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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1904)
VALENTINE VOLUME XIX VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. OCTOBER 0 , 1904 NUMBER 38 ftto to * ? toto As the hunting is at hand wish to * ? season now we to toto 4 ? call your attention to our line of sporting goods , toto 4 ? including guns , hunting coats , caps , etc. "VYe car to ry a complete line of I guns , some of which are the toft | JL. C. Smith. Stevens , Ithica , Hopkins , ftto 49 toft 4 ? Allen , Forehand and Winchester makes , ft 49 5 < j all standard guns ; also , rifles and revolvers various kinds , including Luger and Colt's automatic re- to 5 volvers , and the 22-cal. Winchester automatic rifle. toto 4 ? to 4 ? 4 ? "We also carry the largest and most complete toft 4 ? line oi ft 4 ? Winchester and U , M. C. Ammunition of all kinds. 4 ? toto toto to SHAKE us GAIL BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE toto toto toto to toto to toto to toto to 47 39 ? RED FRONT MERC. CO. toto toft ftto to I SEE THOSE Ladies' Suits * i and the best Dress Skirt on earth for $1.50. ? A Six Page Noiseless Slate given with each pair of Shoes. TAILOR , AND CLOTHIER. VFgt TO V3e < T3f'j r SO \w r ' era Ow - S38 Hardwar Furniture and Coal.I { ! . m FURNITURE , bed room suits , dressers , chiffoniers , ward robes , Iron beds strong' and clean , spring couches and mattres ses , parlor stands and center tables , combination book cases and writing desks. Latest Designs and Lowest Prices. Si Guns , Ammunition and Hunters' Supplies. A full line of hardware , cutlery and stoves of best makes. A lot of useful articles that make house-keeping1 a pleasure. Oomc mid. Sec ITliciii Ibi * Frank Fischer. 'Jhartered as a State Unr.L Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , TM msT ATONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID ZN / * A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON , Cashier. GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE * We Can Rati M vwwwwvwwww PTALK OF THE TOWN A. } V. Peterson was in town Monday. Hans Ulrich was on our streets Tuesday. jS. R. Lee , of Brownlee , was in town Tuesday on business. S. L. Ellis was in town this week for freight for his store at Simeon. Five new subscriptions to the "DEMOCRAT" this week. Who'll be next. Dave Wishart and A. F. "Webb startey out Tuesday to the lakes for a few days hunt. J. R. and Horace Gr. Walling- ford were in town a couple of days the first of the week. Frank Higgins shipped 2 cars of cattle Tuesday night to Omaha and went down with them. W. 'T. Bishop bought a bunch of liorses last Saturday from S. L. and Robert Ellis of Simeon. Elden Sparks and wife were down from Cody Sunday , the guests of L. C. Sparks and wife. Wm. Novak , of Britt , called to see our machinery last Saturday and subscribed for THE DEMOCRAT. Thomas McClean was up from Brow.nlee Tuesday as a witness for a neighbor in making final proof. > v J. W. Stetter shipped four cars of cattle to Omaha last week and j took three cars of horses to Wis- ' onsin. - > Charley Brown has returned ' from Missouri and is staying at Levi Sparks' place while attend ing school. Jim Galloway is putting in a cement sidewalk across Virginia street on Main street. The street i will necessarily be blocked for a' few days. i Jas. Vincent has been appoint- ed postmaster at Ft. Niobrara , vice E. L. Maloney who has re- ® signed to go to Florida for his' wife's health. N. S. Rowley , of Kennedy , brought in 146 head of cattle last Saturday to deliver to Jake Stetter which he had previously contract ed for Oct. 1st. J. O. Carter called at our office Tuesday and tried his hand at the cases. He is fireman on one of the engines stationed at this place j as helper for heavy trains. U'm. Thunder Hawk , the fore man in the Rosebud New Era ; printing office called on us Tues day while in town enroute to Dead wood as an interpreter. j Frank Krampert , a prosperous ranchman living eight miles south' ' of Woodlakc , was in town last Thursday and stopped at our office ! 1 for a pleasant visit of a couple of hours. Mrs. A. A. Adams , the wife of our popular hotel proprietor of the Chicago House , and son A. A. ! ; Adams , Jr. , arrived last Saturday night from the East to make their future home in our city. J. A. Sparks called last Satur day and subscribed for THE DEMO CRAT to be sent to his son Leonard. who is at the M. M. A. at Orchard ( t t Lake , Mich. Mr. Sparks says he stands at the Jiead of his class. h The game law was open on 1 prairie chickens last Saturday , < October 1 , and a great many of ( Valentine citizens have availed I themselver of the privilege of go- ' ing hunting since. They go out to 1 the lakes to shoot ducks and inci- ] dently take in a few prairie chick- ( ens * 'going and coming. " ] Ernest Heth brought in two bunches of white plume celery las ! Saturday which are large and healthy growth. Mr. Heth say he and his brother Sam raised 1600 bunches this year and they are all fine. fine.W. W. A. Pettycrew brought in a couple of papaws last week that i he brought up from Omaha with him upon his return from the world's fair last week. A great many of Cherry county people never saw a "papaw. " Orin J. Thompson , a clerk in the office of the U , P. at Omaha was up looking at our Cherry Co. . land the first of the week , during his vacation. He took some sam ples of corn and potatoes back with him and subscribed for THE DEMO CRAT. Rev. A. T. Carpenter delivered two excellent sermons last Sunday , i They were carefully prepared ser- jmons j that are interesting to thoughtful men who often find ser mons dull and dry when the preach er "plays around among the ! ! psalms" with apparently no thot. J. H. Quigley has been out in [ the country a big share of the time i 1 this summer but is now in his drug store again. He has a lot of cattle yet that he expects to carry over until next summer which he ex pects to get another year's growth and be ready for an early market. C. A. Johnson was in our city Tuesday on business and shaking hands with friends. He tells as * that he now is president of four banks and is vice president of the Nebraska National bank of Nor folk , chartered last June and open ed up July 1st , with a capital of § 50,000. A. F. Webb purchased a 1-V horse power Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine of Milt Latta last ! week and will use it in the Valen- atiiie 1 Bottling Works. The engine will be found a great convenience to Mr. "Webb and we may now ex pect a prompt filling of our orders for ginger ale. Gr. E. Trace well bought 2 car loads of nice smooth horses last week for S. A. Rawls and E. L. Maloney and took them to a town near St. Augustine , Fla. , starting Sunday ; morning. Ed Parry went with him to help take care of the horses and to enjoy a rest and see the i country. Mr. Tracewell ex pects to solve the question as to whether it will be possible to ship horses profitably to the southern states. The weather bureau report for the ] week ending Sept. 4 , show the highest ' temperature to have been 86 ° and the lowest 44 ° . There was quite a heavy rain on the 30th which fell steadily for about eight hours , making a total of .59 of an inch. On the 4th the wind at tained \ a velocity of 30 miles per hour and stirred up the dust con \ siderably. As forecasted the weather is now much cooler but higher temperatures are expected for Thursday. A tram" load of cattle were ship ped from here Monday and anoth er on Tuesday. There were 44 cars in the two train loads and were said to be the best cattle ever shipped from this part of the coun try off the grass. In Monday's shipment C. Utterback had 6 cars , Quigley and Bachelor 4 , Faddis & Steadman 4 , Fred Sears 3 , E. "W. Thode 3 and Corbet 1. Tuesday's train : Thode 7 , Quigley & Bache lor 5 , Faddis & Steadman 4 , J. H. Quigley 3 , Sawyer Bros. 3 and B. Quisenbery 1 , 4 ? to 4 ? toft 49 ftft 4 ? ftft W ftft 4 ? ftft 4 ? ftft ftft ft ftft ft 4 ? ftft 4 ? ftft ftft ft 4 $ Chase & San born Coffees ftft ftft * ? ft 4 ? ftft 15,20,25 and 40c per pound ftft ftft ft 4 ? ftft 43 ftft 4 ? ftto toto to toft ft 4 ? ftto toft ft ftft ft ftfr fr 49 frto 49 toft % , * O Davenport . & Thacher Large stock of Hamilton = = Brown Shoes Just arrived. All other shoes in stock sold at greatly reduced prices for next 30 days. Come and see us. We sell everything , and at prices which are right. MAX E. VIERTBL CROOKSTO NEBRASKA < * * 9 Groceries ! The BEST for table use and at popular prices. ' Our Stock is Always Fresh fi Dry Goods , Shoes , Mittens * / * Hay , Grain and Feed * * ? W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. r * v r rrrrrs'rrrira r iITI BmMIA' ' IMS ! iissn , max. , FRESH FRUIT AND GAME | IN THEIR SEASON. First clasline of Sreaks , Roasts ? Dry Salt Bleats Smoked Breakfast Bason. Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. FRED WHITTEMORE.President. CHAELES SPARKS , Caabler. H J , W STETTKR , Vice President. L. B&ITTOS , Asst. Casbler Interest paid on time deposits. Valentine State Bank , Capital , j52oOOO Valentine , Nebraska. Surplus , S1OOO Persons seeking a place of safety for their | Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the ' , ; ' 9 A. 61. to 4 P. M. . ' { methods employed in our business. A CONFECTIONERY Suited to your taste. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Are now at their best and All you want to eat at our \ we handle the best grade. Lunch Counter [ Home Bakery Read the A dvertisements