slnry lold by hlin was not sup ported bv evidence and that It was a lie KUHNS CAPTURED I ml In nit Outlntr Shouts Two Men vnd U lllniMiir shot In thn Until Itenni IteliiK Ovci powered Logansport Intl Jan 18- Marvin K alius he desperado who has terror ized northern ludlaiia for weeks and delicti tho ollleers of two stales by a singular fatality tlnds himself In he Cass county Jail In the very town in which he made such a des perate battle for life ami liberty on Dec 10 Kuhns and his brother who was released from the Columbus pris on shortly after Marvin escaped wero taken alter a desperate light last night at Green Hill live miles south of Otterbeln Before the outlaw was overpowered he shot two men and was himself shot In the head Em boldenetl by Immunity from ofllcers Kuhns and bis brother and a confed erate stole a team at Plym if li Sun day night and started south Marshall and Marshal Cheney traced them to Lafayette last evening and by telephoning neighboring towim located the men at Green Hill near Otterbeln An Otterbeln posse sur rounded the house and rushed In at midnight Marvin was awako and seized a revolver at his bodsldo Be fore he could Are Elmer Swltzer shot him in the face and the posse closed In One man jumped from the sec- ond story window and escaped but the brothers wore overpowered after a fight In which shots were exchanged Wioinded cs he was Maivlu partially shook off tho attacking party and shot II Volt In the back and Lewis Hawkins In the arm Neither was fa tally Injured Women Plan an Kxhlblt Kansas City Mo Jan 18 Club women from lr states representing the Louisiana purchase are here attend lug a conference called by Mrs Edwin Harrison president of the Missouri federation to perfect organization for furthering the womans exhibit at the coming St Louis worlds fair The conference will consider a porposltlon to erect a memorial to be completed in time for the opening of the fair In 1001 and to take Initiatory action to Insure an elaborate display of womans handiwork TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Alfred G Vnnderbllt and his brlda nrrlved in Montreal from Albany Thursday Mr and Mrs Vauderbllt arc en route to Quebec A heavily loadetl freight elevator In the Warren Springer building at Chi cago fell from the third floor Thursday Injuring live persona Harry Harris of Chicago has been matched with Pedlar Palmer for a 20 round bout for 050 at tho National Sporting club of London March 18 Two persons were killed and a num ber of others Injured In Hurtstedt Germany Thursday by an explojon of gas Several houses wero tforaol Ished Both branches of the Colorado legis lature have adopted a Resolution pro viding for a Joint cormlttee to Investi gate the grievances of tho striking coal miners Tho management of tho Wabash railroad has adopted a rule which pro hibits the use of Intoxicants by em ployes before reporting for duty or while on duty Lawrence Council died at his home near St Joseph Thursday aged 111 years Ho had led an active outdoor life for more than a century owning several fanns An effort will be made at the con vention of the United Mine Workers of America to absorb th membership of all organizations of mine employes into one body The national convention of the So ciul Democratic party Thursday dlH cussed plans for reorganizing and unit ing the various factions of socialists into one party John Morrison who murdered a whole fnmlly father mother and three children named McArthur two months ago was hanged at Reglua N W T Thursday Final arrangements have been per fected for the 20th anniversary cele bration of the Young Peoples Society of Christian Endeavor to bo held Jan ai to Feb 3 at Portland Me A movement has been started by tho Evangelical alliance for noonday prayer meetings in every city on March 4 next for the success of the national udmlnlxfratlou that will be I inaugurated at that hour r r Norfolk National HMKrl nPNa tail I iiiiiii naiifom UuiMira Muiraalue New York City iliiriiirN llur Sew York City lsiriiT Weekly New York City eiitury tiuiraslne New York City it McIioIum MuR asine New York City liin n Mutcnslne New York City i runic iemiea ftltintuiy Jvew York City SluiiHoa Mngnilae New York City icv lurii jiy ir nirer 110 ntk er inr y IN sS ifrniUml IM tM I MMHt WIBMU Hake Out a List of What You Need lu the way of Lumber and Building Material Then come in and let us toll you not how much but how irnic It will cost you Wo oan really make you u very low prtoo on any kind of a bill Lower perhaps than you can get ulanwlioro Thorns no iiuuHtioii about tho quality wo oiler L C HITTELSTADT NORFOLK LUMBERMAN i V II lllCIIOIZ ProMilnul AtiMlKlt 1IKAK lcii IniHldmit K W YVV7 iislnm Bank OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKIN6 BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASfA Capital iooooooo Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and ScIIb Eioliangc Interest Paid on Time Deposits Draftr and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Kurupa A General Steamship and Forolgn Passage Business Transacted XJIRHOTOBB 1 BRAU P V HANLON F J IIALK W H UOCHOLZ WM ZOTY NA IU1NBOLT BHCOTTON FOR GOOD LOANS AND EASY PAYMENTS The Norfolk Building and Loan Assn C B DURLAND Secretary 4 i 1400 pieces of Music of the J tional 10c Edition at 5c a copy to close out We have Mckinleys complete 10c edition on hand All Late Music at one half off Special Bargains in anything in the Jewelry and Music line Repairing of all kinds a Specialty Hayes Jewelry Music House Jllfl Norfolk Avenue NORFOLK NEBR i iSlar publications popular prices THE Y0BK vVHKLY rRSBUNE has for nearly sixty years been recognized as the 1eoplen Na tional Family Newspaper for farmers and vlllAKers lis splendid Agricultural Depart ment Its reliable market re ports recognized authority throuithout the country its fashion notes its Bclenco and Mechanics Department I I s fasclnallnc short stories etc etc render It indispensable In every family flegular hiiIi ncriiitlon price 100 per year NEW YORK TRI WEEKLY t iniuiiii nrw k uru ill York City fir ork City eekly New York City iii in uiewH new lorit uitv odlinora Miiicualne New York City iutI iui AcrrlfiilturlHt New York City Unrril w Yorker New York City ii niilltiui jHuunzliie Irvlniftou N Y ii li v Im ii muii Ainaiiv n x Im Toiirinil riitliiilcliitilii lenn t li ictiltK Magazine Ililladelplilu loiin ii itlkN Comiiunlmi HoHton Mass -Tin uml Hiuiu Sprliinjflelil Miimh v Ijiijrlitml llonicsd nd SirliiKll lil Miimh IM MiiiiMrUiMiilii SprhiKflelil Miimm i in Ilelil uml Ilrenlile CIiIcuk HI I v liulil lnriiier CIiIcuku 111 il itHt IiiiIIiiimiihiIIh Inil rfinr level nml Ohio Ilrin Inrmer Ilitrolt Mleli li ml lireille Sprlntrlli lil Ohio i Vmvn iiriiiKfli lil Ohio J win uml Im nil loulMvllle Ky ip itrmer M Iuul Mill ti - Mimic A 1U01 I Mm mihI cosh with order published on Monday Wednes day and Friday In u complvt up to date daily newspaper three dajs In thu wi ek wltU all Important news of the oiut four days Profusely Illus trated ami filled with Ing reading for all who with u keen In close touch with nc XDIDIIkIC of the nation and word nlDUnC Keg alar auliMi rlpllou price fiDU per year In ronnectlon with The Tribune we offer to those who desire to secure the best magailiv5 llimralcd weeklies and agricultural Journals the following tplendld inducements v mi Regular 1rise One Year rin Anirrirsn iieTiew new lorK tny 13M 400 400 I no IOO aoo iuu loo ioo ioo ioo noo noo 400 zro noo ioo ioo ioo no aoo 175 no ioo IOO ioo loo ro to CO ro no no no With Weekly Trl Weelr TriDune One Ye r noo IOO 4 Ml lOO 400 aoo ito iur lan 110 lJO noo noo MM -no ano iar in j an aoo lOO noo lOO i an ioo io i an ioo ioo ioo 100 ioo ioo ioo lio One Ycur 5 3l i no 4 ro 4 no i 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