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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
fl * inions of Great Papers on Important Subjects. b A * * : : : * - : AAA4S * $ dbdfcAAAdtAA4fc 4& | * * 8g * W&W VPW * &V&&V&W * & * & W * & * Better Stay at Home. ET the Panama idea out of your head. If you have packed your trunk and thrown up your job , unpack it and ask your former employer to take you back. There are a few thousands of young fellows in this country who have an idea thnt in the construction of the great canal fat jobs will go begging , and that it 1vill be a fine thing to chuck up the $30 a month place on the \arrn and draw $200 every thirty days on tjie great dilch.Applications for places are reaching the Canal Com mission at the rate of 1,000 a day already , in the face of the fact lhat there are no places at the commission's dis posal. Some time there will be a lot of work , and undoubt edly the rate of pay will be high. But you couldn't stand it. There isn't a more pestiferous hole on the globe than that same canal site. The climate is as different from that of the United States as dark is from dayliyht. Strange fevers , that slay almost in a night , abound , and disease is to be found everywhere. Undoubtedly , afl that can be done to make the surroundings healthful will be done ; but even then it is probable that the digging of the canal will be done at the cost of thousands of human lives. The men who work and survive will be largely those who have grown up in hot countries , who are used to killing labor and who are physically stronger than the average Ameri can. can.If y6u have any kind of a position that pays you de cently and has a future in it , you will be wise to get the Panama idea out of your head. If , when the time conies , you will go , and have a family , in justice to them get your life insured , if any insurance company will take the risk. Cincinnati Post. How Far Is the Traveling Public Responsible ? HE recent Colorado railroad disaster is another startling demonstration of the fallibility of man agerial precaution in the operation of railroads. The cloudburst which caused the wreck and re sulted in the loss of so many lives was one of those exhibitions of elemental force which not iim-equeutiy upset every theory of human foresight and make a mockery of engineering skill. Such accidents can be avoided in only one way , and that is by holding all trains during such terrific storms and this the public would not tolerate. On the contrary , there is a constant demand for a reduction in running time , for greater speed , for annihi lation of distance. By yielding to this pressure railroad managers are in danger of los'.ng sight of the cardinal factor of safety. The American people are afilicted with the mania of rapidity. No railroad train , no trolley car , no automobile , no horse can go fast enough. If a railroad company were to run its trains on a safety schedule it would be boycotted by the traveling public. How far , then , is the public responsible for railroad Accidents that are caused , by the lack of proper precau tionary measures in the running of fast trains ? Accidents , of course , happen which cannot .be avoided. Unfortunate ly too many of them result from .the recklessness bred by the devil-may-care impulse of "getting there at any risk. " It would seam that we haveabout reached that point where a reaction must set in. A few more horrors like that in Colorado and the recent one near Chicago Heights , and there will be a revolution of public sentiment which may result in the subordination of speed to safety. Chi cago Journal. Teach the Boys to Swim. HESE are the days when the paivto of small boys feel anxious lest their offspring may seek deep water and come to grief. The youngsters are commanded not to go swimming. They are punished if they are caught with wet hair. Sometimes the shrewd mother ties peculiar knots in tue fastenings of shoes and clothes and thus de tects the outdoor bathing enterprise of the boy. Then comes trouble , and the average boy , having once tasted the A REMARKABLE WATCH. Curious Relic Once Belonged to Queen Mary of Scotland. The descendants of Mary Setoun , one of the four maids of honor to Mary Queen of Scotland , have in their possession a curious watch , which was given by that queen to her favorite. The watch , which is in the shape of a miniature skull , is about two inches -and a half in diameter. It is supposed to have been purchased by Mary her self when on. a visit to Blois with her Jiusband , the dauphin of France , as It has the name of a celebrated Blois manufacturer engraved on it The entire skull is curiously en- gTaved. On the forehead there is a picture of Death , with the usual scythe and hour glass and sand glass. He is depicted as standing between a palace and a hovel , to show that he is no respecter of persons , and under neath is the familiar quotation from Horace , "Pallida more aequo puisat pede pauperiuin tabernas Regumque turres. " At the back of the skull 13 another representation , this one being of Time devouring everything. Time also carries a scythe , and beside him is the emblem of eternity the serpent With its tail in its mouth. The upper section of the skull is divided into two pictures. On one side is the Crucifixion , with the Marys kneeling at the foot of the cross , and on the other side are Adam and Eve surrounded by animals in the Garden of Eden. Below these pictures , running right round the skull , there is an openwork to allow the sound of the strik ing of the watch to be heard. The openwork is a series of designs cut to represent the various emblems of the Crucifixion , such as scourges , the cross , swords , spears , the lantern used in the garden , and so forth. All of the carvings have appropriate Latin quotations. By reversing the skull and holding the upper part in the palm of the hand and lifting the under jaw on its hinge the watch may be opened , and on the plate inside is a representation of the stable at Bethlehem , with the * % * * * . < ' sweets of a dive in a pool , will only await his chance to repeat his adventure. When such disposition is discovered it is far bettor that the father of so determined a boy , in stead of punishing himtake in hand the lad's natatory adventures and escort him personally to the bathing beach , to superintend his swimming. The more the youngster is whipped for his secret swims the more shrewdly he will contrive to hide them. And in his hiding he is likely 'to seek dangerous places , where he cannot 'be easily seen. His companions are usually boys of his own age , who can not help him if he gets into trouble in the water. Jle should , of course , be kept at home if possible from such places , but when the Abater-call is heard in midsummer nothing short of bolts and bars can keep the boy swimmer from his plunge. The bathing beach is provided in large part just to offset this danger. It is not all it should be yet , in point of equipment and regulations for its use , but it is nevertheless an excellent institution , where every con dition is as near to safety as possible , and where the dan ger to the youngster who goes swimming alone is reduced to a minimum. The boy who is taught by his father to swim is a happier lad than he who has to sneak away with other boys and learn in some muddy hole in the creek or some dirty wharf basin. Every boy should be taught to swim as soon as he has the strength to maintain himself in the water. It is an invaluable accomplishment , which at any time may save a life. Tfashington Star. Where Is the Russian Army ? HERE is the enormous Russian army which the advance notices of the war said would be in Manchuria by this time ? What has become of that mighty host , as numerous as that which followed Xerxes ? Before hostilities began the estimate was that the Czar had 200,000 troops in the Far East. At home , with the colors and in reserve , were several millions ready for transport. Nearly five months have elapsed. Does the Manchurian army manifest the phenomena of preponderous bigness ? On the contrary , the excuse of every Russian com mander who has yielded his line has been the presence of the enemy in greater numerical superiority. At the Yalu , Naushan Hill , Telissu , in fact , everywhere contact has oc curred , the Russian story of a few against many of an encompassing Japanese tide at once sweeping over the front and lapping the flanks. Even Kuropatkin has joined the chorus , thus confessing weakness , and as a justification ! for the withdrawal , not merely of a detached force or an advance guard , but of his main army , says the Japanese possess the vis major. Yet the most liberal estimate 6oes ! npt place the Mikado's soldiers in Manchuria at more than 200,000. An army in defense , according to accepted modern military canons , ought to be able to hold twice its number in check. Did not Lee stay Grant from Richmond with a force less than half that of his adversary ? Were not the Boers able to arrest the progress of an army many times larger than their own ? Kuropatkiu's dispositions , unless Russian in capacity is colossal , suggest a commander who believes his enemy exceeds him. Where , then , is the Russian army ? New York Globe. \ Big Expositions Played Out. HE plain truth is that the country has had a surfeit of expositions , and that there is not the popular interest in this one , great as it undoubtedly is , which its projectors antici pated. It is useless to say that the people ought to be interested ; that it is a patriotic duty to lend support to such an enterprise. Perhaps that is the idea that Secretary Shaw has in mind when he complains that the management has not made sufficient use of the newspapers. It is of no use to talk of that. If the people do not want to go to St. Louis , they will stay away. In the autumn , when St. Louis is cooler , the attendance will doubtless be larger. But there is little reason to hope that it will be large enough to make the enterprise financially succossful. Rochester Union and Advertiser. shepherds and their flocks in the dis tance. The works of the watch are in the brains of the skull , the dial plate being where the roof of the mouth would be fn a real skull. This is of silver and gold , with elaborate scrolls , while the hours are marked in large Roman letters. The works are remark ably complete , even to a large silver bell with a musical sound , which holds the works in th skull when the Avatch Is closed. This curious old watch Is still in perfect order , and when wound every day keeps accurate time. It is too large to be worn and was probably In tended for a desk or private altar. Kansas City Journal. AMBITIOUS OLD AGE. Better Seek an Education at 70 than Remain Ignorant. A few years ago two American wo men excited some comment by enter ing college for a complete course , one being 70 years of age and the other nearly as old. One gave as her rea son a life-long ambition. Having mar ried 'before her aspiration for a col lege education could be realized , she devoted herelf faithfully to her do mestic career , but never ceased to de plore her meager schooling. Her chil dren having grown into men and wo men and having married and lelt her alone in her home , she could see no reason why she should not undertake to carry out her early purpose. She found greater pleasure in study than in anything else and although she might die before graduation , still she would "have enjoyed her later years to a degree which no other occupation would allow. Harvard reported four venerable stu dents in the summer school , one a New Hampshire preacher of 83 years ; an other a Congregational minister ( Dr. Leonard Woolsey Bacon ) , who has written a good deal for the magazines and who is 74 years old , and two oth er preachers of about GO years each. Of course this is not like entering for a full university course , but eaci of this remarkable Quartet has a special branch which he wishes to master with the aid of the college professors. They recall the case of the learned blacko smith , who , after he had reached the term of life prescribed by the Psalmist , became an unusual linguist with the complete mastery ' of many tongues. There comes a 'time in the life of nearly every man when he realizes that he is growing old. Perhaps it is in the very prime of life , about the for- e tieth year , that this recognition of hia r mortality gives the most distress , and . he is disposed to doubt whether It is possible for him to accomplish any. thing worth whila In the face of * much evidence to the contrary it has ° been affirmed that a man who has done nothing great before that age will never do it ; that life after 40 consists mainly In learning on previous acqui- n sltions. However , as time goes on many a man develops a new courage , and especially he resolves to live thor oughly and heartily to the last mo ment. As a French philosopher urg ed , a man should keep at his work as though immortal , even though he should know that death would come to morrow. Another moralist asserts that a man who , on a sinking ship , should not take his pill at the prescribed mo ment and wind up his watch lacks a manly quality. Anyhow , the man who at SO or any other age at which he retains a healthy mind docs not shrink from a < n undertaking merely because death is near gets the best out of life. Philadelphia Record. If A Substitute 1'or Cork. to Notwithstanding all the achieve ments of practical science , there are be some indispensable materials the mak ing of which is still nature's secret , and for which , no entirely successful substitute has been found. Among these substances is cork , and it is pos- sible that in this case nature offers a of substitute in the wood of a tree , grow- * r ing on the east coast of Lake Tctfad. e. in Africa , which is of even le s specific gravity than cork. Best Language lor the Telephone. n French is said to be more easily un- derstood over the telephone than E"c- . " D Out of 29,287,000 persons in the United States engaged in earning their bread by the sweat of their faces in the census year 1900 , 10,438,219 were employed in agricultural pursuits. These were divided into many classi fications , farmers , planters and over seers , da'/ymen and dairywornen , gar deners , florists and nurserymen , stock raisers , herders , drovers , wood chop pers and apiarists. Next to the farm er in numerical strength stands the tnanufactlring and mechanical pur suits. There are 7,112,304 persons ac tively engaged in these wonderfully varied occupations , so extensive in all their ramifications and classifications that a mere list of these would enu merate more than 150 forms of skilled and ordinary artisanship , ranging through all the different forms of man ufactures. Domestic and personal serv ice comes next. 5,093,778 persons be ing emvlled as barbers and bartenders , watchmen , policemen , firemen and waiters. In addition to these , under this classification , are gathered the sol diers , sailors and marines of the regu lar army , 128,730 in all. Fourth posl- tion in this great rank goes to trade and transportation , which gathers within its numbers 4,778,233 persona , or about the present population of New York .city. This includes an army of steam and street railway employes , Bailors and their officers and the like. Immigration officials say that the class of immigrants coming here has materially changed within the last few years. Formerly passage was more expensive and it required industry and moral stamina to acquire the neces sary funds to make the journey. Then men and women of the sturdy pioneer type came to this country and made good citizens. To-day the corn-petition between the steamship companies has resulted in offering unusual induce ments to immigrants. Foreign gov ernments are also irsore or less indi rectly promoting immigration of the undesirable surplus in their over crowded districts. The result Is to overcrowd the cities , reduce the price of labor by oversupplying the market and crowding every avocation and to tend constantly to lower the standard of living of the American workman by bringing him into competition , in the mines and on the railroads , with the same class of labor from compe tition with which he has been shielded by a protective tariff. Prize money for the capture of Span ish ships and property in the battle of Manila Bay has recently been paid to Admiral Dewey and his men. Bounty for the destruction of the Spanish ships has already ben paid. The pay ment of prize money , which Is distinct from bounty , was delayed by compli cated litigation ; the disagreement about the real value of the capture was genuine , and in no way involved unfriendliness between the claimants and the government. Half the prize money went by law to the naval pen r sion fund ; the other half , amounting c to three hundred and seventy thou sand dollars , was divided between Ad miral Dewey and those who fought under him. The admiral received $18,500 ; the commanding officer of tle each vessel received one-tenth of the e amount awarded to it ; and the other si officers and the men were paid In pro siC portion to their salaries , an amount C equal in each case to five months' pay. E O United States treasury experts fig d ured that on the first of last month dcl both the total and the per capita mon clSi etary circulation of the country had Siei reached the highest point ever record eiw ed. The total in circulation was a w little . more than two billion five hun i dred and forty-six million dollars , and the per capita thirty-one dollars and bi biM six cents. There may be some com M fort in knowing just what each man's share is , even if some persons find m , themselves unable to recall.just at tho tc moment , where their thirty-one dollars ? 3SI are. SI The treasurer of the United States on May 6 , 1903 , redeemed two half- cent pieces. This Is the first time In ai aiSI the history of the country that any SI such coins have been presented for re SIA demption. It is more than a century A since the first half-cent piece was N coined , and it is nearly fifty years since the government discontinued ca minting them. It [ dc dcY Speaker Cannon said the other day Y that he received a thousand dollars in wages for the first five years that he worked for hire , and saved half of it. sii ; he should write an article on "How siiOl Live on Two Dollars a Week , " It Ol would be worth reading , for it would a record of actual experience. in If the entire production of coal In the United States during 1903 were loaded on freight cars with a capacity Si' ] thirty tons each the trains contain ing it would encircle the globeat the ou equator ' about three and one-third tit times. "V . _ _ The late George G. Vest , when a G ( member of the United States Senate , was the pygmy of that most august of > body physically. m s. ! ' ' ' . { ' Tjlfi * ! One Hundred Years Ago. The rice crop of South Carolina was completely destroyed by the great hur ricane which swept over the Southern States. Mr. Dearborn , son of the Secretary of War , left for Algiers with presents for the ruler of that country. Spain formally demanded America's complete renunciation of east and. west Florida. An American newspaper declared that it would be wisest to retain the . island of New Orleans and sell the rest ot the Louisiana purchase to Spain for what it would bring. Seventy-five Years Ago. The first public school in Baltimore was established. Col.Trumbull , the artist , recom mended the application of beeswax to the backs of the pictures in the capi- tol at Washington to preserve them. Great preparations were commenced to celebrate the approaching marriage of Ferdinand , King of Spain. The first steam sawmill'in Pittsburg began operations. Fifty Years Ago. The British consul to the Sandwich islands presented his protest against the annexation of those islands by the United States. The French and English Baltic fleets left those waters homeward bound. Florence Nightingale , with other nurses , arrived at Scutari to care for the suffering among the Anglo-French army. The theater at Boulogne was burned and the Emperor acted as a fireman. Forty Years Ago. The draft was jeing put into force in nearly every Northern State. Corrections in the apportionment cut the draft for Illinois districts 50 per cent. The Cook county , 111. , board of su pervisors offered a bounty of $10 to brokers for each man secured for en- listinent. An engagement between French and Mexican forces on the Rio Grande be came a quadrangtilar fight in which the French and Confederates were routed by the Union and Mexican sol- diers. New York was depressed over the reported blowing up of Admiral Far- ragut'sflagship ; , the Hartford , by ac- cident off Mobile. Thirty Years Ago. Gov. Kellogg , who was removed by the White League , was restored to the B executive : post of Louisiana , McEnery surrendering. The grand jury of the District of N Columbia refused to indict Charles A. si Dana of the New York Sun for libel on ] charges made by "Boss" Shepherd. Theodore Tilton made a second and detailed < public statement of his charges against Henry Ward Beecher , giving conversations and correspond' ence with Mrs. Tilton. A Chicago and Northwestern train went from Fulton. lowaf to Chicago , 133 ; miles , in 142 minutes. Forty young girls perished in the burning of a cotton mill at Fall River , Mass. n The British claims awarded by the. P IK mixed commission under the Washing al ton treaty of 1873 , and amounting to yc 1,930,000 , were paid by the United ec States. ce Twenty Years Ago. a The Czar , the Emperor of Germany md the Emperor of Austria met at Skierneviece. E The sixteenth annual reunion of the t A.rmy of the Cumberland opened in f0 Sew York. Four hundred and ninety-two new lo > ases of cholera developed in southern ev taly and 1G9 deaths occurred. James G. Blaine , Republican presi- " ? lential nominee , left Boston for New f Fork on a tour of the middle West. Reports were sent out from Cairo , 2gypt , that Gordon had raised the iege of Khartnm. F Earthquake shocks were felt in ed Dhio , Indiana and Michigan. 11 England had an army of 13,559 men St StN. Egypt. N. in fen Years Ago. Forest fires raged around Bena , Al giers ' , with great loss of life. Judge Gibbons ordered judgment ol mster against the Distilling and Cat- i Feeding Company , the so-called 'whisky trust. " Lev ! P. Morton was nominated for in' Jovernor by New York Republican * . pn Announcement was made at Tokio in' the ratification of the British-Jap- an inese treaty. iir 'ie liiblo. It was the meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society. " Nnr the close , the leader suggested that each one should tell what part of the Bible he read the " ! t. .and ghe the reason. The last one to speak was a lad. who said with a little hesitation that ho read the first chapters of Genesis more than any others. A look of surprise and curiosity "was manifest in all the listeners , as he went on to give his reason : "You see I always resolve every New Year that I will begin and read the Bible through : but I never get very far. and of course I always have to make n - niiimr. Ijcsson lor "Women. Jersey Shore. Pa. . Sept. 20. ( Spe cial. ) "Dodd's Kidney Pills have done worlds of good for me. " That's wiiat Mrs. C. B. Earnest of this place has to say of the Great American Kidney Remedy. "I was laid up sick. " Mrs. Earnest continues , "and had ilot been out of bed for live weeks. Then I began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills and now I ain so I can work and go to town without suffering any. 1 would not be without Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 have good rea son to praise them everywhere. " Women who suffer should learn * a lesson from this , and that lesson \ "i "cure the kidneys with Dodd's Kidne/ Pills and your suffering will cease. " Woman's health depends almost entire ly on her kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills have never yet failed to make healthy kidneys. Her Curiosity. "Mrs. Chcllus looks bail , doesn't she ? " "Yes. ami no wonder. ' She's been awake every night for a. week past. " "The idea ! What was the matter ? " "She discovered about a week ajro that her husband talks in his sleep , and , of. course , she had to listen. " $ S5oOO in Gold Coin . Will be paid in prizes to those com ing nearest at estimating the paid at tendance at the St. Louis World's Fair. The above amuunt is deposited with the Missouri Trust Company , as per the official receipt of the treasurer of : [ that t financial institution and publish- 'p < i in the schedule of prizes announced elsewhere in this paper. The World's Fair 'Contest Company. Delmar and Adelaide avenues , St. Louis , Mo.t are offering these prizes and there is no doubt of the cash being in bank to pay the lucky winners. The contest closes October loth , Why Ned .Rescued the Boy. "That was a brave act ! " ejaculated a Boston man , as he stood on the wharf in a little southern town and saw an old negro plunge unhesitating ly into the deepest water to save a very small boy who had stumbled and fallen from some piling. "A brave act and he is a hero , no matter how black the skin he wears ! " The Bostonian was foremost in the group that gathered about Uncle Ned when he climbed back on the deck vvith ' the rescued lad. "Your son is it , old man ? " he quer ied. "Or perhaps only your grand son ? " There was very fervent admiration in the down caster's tones as he put the question. "No , suh ; no , suh , " gurgled Uncle Ned. "Dat li'i rascal ain't no kiuuery er mine. " "Then it was all the braver , " ex claimed the interrogator , positively baring his head out of respect for the old man's high-born courage. "Iluh , " sputtered the hero , "you sho * clon'c think I'se durn fool 'nough to let dat boy drown when he's got every speck er my fish bait in his pocket ? " sV Washington Post. THE STRAIN OF WORK. Beat of Backs Give Out Under the Bur den of Daily Toil Lieutenant George O. Warren , of No. 3 Chemical , Washington , D. C. , says : "It's an honest fact that Doan's Kidney Pills did me a great lot ot good , and if it were not true I would not rec ommend them. It was the strain of lifting that brought on kidney trouble and weakened my back , but since nsincr Donn's Tvifl- ey < Pills I have lifted six hundred ounds and , felt no bad effects. I have ot felt the trouble come back since , Ithough I had suffered for five or six ears , and other remedies had not help- d me at all. " For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ents. Foster-Milburn Company , Buf- alo , N. Y. Preserving the Broncho Bill I was talkin' with an iustern : man to-day , and he says when vo fellers in his section have a dispute icy just so to law and sue each other r damages or somethin * . Hair-Trigger Ike But how about the ser ? Don't he get a gun an * try to gii -en ? Broncho Bill Waal , as near as I kin lake ' out , by the time the loser hez paid ic lawyers , he ain't got no money to jy guns. To New York City Yia Michigan Central , "The Niagara alls Route. " A visit to Greater Ne\v ork and its magnificent harbor is an lucation. Chicago City Ticket Office , 19 Adams Street : Central Station. 12th Lreet and Park Row. W. L. Wyand , . W. Pass Agt , Pioneer Press Build g. ; St. Paul. Rural liiars. Old Inhabitant ( loafing at Cross Roads oeery ) Talkin' about crop failures , I member a time when people had to it up all the farm stock and then live the fodder wot they had saved fer ie cattle. Older Inhabitant Huh ! That's noth- Why , I re-collect the time vrhen ovisions got so scarce that the starv- farmers hed to go out an' shoot an natoor sportsman fer dinner , an * then tok him with the wood from the "No respasa" signs. (