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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1901)
4 rr mi i is n Chinese Plenipotentiaries Affix Their Signatures POWERS DECLINE THOFFER InTltftllnn la Trausfor Xogotlntlons From Peking to Washington llool Not Mrrt With KnTur auil President McKlnlry Withdraws lropoiltlou Pnrls Jun 11 Ah the result of In quiries lit authoritative quarters tlio Associated Press 1h given the follow ing statement In regard to tlio Chinese situation The Chinese pleulpoteutlarlesslgued the Joint note yesterday thus con cluding the preliminary stage of the negotiations It was added that this Important tep was insignificant compared with he difficulties to be met with between the powers themselves whose clashing interests will have full play in the coming discussions The United States proposnl to shift the sent of the negotiations finds no favor in the Ku rpjiciiu chancellories President Withdraws OffeA 1 Washington Ian 11 As some of the foreign powers do not look with favor upon the proposition of the United States recently made as to the withdrawal of certain features of the negotiations from Peking to Wash ington or some other capittK and ether powers hesitate to decide the question the president has deemed it advisable to withdraw the proposition and has directed the diplomatic repre sentatives of the United States abroad to so Inform the different governments CHINESE TROOPS DRILLING Native IteporU Say They Believe They Can Defeat the Allied Army 1 Peking Inn 11 A China mu from Sian Fu where the court is at pres ent says that within the city 85000 Chinese troops are drilling continuous ly and the majority of them are armed with modern rifles He says that the feeling of the people there is bitterly anti foreign and that they believe they can meet the allies in open fight and defeat them The ministers are considerably as tonished over the Chinese grant to Russia of a concession north of the Pel Ho at Tien Tsln as large as the British and French concessions com bined The grant according to the Russians was made voluntarily for services in endeavoring to bring fcbout peace The ministers think that the concession constitutes good pay when considered In addition to the annexa tion of all Manchuria Von llnnlow Bargain With Agrarians Berlin Ian 11 Indications in crease that Count von Buelow has really effected u bargain with the agrarians and the protectionist manu facturers the latter guaranteeing the passage of the canal bill uud the im perial chancellor guarantees an In crease lu the duty on cereals to 5 marks A number of papers assert as much but only the most extreme rad ical Journals declare war ou Count von Buelow because of the alleged ar rangement g Clone Call for Miner i Moberly Mo Jan 11 A landslide tor cave In occurred at Santiago mine six miles from here entombing GO men The main entrance to the mine which is on the tunnel plan was com pletely stopped The mine wus en veloped In total darkness and the en tombed miners had to crawl and feel their way to a small entrance or air tunnel nearly a mile from the main en trance where the cave In occurred I ortuuately no one was seriously hurt Graveyard Insurance Swindlers 1 New York Jan 11 Believing thut they were the victims of graveyard insurance swindlers officials of the Colonial Life Insurance company of America located In Jersey City yes terday cnufeed the arrest of Thomas Martin editor of a Union Hill N J newspaper William Necker nn under taker In Union Hill and Thomas T Kelly a pugilist who until recently was an agent for the company 1 Need Federal Supervision Chicago Jan 11 Judge Tuley de livered nn opinion declurlng the uncon stitutionality of the amended state statute permitting public grain ware housemen to handle their own grain in their own ware houses In render ing the decision Judge Tuley declared that the elevator houses wcro now of such importance to the grain trade that they should come under federal supervision i Funeral of Lieutenant Ilarber Canton O Jan 11 The body of lieutenant J S Barber nephew or the president reached Canton yester day accompanied by the young widow who made the trip from Hong Kong China The funeral services and lu terment will be held today President and Mrs McKlnley sent n beautiful floral tribute from the white house conservatory Passengers ltrsiued After Great Sufleiing Odesfea Jan 11 The police firemen tud physicians have rescued 470 pas sengers from five trains which have been snow bound for several days after enduring the greatest sufferings A force of 4000 workmen Is clearing the tracks to Odessa Four day mall fcai beu stalled up v Wnto foil oi ocm The Norfolk w eekly News Journal RETAIN THEIR SEATS Sannt Committee llepnrli In Douglas County Contests Lincoln Jan 11 The senate com mittee ou privileges and elections sub mitted Its teport on the Douglas county contests to the senate yeRterday It Is lu favor of the coutestees ralulug their seats In the contest case of T M France against A it Oleson the committee cited the fact that a similar case In tiie house on which depended the seat ing of a fusion member had been dis missed by the Republican contestant and therefore the committee recom mended that the case against Senator Oleson be dismissed and that he be allowed to retain his seat the report being adopted by the senate Hansom used the report an the text for a bitter attack on Hosewater Tlio house adopted a minority re port from the committee on printing which provided an appropriation of fOd for furnishing dally to each mem ber a mimeograph copy of the house record of proceedings WIFE KILLS HUSBAND Philip Kennedy Shot Down lu Ills Offlre at Kansas City by Woman lie Was Toned to Wed Kansas City Tan 11 Philip H Kennedy agent for the Merchants Dispatch Transportation company was shot and killed by his wife Lulu K Kennedy at his otllce In the New Ridge building In the heart of the city yesterday At 5110 p m Mrs Kennedy uppeared at the entrance of the otllce and seeing her husband In side requested him to step into the hall He had barely passed through the door into the hall when his wile opened lire on him with a revolver shooting him four times and killing him instantly The woman kicked the lifeless body of her husband as she exclaimed Now you will never se duce another woman Mrs Kennedy who was formerly Lulu K Prince married Kennedy Dec 4 1000 and the grooms action during the ceremony Indicated that he was not a willing party to the con tract The father and brother of the bride accompanied the couple during the marriage ceremony Last Tuesday Kennedy brought suit to annul his marriage with Miss Prince He alleged in his petition that he was forced into the marriage by threats to take his life if he refused The girls family claims that she and Kennedy were engaged to be he met another young In love with her He broke tlie engagement with Miss Prince they say and the cards were out an nouncing the marriage with the other young woman when the father nnd brother of Miss Prince took a hand in the affair Miss Bessie Phillips the girl to whom Kennedy was engaged now lives In Grand Rapids KefiiNes to Grunt Liquor injunction Sioux City Jan 11 Judge A R Dewey of the Sixth judicial district of Iowa in a decision just Hied holds that liquor is a legitimate article of commerce under supreme court de cisions and refuses to grant an Injunc tion against the Adams Express com pany to restrain it from carrying liq our The case came up from Wash ington county where the temperance league is making a crusade and it will be carried to the criminal court Fighter and All Their Friends Cincinnati Jan 11 In a charge to the grand jury yesterday Judge Davis gave Instructions to indict all persons who may tukc part in any prize fight In Hamilton county whether as prin cipals or seconds or who in any way promote aid or abet the tight No ac tion of the grand Jury can take place under this charge however unless a prize tight takes place Titus Amendment Upheld Sioux City Jan 11 Judge Hutch lii3on sitting In a Cherokee county case Involving the validity of the Titus amendment holds that the amend ment was properly adopted that it Is valid and that further the officers elected nt the last general election are entitled to take their seats under It This sustains the new amendment to its fullest extent Ircsldent Continues to Iniprore Washington Jan 11 The presi dents Improvement has continued There are no complications and hl3 temperature Is normal Burnliam to Succeed Chandler Concord N H Jan 11 Judge Henry K Burnliam of Manchester won the nomination of the Republican members of the legislature for United States senator over William K Chand ler and other candidates Burnham won on the first ballot Chandler re ceived 47 votes Burnliam 108 Con gressman Sulloway 23 und Henry B Qulnby 22 Iowa 1olltlcian Dead Montezuma la Jan 11 non W H Redman a former representative from this county and speaker of the Iowa house In 188S died suddenly at his home In Newton yesterday He was a candidate for the nomination for secretary of state before the last Republican state convention Liner Ashore In a Perilous Position Loudon Jan 11 The Anchor line steamer Ethiopia Captain McKeurle which left Glasgow today for New York via Mobile is ashore on Holy island lu the Firth of the Clyde She U in a bad pwltloa NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY JANUARY 11 1001 nn to IB Two Thousand Filipinos Sign Appeal to Senate IS PRESENTED BY TELLER Senator tlatrUy Protests Against Publica tion of the PaperltepreseutatlTn Cuth ui an Charges Hirer and Harbor Com mittee With Partiality Washington Jan 1 Considerable progress was made yesterday by tho senate with the army reorganization bill but the final vote on the measure seems to be as fur off as ever The proceedings were characterized by sev eral sharp colloquies some of which were of u decidedly personal charac ter An appeal wns presented by Teller Colo from more than 2000 persons In Manila urging the United States gov vernment to cense Its operations against the Filipinos The appeal la for Independence Hnwley Conn made a vigorous objection to Its publi cation He declared that It was a treasonable denunciation of the gov ernment uud uu attack upon our sol diers Consideration was concluded of Ihc committee amendments as to the army reorganization bill and the senate took up the amendments proposed by Individual senators The amendments for the appointments of Generals Wil son Lee and Shafter to be ninjor gen erals and retired precipitated an ex tended and on the part of Pettlgrew a bitter debute The amendments prevailed however despite the oppo sition HOUSE PROCEEDINGS Hirer and llurbor Bill DiscussedHep burn Attacks tlio Measure Washington Jan 11 The general debate on the river and harbor bill con tinued iu the house until 4 oclock when the death of Representative Clarke N II was announced and the house adjourned out of respect to his memory The features of the de bate yesterday were the speeches of Cuahman Wash and Hepburn la The latter has been a persistent oppo nent of river and harbor bills for years and he attacked the bill all along the line in his usual vigorous fashion Cushmans speech was unique ne was In favor of river and harbor appropriations nnd his com nlaliit was due to the fact that the members of the committee according to his Ideas had located the bulk of the appropriations In their own states nnd had given scant consideration to the needs of other states especially to the Seattle ship cunal In his own state Cushman illustrated his remarks with a scries of carefully prepared charts lie criticised several of the individual members of the committee In breezy style nnd became engaged In half a dozen very spirited en counters before he concluded State Y M C A Co i volition Des Moines Jan 11 -The date for the state convention and petathalon contest of the Young Mens Christian association of Iowa has been llxed for Feb 14 and 18 nt Burlington It will be a sort of winter Bchool of methods for the Young Mens Christian asso ciation worker and among tlio speak ers will be John R Mott college sec retory of the internntlonnl committee President MacLean of the State uni versity I K Brown state secretary of Illinois S D Gordon chnlrman of the Ohio evangelization movement 13 M Hamilton railroad secretary In ternational committee Frank W Ober L A Culbertson ana others Printers Arbitration Agreement Indianapolis Jan 11 The arbitra tion agreement between the Interna tional Typographical union and the American Newspaper Publishers asso ciation has just been made public i The object of ihc agreement and tho purpose for which both bodies are working Is the prevention of strikes pending the hM Moment of differences arising between members of the al lied printing trades and members of the Publishers association Doimturt Mte Tor Illirnrjr Dubuque la Jan 11 Frank I Stout lias donated tho site for the 0 000 free public library building to be erected by Andrew Carnegie The people have already voted the sup port tax and the Young Mens Library association founded in 1855 will do nate Its subscription library of 17000 volumes Its cash balance of 7000 and its interest in an unsettled estate Mr Nation Before hiiiirinn Court Topeka Jan 11 Mrs Carrie Na tion who wrecked a Wichita saloon will appear before the Miprome court iu this city next Monday on a writ of habeas corpus She is at present de tained in the Wichita city Jail under an alleged smallpox quarantine mm TAKING TIME To do thiups right is time well spent You cant buy a foot of lumber or building nuitarinl of any kind right till you take the time to see our stock ami get our prices Why Simply because you cant tell until you do do that whether youre not paying moro and getting poorer lumber tlmu you would got here And thatb uot right buying Uuu iu uud see us L C niTTELSTADT NORFOLK LUMBERMAN FOR 1901 OUR ANNUAL MID WINTER sssassBSSseBss CLEARING SALE In accordance with our custom wo will bogin our Annual Clearing Sale on WEDNESDAY JANUARY 9 Kelt Hoots Wnnn Liuod bfypors and Shoes at AT sftAianTTWBNTY PbVceNT RBDUCnON on ullS HERE ARE SOME SAMPLE PRICES Baby Moccasinsregular prlco iific cut to Baby Shoos regular prico r0o cut to Childs Shoos regular prico 05c cut to Childs Shoos rogular prico 85c out to Childs SIioob regular prico 1 00 cut to Misses bhooB regular m prico 1 an out to M MisFOs Shoes regular tj prico Ino out to Misses Shoes rogular flj pri 0 200 cutto P I5c 40c 55c 70c 80c 105 120 160 Ladles Shoos prico 1 r0 cut to LiuIIoh Shoos prico JO cut to Ladies SIioob prlco fJGO out to Ladles Shoes prioo 4 JIO0 out to Ladios Shoos prioo lilGO out to Lidlos Shoos prico f 1 00 out to Odd lot Ladios rcgularfJno toI per pair Tfl20 Tl60 regular J2Q0 rognlar 24Q regular J28Q Tft320 Shoes out of stylo 00 valuo rtj I h A H I w w Another lot hot tor grndo tj I rn per pair I OU All Mens Black Shoes at a straight 120 por cent out All Mens Colored Shoes nt a strnght an por cent cut Boys Shoes regular prico linout to Norfolk National Bank 105 Hoys Shoos regular prico tf I in tlno out to q U Boys Shoos regular prlco i00 cut to 160 Boys Shoos rogular price t n tl fJr0 cut to 3UU THESE GREAT BARGAINS These Exceptionally Lew Prices cannot Inst long To avoid disappointment wo cannot urge yon too strongly to come curly Do not put it off until tomorrow Wo guarantoo ovory itom to bo a groat monoy savor and givo outiro satisfaction It is our dosiro that nny purohaso that Is not satisfactory nftor lonviug our storo shnll bo returned and we will gladly refund tho money Thaukiug you for liberal patronago in tho past and wishing you a happy and prosperous Now Century we romaiu Yours for Business DAVENPORT ROS r NOKFOLL Nebraska 1 11 I 1 1 W H IIUCHOL PrcMorit AIKANIi HKVK Viro Irraiiloua K W yUiV AcslslHiit Cimlilir OLDEST ESTABLISHED BAHKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST HEBiWA Capital 10000000 Surplus 2000000 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Sells Exohangc Interest Paid on Time Deposits Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point in Europe A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted A BEAU DIBBOTOHB F P HANLON FJ HALK W II BUCHOW WU ZOTZ NA KAINBOLT H COTTON WHEATLING AND BREAD MADE FROM BON TON FLOUR Have You Tried Them SUGAR CITY CEREAL MILLS I DIAMONDS - WATCHES Sterling Silver Flatware Silver Nov elties China Cut Glass all kinds of Jewelry and Pianos and Organs will make suitable Christmas Presents for your friends AH the above articles at prices that will suit you at Hayes Jewelry Music House U19 Norfolk Avenue NORFOLK NEBR 3