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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1904)
Local. Mrs. John Bachelor is ver.y ill with typhoid fever. B. J. Hoffacker and Geo. Marsh were in town this week. "E. H. Bohle was upfrom Bas- sett Tuesday on business. Wrn. Gillaspie and C. J.O'Con- nor , Jr. , drovef in yesterday. A. O. Coleman was in" town yes terday and says he bought it. Earl Higgle has recovered from the measles and is feeling fine. i The road is badly , washedout south of the Borman bridge and j should be fixed. ii i i A cement crossing is being put j across Virginia street on the west side of Main street by Galloway & EricKSon. , H. S. Savage has purchased the. . dwelling of Geo. Hornby on Ma- comb street , now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Post. * i Adam Smith and John Burnett brought in 236 head of cattle from the reservation yesterday and shipped to Omaha. Mrs. Elmore left Monday morn ing for Gordon , to display a line of millinery during the carnival held there this week. ! Dr. Compton , vvho has been suf fering considerably from blood poisoning in his thumb the past couple of weeks , is some better now. i Gapt. and Mrs. Bush , Lieut.and Mrs. Brandt , Lieuts. Green and Hays and Mr. Carpenter went out to Hackbeary lake for a few davs hunt Monday. J. A. Sparks returned from his eastern trip Tuesday night. Mrs. Sparks did not accompany him home , she having stopped afc St. Louis to take in the fair. M. C. Carroll , of Valentine , and Mrs. Mary Caden , of Omaha , were married at the home of her sister , MrsP. . J. Shehan , ISLh and Nich- , olas street Omaha , August 30th. | < r < 9. A. B. Timelier has had f.ho. cir- ijuncl ' cut oulj 01" his nook ami is re ovriniTve'r ifl-sd rsiy. . Hopo he'll enjoy good health for awhile now. He is at the post yet" fit The republican convention Sat urday a. week ago nominated A.T. Tostevin , surveyor ; Arthur Bo\v- ering , commissioner 3rd district , andv John M. Tucker , county at torney. Wm. M. Tetherow was in town yesterday from his place 16 miles south of town. He had the mis fortune , August 26 , of losing his house by fire , caused by a defect ive flue. > Miss Campbell , who has been employed in the capacity of stenog rapher , in the Firsc National baak , left Sunday morning for Lincoln , where she expects to occupy a similar position. . W. A. Pettycrew returned Tues- \ day night from his trip to the j world's fair at St. Louis , leaving his son Floyd , iVebbIIilsingerand Judge and Oliver Walcott to come a day later. They had good weath er and saw the sights. Mr. Hil- singer met two half-brothers there that he hadn't seen for 17 years. Paul L. Brockway , a civil engi neer of Lincoln , and Miss Kate Weed were married at the bride's home , 25 miles southwest of Cody , Tues lay , Sept. 20 , 1901 , the Rev. A. T. Carpenter of Valentine of ficiating. Mr. and Mrs. Brock- way departed for Lincoln two days later where they expect to make their future home. j The weather bureau report fai th' ' week ending Sept. 27 shows th highest and lowest temperature ' to have been SS ° on the 26 , and , 46 ° ond the 25. A thunder storm with accompanying high winds oc curred in the evening of the 27th. , The precipitation was very'light in this immediate vicinity mea ur- iug onl ; , .04 : of an inch. The weather has been idealy fine dur ing the week and the precipitation on the last day was no't heavy' ' enough to do any flamajro to the hay crop an.icarcoly ) . lay the dust- Charles Reece is in the country this week delivering some cattle that he Fold. MissesMay Cavanaugh and Julia Fletcher drove down from Crcok- ston last Saturday. Henry Neill started for Buffalo yesterday morning. Dave Rumor is wondering if he isn't going to bring back something. Ed Richards' brother , a photog rapher of Hartington , came up Tuesday and today went out to Ed's ranch for a visit. Frank Hippie , of , Crookston , was in town yesterday and called at our office to pay another year in advance for TiiEvDEMOCRAT. Mrs. Walcott has received woid. from Lincoln that her sister had undergone a successful surgical operation and is slowly recovering. Obe Church bought two car loads of potatoes this week from the farmers of North Table. They were as fine as any we ever saw and no other country can equal equal them. 0. W. Morey has bought his father's dwelling on Hall street and is raising it 6 feet. He has also moved the frame additions to his store up and will join them onto the dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Burge drove in from their ranch yesterday. Mr. Burge was down to Omaha last week and bought a bunch of cattle which he brought back with him , arriving Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bishop vis ited friends at Cody and drove fromxthere up to C. W.Allen's last week , returning Thursday. Mr. Bishop says Mr. Allen has 70 acres of fine alfalfa. Mr. Pease , of Wagner , S.D. , a brother of Mrs. M.R. Harden , was here on a visit the latter parb of last week , stopping off on his re turn from Deadwood where he had been as a witness. Mrs. F. M. Walcott entertained her sister , Mrs. Bullard of Rose bud , a few days the first of this week. Mrs. Bullard goes to Crow Creek , South Dakota , where she has been transferred from Rose bud Boarding school. < Juh * Jie t'hurcii Anni a ic * im'ttt On Sunday next , ma > s will be said here at 10:30 : a.m. Catechismt class at 3 and evening devotions at 7:30. : During mass a collection ' will be made for the benefit of the Catholic orphanage at Omaha. On Saturday , Oct. S , mass will be said at Arabia at 10 a.m. J. S. Grooms is building a fine house on his farm. Jolm Neiss of Roehud wis : in this locality ieceutly. Frank Thompson is building a kitchen onto his house. Mrs. Kuskie returned recently fiom her visi in Cass county. Roy Kuskie went to town with grain for Grooms Bros. Thursday. Mr. Osborn , our road overseer , is working the roads in this nei ghbor- hood this week. Mr. Hittle , our jolly , good natur- ed postmaster , has the finest crop of potatoes in Cherry ro. Dave Archer lost § 5 on : i wager with Ross Davison on pulling a threshing machine outfrom a fin ished job. Mr Swain received a telegram Sunday statins that his brother was cl5Ting in Michigan. He left for his brother's bedside Monday morning. James Eughes , Robert Jones , Jean ThompsonVm. . Grooms , JoeLan- gor , Jini Rector , Win Allen and Frank Grooms were on the road to town Friday with gaain. Another fight at. Sparks Sunday. It's nor only a shame but a disgrace to the neighborhood and to them selves that neighbor boys must fight like cats and doge , and the young man that will insist and hiss up these fights nd mark out ground for fighriug purposes is no better than those who degrade themselves in this horrid manner. Shalie hands boys and settle the matter m a manly way and when anyone in sists on you fighting over nothing drop them out of yourcircle of ac quaintances as they are no t worthy of your humblest opinion. In making out the program of the old settlers reunion we are sor ry to say we accidently , not purpose ly , left out : recitation by Miss Jac- quins and song by Ethel and Edna Hudson. Well girls , I will apoligize. My mistake , your treat. We have thou ht of all the news That possbly could be found , Took our pen and paper Set down and wrote it down. We've caught the mail and sent it in , Hope 'twill come out in time : In the county paper DEMOCRAT , We'll just sign PORCUPINE. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. Try a dinner at the Chicago House. Buy a 21 meal ticketNfor § 5.0f at the Chicago House. Everyone is satisfied with meals at the Chicago House. Don't forgot that the Red Front Merc. Co. carry a complete line of HoatingStoves , Ranges , Cook Stoves etc. 35 Guitar and case for sale. In quire at the Chicago House. Members of the Christian Ed- deavor will give a supper in Beth el hall , Wednesday evening. Oc tober 5th. Supper will be served from 5:30 : to 7:00 : o'clock. Let Chef Stark prepare you a dinner at the Chicago House. fr'or S Some good work horses , saddle horses and some good young mares. Terms to suit purshaser. Inquire at Bishop's livery barn. 23 W. T. BISHOP. Albert Pike informs' * that he h"lo t seven head of two-year sterrs : > nd hriiVrs brandod P u-i en 'i ' H iilc TVvt - ' < > ; < some time ai < s n.MC . MM-IIIH c. - tie bearing thttt brand will plntM- notify I dm ai Crook ton. ' u7i If you want to buy a Heating Stove call on Red From Merc. Co. Don'i forget iluit rhn com in-z nne will son ! > < fit Imn-i ? n < the largest hue > < < ' - - HusKing Globes andiulenn.uojn Kn ves juul Honks ; also , ootton- iljniiiel ( jtov'-f < uul . \Jttjns ] ! , Pinu Tar , ttc. , can be found in the hard ware Department of the Red Front ' Merc. Co. 35 Look out for tni' dati- * < > ' . ' Dr. --t.i-.s. ' py - spp.-iali i , noxi visit. If thenis anything in th" Val entine market thatou , do not find on our table , will eon-Mi"- a [ ; < - . ' ' - " . ' fa * or it'VHi in * nti n ' . We pr" | 'i i' Jo se ! t'i - In1- ! -ible in > ort i we > t Nebraska : m l only change you 35 cents. The Valen tine ! ! OIN ' . J. A. HOOTON , Prop. A first class Table d hote break fast , dinner or supper far 50 cents at the f 'hi' ' ro House H. S. avatr * ' having p > i'-chased thftar L" . cry B-irn t' . E. Sherman , m formed a partner ship uiti Hammond & Bullistolie known athe Star Livery Co. The Star livery burn will lie used ex clusively lor the . , and the Hammond & Bullis barn will be used for a feed and sale stable and will be known as the Club Feed and Sale Stable. We wish to thank the .public for past favors and solicit your patronage in the future , believing that with our splendid equipment we can please you and give better service than heret'ofore. Yours for busi ness , \V. B. HAMMOND. C. H. BULLIS. H. S. SAVAGE. Send in your order for printed stationery to THE DEMOCRATofliee and get the best. Colonihfc Juow One-Way See- cm ! Class ItjitcJ * to Californ ia , Oregon , Washington , Id aho , illontana , Utali , Colo rado ami Wyoming ; Via the North-western Line will be in effect from all stations daily un til October 15 , inclusive. Stop-ov ers and interesting side trips. Two solid fast trains through to the Pa cific Coast daily. "The Overland Limited" less than three days en- route. Another fast daily train with drawing room and sleeping cars and free reclining cars daily. Personally conducted excursions. For tickets and full information ap ply to agents Chicago & North western R'y. 364 s Stock rind poultry have few- troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities. Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock. It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose ot Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock ra iser may buy a 2-3-ceiit half-pound air-tight can of this medidno frnin his dealer and keep his stork in vigorous health forveeks. . Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine. If yours does not , send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers , The Chattanooga Medicine Co. , Chat tanooga , lenn. ROCHCI.LE , G.Y. , Jan. 30,1002. Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine i3 the best I ever tried. Our stock was looking bad when yon B2nt me tho raedicino and nov they are getting so fine. They are looking 20 per cent , better. S. P. BSOCKINGTON. If you want to sell your or Ranch , List it with is. Sold. REFERENCES : Rock Co. Stale Bank , Peoples Bank of Naper OFFICE : One DoooJNcr-VA and Bank of Naper. of First National Bank. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. lirownlee.Xcbr , Prince Koabdel 131603 : imi Curly Coit ; 112-jt ; ! at heat ! of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiery. Lord Wilton and Sir ( iluristonu prefomi- uates in my herd. lean lill ordeis for bulls of nil ajros at nny time. Kanch tcjur miles north-west of JJrown- lee , Nebr. / C. II. FAUUIAUEJ : . MILL PRICES FOR FEED , ranbulk , 75 per cwt $14.00 ton ortsbulk 85 per cwt 116.00 ton > creeniuga 70c " . 113.00" ' Feed 1.05 " $20.00 " Corn 95 ' $18.00 " Chop corn 1.00 ' $19.00 " Oats 1.20 ' $23.00 " Genevieve Adams Hewitt , oi Scientifically * correct rnethodof client ilevelopment , deep breathing , articu lation and tone poisingcorrection of defects in sin intj and speaking voice Robert G. Easley , ATTORXUY AT LAW. tg Office over Red Front GENERAL LAW PRACTICE Valentine , I G. H. Hall , M. D. Physician and Surgeon. All calls promptly attended to day or night. Drugs and Phar maceuticals furnished. Woo < l JLake , - Nebraska. H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Kosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1,190i. A. N. COMPTON Physician and Surgeon Office at Quiglcy & Chapman's Drug Store. Nights The Don- oher residence , Cherry Street. LEROY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine or Wood lake -KNKKAI. WOltK I'KOMITLY ATTENDKD TO. a. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. C. M. SAGESEE Barber First-class Shop in Every Kespcct Kau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Bair Tonic , llerpicide : md Cokn's DandrulT Curt1. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream JOHN F. POKATH Keige , Rebr. Tubular wells and windmills. Users of ir Fre § Premiums TO SECGVDVAT10VAL BANK Cash to Ifion Coffee users in our Great "World's Fair Contest 2139 people get checks , 2139 more will get them in the feo \ls \ 1 Five LionHeads cut from Lion What will be the total popular vote cast for President ( votes for al ! can and cent Coffee Packages a 2 = didates combined ) at the .electfc-n .stamp entitle you ( in addition to November 8 , 1904 ? the regular free premiums ) to la 190C election , 13,050,653 people - > va one vote. The s-cent stamp cov = for President. For nearest correct y mates received in Woolson Spi'-e C- . . to ers our acknowledgment you pany's office , Toledo , O. , on or be.- that your estimate is. recorded. November 5 , 1904 , we will gi/c : - * esti prize for the nearest correct e ti' You can send as many 'second prise to the next nearest , mates as desired. etc. , as follows : rze 1 First Prize . J2COO/ J 1 Second Prizo . l , OOO.OO f 2 Prizes J50O.OO each . l.OOO.V * will be awarded to the onevlio ia nearest 5 Prizes 2OO.OO | . 1OOO/V f IO Prizes 10O.OO 1 | UwW * ' * correct on both our World's Fair nnd Pres ! = 2O Prizes 6O.OO * * * * * * * * . . fJJJ f v * * * 2 5O Prizes 2O-OO . i.coo.oo I dential Vote Contests , 25O Prizes 1O.OO 180O Prizes S.OO 9.OCO.QU \Vc also offer f5.000.CO Special Cash Priiea to Grocers' 2139 PEIZES , TOTAL , S2O.OOO.OO { Clerks. ( Particulars in each case of Lion Coflee. ) iftfouSd YQSJS ? llain © Look on Evervbody uses coffee. If you wl : use JLI& & COFFEE Ion ? enough to get acquainted with it. you will be sritcc" convinced there is no other sue1 ! value for the money. Then you will tate no other and that's why we advertise , we using our advertising money o that both of us you as veil as we will get a benefit. Hence for your Lion ffr- m i * 31 ve * * * i"a/i ° ft"0si * r tF7\Bfp * FT r jJfTT\B B9 I PCSf ? AlJi 4 ACU DI 9I7CT ? ' i , CaSta SOI rS Fl sS t trlsspSwnrto AlaO 9Adn rttlifc.v ? Qomplcts Detailed Particulars m Every Package of $ r