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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
, f\ ermanen overcome P aily Soi hat assistance to na ture may oe raauau/ aipcnScclv/i1H vmer. fco ( on er needed astlicliestoj remedies , when veewired , arc to assist txaturc arulhcfctb supplant the naW- oMunctions , vhicK inuBtaepena ulti * rnqtely upon propc'r noimsKmettt , proper efJov aiidri Kt living general// / To get its beneficial effects , buy the Rename manufactured ty Ui.e IgfcJ * B * I CALI "Fio SYKUP Co. ONLY SOLD BVALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one sue only , regular price 50 ? per Bottle As well as for the preserva tion and purification of the skin no other skin soap so pure , so sweet , so speedily effective as Cuticura. For eczemas , rashes , inflammations - , tions , chafings , sunburn , ' wind irritations , bites and stings of insects , lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports , for the care of the hair and scalp , for sanative , antiseptic cleans ing , as well as for all the' purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery , Cuticura Soap and Cuticura are unrivaled. ' Guaranteed absolutely pure , and : may be used from the hour of birth. Sold throughout the world. Depota : London , 27. .Charterhouse Sq. : Paris. 5 , Rue do la Palx : AuStrar Ilia. R. Towns < fc Co. . Sydney : India. B. K. Paul. Calcutta : China , Hong Konij Drug Co. : Japan. .Mnjuya. Ltd. . Toklo : Russia. Ferreln. Moscow ; Bo. Africa. Lcnnon. Ltd. . Cape Town , etc. ; U.S A _ Potter Drut : & Chcm. Corp. , Solo Props. . Boston * l - Cuticura Bpoklc ; OQ the SSla. _ - SIOK Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia , In- ' I STYLE dlsrestloa and Too Hearty j IYER Eating. A perfect rem j edy for Dizziness. Nansea , Drowsiness , Bad Taste In the Month. Ccatecl Tongruo , Pain In the Side , ! TORPID LIVER. They regulate tna Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SHALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. TERS Genuine Must Bear ITTLB Fac-Simile Signature rVER PILLS. BEFU8E SUBSTITUTES. . ' . . for a. 1'urpo.te. A certain Kentr.c-ky justice of the peace was called upon to marry a run away couple who drove up to his house. When the linol words were said the bridegroom fumbled in his pockets , and llnally fished out a silver dollar. "Jedse , " said he. "this here's all the cash I've get in the world. If you wants It , you kin have it ; but I don't mind tellin' you that I set it aside for the honeymoon expenses. " Woman's Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for Child ren teerhlni ; , softeus the ums. reduces In flammation. allays pain , cures wind colic. a5c a bottle. An "Did you invite Mr. IJliggins to our house party ? " asked Mr. Cumrox. "Yes. " answered Mrs. Cunirox. "I'm r/rnid he considers house parties stu- * 1/id. lie sent his regrets. " "lie shows sense. 1 have a mind to rend him my congratulations. " Wash- St Vtu ; " Dinca nil Ti'ervoui Dli Mi per- liiiliienlljciirc'.I l > vj > r. Kline' flreit Nona li to' ! r. S n < 1 for FUKK i.OO trial tioltla mid trentiie. l > . H. II. KUS , 1-1. , b.l JUik blrwt , . ' ' . Ok I'fl'JOfl. " ? .Ir ? . Jynjps. yea will do wcX to cut ( Iowa yotir personal expenses. " "Wiry yo. Mr. . .TyzncsV' "Ttwnuse. mails in. xoa ! " diy you will pxrw * to I've OT yo'ir alimony , and it \\-iJl le n good deal less. I can assure you , than your present allowance' " Chicago 111Lt. CHICAGO. The Weekly Review of Chicago Trad * published by 11. G. Dim & Co. , says : An extending use of money in invesfr nienLs and buoyant security markets r fleets tlie better tone which now charac terizes improving business conditions. Crop reports continue to be uniformly encouraging , and sustained profitable re turns impart a. more cheering outlook for the industries. Further recovery is made clear by wider demands for finished products , ad ditions to active capacity and hands em ployed. There is also a further sign of strength in the volume of payments through the banks , the daily average be ing now J ) per cent above that during Tune. It is notable at this time that new de mands in the leading productive lines come forward more freely , and there is a disposition to increase furnace and steel outputs , > vliile there is also favorable con sideration given to plans for heavy con struction. A large number of factories run closer to their capacity , especially in rails , wire , farm implements , furniture and footwear. Much building work is now hurried , and there are more mercantile structures and extensions contemplated , thus strengthen ing the demand for future consumption of lumber , quarry products , plumbing mate rials and structural iron. The markets for the principal raw ma terials maintain the recently noted re cuperation , and the improved absorption of supplies imparts a healthier tone to commitments. Weather conditions proved exceptional ly helpful in leading retail lines , and at no time hitherto have stocks of summer merchandise been so satisfactorily reduc ed. Bank clearings , . 521S.31SG3G , are 5.1 per cent under those of the corresponding week in 1907. Failures reported in the Chicago dis trict number Co , against 30 last weei and 29 a year ago. Those with liabili ties over $ .1,000 number 8 , against 1C last week and 3 in 1907. NEW YORK. Good crop reports , the advance of tht season and growth in confidence as to the trade outlook are reflected in reports ol moderate enlargement of future buying' a few large centers , notably in the West and Southwest. Industrial lines , too , have been benefited by evidences of re vival in demand and the number of idle operatives has been reduced as a whole. Still the progress making is of a very con servative kind , curtailment of industry is still a marked feature and small orders for immediate shipment largely make up the volume of business doing by jobbers. Retail trade is fair as a whole , being stimulated by price reduction sales , though complaint of stocks not moving rapidly come from some cities , and collections - lections show little if any improvement. Best reports come from the central West , Northwest and Southwest and the excellent - lent outlook for the cotton crop makes for a better tone of advices from tha South. lousiness failures in the United States for the week ending July 23 number 203 , against 258 last week , in. ) in the like week of 1907 , 171 in 190G , 197 in 1903 , and 174 in 1904. Canadian failures for the same period number 24 , against 27 last week and 24 in this week last year. Bradstrcet's Report. Chicago Cattle , common to prime , $4.00 to $8.15 ; bogs , prime heavy , $4.00 to $ G.S5 ; sheep , fair fo choice , $3.00 to $4.05 ; wheat , No 2 , 92c to 93c ; corn , Xo. 2 , 77c to 7Sc : oats , standard , 5Sc to 59c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 77c to 7Sc ; hay , timothy. $8.00 to § 13.00 ; prairie , $8.00 to $12.00 ; butter , choice creamery , I9a to 21c ; eggs , fresh , 17c to 19c ; potatoes , new , per bushel , 7oc to $1.05. Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , $3.00 to $7.50 ; bogs , good to choice heavy , $3.50 to $7.05 ; sheep , common to prime , $2.50 to $3.50 : wheat , Xo. 2 , 87c to SSc ; corn , No. 2 white , 79c to SOc ; oats , No. 2 white , 59c to GOc. St. Louis Cattle , $4.50 to $7.40 ; hogs , $4.00 to $ G.S7 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.25 ; wheat , No. 2 , lc to 93c ; corn , No. 2 , 77c to 79c : oats , No. 2 , 55c to 5Gc ; rye , No. 2 , 75c to 77c. Cincinnati Cattle. $4.00 to $0.25 ; hogs , $4.00 to $ G.95 : sheep , $3.00 to $3.75 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , 91c to 92c ; corn. Xo. 2 mixed , SOc to Sic ; oats , Xo. 2 mixed , 59c to GOc ; rye , Xo. 2 , 7Sc to SOc. Detroit Cattle , $4.00 to $5.40 ; hogs , $4.00 to $ G.70 ; sheep , $2.50 to $4.00 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , 91c to 92c ; corn , No. 3 yellow , 79c to SOc ; oats , No. 3 white , 64c to G5c ; rye , Xo. 2 , 74c to 75c. Milwaukee Wheat. Xo. 2 northern , $1.13 to $1.15 ; corn , Xo. 3 , 75c to 77c ; oats , standard , G2c to G3c ; rye , No. 1 , 79c to SOc ; barley , No. 2 , 70c to 72c ; pork , mess , $16.00. Buffalo Cattle , choice shipping steers , $4.00 to $7.00 ; bogs , fair to choice , $4.00 to $7.00 ; sheep , common to good mixed , $4.00 to $5.30 ; lambs , fair to choice , $5.00 to $7.50. New York Cattle , $4.00 to $7.35 hogs , $3.50 to $7.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to $4.50 ; wheat , No. 2 red , 99c to $1.01 ; corn , No. 2 , SSc to S4c ; oats , natural white , G3c to G5c ; butter , creamery , 20c to 23c ; eggs , western , ISc to 21c. Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , 90c to 91c ; corn. Xo. 2 mixed , 77c to 79c ; oats , Xo. 2 rnixod , 57c to T > Sc ; ' rye , Xo. 2 , 73c to 74c ; clover seed , $7.90. Nome Cleuu-Un , $ : ; ,5OOOOO. Tbe first report of the annual spring output of the Nome gold warkiags places the total at 3,500,000. o/ > The lowheaded tree Is here to stay because it ought to be. It Is downright cruelty to keep fowls in yards that are not well shaded. The place for the brood mare is in the harness every day until foaling time. The hen that lays three eggs a week will pay double the profit of one that produces but two eggs. Avoid feeding hay or dusty roughage Just previous to milking. There is too much dust to drop into the milk pail. The American Shorthorn Breeders' Association has recently shipped a car load of Shorthorn bulls to Old Mexico. A horse in good condition can exist about twenty-five days without food , \ BO long as he has plenty of water to ' drink. If the late hatched chicks are allow ed to run wth the early birds the little fellows will get the worst of it at i feeding time. I A handy pruning tool is a sharp chisel in the end of a stiff pole. Set I against a limb and struck with a mal- 1 let a clean cut is made. Where a farm cannot be cultivated by machinery , people are learning that wise Intensive cultivation of garden stuffs brings large returns. It Is a mistake to fill the holes half fuli of manure when planting trees. Soil should be mellow for three feet nil around , but not too wet Thousands of chickens die from bow el trouble during the summer months , j This is generally caused by wet feed , J which sours quickly during the hot weather. If the hens are allowed to run through the dew-laden grass every day I or two they are not likely to bo trou bled with scaly legs , which are caused by parasites. Turkeys , the night before killing , should be given no food but plenty of water. This leaves an empty craw , clean intestines and makes the dark meat comparatively light. N. F. 'Murray says a man who sold $5,000 worth of apples from a forty- j acre sod orchard one season broke it up and cultivated it the next year and Bold his crop for $12,000. We are apt to neglect the hens as soon as they begin to fall off in egg ' production. Careful and regular feed- j ' ! ing , however , will keep up the egg sup ply fairly well , eren during hot weath er. There is no present or future danger of over production in the dairy field. We are hardly able to keep pace with the demand. This indicates a need of more concentrated effort more efficient methods. The Jersey cow Is a highly developed milk-fiiaklug machine. She Jias been bred so long for this purpose that her characteristics have become fixed , and the descendants of a well-bred dairy . cow can be depended upon. The amount i of milk that she will make depends i largely on the amount of food that you ? an get her to use. Chaired Cobs for Plsrs. The pigs should have access to a pile of charred cobs or dry wood ashea , as It Is beneficial in correcting the acidi and aids in the bone development ot the animal. Tbe elements which go to bone-building animals are imparted to them -when they are enabled to get charcoal and it is quite as Important as salt Charcoal will also tend to prevent worms in hogs and cattle. Shade for Chick * . We pity the fowl - or chick that is onprovided with shade during hot , sweltering days. If you have no nat ural shade in the way of shrubs or trees , make a frame of boards and cover with muslin or canvas. The hens begin to look ragged ow ing to losing their feathers. They are beginning to molt and need extra care and attention during this period , seas as to get them over the molting period as quickly as'possible. Plenty of nour ishing food should be given them and their quarters kept clean and free from lice. Add.i Lilfo to Fence Posts. Impregnation with creosote has been greatly cheapened by the introduction of the "open tank , " which can be in stalled at a cost of from $30 to $45 , or much less if an old boiler is used. Av tank with a bottom twelve feet square in area will suffice for treating forty or fifty six-inch posts a day , or double this number when two runs per day can be made. The price of crcoslte is about 10 cents per gallon in the East and Mid dle West , 1C cants per gallon on the Pacific coast , and 27 cents per gallon in the Roriiy mountain states. The cost of treating a post will therefore vary from 4 to 15 cents. Properly treated It should give Berrice for & 1 least twenty years. Experiments of the forest service show that with preservative treatment the durability of lodgepole pine in Idaho Is increased sixteen years. The cost of creosote is there rela tively high , yet by treating posts there is a saving , with interest at 0 per cent , of 2 cents per post yearly. A detailed description of experi ments in preserving fence posts , togeth er with practical suggestions for treat ing them on a commercial scale is con tained in circular 117 of the forest ser vice. Write to the forester at Wash ington. Wlmt the COYF Must Do. A study of the records of Individual cows at the New Jersey station show ed that but little profit can be de rived from a cow that does not pro duce 5,000 pounds of milk per year , particularly if the product is sold at the low price of one cent per pound no stronger argument is needed in favor of the necessity of testing the ani mals , and thus learning their exact value , than is afforded by these rec ords. Furthermore , the facts brought out by the records indicate that there is but little profit from a cow that does not produce 200 pounds of butter per year , and point to the necessity of a careful selection of cows for the but ter dairy. Weekly Witness. Land a Safe Investment. Whenever people begin to talk of hard times and capital becomes timid Improved farm lands come into good demand. This has been illustrated once more since the financial flurry of last fall , as more people are now looking for rea ! estate investments than at this time last year. There will be no depreciation , there fore , in farm values this season , and probably some advance will be noted. People know that well located real es tate is as safe as the government it self. - The question whether farming pays much or little is not considered when men and women are looking for abso lutely sound Investments. The land is always there. It can neither be sto len nor burned. With a rapidly de veloping population the time is not far off when every acre of unoccupied laud in the United States will be wanted at more than Is asked for it to-day. A truth which can easily be demon strated is that farm land is too cheap. It almost invariably goes at the mini mum value. Government homesteads and other low-priced land in the West account for the low prices in the East. This is a passing condition. In fact , the whole nation comprehends to-day that the area of unreasonably cheap farms is near the end. Feeding Poultry by Machinery. Feeding and fattening poultry by machinery ! Well , what next ? Re sponsible for this latest usurpation of nature's functions are the French , those people who are past masters In every thing having to do with the preparation and serving of food and the enjoyment of it , too. Although the idea of feeding poultry by machinery hasn't been long on these shores , several hundred persons are engaged in the business , and nearly a million dollars is invested. Machine- fattened poultry is to be found In ev ery Important market of the land. While the Idea , as stated before , came from France , Americans , with their usual cleverness in adopting the prod ucts of other brains , have improved upon the mehanlcal agencies. A sheet metal tank or bucket , hold ing about four gallons of food and standing upon three legs , forms the upper part of the American machine. A rubber tube about a foot long runs from the receptacle ; it is about the size of one's thumb when it is attach ed to the machine and tapers to the size of a little finger at the other end. Operated by the foot , a treadle is con nected with a little sliding door in the bottom of the bucket When this door is opened by a movement of the treadle a quantity of food is forced through the tube and down the fowl's throat When one wishes to feed a fowl he seizes it by the legs , opens its bill and pushes the rubber tube down its throat until the nozzle nearly reaches the crop. Then he works the treadle , forcing food down tEe fowl's throat until the crop is filled. Some operators are so expert that they can feed 400 chick ens an hour with the machine. It is claimed on behalf of the ma chine that poultry will fatten In half the time If fed this way , and that the meat will have a better flavor. The fowl kept sfuffed all the time , regard less of its natural appetite , Is bound to get fat Most of the fatteners feed a mixture of corn meal , oat meal and milk. It must be soft enough to pass readily through the rubber tube of the feeder. It Is asserted that feeding by machin ery Is not cruel and that a chicken soon learns to open its bill voluntarily for the nozzle. IntereHtiiij ? Bits. The unit of horsepower varies great ly In different countries. Blankets were first made in England in 1705 by Thomas Blanket The Japanese have taken to canning sardines. Last year , 2jOOOCUO cans were sold by them. "Why is it. " : is'rfl thi' intelligent for eigner , "that your stiN snan generally consider the vi i- : : > s. . ! < " % an office to be Khuntipd ins1.- ; ! ' ! of r-o-iV' V" "Most of Vin uoid : ! llo ! it wrll I'no-itj'i if they could tret it without seenrng ro want it. " explained the nntiv ? : " ! > -t to maks n try for vice president nnd c kit , why , that burrs a tnnn if he wjiita to run for Congress , or the Logielatmv , or soaiPthing of that > ort afterward , you know. " Excursion to Milwaukee. Reduced rates of tare ami one-half for the round trip are oneruti to IUITI ii.mis in the U est and Northwest by the .Mil waukee Association of Jobbers and Manufacturers' The dates of sale at all stations distant 100 miles or more from Milwaukee are August 15-2 ; ; inclusive , tickets good returning until Septernlier - and August liy > eptemlier G mcluMVw , tickets good returning until September 1G. To obtain these rates merchant * must yet from thfir local agent receipt for one full paid fare to Milwaukee which , when countersigned by any Mil waukee jobber or manufacturer and by the secretary of the Milwaukee Associa tion of Jobbers and Manufacturers will entitle holder to return ticket for one- half fare. Milwaukee jobbers and manufacturer * want the patronage of up-lo-d.Uo bu-i- ne.NS men. They oiler best frond * at ruit ! prices and belicxe in and oiler fair Meat- incut. The absolute superiority of tln-ir manufactures is known throughout the world. Combine business with pleasure. Milwaukee is one of the nr > st atlraciivi- summer resorts in the country. ViMt Hie Wisconsin State Fair. Sept. 7-1 i. IJring your family with you. ( Jllice of the Mil waukee Association of Jobbers and Man ufacturers. ' 15-49 University Building , corner Mason and Broadway. How tlie Dirt Flies t Panama. Lieutenant-Colonel George Geothals , chairman and chief engineer of the Isthmian canal commission , told Presi dent Roosevelt late in .Tamisry that before January 1. 1915 , the ditch which is to bisect the vertebrae of thy Ameri can continent will be completed and thsit all will be in readiness for the first trip to make the little pleasure journey from the Atlantic to the Pa cific , so writes Roy Crandall in the Technical World Magazine1. Inasmuch as the colonel is noted for conservatism and caution , it is believed that he feels deep down in his own heart that at least a year will be cut from thit : esti mate. SAVED AT THE CRISIS. Delny 3Iemt Deatli frniii Kidney TroulilL's. Mrs. Iterman Smith , 901 Broad street , Athens , Ga. , says : disense started with slight irregularity and weakness and devel oped into dangerous dropsy. 1 hiv-amo weak and languid anil could do no house work. My back ached terribly. 1 had bear \ ing down pains and my limbs bloated to twice their normal size. Doctors did not hell ) and I was fast drifting into the hopeless stages. I used Doaifs Kidney Pills at the criti cal moment aud they really saved my life. " Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Fostcr-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. X. Y. Asserts Him self. Wifoy ( looking at the purchase ) That isn't the kind of towelim : I told you to got. I wanted something plain and simple. That's too bad. Hubby Loud ? Well , it ousht to be loud. It's cms ! : . IT SEEMED ICTCUEA3LE. Bed } ' Haw with Kcxcna from HoHpitnlN xix Hopeless Cuti- curn Remedies Cured Him. "Fmm the age of three months until fifteen years old. my son Owen's life was made intolerable by eczema in its worst form. In spite of treatments the disease irrndually spread until nearly every part of his body was quite raw. lie used to tear himself dreadfully in his sleep and the agony he went through is quite beyond words. The regimental doctor pronounced the ea e hopeless. We had him in hospitals four times and he was pronounced one of the worst cases ever admitted. From each lie was discharged as incurable. We kept trying remedy after remedy. but had gotten almost past hoping for a cure. Six months ago we purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies. The result was truh * marvelous , and to-day ho is perfectly cured. Mrs. Lily Hedge , Cnm- blewell Green. England. Jan. 12 , 1007. " A Tooth I'oiiit. Dentists' children rarely have filled let'th for the reason that they are taught to use the toothbrush with a cir cular motion. The brush. : : s in the or dinary motion , goes ba'-k and forth , but it also goes round and round. Thus it finds out all the crannies. Dentists say that the circular motion , applied both to the front and back of the teeth. .vill keep them absolutely clean and absolutely clean teeth cannot decay. The teeth should be brushed after each meal and especially at bedtime. The morning brush before breakfast , which is the only , one commonly applied. d " - Fcrci'ly : any good at all. since the teeth. immediately after , become' clogged with This -woman says she \vas s from an operation by Liydiu JE Piiikliam's Vegetable Compound. ! Lena Y. Ilemy , of Norristown , writes to Airs. Pinkliam : " I suffered untold misery from fc-j male troubles. My doctor said an opera-j tion was the onty chance I had , and Jj dreaded it almost as much as death. j "One day I read how other womenl had been cured by Lydia E. Pinlrham'ej Vegetable Compound , and I decided to try it. Before I had taken the first bottle I was better , and now I am entirely - * tirely cured. " Every woman suffering1 with any female trouble should take Lydia E. | Piukham's Vegetable Compound. " FACTS F0& SCK WQRSENJ For thirty years Lydia E. Pink-j ham's Vegetable Compound , made } from roots and herbs , has luvn the standard remedy for female ills. and lias positively cured thousands oi women who have been troubled with ! displacements , inflammation , ulcera-l tion , fibroid tumors , irreflrularitiesj periodic pains , backache , that bear- { ing-down feeling , flatulency , indiges tion , dizziness or nervous prostrationj AVhy don't you try it ? Mrs. Pmkham invitee nil siclfl women to vrrke her for advicej She lias guided thousands tcf health. Address , Lynn , 3Iass. BEST FMTIIE BOWELS ADD UVH 3 B Products wed ckles That firm , crisp quality and delicious flavor is what you get when you insist on Libby's Mixed Pickles at your dealers. They are always the finest and never disappoint. It's the same with Libby's Sweet Gherkins and Sweet Midgets. Ask for them. ! § y s Olives The cultivation of centuries marks the olive groves of Spain as the world's best. Libby'S Olives are imported from the oldest and most famous of these groves. The result is a rare product , delightfully appetiz ing. Try one bottle and you'll buy more and never be without them. them.Libby's Libby's Preserves Pure , ripe fruit and pure sugar in equal parts , cooked just right and timed to the second , in Libby's Great While Kitch en , is the secret of the extreme superiority of Libby's Preserves- There's none as good at any price. Grocers and delicatessen stores carry all of Libby's Food Pro- They are war ranted the best to both you and the dealer Write . . . fr . > r free . to Make Good Tainei to Eat."i Insist on Libby's al yonr dealer's. Libby , McNeill & Libby , Chicago. Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth and body antiscptically clean and free from un healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors , which water , soap and tooth preparations alone cannct do. A germicidai , disinfecting - fecting and deodor- izingtoilelrequisite of exceptional ex cellence and econ omy. Invaluable for inflamed eyes , throat and nasal and uterine catarrh. At drug and toilet stores , 50 cents , or by mail postpaid. Large Trial Sample WITH "HEALTH AHO BEAUTY" BOOK SENT rnrzs THE PAXTON TOILET CO. , Boston , Massj N EW JOHN W. MORRIS , i Wasainswn , D. a J S. C. X. TJ. - - XO. 32 1908 ,