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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1908)
,1 L I Peter , the Great , Looping the Loop in an Automobile 2. Bishop's Thrilling .Triple Somersault of Death 3. Tom-Tom , the Largest Brute that Walks the Earth 1 0 BIG MONSTER TENTS-SEATS FOR 5,000 PEOPLE AN ELEPHANT j LARGER THAN J POSITIVELY ON EXHIBITION WITH THIS SHOW , TOM-TOM is undoubtedly tSie greatest animal act ever presented to the public. He is a clever musician , ecro- faat and dancer , and although he stands over ten feet filch and weighs over four tons , he i § qs fiKnble es Q Uon 9t User. A VAWKEE DOODLE : GAY * WITH G MONSTER fREE STREET PARADE ? Largest Lion n Captivity ! 500-Pcopfe and Horses-500 Parade Promptly At Noon ! Three'Circus Bands ? Madame Devsre , Bsartfsd Woman ! Bg Steam Caliope : BIG HERD Of AStATEC AND SIBERIAN CAP ELS ! 3G ! WiLD A SfiffAL EXPOSITION WEH _ POSIT8VEL.Y 111 i iL @ Q NEBRASKA STATE FAIR , LINCOLN Monday. Aug. 31 Lincoln Day Tuesday , Sept. 1 Governor's Day Wednesday , Sept. 2 Bryan Da- . Thurs , Sept. 1 Taft-Omaha Day Friday. Sept 4 Parade Day. Best Agricultural , "Live Stock and Machinery exhib its ever shown in Nebraska. § 30,000.00 in Premiums. § 12,000.00 in Speed Fifteen harness and eight running races. Pain's stupendous spectacle ERUPTION OF MT. VESUVIUS and CAliXIVAL OF NAPLES 500 people. Immense display of fireworks each night , Liberati's New York Festival Military Band and Grand Opera Concert Company of sixty persons , eighteen of whom are Grand Opera singers of national reputation. State bands from 'Hebron , Beatrice , Aurora and St. Paul. . " ' " " * Western League Base Ball Athletic Meet Wild West Show Ne\v $23,000 cattle barn , 174x2o5 to hold G30 head of cattle New $10,000 steel frame Auditorium , to seat 4oOO people , to be dedicated by lion. W. .1. Bryan on Wednesday , Sept. li For premium list and en try blank , write VV. II. MELLOK , Lincoln , N b. 30-i , MILL PRICES FOR FEED , PorCwt. TerTon. Bran , sacked.1 15 5122 00 Shorts , sacked 1 25 2-i 00 Corn , sacked 1 50 29 00 Oats , sacked 1 HO 31 00 Chop Corn , sacked L.r. " , 30 00 Chop Feed , sacked 1 Go 31 00 i ' TAKEN UP , By the undersigned at my place seven miles northwest of Valentine on the 2Sth day of July , one iron tfra.y gelding , about 6 years old branded B L on right shoulder , blotch brand on left shoulder. 295 TEKRTLL. . * lirounlee , Xeb. rattle branded as in cut on left hide : Some branded KTY on left hip. Kanee on Noith Loup river , l\vo miles \\tibt of P.rownlep. Pat Peipar Simeon Nebr. Secretary W. R. JMellor of the State Board of Agriculture and and Secretary W. H. Whitten of the Lincoln Commercial Club ap pealed before the meeting of the Western Passenger Association at Chicago last week together with representatives from five other state- , and secured a rate of one- half cents per mile for all state fairs in this western territory. This will be the first reduced rate granted to farmers since the enactment of the two-cent fare law , and should result in an in creased attend en ce for the Ne braska State Fair , August 31st to Sept. 4th. Hackberry Items. i Doctor Wills just finished a third outing on HackberiT , together with a band of his friends from Anselmo t and with Dr. Poote of Omaha. They all say that the Cherry county lakes are the finest in the land. A most satisfactory school meeting - ing was recently held in the new Hickberry school house. Ed Thackrey , S. S. Supt. , and Chas. Eeece , bible class leader , and their band of fellow workers just adjourned the biggest and best S. S. held in this country and will take up the work again after haying. It / is a boundless good for any man to live where such fellowship reigns , Thurlo Latta and wife are visit ing his uncle Milt Latta. The State Fair management has arranged a track meet for the ath-1 Idtes of Nebraska this year. The meet will be held independently of the horse racing and the men will be well taken care of. Participants will be given admission to the fair grounds on the day of the meet ( Tuesday. ) Gold , silver and bronze medals will given the winners of first and second and third place ? . Out of town contestants will re ceive hotel accommodations for the day meet. The events are 100 , 220 and 440 yard dashes , half and mile runs , high and broad jump , pole vault , shot put and county relay races. In the country relay r aces four men run 220 yards each. All amateur athletes are eligible to compete and register either in the A.L.N.A. or A.A.U. The cost of registration is 23 cents for one year's membership. Registration entry blanks and information may be had py writing George j\l * Pinney , Y.M.C.A.Bldg.Lincoln , Nebr. Nebr.Do Do you know that you can write jour name on the metal of your farm tools ? You can. Just take a little tallow or beeswax , melt it and spread it over the place on which you want your name ; write your name down through the wax with a big needle or awl and pour a few drops of nitric acid over the letters you have made. Leave a few minutes. Then wipe off the w ax and your name will be on the iron. Ex. Weather Data. The following data , covering" a per iod of _ 19 years , have been complied from the Weather Bureau records at Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the mouth in question , for the above period of years , but must not be construed as a forecast of the weather conditions for the coming mcnth. August. X&MPERATURS. Mean or normal 71 ° The warmest month was that of 1900 with an average of 75 ° The coldest month was that of 1891 with an average of 67 ° The highest was 103 ° on 1,1901 The lowest was 36 ° on 28 , Ib95 PRECJrtTATION. Average ior month 2.50 inches. Average number of days with .01 of an inch or more 10 The greatest monthly precipitation was 5 02 inches in 1906. The least monthly precipitation was 0.33 inches in 1894. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in any 2-i consecutive hours was 2 42 inches on 2. 1903. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to winter of 1884-85 only ) was inches on 1 CLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear days , 15 partly cloudy , 12 ; cloudy , 4. ' WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the S. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 10 miles. The highest velocity of the wind was (50 ( miles from the W on 7,1893. j. j. MCLEAN , Obseryer Weather Bureau. St. Nicholas Church. Services will be held as follows : In Arabia on Sunday , July 9th. In Valentine Sunday August 16. High Mass and Sernipa at 10 A. M. Benediction with the Blessed Sacra ment after mass. At 8 p. m. , in struction for the children. In Crookston , Sunday , Aug. 23 , at the usual hour 9:30 a. m. LEO M. BLAEEE , Rector. Notice of Special Election For The ' Village of Valentine , Nebraska. Notice rsT&re i'gTv'en'that on Tues day , the 18th day of-August : 1908 , in the district court room in the Gherrv county court house , in the Village oc Valentine , Nebraska , a special elec- lion will be held in accordance with I the directions and provisions of Ordi j nance No. 121 , duly passed and approved - i ! proved by the chairman and board ot j ! trustees of the Village of Valentine , Cherry county , Nebraska , at a spec- j I ial meeting of said board on the l(5th ( ! day of .July , 1908 , for the purpose of | ' enabling the legal voters of said yil- I lage to vote upon the following | propositions , to-wit : i Shall the chairman and board of j trustees of the Village cf Valentine Cherry county , Nebraska , have power J and authority to borrow money am pledge the credit and property of said i i village upon its negotiable bonds 1 . with Interest coupons attached , to i the amount of Eighteen Thousand j I Dollars , for the purpose of establish ing , constructing , extending , enlarg ing and equipping a system of water works and water supply for said Vil lage of Valentine , for fire protection and for public and domestic use , anil to levy a tax upon all the taxable j property of said Village of Valentine I t in addition to all other taxes , suHi 1 cient to pay the interest and princi pal of said bonds as the same maj become due and payable : said bonds to be payable to bearer twenty years from date of same , redeemable at the pleasure of said village any time after live years from date thereof , and bearing interest at the rate ol live per centum per annum , payable semi-annually , both interest and principal payable at the office of the county traasury of Cherry county Nebiaska. Said bonds shall be denominated "Water Bonds , " shall be signed by chairman of the board of trustees and countersigned by the clerk said village. The proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be paid to the treasurer of said Village of Valen tine and shall be placed by said treas urer to the credit of the water fund ; and the money therefrom shall be used for the purposes herein express ed , and the payment of the debts and expenses incident to and connected with the said water system. The vote at said election shall be by ballot in the following fortnitowlt : OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR WATER BONDS ELECTION. Shall the chairman and board of trustees of the Village of Valentine , Cherry County , Neb. have power and authority to borrow money and pledge the credit and property of said village upon its negotiable bonds , with inter est coupons attached , to the amount of Eighteen Thousand Dollars , for the purpose of establishing , construct - t i n g , enlarging and equipp ing a system of water works and watex supply for said village of Valentine , for fire protection and for public and domestic use , and to levy a tax upon the taxable property of said village of Valentine , in addition to all other taxes , sufficent to pay the interest and principal of said bonds as the same may become due and payable , said bonds to be payable to the bear er 20 years rrom date of said bondt. redeemable af ler 5 years from date , and bearing interest at the rate of live per centum per annum , payable semi-annually , both interest and principal payaole at the office of the county treasurer of Cherry county , Nebraska To vote to authorize the chairman and board of trustees to issue said bonds and le\3' said tax , make a cross ( X ) in the square below after the words : ' -For s > aid Bonds and Tax. " To vote against authorizing the chairman and board of trustees to is sue said bonds and levy said tax , make a cross ( X ) in the square below alter the words : "Against Said Bonds and Tax. " For said bonds and tax ( ) Against said bonds and tax ( ) The polls at the election hereby called shall be opened at nine o'clock in the" forenoon and continue open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Should the requisite number of votes , as required by law , be cast in favor of "Said Bonds and Tax" then safd proposition shall be declared by the chairman and board of trustees as adopted , and said bonds as des cribed herein issued and sold , and the money used for the purposes herein and in said ordinance expressed. In witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of said village of Valentine , Cherry Co. , Nebraska , to be hereunto affixed , this 28th day of July , 1908. W. S. BARKER , Chairman Board of Trustees. A. M. MORRISSEY , SEAL Village Clerk. . 29 2 Contest Notice. U. S. Land office , Valentino. Nebraska , July 21. 1908. A sufficient contest affidavit , having been filed in this office by August Brolet , contestant against homestead entry No. Hxm made October 2,1907 , for S S . sec. 23 , S ' S'Sec. . 24 Ni < N'/iSec.25anl N iNEl4 section'20. Town shu > 28. Kanjteaq , by William H. Tate. con- testee. in which it is alleged that said William R. Tate has wholly abandoned said lana and changed his residtnee therefrom for more than six Months last past , that the land is notsettled upon nor cultivated in good taiih and emrynmn has not established residence thereon , and he has failed to cure his laches to this date. And said alleped absence was not due to his employment in the army , navy or marine corps of the United States as a private soldier , officer , seaman or marine during the war with Spain or during any other war in which the United States may he engaged. Said parties are. hereby rotilipd to appear , respond and oiler evidence touching said allega tion at 10 o'clock a. m on August 29 , lees before the recisterand receiver at the United Slates Land Office in Valentine. Nebr. The > aid contestant having in a proper affi davit filed July 22 , 1008 set forth facts which show char ; otter due diliuence personal service of this notice cannot be made it is hereby order ed and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. 28 4 E E. OLSON. Kecciver. JOHN KILL.S PLENTY St Frarcis Mis sion , Rosebud , * S. D. Cattle branded as in cut ; horses same on left thigh. Range be tween Spring f'lc and Little White river. Koan Brothers Woodlake Neb Range on Long i and Crooked - ed Lake. Metzger Bros. , Rolfe Nebr Cattle branded anywhere on left side. Earmark , square crop right ear. Horses have same brand on eft thigh. m * * mir ' Range on Gordon and Snake Creeks. A RewardTof $250 will be paid to any person for information leading to the "rest and niwl conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with above braud. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nio- brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded nB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut J. A. TABYAN Pullman , Nebr 'cattle ' branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from my range. D , M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.lef t side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. Sawyer Bros. Oasis , Nebr. G.K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle Horses DSonleftshouI- d * > r Some ) Mt side. Horse si same left thigh" Range on Snake river. Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. Sartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : horses branded the , same Range betweem Gordon on the F.E. & M. V. , R. B. ar.d Jyannis on M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. BABTBBTT RIOHASOB. P. H. Young. Simeon. Nebr. Cattle branded as cut on lelc side Some Q.yon lelt side. -on left Jaw of V horses. Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon , Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , SD. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on rightaide Some cattle also have a 4on neck Some with A. on left shoulder and some branded with two bars across hind quar- _ _ Jtera. Sorao Texas cattle branded a * O on left.side and some ] on left side. Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some'cattle branded AW bar connected on both sidea and loft hlo of horses. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left , side and hip , and on left shoulder of hor- left side fi nand hip. ISi F + on left side. Some cat- tl branded - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' . ed peg"either'side ( side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses. LU LUQ on left hip of horses. 7J"on left jaw of horse-j C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , 3D Horses and cattle same aa cut ; also CJ BE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands R M Faddis & Co. Postofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. I ' f ' - - -J Some branded * left Horses branded * -onleft , * ; ' shoulder or thigh. , i > ome Some branded branded j on right thigh on left or shoulder ; shoulder ] or thigh